Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1795: Three rewards before the bed

"Not good." Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.

This time, he felt it more truly.

That monstrous flame, just the breath coming from the front, was enough to suppress his thoughts of resistance.

These flames are just ordinary flames.

But the six powerful flames in the world that were so overwhelming him could not even condense out.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted another mouthful of blood.

The oppression of the flame breath alone made him unable to bear it.

"Huh?" The old man was surprised.

The monstrous flames suddenly dissipated.

"Are you in serious trouble?" The old man looked at Xiao Yi, with a moment of fear and real worry on his face.

"Puff." The old man suddenly dissipated the flames, the oppression disappeared, and Xiao Yi spouted another mouthful of blood.

"It's okay." Xiao Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Senior, next time you are crazy, tell the kid first, take the flames back, and say something first."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't know how many times I have to vomit blood."

"Uh, haha." The old man smiled awkwardly, and then his face became more and more satisfied, "Yes, I'm not messy when I'm in danger, and I know how to make fun of me."

"Tell me, what happened to the Eight Palaces falling apart?"

The old man is naturally extraordinary.

There is no need for Xiao Yi to lie to him about this kind of thing.

Just now, he was just too surprised and excited.

"This..." Xiao Yi frowned and hesitated.

How did he know the reason why the Eight Palaces fell apart.

If all the history and records of the Eight Halls are recorded in books, it would not be enough for the books to pile up into dozens of hills.

The eight palaces of ancient times existed since ancient times.

During this period, the Eight Palaces fought against the monster beasts that ravaged the mainland, and finally defeated the monster emperor in the final battle and eliminated the evil beast's disaster.

It was also the last battle, announcing the end of ancient times.

Since then, it has been thousands of years.

In other words, the real establishment of the Eight Temples of the Ancient Times, and the time it took to exist, far exceeded tens of millions of years.

As for the disintegration of the Eight Palaces, Xiao Yi only knew that it seemed that he did not know what happened millions of years ago.

It was millions of years, or even longer, Xiao Yi didn't know.

After such a long time, Xiao Yi hadn't been too busy to go through the historical records slowly.

In short, this is true.

"The kid doesn't know too well, it seems that there is something grudge." Xiao Yi shrugged and only roughly explained what he knew.

"I don't know how many million years ago?" The old man said to himself, falling into a short silence.

After a while, the old man's face returned to normal and he smiled faintly.

"Don't know? No matter."

"If the old man is right, you are the kind of evildoer who is not in the main hall all year round, performing tasks outside, or wandering through various dangerous places."

"You kind of evildoer, don't bother to care about the main hall affairs, let alone know this long and dry historical record."

"Of course, your enchantment is purer and more perverted."

Xiao Yi pouted, "Senior, you haven't told me yet, are you?"

"Me?" The old man shook his head, "How many years the old man has been trapped in the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, even the old man himself can't remember."

"Even if the old man says his name, you don't know it."

"He is in the cave, and he will go back to the Yandian to slowly check the piles of records. You will know who the old man is."

"Um." Xiao Yi stroked his nose awkwardly.

The old man smiled, "In addition, if you have time to ask about the identity of the old man, it is better to put the time in the next Dongfu test."

"You are not here to chat with the old man."

Xiao Yi immediately reacted upon hearing this.

Yes, this is inside the ancient emperor cave mansion, so I have to continue to look at the mystery of this ancient emperor cave mansion.

The appearance of the old man just now shocked him. The strength of the old man shocked him to the extreme, but it made him forget for a while.

Xiao Yi scanned the room with his cold eyes.

The old man looked at Xiao Yi's reaction, as well as those cold, clear and bright eyes, and nodded with smiles.

"Senior." Xiao Yi glanced around, frowning slightly, "In this room, there is nothing but a test..."

The old man chuckled and pointed, "You know when you are near the bed."

Xiao Yi nodded, no doubt that he was there, and walked to the bed.

He didn't believe that the old man would lie to him or harm him.

Although the elder is in a state of spiritual consciousness, he does not know why he can control his elemental power.

In other words, the old man can exert his monstrous strength before he was born.

If the old man wants to harm him, he can't resist at all.

So it is not necessary at all.

Xiao Yi walked to the bed.

The room was not very big, but just a few steps away, Xiao Yi came to the bed.

As soon as he got close to the bed, Xiao Yi already felt the amazing restraining force on the edge of the bed.

"A strong restraining force." Xiao Yi was startled.

In his perception, the front ban is even more powerful than the previous eighteen bans in the main game.

Here, really is the real resting place of the ancient emperor.

At this time, on the bed, the three paths exuded the ancient meaning of streamers, appearing out of thin air.

Among the three streamers, two of them are empty, and only one, there seems to be something.

"Is this?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

"That's a reward." The old man behind him chuckles, "That is the reward given by the ancient emperor to the strong who can come here."

"Reward?" Xiao Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then clearly captured the unusualness of this sentence.

He also thought of something.

Yes, I can come here...

"Senior." Xiao Yi suddenly turned around, looked at the old man, and said, "I have heard that in the tomb of the ancient emperor, for countless years, no one can break the main game."

"Could it be that the rumors are wrong. Someone has broken the main game before?"

"No." The old man shook his head, "Although I don't know what the rumors are out there today, no one can really break the main game in the tomb of the ancient emperor."

"For countless years, you are the first."

"That's why you surprised and satisfied the old man so much."

Xiao Yi's expression changed, and said, "If I were the first, how did you come here, senior?"

"Could it be that Seniors can come here without going through the main game?"

Xiao Yi suddenly reacted.

When entering this room before, the old man who appeared suddenly disturbed his mind, and he was in shock all the time, and the moment of life and death made him ignore these things.

Now, it has reacted.

Due to the limitations of the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion, only the young Tianjiao could enter the test.

And this old man, obviously even when he entered the cave mansion during his lifetime, he must be an old man, and he could not be a young talent.

How did the old man appear here?

Can you come to the end of this ancient emperor cave without breaking the main game?

The old man smiled and nodded, "It is true."

"As long as you have a good understanding of the way of space, you can go directly to the end of this cave without going through external tests, passages, and the main game."

"Of course, those who are new to the legend and have just touched the trash in the space are not good, they can't even find the ancient emperor cave mansion hidden anywhere."

"But as long as the cultivation base is high enough and the controlled space is strong enough to ignore the space constraints, you can come here directly."

"That's why." Xiao Yi's expression changed. "Someone came here before and got rewards from the cave mansion?"

The old man nodded, "Yes."

"Counting me, there are three people in total."

"However, I can't remember exactly how many years ago it was."

"For the first time, it was a guy with the surname Luo. He took a bell here. That bell is the treasure of ancient times, the dawn bell."

"The second time, it was a little girl who took another thing."

"The three rewards in front of the bed are left, and they are still the most useless and least valuable."


Second more.

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