Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1780: Wangyou Kendo

In the black cloud formation, the dark clouds surround it at this time, and it seems that there are layers of dark cloud barriers.

Outside, the monster beast kept on impacting.

Or the ancient demon came with heavy fists and claws.

Or some unknown behemoths, smashed.

Or body repair puppets wanton collision.

But these shocking shocks were nothing to do with the dark clouds surrounding the big array.

Despite the amazing power and sharp claws, all of them entered the sea like a mud cow before the dark clouds and disappeared.

While maintaining the large formation, the first Yun and others looked surprised.

"What a powerful black cloud formation, its defensive power is probably one of the best in the world."

"Not bad." Changsun Chilie nodded, "With our cultivation base strength, maintaining the effect under the formation is even more powerful than the high-grade peak holy artifact."

"Of course." Si Kongyu proudly said, "This is the strongest defense method in the hands of Senior Luo."

"Even Yun Yuan Jianyun Xuan Jianqi, who claims to be the world's number one defense, is just a joke in front of him."

Si Kongyu talked to himself, but apparently no one paid him any attention.

First Yun, Ye Liu and others ignored it.

The disciple of the Five University Palace heard that Heiyun was very good at learning, but he ignored it.

Heiyun Xuejiao disciple wanted to be proud, but Xiao Yi glanced at it, and no one said anything.

Si Kongyu was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak anymore.


Time gradually passed.

ten minutes later.

Boom... There was a bang, and a bang came out that the restriction was broken.

Everyone followed the sound, and it was Ling Hong's restriction that had been broken.

It was also at this time.


The aura of the monster puppets around once again soared to a level, reaching a peerless 9997 Dao.

Bang... bang... bang...

The neighing and impact of the monster beast became more intense.

The black cloud formation suddenly trembles a bit.

Everyone's expressions tightened.

Once the black cloud formation is broken, they will be under the siege of countless monsters, and the consequences can be imagined.

"Don't be afraid, everyone," Mo You whispered, "The black cloud formation can keep you safe."

The black cloud formation is no problem here.

But on the side of Liuli Magic Cover, it's different.

Boom... With an explosion, the originally unbreakable water wave light curtain instantly collapsed.

The glazed illusion cover can block the peerless 9996 levels, but cannot stop the impact of the tide-like peerless 9997 monsters.

Ling Hong had just woke up from the state of enlightenment, and his face turned pale when he looked at the monster beasts around him.


the other side.

Inside the black cloud formation.

"I'll protect them." Mo You looked at Xiao Yi, "Junior Brother Xiao Yi, I'll leave it to you here."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Mo You smiled bitterly, but stopped talking.

He knew that with Xiao Yi's character, even if he didn't answer, he would definitely protect everyone here.

And here, besides him, Xiao Yi is the strongest.

Whoosh... Mo You flashed out instantly.

Before the people arrived, the shocking sword energy has swept all the way.

Extreme black light, annihilating large monsters.

In the distance, Ling Hong, He You, Xuebai and others were seriously injured by the monster beast almost instantly.

Mo You's sword energy was as good as a call, and he saved everyone.

"Go away." Mo You snorted softly, and while wielding the Forgotten Worry Sword in his hand, the sharp blade was like cutting melons and vegetables, killing the dense monsters around him.

The black cloud formation is here.

Xiao Yi, who had been motionless, also began to sacrifice his vitality.


Almost the moment when Xiao Yi's body's vitality was sacrificed, the entire black cloud array instantly roared.

The large array that was still slightly trembling has become more unbreakable than before.

"His, what a surging strength." First Yun exclaimed.

Everyone around looked at Xiao Yi in surprise.

"The other of the twins is indeed very human." Hua Ruo Lian shook his head.

Xiao Yi said nothing.

The black cloud formation is indeed powerful.

Of course, this big array is powerful, and the most important thing is that it contains almost the best group of Tianjiao in the world to maintain together, and this defense is so amazing.

"How long can you leave?" Xiao Yi looked at the Tianjiao.

Several Tianjiao smiled bitterly, "It should take some time."

The more the bans here in the main game are broken, the weaker the effects of the bans on the outer cave mansion will be.

Originally, within ten minutes, the restraining effect would be triggered.

But now, I am afraid it will take longer.

Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words.

In the distance, Mo You guarded Ling Hong and other Eighteenth Palace Young Masters, as well as a team of Tianjiao and returned to the black cloud array, all the way easy.

But at this time.

Boom... There was another explosion of the restriction being broken.

Ao Yinfeng also woke up.

Ao Yin Feng Kancan woke up and was taken aback when he looked at the dense monster beasts around him.

In his perception, the breath of any monster beast was enough to make him tremble.

And the number of these monster beasts with such strong strength is in the tens of thousands, or even more.

However, Ao Yinfeng reacted, and he was relieved to see the unbreakable array around him.

far away.

Mo You, who was originally extremely relaxed, suddenly changed his face.

Originally, Ling Hong broke the restriction, and the strength of the surrounding monsters reached a peerless 9997 level, which he could still handle.

But now, the prohibition of Proud Wind has also suddenly broken, and the strength of the surrounding monsters instantly reaches 9998 Peerless Dao.

With so many peerless 9998 Dao monsters, he may not be sure.

"I want to get back into the big formation as soon as possible." Mo You squinted his eyes and made a decision instantly.

"You follow me."


Forget Worry Sword suddenly trembled mysteriously.

Countless sword shadows leaped sharply in all directions.

When the sword fell, within a few hundred meters of the surroundings, the monster beast instantly stopped its rampage and became sluggish.

"It's Brother Mo You's Worry-forgetting Sword." Si Kongyu smiled triumphantly.

"These evil animals are not the enemy of One Sword at all."


Everyone in Mo You, taking advantage of the stagnation of the monsters, flashed back in an instant.

After entering the big formation, Mo You was slightly relieved.

Ling Hong and the others were still pale with lingering fears.

God knows how terrible it is to be under the siege of such a number of terrifying monsters.

In the distance, Wangyou's sword intent disappeared in an instant, and a group of monsters returned to normal, and once again raged.

Within the big main game, only a team of people in the big formation remained.

And this group of people instantly became the target of all monster puppets.

"Alright." Mo You condensed and said, "The fifteen restrictions have been broken. Next, I am going to break the remaining three restrictions."

"As soon as the main game is broken, the monster puppet will eliminate itself, and the crisis will be eliminated by then."

"Okay." The Five University Palace and the disciple of Heiyun School nodded, expressing a look of hope.

Only the last three prohibitions remain.

The tomb of the ancient emperor, which no one has been able to break for thousands of years, will be destroyed in their hands and in front of their eyes.

For the Tianjiao evildoers present, this is a rare event in a lifetime, and it is enough to make them proud for a lifetime.

"Can you stop this burst?" Just at this moment, Xiao Yi's words suddenly sounded.

"Of course." Si Kongyu replied without hesitation.

"What does Junior Brother Xiao Yi mean?" Mo You frowned slightly.

"See it for yourself." Xiao Yi only said lightly.

Zi Zi Zi Zi...

In the main game, lightning and thunder suddenly appeared.


The ground began to be bloody.

Bang... bang... bang...

In the air, yellow sand gradually blows, covering the sky and the sun.


"The real test begins now." Xiao Yi's face suddenly became solemn.

The unbreakable black cloud array suddenly made a subtle click.

Click... Click... Click...

"No, the big array won't hold it anymore." Mo You's expression changed.


Third more.

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