Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1796: The real test

"The guy surnamed Luo?"

Xiao Yi frowned.

Listening to these words alone is of course nothing.

But if you add a bell, or the ancient treasure of dawn, then the answer is obviously easy to see.

Move directly through the space and directly enter the three people at the end of the cave. In addition to this old man, the other is Senior Luo.

Dean of Heiyun Education, Senior Luo.

And the last of the three, a little girl?

Xiao Yi has no way of knowing who it is.

But the "little girl" spoken by this old man is probably also an old monster who has lived for many years.

When the old man said the last sentence, Xiao Yi's face couldn't help but twitch.

"The most useless reward?" Xiao Yi's face twitched.

In other words, is he the worst reward for living hard to the end?

And others pick the rest.

The two best copies have been taken by others.

"Oh." Xiao Yi sighed, his expression helpless.

The old man saw Xiao Yi's face in his eyes, and smirked, "Why, you are disappointed?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi rolled his eyes.

"Hahahaha." The old man laughed a few times.

"Boy, I remind you a little bit."

"Do you really think that the Ancient Emperor's Cave Mansion is really a place where we outsiders are allowed to enter?"

"Do you really think that this ancient first emperor is dead, and the means he left behind are so easy to be ignored by us?"

"That is absolutely impossible." Xiao Yi shook his head.

The first emperor of ancient times, even the sword emperor who once dominated the mainland did not have this title.

But the ancient emperor did.

It is conceivable that the ancient emperor was such a great person before his death.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person in the world.

Even if these characters died, the methods they left behind were absolutely extraordinary.

"That's not enough." The old man smiled.

"Also, do you know the difference between you and the three of us?"

"What?" Xiao Yi asked directly with a look of disappointment.

The old man replied, "The three of us all pass directly through the space and enter the end of the cave."

"And you, in the eternal years of tens of thousands of years, the only one who has truly passed many tests as a young Tianjiao, and is the only one who has truly broken the main game and stepped into this place."

"You are the true tester recognized by this cave mansion."

Xiao Yi was stunned, thoughtfully, "Really recognized tester?"

The old man smiled, "Simply put, the three of us just came in through a loophole."

"Only you have truly passed all the tests left by the ancient emperor."

"In thousands of years, the only one broke the main game, the only young evildoer who stepped into this place proudly."

"Also, don't forget, those three things are just rewards."

"Ancient Emperor, is it just for rewards to leave this cave mansion?"

Xiao Yi immediately reacted upon hearing this, "Inheritance?"

The old man shook his head, "It can't be said to be a heritage, only that the most important thing of this cave mansion is a gift from the ancient emperor to those who pass the test."

"Where?" Xiao Yi smiled with joy.

Obviously, the real opportunity of Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion was not the three rewards in front of the bed.

The real opportunity is definitely far more precious than these three rewards.

"Good boy, it's exciting now." The old man smiled.

"Look at your arm."

"Arm?" Xiao Yi looked at his arm suspiciously.

On the arm, a restraint suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"It's a ban." Xiao Yi's face appeared in a daze.

This prohibition is exactly the prohibition that all team leaders have before entering the cave.

"Not bad." The old man nodded.

"You real tianjiao, or true evildoer, originally relied on this restriction to enter the cave."

"When you get this prohibition, it means that it is already connected with the prohibition at the end of the cave."

"After you continue to pass the test, the restrictions on your arms are actually changing."

"Only when you really pass the main game and break the eighteen bans there, will you get the aura of the eighteen bans and truly have the qualifications to participate in the test here at the end."

"Now, you try to perceive the restraint on your arm."

Xiao Yi nodded, sensing and letting out.

Sure enough, the prohibition on the arm seemed to exist in addition to the prohibition, layer upon layer, unpredictable.

But through the restraint on his arm, Xiao Yi's perception suddenly changed.


The original simple but ordinary room suddenly became huge.

The bed in front of me has become huge.

Xiao Yi looked up and said that this was a bed as expected, rather than a huge throne.

Above the throne, the majestic and distant vast breath rushed toward the face.

That, as if it was the treasure couch of an ancient emperor, was awe-inspiring.

On the bed, a restriction suddenly rose.

The old man glanced and nodded, "That is the real test of the Dongfu."

"Whether you can get the real opportunity of Dongfu depends on your own ability."

Xiao Yi looked at the huge restriction and took a slight breath.

"That, senior..." Xiao Yi turned around and looked back at the old man.

"Can you not trigger this prohibition?"

The old man shook his head, "No, no one can change the restrictions and rules in the Ancient Emperor's Cave Mansion."

"I also said that the three of us just came here by taking advantage of a loophole."

"The three rewards in front of the bed are just rewards. They are rewards for being able to come to the end of the main game and give the young Tianjiao."

"Therefore, there is not much power to restrain the three rewards."

"We are here. With sufficient strength, it is not difficult to forcibly get rewards from within."

"As for the main prohibitions and rules in the Dongfu, no one can do anything."

"Main prohibitions and rules?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Yeah." The old man nodded, "Just like this real test, we can't trigger it."

"There are also the main rules in the cave."

"Such as these three rewards, we will come, but we can only choose one."

"After taking it, you can't take the second sample for life."

"After receiving a reward, it will be imprinted in the Dongfu ban. If you come back in the future, if you want to get it again, you will be blocked by the ban and won't be able to get it."

"So there is still a reward left."

"Unless the person who can really pass the final test of the ancient emperor's cave mansion is recognized by the cave mansion, then all three rewards can be taken away."

"Of course, the other two have now been taken away. It's useless to say more."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Then what if you forcefully contend with these main restrictions and try to forcefully break them?"

"Or to forcibly trigger this final test?"

"Forced trigger?" The old man's face suddenly became ugly and deep.

"The consequences are just like the old man is now, being restrained and swallowed by the ancient emperor, trapped for life, trapped alive and dying here."


Third more.

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