Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1781: Are you sure?


The original unbreakable black cloud array was making a subtle but clearly audible click.

The black clouds that were originally barriers are gradually cracking.

The click sound continued continuously.

Cracks and cracks on the black clouds.

Mo You's complexion changed first, then his eyes condensed, "solid".

With a soft drink, it is like a surging river.

Sisi Yuanli rushed into the big array.

The clicking sound disappeared instantly.

The cracked scars recovered instantly.

"It's so surging Yuanli, it's as thick as it is. It's really Brother Mo You." Sikongyu was full of admiration.

The chief and disciples of the Five University Palace also nodded secretly.

"Mo You." Linghu Wang Ning said, "Originally, my senior in the Palace of Five Fools said that you should lead the team, I was quite dissatisfied."

"But you are really good."

"Only with this body's strong cultivation base and Yuanli, I can't compare it."

As arrogant as Gu Feifan, he didn't refute at this moment, but just nodded.

"Little thief Xiao Yi." Ling Hong sneered, "As you can see, how long can you block the current battle?"

Ling Hong sneered, and in his tone of voice, there was ridicule and banter.

Obviously, the black cloud formation is still strong today, and Xiao Yi's previous sentence of'how long can this formation be blocked' seems to be a joke in the eyes of most people.

"Within 1 minute, it will break." Xiao Yi only spit out a few words indifferently.

"One minute?" Si Kongyu frowned, "Xiao Yi, you don't see Brother Mo You too little."

It was almost the moment when Si Kongyu's voice fell.


Above the black cloud formation, a squeaky sound was emitted again.

When Mo You saw this, his face changed slightly, and he glanced at the monster beast that was constantly impacting around him, and his face was stunned.

"Although I strengthened the big formation."

"But the aura of monsters and puppets is still increasing, and the rate of increase has surpassed my strength in the big formation."

"If you continue like this, the big array won't last long."

Mo You's voice fell, and Tianjiao was surrounded by Tianjiao, and he instantly discovered the unfavorable realm at this moment.

Outside the large array, lightning flashes and thunder, yellow sand obscures the sky, violent winds are raging, and the sea of ​​blood is growing like a sky...

But the densely packed monsters and puppets in the main game did not shudder under the thunder and lightning, did not stop in the yellow sand at all, but jumped out of the violent wind and arrived in the sky of blood.

Their breath is constantly improving.

Although it failed to break through the Peerless 9999 Dao level, it continued to soar in the Peerless 9998 Dao, reaching its limit.


Time gradually passed.

After tens of seconds.


The black cloud formation is already riddled with holes and broken up.

At this moment, there are not only monsters and puppets, but also all kinds of heaven and earth powers such as the sky covering the yellow sand and the monstrous thunder and lightning.

Ten seconds later.

Mo You's face was startled, "No, the Black Cloud Array really can't hold it this time."

"You will follow me later, and I will protect everyone to the next ban."

Gu Feifei and the chief of the Five University Palace heard the words and nodded, "As long as we join hands to fight the enemy, these evil animals can't help us."

Linghu forgot and said solemnly, "There are only three restrictions left. As long as they are broken one by one, the main game will be destroyed and the crisis will disappear."

Everyone seemed confident.

At this time, Linghu Wang's voice fell down.


The black clouds surrounding the big formation instantly dissipated, which also meant that the big formation collapsed.

"Shoot." Mo You took the lead and slashed with a sword.

Wangyou Jiandao, under one sword, the shadow of the sword is heavy.

The monsters around him instantly fell into a sluggish mind.

"Horizontal movement." Gu Feifan answered.

However, only this moment.

Roar... roar... roar...

The amazing roar of monsters was deafening.

The monster beast that had fallen into sluggishness and loss of mind instantly recovered its clarity.

"No, my Wangyou sword can only make them absent for a moment." Mo You's expression changed.

Surrounded by monsters and puppets, it was obvious that they had to worry about being trapped by Kendo.

Bang... bang... bang...

Several ancient monsters attacked at an astonishing speed.

"Be careful." Mo You yelled, trying to block it with a sword.

However, his sword was not completely blocked.

An ancient demon broke through his sword and slammed into Gu Feifan who was beside Mo You.


Almost just for an instant, Gu Feifan spewed out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.

"Oops." Linghu Wang and the others, the confidence on their faces disappeared.

The monster beasts around him violently attacked again.

Everyone at this moment, as if they were in the beast tide, was afraid that it was an accident, or they would be torn into pieces.

"Out." Mo You yelled anxiously.


Two streamers jumped out at a terrifying speed.

The monsters and puppets that struck were instantly crushed under two streams of light and swept across large swaths.

It was those two puppets of the 9999 Dao of peerless.

However, the density of monster beasts cannot be completely blocked by two peerless 9999 puppets.

Without a large array to resist, there are so many people present, it is impossible to protect them all.

Half of the monster beast broke through the resistance of the two puppets and swallowed everyone.

"It's bad." The chief of the Five University Palace, his face changed drastically.

The feeling of facing death came to my heart.

"Brother Xiao Yi." Ye Liu yelled in a hurry.

Xiao Yi nodded.

Just at this time.


The thunder and thunder roared through the main game.

The screaming sound even more restrained thunder; the roaring thunder and lightning exudes gorgeous purple light.

It is Zidian.

At this moment, nine thousand thunder and lightning are all around.

The thunder and lightning turned into sword energy, and then formed a sword formation on its own, sealing the surroundings firmly.

The monsters and puppets that struck were unable to get past Zidian, and they were bombarded into coke under nine thousand thunder and lightning.

Ye Liu's eyes lit up.

In fact, he didn't know what hole Xiao Yi had; however, seeing Xiao Yi's face kept calm, he expected Xiao Yi to have a way to keep everyone.

"What a strong sword formation, at this moment?" Ran Qi looked shocked and looked at Xiao Yi.

"Purple Lightning Sword Array." Xiao Yi replied.

Yes, Purple Electric Sword Array.

Nine thousand thunder and lightning corresponded to the ninety thousand stars controlled by Xiao Yi.

Since the stars of heaven and earth could not descend into the cave, he borrowed the thunder and lightning from the purple sword.

With thunder and lightning, the sword formation is laid down in the way of the star fantasy sword formation, called the purple electric sword formation.

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi, you really have amazing strength." Mo You laughed, and he was relieved when he saw that the tide-like monster beast was stopped again.

Xiao Yi's face was indifferent, and he glanced at the two peerless 9999 puppets outside.

That was the reward that Mo You and his party got after they passed the physical training ban.

"The so-called assurance is these two puppets?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

"Not bad." Mo You nodded, "However, Junior Brother Xiao Yi, your good means..."


Mo You hasn't finished speaking yet.


Nine thousand purple lightning, turned into a thick thunder pillar, banged heavily on the two puppets.

"Little thief Xiao Yi, what do you want to do?" Si Kongyu's face was cold, "That's Brother Mo You's puppet."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

The agitated purple electricity is more and more amazing.

The purple electric sword array was raged by lightning and thunder every week.

The two puppets, at a speed visible to the naked eye, were bombarded and cracked under the purple electricity.

"Now, are you still sure?" Xiao Yi looked directly at Mo You in a cold tone.


First more.

Update today, over.

Xiao Ba had just returned from the hospital after receiving an intravenous drip, so she couldn't stay up all night.

I will make it up as soon as possible tomorrow, sorry.

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