Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1776: Five University Palaces join forces

Slap... slap...

Ye Liu killed several monsters under his palm.

"Don't worry, this mere monster can't hurt me." Ye Liu smiled.

"You are alone, of course you can't hurt you." Ran Qi exclaimed.

"I mean, I can't hold you back if I ask you to come back quickly."

Ran Qi held the Emperor Thunder Spear, and all the monsters were killed by the spear.

But it is difficult for him to protect so many arrogances alone.

Hearing the words, Ye Liu curled his lips, glanced at Gu Feifan and others coldly, and flashed back to Ran Qi's side.

"Brother Ran, it seems that I overestimated you." Ye Liu joked.

Ran Qi rolled his eyes, "You have the ability to protect you."

In fact, the strength of the two is between the two.

If Ran Qi killed the monster beast alone, it would also be a very easy way.

Let Ye Liu use his own strength to protect everyone, it will also be difficult.

Now that the two of them work together, the pressure is greatly reduced.

"What should I do now?" Ran Qi asked while dancing with his spear, thunder roaring.

Ye Liu pondered for a moment, and said, "Lean to Brother Xiao Yi."

"His kendo restriction was stopped by him."

"With the power of his sword formation, we will resist together and it will be much easier."

"Go." Ran Qi said.

Under the two of them, even though the monsters and beasts are densely around, they are still like a broken bamboo.

On the other side, the first cloud, Hua Ruo Lian, and Changsun Chilie have already joined forces.

At this time, the eyes of the three people also looked at Xiao Yi's side.

Obviously, the three people's ideas coincided with Ye Liu.

They are all the strongest among the team leaders. Once they join forces, their pressure will be greatly reduced.

But for a while, five teams rushed into the sword formation.

"Brother Ye." Gu Lianxing exclaimed worriedly.

"I'm fine." Ye Liu smiled.

"Each of you leave quickly." First Yun looked at the Tianjiao of each team and snorted.

In fact, there is no need to say more about the first cloud, all the arrogances have long since retired.

Those peerless monsters, the dense tide of beasts like a tide, definitely cannot stop them.

If it were not for the protection of a group of leaders, they would be torn into pieces without taking a few breaths if they were inside the dense monster beast.

It's just that a lot of Tianjiao has already called out the word ‘out’, but there is no response.

The more prohibitions above the eighteen forbidden giant gates are broken, the weaker the effects of the prohibitions other than the main game seem to be.

At this time, Xiao Yi had moved the Star Fantasy Sword Array horizontally.

On the side of the sword formation, blocking the giant kendo gate, he still held the giant gate as before, making it difficult for the monster beast to rush out.

The first Yun, Hua Ruolian, Changsun Chilie, Ye Liu, and Ran Qi guarded each side of the sword formation and resisted the monster like tide.

But Gu Lianxing, Gongsun Huowu, and the crowd of Tianjiao could only wait within the sword formation.

Those with a slightly stronger cultivation base often use the middle-grade holy artifacts they have obtained before to make several attacks to help all the team leaders ease the pressure.

Xiao Yi and his party were delaying time until the Dong Mansion's prohibition effect was triggered, and all the princes could leave safely.

On the other hand, Heiyun Learning and the Five University Palace are also delaying time.

It's just that they want to delay until another team breaks the ban.

On the side of the four chiefs, Mo You stood beside Jin Chen.

With his strength, only protecting Jin Chen alone is really easy.

And Qinglin and Heiyun Xuejiao disciples stood by Linghuwang.

A large formation covering more than ten meters in the surrounding area was formed.

Linghu forgets that a restriction has already been broken, and now, sitting in front of another giant door, he obviously wants to continue to understand the next restriction.

"That's the black cloud formation, right?" Ye Liu glanced at it and frowned.

"The black cloud formation is a well-known formation that Heiyun learned and taught. The black cloud is shaped and as solid as a rock."

"The array is compressed to several tens of meters, and the effect is even more amazing."

"Even this dense monster beast like a wave of beasts, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through in a short time."

Next to the other two chiefs of the academy are the disciples of the Fourth University Palace, standing in pairs.

The five university palaces of the Central Region have been passed down for countless years, and there is no lack of profound and profound formations in the academic palace.

As for the Five University Palace, those who can come here, except for the chief, are all the best disciples in the Academy.

In addition, the disciples of the Academy, usually cooperated well, the formation of the formation is also very powerful.

In addition, it can be clearly seen that the Five University Palace and Heiyun Learning and Teaching have obviously had discussions long ago, and each team now performs its duties and guards each other.

In this tide of monster beast situation, there is no confusion at all, on the contrary, they cooperate seamlessly.

the other side.

There are two teams, Ling Hong and Ao Yinfeng.

Originally, with the strength of these two people, it should have stopped early.

However, He You and Xuebai, who originally followed Ye Liu's team, did not know when they started and appeared behind Ling Hong.

At the same time, there are several other Eighteenth House Tianjiao who are also among them.

The eight Young Palace Masters who joined forces in Blood Light Cave Mansion that year, except Jianguang Mansion Feng Ji, who was already dead, are all at this moment.

The blood cypress of the Blood Light Mansion, the Lei Ba of the Lightning Light Mansion, the Seven Star Mansion, the Medicine Star Mansion, the Shaking Star Mansion, the Magic Light Mansion, and the young palace masters of the Six Mansion were jointly guarding Ling Hong's side.

In addition, the first-class Tianjiao who originally followed Ling Hong's strong alliance.

At this moment, the defense surrounding Ling Hong was impervious and solid as a rock.

So many powerful men joined hands to protect Ling Hong, and there is no half-headed monster beast that can invade and interrupt Ling Hong's enlightenment.

As for Ao Yinfeng.

In fact, Ao Yinfeng had been interrupted by the monster beast for enlightenment.

However, after waking up, with his strength, coupled with the increase of the high-grade peak holy artifacts obtained before, he placed a ban next to him, and resisted for a while, it would not be a problem.

But now, although the strength of the monster beast has greatly increased.

It stands to reason that his prohibition should not last long.

But Gu Feifan waited for the Tianzang Academy team, and didn't know when to get up, and stood by his side.

Gu Feifan broke the ban at about the same time as Ye Liu and others.

His ban has been broken, so there is no need to bother.

The other four university palaces are guarded by their own disciples and Heiyun Xuejiao, and there is no need for him to pay much attention.

Therefore, he can separate his hands and protect the proud wind.

With his strength, coupled with the teamwork of the elite disciples of the Tianzang Academy, it is not a big problem to protect the Proud and Yinfeng.


Ten minutes later.

Tianjiao, a group of first-class forces in the Star Fantasy Sword Array, gradually disappeared out of thin air.

Obviously, the Dongfu ban has taken effect.

Within the sword formation, the first cloud and others breathed a sigh of relief.

However, they still have a choice.

"Shall we go?" Ye Liu asked suddenly.

"Do you want to stay here and break the game?" Ran Qi asked, with a war intent on his face.

"Can this game really be broken?" Gu Lianxing frowned and asked.

"It's hard to tell." Ye Liu shook his head and scanned the eighteen giant prohibition gates.

"Eighteen bans, and now only nine have been broken, the strength of the monster beast has reached the peerless 9992 level."

"If the restriction continues to be broken, the strength of these monsters will be so high..."

Obviously, Ye Liu's words are full of uncertainty.

"Forbidden, break two more, we may not be able to stop." First Yun said in a deep voice.


Second more.

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