Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1777: Two options

First Yun's words are very straightforward and very affirmative.

Everyone, there is no rebuttal.

Because they know, that is the fact.

Their cultivation base was originally only between Peerless Dao 9990 and Peerless 9891 Dao. They are evildoers and can show their strength beyond the gap between the two.

Coupled with the increase in the high-grade peak holy artifacts obtained before, this has the ability to easily resist the peerless 9992 Dao monsters.

If the restrictions are broken and the strength of the monster beasts increases, they will not last long.

"Since there is nothing to do, then you can only leave." Ran Qi said directly.

Ran Qi is such a simple person.

If he wants to fight, he can stay and fight happily.

If things can't be done or fight, he doesn't bother to talk nonsense, just go.

"Yeah." Ye Liu nodded.

"You go first." First Yun said a monster beast with a punch.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at the first cloud in doubt.

Just now, he said in a positive tone that things must not be done, and he can only go.

Isn't he gone now?

The first cloud said solemnly, "I am a demon hunter, and demon hunting is a vocation."

"There are people in the Five University Palace who are studying in Heiyun, who are looking for death by themselves. I can't control them."

"But the Tianjiao of the other two teams, I can't just watch them die here."

"I will leave immediately when they are sent off safely."

Although the tomb of the ancient emperor is a rare opportunity, it is even the only opportunity for a warrior in his life.

It's just that the drastic changes in the main game here are beyond their ability to sustain.

If we continue, it will only be a mortal situation.

Everyone can only choose to stop there.

"Heh." Hua Ruo Lian shook his head and smiled, "First cloud, my son will accompany you."

First Yun narrowed his eyes, "You are not a warrior in the Demon Hunting Palace, you don't need to stay here to accompany me in the risk."

Hua Ruo Lian blasted out a fiery blade, killing a monster beast, and said with a smile, "Although I am not a demon hunter palace warrior, but I am also an eight temple warrior."

"Demon hunting, this is also the responsibility."

"Besides..." Hua Ruo Lian paused, and said coldly, "First cloud, you are my opponent recognized by Hua Ruo Lian."

"I don't want to lose an opponent for no reason."

"Otherwise, the old road of martial arts would be very boring."

"Me too." Changsun Chilie smiled openly.

"The first cloud, I will accompany you here, too."

"Thanks." First Yun glanced at the two sincerely and nodded.

Three people, make a decision.

Ye Liu frowned and looked at Xiao Yi, "Brother Xiao Yi, how about you?"

"Me?" Xiao Yi maintained the Star Fantasy Sword Formation with one hand, while still resisting the monster beast rushing out of the giant gate of the sword.

"I wanted to go too."

"However, I am also an Eight Temple Martial Artist, Hua Ruo Lian is all about it, and I have no reason not to stay."

Xiao Yi's tone was very light, only a faint smile.

"You guy." Hua Ruo Lian smiled, "It's really good that this guy recognizes the opponent for life."

"If I can go out safely this time, I will recognize you as a friend."

Xiao Yi shrugged.

"Okay." Ye Liu also shrugged, "Brother Xiao Yi won't leave, I'll stay for a while."

"In the battle of Thousand Wind Canyon, you failed to accompany Brother Xiao Yi to the end."

"This time, I gave up my life to accompany me."

"Ran Qi, how about you?"

Ye Liu looked at Ran Qi.

Ran Qi swept out a long spear, and gave Ye Liu a white look. "You all said the reasons so beautifully. I'm gone, don't you become a villain?"

"Yes, I will stay for a while."

Everyone makes a decision.


Time gradually passed.

After half an hour.

Tianjiao, the two teams of Ling Hong and Ao Yinfeng, did not leave.

Of the 15 teams that entered the main game, only the teams from Heiyun Xuejiao and the Five University Palace were all disciples in their own Academy, and they were not adulterated by other forces.

The remaining 9 teams are the arrogances of other forces.

Therefore, everyone is not paying attention to the Five University Palace and Heiyun Learning and teaching, and only focuses on the two teams of Ling Hong and Ao Yinfeng.

However, the Tianjiao of the two teams has not yet triggered the Dongfu ban to leave?

"Something's wrong." First Yun frowned.

"You didn't call out the word'out'?" First Yun looked at the Tianjiao of the two teams.

At this time, the Tianjiao in the two teams were still fully maintaining their respective large formations, resisting the tide of monsters.

The Tianjiao of the two teams did not speak.

"You don't want to leave?" Hua Ruo Lian asked with a frown.

The Tianjiao of the two teams still did not answer.

Xiao Yi turned his head slightly and glanced at it.

He has always been insightful, and he clearly saw that the eyes of the two teams of Tianjiao flickered.

In the flicker, it seemed to have the meaning of ‘for help’.

The first cloud, Tianjiao, who stared at the two teams, also found clues.

Just at this moment, a cry for help came from the team behind Ao Yinfeng, "Vice Palace Master Xiao Yi, save us, they..."


A sharp sword hit this Tianjiao's neck.

"Shut up." Si Kongyu yelled coldly, "Either obediently help to resist, otherwise, our Heavenly Hidden Array is broken and you will be buried in the belly of the monster."

Ao Yinfeng's team could not resist for long.

However, the team of the Tianzang Academy had been guarded early, and Ao Yinfeng had not been disturbed by the monsters, and had been in a state of enlightenment, and had never awakened.

First Yun reacted instantly and looked at Gu Feifan directly, "Asshole, Tianzang Academy, do you dare to threaten other Tianjiao?"

"It's too much, I'm sorry." Gu Feifan arched his hands, apologizing.

The first cloud and the others turned dark.

It is no wonder that the two teams of Tianjiao have not been out of the main game for a long time. They were threatened and did not call out the word ‘out’ at all, so they could only help and resist.

The situation on Ling Hong's team is similar.

Under the constraints of Xuebai, He You and others, Tianjiao, who had the intention to retreat, did not dare to say the word ‘out’ at all, and could only stay to help resist the monster.

Just at this time.

Bang... bang... bang... bang...

The prohibition in front of the chief of the four university palaces was broken one after another.


The breath of monsters and puppets in the audience soared instantly, reaching the peerless 9996 level.

"Bad." Xiao Yi's expression changed.

"Damn it." First Yun gritted his teeth, "Just grab someone and let's go together."

Hua Ruo Lian and the others nodded.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and nodded.

Everyone was just about to move, what is expected, the movement of the Black Cloud Learning and the Five University Palace, faster.

After the chief of the Four University Palace broke the restriction, he did not stay where he was. Instead, he coordinated with the teaching team and moved all the way to the team of Ling Hong and Ao Yinfeng.

Mo You took the lead, and the five teams moved horizontally at a very fast speed.

Before Xiao Yi and his party could react, Mo You and the five teams had already guarded Ling Hong and Ao Yinfeng.

"You only have two choices now." Gu Feifei said coldly.

"One, you can leave, and watch these Tianjiao lose out and be buried in the belly of the monster beast."

"Two, stay and fight with us."


Third more.

Update today, over.

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