Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1725: Twelve peaks useful

Elder Twelve Peaks, shot instantly.

However, Elder Twelve Peaks, obviously all face jealous, did not get too close to Xiao Yi.

Even if surrounded, still maintain a not short distance.

"Butian Zang Demon Binding Array." Elder Tongtian snorted coldly.

"Okay." The remaining elders replied.

Tongtian Peak is the peak of the formation of the Tianzang Academy.

Now that the formation is about to be formed, the other elders will naturally look forward to the elders of Tongtian.

Xiao Yi's footsteps were still just walking slowly.

He glanced at the elder of Tianjian Peak.

The elder Tianjian is dead; he is replaced by an old man.

If Xiao Yi didn't guess wrong, this old man should be the elder of the previous generation of Tianjian Peak, and he has entered the Tianzang Mountain Retreat.

However, since the Heavenly Sword Elder is dead, and it is impossible for the Heavenly Sword Peak to sit without the elder, naturally the elders of the previous generation have to go back and regain the position of the elder of any peak.


At this time, a series of twelve roars exploded.

Twelve consecutive streamers were shot from the hands of Elder Twelve Peaks.

Within the streamer are pieces of sacred artifacts.

Tongtian jade is in it.

In midair, there are twelve pieces in total, no, eleven holy artifacts lie across them.

The eleven sacrificial artifacts are the treasures of the twelve peaks.

The Heavenly Jade, such as the Heavenly Peak, is a treasure of formation.

Like the mysterious box of Tianxuanfeng, it is the treasure of Tianxuanfeng.

There is also the incinerator of Tianyao Peak, which is the treasure of Tianyao Peak.

Twelve peaks are self-contained.

Elder Twelve Peaks, under the Qiqi formation, his formation is one of the most powerful formations in the Tianzang Academy.

Coupled with the treasures of each peak, the strength of this formation is quite amazing.

The Twelve Peaks elders, although they only talk about cultivation, are not as good as any retreat elders on the Tianzang Mountain.

But under this formation, and under the joint hands of the twelve, the strength far surpasses any elder on the peak of Tianzang Mountain.

Even if Hua Qingyi was in this big formation, she was afraid it would not last long.

"The twelve bound demons of the Tianzang Academy." Xiao Yi sneered.

It can be clearly seen that his footsteps are still moving and have not been stopped.

"The formation is really strong, but it's a pity that the elders of the Twelve Peaks are Qi Zhi, and the Twelve Peaks Heavy Treasures, but one is missing."


Xiao Yi punched out.

Twelve powerful barriers blocked the surroundings.

But under Xiao Yi's punch, a barrier was instantly shattered.


Xiao Yi walked step by step, banging his punches.

Along the way, flames filled the sky, fist winds raged, and barriers collapsed one after another.

Among the Twelve Peaks elders, there was no sacrificial artifact, only one person, who was the elder of Tiandifeng Peak.

The twelve peaks are treasures, and what is missing is precisely the soul-breaking needle of Tiandifeng.

If the elders of the Twelve Peaks are all present, the power of this large formation can at least reach the level of trapping peerless 9999 Dao powerhouses.

Even if Xiao Yi wants to break the formation, it will take a lot of effort.

Of course, that's all.

It's just not as easy as it is now.


The twelfth roar fell.

The entire Tianzang Demon Bounding Array collapsed.

Xiao Yi was already standing in front of an elder.

If Xiao Yi didn't admit his mistake, this was the elder of Tianxuanfeng.


Xiao Yi blasted out with a punch, and the elder Tianxuanfeng carried a heavy treasure, and was blasted into the air.

Without the power of the big formation, the twelve of them couldn't even compare to the ordinary Tianzang Mountain Peak Retreat Elder.

"No, go back." Tongtianfeng elder exclaimed.

"Forbidden." Xiao Yi yelled inwardly.


The amazing flame power was instantly suppressed.

This is the first time he has taken a ban.

The figure that Elder Twelve Peaks was about to retreat was instantly banned.

For the first time, Xiao Yi's footsteps stopped and moved forward.


Xiao Yi's figure appeared in front of the elder Tiandifeng.

"Yi Xiao...What do you want to do..." The elder Tiandifeng's expression was startled, but he tried his best to keep calm.

"What do you mean." Xiao Yi grinned.

In fact, Xiao Yi had been waiting before.

He was not waiting for someone, but a letter from the vice president.

Before coming to the Tianzang Academy, he knew that the vice president would send a letter to the Tianzang Academy to inform Mo You in time.

If he came to the Tianzang Academy in his true identity as Xiao Yi, the vice-president would have thought of his love points back then, pretending to not know, and would not notify Mo You.

However, he appeared as Yi Xiao at that time, and he was also preparing to go to the Tianzang Academy.

With his identity as Yi Xiao, he had no sympathy with the deputy dean, and to the deputy dean, he was just a stranger.

Therefore, the deputy dean will definitely help Mo You and send a letter to inform Mo You to leave early.

Xiao Yi had expected this at first.

So he was standing with his hand in his hand, and holding the list in his hand, so that the deputy dean could see it.

What he wanted was precisely the deputy dean's plan to help him do this.

Of course, he wouldn't let the deputy dean pass the letter too early, so he trapped the deputy dean in the flame space.

In about a few days, the vice president was able to break through the flame space and leave.

At that time, the deputy dean directly sent him Yi Xiao to the Tianzang Academy and the contents of the list through the transmission of the Asian Sacred Artifacts.

There is also a sub-sacred artifact here in Tianzang Academy, which can be received immediately.

Xiao Yi's purpose is nothing else.

Just let Tianzang Academy know about this.

Xiao Yi never appeared in front of people he knew, because he knew very well that even if he was wearing a mask, he couldn't hide it from the figure.

Especially people who see him a lot with his true identity will have a familiar feeling.

Generally, as long as they are people who know him Xiao Yi, even if he appears as Yi Xiao wearing a mask, these people will feel it.

Of course, even those who have these feelings will eventually deny their feelings under the ‘sane’ judgment.

After all, the difference between Xiao Yi and Yi Xiao is a fact.

As for the Tianzang Academy, what Xiao Yi wanted to give was a preconceived feeling.

When he first came, he took the lead in the retreat elder Hua Qingyi waiting for Tianzang Mountain.

These retreat elders do not come out all year round, so there is no need to take care of them.

But the rest of the ordinary elders and deacons in the academy had seen him Xiao Yi.

At this time, the deputy dean’s letter came, and everyone knew what was going on, so they had preconceived notions.

It was Yi Xiao, one of the twins who came here.

Compared with the ordinary elders and deacons here, the deputy dean is naturally more familiar with Xiao Yi, the disciple who studied in Heiyun.

Even the deputy dean of Heiyun Xuejiao said this was Yi Xiao.

Then, no one will have half doubts.

Such calculations were in fact just casual by Xiao Yi.

But it is precisely these casual actions that can save a lot of trouble.

It is also Xiao Yi's extremely cautious. Every two status transitions are left behind, and how prepared is it that even people who know him, those who doubt, cannot doubt, and find reasons for themselves. .

Xiao Yi's various cautions also made many coincidences logical.

Even the head of the two halls of Fengsha and Shura could not really guess.

At this time, Xiao Yi converged his mind.

His palm had already held the throat of the elder Tiandifeng.

"Yi...Yi Xiao...what do you want to do." The elder Tiandifeng showed a panic expression for the first time.

He also smelled death for the first time.

"Broken Soul Needle, you gave Mo You?" Xiao Yi grinned.

"I..." Elder Tiandifeng wanted to say something.


Xiao Yi's palm pressed slightly.

Elder Tiandifeng's neck has been pinched off.

Boom...A purple flame burst on the body of the elder Tiandifeng.


Third more.

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