Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1726: Too good


The horrible purple inflammation flashed past, completely swallowing the body of the elder Tiandifeng.

Almost the moment when Xiao Yi's palm was hard, the flames had already erupted.

All this happened in an instant, and no one could react to it.

When everyone reacted, the body of the elder Tiandifeng had been burned into nothingness.

In the distance, Mo You's face changed again.


Mo You exclaimed, a trace of grief flashed across his face, but the trace of grief passed away in a flash.

Instead, there was a wave of anger.

"Master, he is so weak?"

On the other side, the three Xuegong Taishang also frowned for the first time and their faces became cold.

They have never made a move before.

Because every time Xiao Yi made his moves, he was just hurting people, not killing people.

The three of them are confident that Xiao Yi will never take away Mo You today.

Therefore, they have not taken any action, and have been only not far from Mo You.

But just now, Xiao Yi made an instant kill.

At that moment, almost none of them had reacted.

"Three sages, please avenge the elders of Tiandifeng." Si Kongyu quickly gave up.

"Elder Tiandifeng, everyone respects in our Tianzang Academy, and is a martial arts senior who everyone respects."

"Today, it was actually a tragic death in the hands of this cruel Yi Xiao, and there was even no bones left."

"The three lords must never spare Yi Xiao this thief."

The three old men nodded.

"Take him." The middle man said.

"You come and me?" The one on the left said flatly.

"I'm coming." The person on the right, with a solemn expression, made an instant shot.

On Xiao Yi's side, he originally held the throat of the elder Tiandifeng, but at this moment, there is nothing in his hand.

Because the body of the elder Tiandifeng has been transformed into nothingness under the burning of the amethyst spirit flame.

At this time, his footsteps moved horizontally again.

His gaze turned to Elder Tongtian.

Originally, his purpose of coming to the Tianzang Academy was mainly to win Mo You.

As far as Elder Tongtian and others are concerned, it doesn't matter whether they are killed or not.

Personally, he doesn't like trouble.

Many things can be settled with a smile or indifferent.

Back then, the elder Tongtian did deceive him, but Xiao Yi had long ignored this kind of person and was too lazy to bother.

However, since the list given by Senior Jian Ji, there is this person's name.

Moreover, Tianzang Academy refused to hand in.

Don't blame him Xiao Yi.

He Xiao Yi doesn't like trouble, but it doesn't mean he is afraid of trouble.

If he touched his bottom line, let alone trouble, he didn't care even if he broke the sky.

His bottom line is not much.

But each one is something he cherishes extremely.

Those who touch it will face his madness, and at all costs.


At this moment, Xiao Yi's figure just moved.

On the other side, a figure moved at the same time.

The speed of the figure is extremely fast, even not comparable to Xiao Yi.

The figure is naturally one of the elders, and one of them is too high.

The old man blocked the way.

"No one can be so presumptuous in my Tianzang Academy."

"Then you can try to stop me." Xiao Yi sneered.

His footsteps moved again, and the palm of his hand took the elder Tongtian straight away.

The elder Tongtian was already restrained by the flames, unable to move.

"Great, save me." Elder Tongtian exclaimed.

The old man reacted extremely quickly and blasted out with a palm.

In the palm, the breath of cold ice emerged, and a cloud of profound ice condensed suddenly.

The icy Xuanbing instantly blocked the elder Tongtian.

Xiao Yi punched out.

Only Xuan Bing, want to stop his fist?

However, his fist hadn't touched Xuan Bing yet, he was just approaching, and the cold breath above Xuan Bing had instantly frozen his fist.

"In front of the old man, are you still trying to kill someone? Overpowering." The old man's solemn face was full of pride.

Xiao Yi grinned, "Playing these cold tricks in front of me, a fire-control warrior? A joke."

Xiao Yi's arm shook, and instantly shattered the ice on the surface.

"Huh." The old man reacted extremely quickly, and he blasted out a palm.

In the palm of the old hand, there seems to be a monstrous wind and snow.

Almost the moment the old man's palm touched Xiao Yi's arm, Xiao Yi's arm was frozen again.

And this ice is even worse than before.

Astonishing ice-bound power was transmitted quickly from Xiao Yi's arm, as if to freeze Xiao Yi's whole body.

Xiao Yi even discovered that a little bit of frost had appeared in his blood.

At the same time, the old man flicked his fingertips.

A icy breath blasted towards the elder Tongtian.

The flame aura that originally imprisoned the elder Tongtian instantly dissipated.

"Go back, this is not a battle you can participate in." The old man said solemnly.

"Yes." Elder Tongtian regained his freedom, his face was overjoyed, and he replied before leaving.

But at this time.

Xiao Yi's arm covered with beast claws was frozen in ice, but his other arm had no effect at all.

As soon as his arm stretched out, on the palm of his hand, the starry glove glowed brightly.

Boom... Xiao Yi's fists were blasted out.

On the fist, six-color flames condense.

Boom... With a loud sound, the Xuanbing that was originally blocking Elder Tongtian was pierced by his fist.

The fist pierced through Xuanbing and held the throat of the elder Tongtian.


It was also a crisp click.

Bang...Amethyst Lingyan flashed past.

Elder Tongtian didn't even have time to beg for mercy, before he showed panic on his face, he was already burned into a ball of coke.

Originally, the terrifying high temperature of Amethyst Spirit Flame was enough to instantly burn him into nothingness.

But in the surroundings, the astonishing breath of profound ice obviously affected the flame temperature.

Therefore, Elder Tongtian was only burned into a ball of coke.

However, he had no vitality and died just now.

Xiao Yi's movements were obviously extremely fast, and the moment he shot was also sharp and decisive.

The old man on the side did not react in time.

"You..." The old man reacted, already furious.

"Heh." Xiao Yi's laughter was no longer indifferent, some were just hideous.

"You want to protect the person Yi wants to kill?"

While talking, Xiao Yi glanced at Mo You in the distance with cold eyes.

Mo You felt this cold gaze, consciously a chill rushed into his heart, and shivered unconsciously.

At that moment, she felt as if she was being stared at by a fierce beast, which actually made her whole body cold, like an ice cellar.

On the side, the two Taishang took a step and stood in front of her.

"Don't worry." The two masters said softly.

The other side.

Xiao Yi's arm shook again, and the frozen Xuanbing was instantly dispersed.

Together with the old man's palm, it was also shaken open.

Covered by beast claws, nothing was damaged.

"What kind of monster spirit is this? It's amazingly hard." The old man narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Yi ignored him, just cast him a glance, and then withdrew his gaze.

With a big wave, the flames in his palm pressed heavily.

Bang... bang... bang...

Nine bursts in succession.

The other nine Twelve Peaks elders who were originally imprisoned, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and were blown away instantly.

When they landed on the ground, they had burned their entire bodies several times, and they were seriously injured in an instant.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, stepped, moved again, and moved forward again.

Step by step…


Fourth more. (burst)

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