Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1709: Call Yi Xiao kid

If it were other Tianjiao, Xiao Yi would not dare to make such a assertion.

But every figure here is very familiar to him.

They fought together and grew up together. Xiao Yi naturally believed in his own vision and was naturally full of expectations.


At this moment, Xiao Yi suddenly frowned slightly.

The gaze he scanned finally fixed on Ye Ming.

Because, among the surrounding Tianjiao, Ye Ming was actually the weakest among them, and his cultivation was only the third layer of the Saint King Realm.

Ye Ming obviously noticed that Xiao Yi's eyes still frowned.

Ye Ming couldn't help laughing wryly, and said, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi, what do you see me doing like this?"

"Um." Xiao Yi hesitated for a moment.

On the side, Senior Jian Ji smiled and said, "Little Xiao Yi, just looking at everyone, you should be sensing your cultivation."

"When it falls on you, it freezes and frowns."

"Naturally frowning, Ye Ming, your cultivation base is the lowest."

Senior Jian Ji, in fact, has always been smarter, and he naturally saw Xiao Yi's thoughts at a glance.

"Heh." Ye Ming couldn't help laughing at himself. "In fact, I'm very happy to be here."

"Originally, based on my talent, it stands to reason that Senior Jian Ji shouldn't have brought me here..."

"Ye Ming, you are honest." Senior Jian Ji nodded without hesitation.

"It stands to reason that your talent is indeed not qualified to follow me."

At the beginning, the Yanwu Palace Master meant to let Senior Jian Ji bring the hope of the Eastern Region, the most outstanding Tianjiao, and set off for the Central Region.

Ye Ming's talent is obviously not very high.

"But." Senior Jian Ji smiled, "I think Ye Ming, you are so familiar with Xiao Yi boy, when you used to follow him, your cultivation base has declined much, but your cultivation base has overshadowed most of the arrogances."

"So I brought you along."

"Think about it now, I'd better throw you back to Xiao Yi kid."

"Um." Ye Ming's face was embarrassed when he heard the words.

Xiao Yi also smiled.

"I said Xiao Yi boy, you have been doing pretty well these years."

The crisis is gone, Senior Jian Ji, once again restored the laziness and playfulness of the past.

"Your Xiao Yi thief's name is very big."

Everyone was very low-key, so Xiao Yi didn't know them.

But Xiao Yi, now looking at Zhongyu, who doesn't know him?

Naturally, Senior Jian Ji and everyone knew his reputation.

At this time, Senior Sword Ji said the word'little thief' even more playfully.

"Haha." Xiao Yi smiled.

"You know those two boys." Senior Jian Ji pointed to the deputy dean, then pointed to Senior Chengfeng.

At this time, I didn't talk about the Eastern Region, so the surrounding barrier Xiao Yi had long since dispersed.

High in the air, Senior Chengfeng, obviously noticing Senior Jian Ji's fingers, and hearing the conversation, couldn't help but twitch his face.

"Hey, I said..." Senior Jian Ji, just about to say something, at the same time, affectionately put Xiao Yi on the shoulder.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, and his shoulders shook subconsciously.

With his current strength, the peerless martial artist can still kill in seconds, this shoulder is shocked subconsciously, how can Senior Sword Ji be able to stop it.

Therefore, Senior Jian Ji hadn't said what she said, and she had been shaken back a few steps.

"Um...Senior Jianji, sorry." Xiao Yi quickly apologized.

He just acted completely subconsciously.

In the past when he was in the Eastern Regions, Senior Jian Ji put his shoulders on his shoulders like this, and he also subconsciously shook like this.

The reason was that she was afraid of being investigated by the powerful like Senior Jian Ji.

After all, Senior Jian Ji was notoriously playing cards out of common sense.

However, he forgot that when he was in the Eastern Region, Senior Sword Ji was far stronger than him.

Therefore, when he shook away, it shook.

But now, his strength is far stronger than Senior Jian Ji.

His subconscious shook, and he naturally shook Senior Jian Ji not lightly.

"What do you mean?" Senior Jian Ji was shaken back a few steps before standing still, his face instantly cold and frosty.

"Senior Jian Ji, I didn't mean to..." Xiao Yi wanted to explain something.

Senior Jian Ji interrupted, "Tsk tsk, good boy, now that you have a lot of skills, you don't have to put your old body in your eyes."

Senior Jian Ji, obviously looks like a young man, and his face is stunning, and the beauty is suffocating.

So when she talked about the word'old body', she was obviously serious, but she seemed to be joking.

But Xiao Yi knew that Senior Jian Ji at this moment was obviously really angry.

I think so, not long after we reunited, and shortly after we talked, I shook it apart ‘unceremoniously’. It’s strange that Senior Sword Ji didn’t get angry.

"What? But think that your old body will take advantage of you?" Senior Jian Ji said coldly.

"But I think I'm great, and I think the old man needs to flatter you?"

"Senior Jian Ji misunderstood, I didn't mean that..." Xiao Yi explained repeatedly.

But Senior Jian Ji's face was still cold.

"Master, brother Xiao Yi, she..."

"Senior Jian Ji, Junior Brother Xiao Yi didn't mean it, you..."

Bai Bingxue and Ye Ming hurriedly spoke.

"You don't have to speak for him." Senior Jian Ji said coldly, "Well, within ten breaths, immediately leave this ship, how far you can roll."

"Uh, this..." Xiao Yi looked embarrassed.

High in the sky, the main hall master around him couldn't help but sneered.

Especially when I saw Xiao Yi, who was still awe-inspiring and murderous just now, he was so scolded that he didn't dare to speak back, and even sneered unconsciously.

"Fighting? It's okay." Bai Yue sneered.

Upon seeing this, Palace Master Chengfeng frowned, "This woman is so arrogant? With Xiao Yi's character, she didn't even reply?"


Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Well, Senior Jian Ji is hurt, don't get angry, just leave the boy."

Xiao Yi felt that he was wrong, and didn't explain much.

Xiao Yi bowed and turned to leave.

At this moment, high in the sky, there was a sneer.

"Go? I want to go now?" A main hall master snorted coldly. "You killed Jin Juexuan, the main hall master of the Heavenly Secret Hall in public, and wanted to leave after you patted your butt?"

"Little Thief Xiao Yi, you are too arrogant."

"I'm telling you." Jiang Liuhuo sneered coldly, "Did you just want to ask us the reason for the other 5 halls wanted?"

"It's very simple, we suspect that the group of wanted people behind you is evil repair."

"The Eight Temples warriors killed Xie Xiu, but you are stigmatizing it. Even if you are the deputy head of the Fengsha Temple, you can never get out of it."

"Xie Xiu?" Xiao Yi frowned, then sneered, "Joke."

Is it evil or not, he doesn't know? What a joke.

"If you think you have the ability to stop me, just stop it."

"After I have dealt with Mo You, I will come back to settle accounts with you."

Xiao Yi's voice was extremely cold, and his murderous intent was once again overwhelming.

"In addition." Xiao Yi glanced at the Master of Chengfeng Hall, "From today on, I don't want to see any of the tasks of the Fengsha Temple and Shura Hall, which are related to Heiyun Learning."

"Never see another mission that will pass to Heiyun Xuejiao."

"Otherwise, I will immediately give up the identity of the Fengsha Temple and Shura Hall."

"What kind of thing are you?" Elder Chen snorted coldly in the distance.

"Little thief Xiao Yi, you can't be the master of the two halls? What qualifications do you have to prohibit the two halls from coming from the black cloud learning and teaching?"

For Heiyun Xuejiao, the tasks of each hall were the only way they could sharpen and assess their disciples.

It is the top priority of learning and teaching, and naturally there is no room for loss.

"Yes." As expected, Palace Master Chengfeng looked at Xiao Yi and nodded seriously.

"His words are equivalent to what I mean by the master of the two halls of Fengsha Hall and Shura Hall."

"What?" The surrounding main hall master heard this, his face suddenly changed.

"His words are equivalent to the meaning of the two masters of Fengcha and Shura. Doesn't that mean that he..."

There is only one possibility to have such a right.

It was Xiao Yi, who was already the successor of the masters of the two halls of Fengcha and Shura.

Although the two halls did not announce the next successor in the world, the words of the Lord Chengfeng at this moment already represented all of this.

Everyone suddenly, it is no wonder that the former Palace Master Chengfeng and Palace Master Hengtian would protect Xiao Yi like this.

"The successor of the two hall masters..." The expressions of the surrounding master hall masters had long changed, becoming extremely jealous.

"Chengfeng Hall Master." Xiao Yi looked at the Chengfeng Hall Master and said, "My friends and seniors, please take care of them temporarily."

"Relax." Palace Master Chengfeng nodded.

Xiao Yi turned around, looked at Senior Jian Ji, arched his hands, and said, "Senior Jian Ji will calm down."

"Mo You is a disciple of the Tianzang Academy. I went to ask for justice and then came back."

"No need." Senior Jian Ji said coldly.

"Who said you need to be fair to us?"

"Uh, this..." Xiao Yi frowned.

Senior Jian Ji said coldly, "You and Kid Yi Xiao are here together. There should be ways to contact each other, right?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded subconsciously.

"That's fine." Senior Jian Ji waved his hand, "You call Yi Xiao, you don't have to come back."

"Boy Yi Xiao?" High in the air, Palace Master Chengfeng frowned.

Surrounded by the main hall master, his face was shocked again, "Little Yi Xiao? Could it be..."


Fifth more. (burst)

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