Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1710: you teach me?

"What are you doing, why don't you go?"

Senior Jian Ji gave a cold cry, and the words were full of coldness and dissatisfaction.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

The two tokens in his hand were taken out, the light flashed, disappeared from the hand, and then steadily appeared in front of Senior Jian Ji.

"Senior Jian Ji," Xiao Yi said solemnly, "This is the kid's token for the two halls of Fengsha and Shura."

"There are a lot of mission points in it."

"With this, Senior Jian Ji can exchange what he needs in the two halls."

Senior Jian Ji was not polite, accepting directly, nodding, "Okay, get out."

Xiao Yi nodded, turned around and curled his lips.

I am leaving now, and I am not going to come back later.

However, although Senior Sword Ji is a senior, after all, she is a woman.

Explaining to the angry woman is obviously unwise.

Therefore, Xiao Yi didn't give much explanation. He glanced at the Lord Chengfeng, arched his hands, and Yukong flew away.


In the distance, Xiao Yi sighed suddenly.

Even if I wanted to come, Senior Jian Ji went through hardships before bringing the people of the Eastern Region to come.

In this crisis-ridden midfield, everything must be done carefully.

After finally meeting myself, I was so "seeing outside", which really made this senior sad.

Thinking of the various photographs in the Eastern Region back then, Xiao Yi was still moved.

"Let's be careful about what you say and do later." Xiao Yi shook his head.


Xiao Yi flew for millions of miles, searched for a deep mountain forest, and then landed.

He quickly laid down a barrier around him, quickly took off a young man's suit, changed back to a strong outfit, and put on a ghost mask.

Do everything well, Xiao Yi disperses to the surrounding barriers.

However, he was not in a hurry to continue on his way.

Instead, sit cross-legged in place.

Waited for most of the day.


The purple flame fire wing flicked and flew away instantly.

When the Purple Flame Fire Wing burst into full force, its flying speed even exceeded the air speed when the Purple Lightning Sword was stepped on.


On the other side, above the giant ship.

Bai Bingxue, Ye Ming, Lin Jin and others looked at Senior Jian Ji hesitantly.

"Senior, Xiao Yi's character, you know, he is not such an unhuman person."

"Master, Junior Brother Xiao Yi, maybe he just didn't intend to offend..."

Senior Jian Ji did not answer, but was writing something on her own.

"Master, what are you writing?" Bai Bingxue asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." Senior Jian Ji smiled slyly.

A trace of triumph flashed across that beautiful face.

Boom... Suddenly, from a distance, there was a burst of air.

A flame figure turned around and arrived.

Here comes Xiao Yi.

To him, a million miles is just half an hour to the left and right.

Above the huge ship, in mid-air, Xiao Yi's Ziyan Fire Wing disappeared and landed firmly on the ship.

"Senior Jian Ji." Xiao Yi bowed slightly.

The voice has become deep.

For a powerful man like him, it is not difficult to change his voice slightly.

"Oh? Come so fast?" Senior Jian Ji was slightly surprised.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded deeply, "I happened to finish the competition in the Far East."

"I received a letter from Xiao Yi, knowing that you and everyone are here, so I hurried over."

A few days ago, Yi Xiao was still in the Far East to participate in the competition of the major forces, which is well known.

And here, it is not too far from the Far East.

Before Xiao Yi had left the Far East before, he came to the area nearby, and then came here again and met Senior Jian Ji and others.

High in the sky.

"Zi...Zi Yan Yi Xiao..." The surrounding main hall master shuddered unconsciously.

In fact, as early as a few seconds ago, when they saw a fire from afar, and that amazing purple flame hit the sky, they had already confirmed their previous thoughts.

Most of the day ago, when they heard the words "Yi Xiaozi", they had actually guessed.

Nowadays, in a huge Zhongyu, mentioning the word Yi Xiao, I am afraid that everyone will think of Zi Yan Yi Xiao the first time.

However, everyone never expected that their own guesses were actually true.

When this flame figure fell from the sky, their hearts were already shocked, and they couldn't help swallowing.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi turned slightly, and glanced at the main hall masters in the sky.

"You guys are wise, none of them ran away."

"Do you know what's going on here?" Senior Jian Ji asked.

"Yes." Xiao Yi arched his hands and said, "Before I came, that kid Xiao Yi had told me everything."

"He said, if all these main hall masters ran away when I came, then leave it to me to solve."

"Hehe." Xiao Yi smiled coldly, "I thought I had to hunt down..."

High in the sky, all the main hall masters heard this murderous words, and their bodies shook again.

"Deputy Hall Master Yi Xiao." Jiang Liuhuo, Xu Heyan and others, repeatedly shook their hands.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly.

"Senior Jian Ji." Xiao Yi looked back at Senior Jian Ji, and said, "I'll finish the matter here first."

"Go." Senior Jian Ji nodded.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and came to the front of the Master of Chengfeng and Hengtian.

The Lord of Hengtian Temple originally went to the area nearby to check the dossier.

But Xiao Yi disappeared for most of the day, and he naturally returned long ago.

"These two must be the Master of Chengfeng and Hengtian." Xiao Yi arched his hands.

"Ziyan Yixiao." Palace Master Chengfeng and Palace Master Hengtian narrowed their eyes almost instantly.

In fact, this was the first time that they both looked directly at Yi Xiao.

Sure enough, with their eyesight, they felt that Yi Xiao and Xiao Yi were extremely similar.

Although he couldn't see Yi Xiao's face clearly, he couldn't perceive Yi Xiao's breath.

But the two of them couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity and a sense of suspicion.

The two of them had doubts for a long time, and at this moment, the doubts could not help but become heavier.

However, the two looked at Senior Jian Ji below their eyes, but then frowned tightly.

"Hengtian Hall Master."

At this time, Xiao Yi's low voice interrupted their thinking.

"I heard Xiao Yi say, you went to check the files of your Fengsha Temple, how about?"

Although the Lord Hengtian was suspicious, he nodded and took out a stack of files in his hand.

"This is the dossier information collected by the main hall in the main hall after I sent the order back to the main hall."

"The wanted order is not classified information, so it is easy to collect and pass it to me on the main hall."

Xiao Yi nodded and accepted the stack of files.

The eight halls of the ancient times, no matter which hall, the main halls large and small under their command, all have special sub-sacred artifacts.

Enough to transmit all kinds of files and information extremely fast.

Xiao Yi opened the files and glanced a few times, his eyes became colder and colder.

"Look at Yaozun Hall's heavenly materials and treasures, and bloodbaths everywhere, treating it as if it is evil."

"Heh." Xiao Yi looked at the host hall masters coldly. "The six wanted orders and the reasons for the wanted are all the same."

Jiang Liuhuo quickly said, "Vice Hall Master Yi Xiao, these guys, we have reason to suspect that they are evil cultivators."

"The Vice-Hall Master Xiao Yi is covering everything..."

Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, "In other words, are you going to teach Yi how to distinguish evil cultivation?"

Jiang Liuhuo's face changed when he heard the words, and he kept saying, "Don't dare."


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