Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1798: Extreme compression

Xiao Yi temporarily stopped practicing, feeling his physical strength.

A firm fist was clenched tightly.

Intuition tells him that if he now confronts the monsters and puppets in the previous main game, even if there is no need for any increase, it will be enough to crush everything.

This is the strength of the martial artist.

With his current physical strength, he was afraid that it would be enough to kill Jiuhan, Ye Shang and other veteran peerless peak powers with one punch.

This is the terrible thing about martial artists.

Physical training, crushing all occupations, is by no means empty talk.

In addition to the terrifying physical strength, the martial artist also possesses extraordinary physical qualities.

This point, even if it is placed on the ordinary martial arts, it is enough for a martial artist to exert a martial arts strength far beyond his own.

Such as the explosion of Yuanli.

A warrior, when his own burst of vitality reaches a sufficient level of turbulence, if there is not enough physical fitness, the body or internal organs will be unbearable.

The reason why the magic way is based on physical cultivation is also the reason.

Only the ultimate physical cultivation can achieve Shura's body.

Under the body of Shura, he can withstand the integration of another profession and the integration of another huge martial arts system to achieve the magic way.

Such as Shura Yuhuo.

The cultivation of the magic way must be the ultimate, and the fire protection is also the ultimate fire way.

If you don't have a strong enough body, you can't stand the fusion of the ultimate fire.

There was an unstoppable smile on Xiao Yi's face.

If it is said that his biggest gain in the main game is to know the existence of the magic way.

After all, Demon Dao is a new cultivation system, extremely powerful and astonishing, and can be used as a new cultivation direction in the future.

So, here at the end of the cave mansion, this third useless reward is his biggest gain.

Yes, the biggest gain.

In the eyes of others, the blood of monsters and beasts alone cannot compare to those ancient treasures.

Therefore, the third reward is the most useless and worst reward.

But to him, this is more precious than any other reward.

Because what he cultivated was the Shura combat body, the strongest anti-celestial body cultivation technique, and the blood of the monsters needed was a terrifying astronomical number.

If you say, physical training, crush any other profession.

Then, the ultimate physical training is to crush all other physical training.

The ultimate physical training can reach the stage of ancient physical training, and it can be called Shura.

The physical body endowed by the Shura battle body is enough to crush all extreme physical cultivation.

The so-called Shura, the so-called ancient body repair, in front of the Shura battle body, I am afraid it is just a joke.

"Physical strength, reaching the peerless 9999, Shura battle body, reaching the tenth level peak." Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

He can feel that his own body is extremely perfect now.

Perfect without blemish, perfect with bursts of power everywhere, unmatched.

Only for this, he did not come in vain when he came to the tomb of the ancient emperor this time.

Another point, it's not that his fire control ability, or the powerful flames and beast hands in the world, are not comparable to his physical strength.

It can only be said that his cultivation is only at the level of martial arts power, and only through various increases can he reach the peerless 9999 fire control strength.

And the physical power of today is truly peerless 9999 levels.

Naturally, the two are incomparable today.

Xiao Yi was also full of expectations for his fire control ability, the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, the mighty flame of the world, and so on.

In the future, when his cultivation base catches up with the physical strength.

Or, together with physical training and fire control, there can be a balance.

At that time, he can try to practice the magic way.

In terms of demon dao prohibition, only the ultimate physical cultivation and the ultimate fire dao can merge the demon dao.

So, what kind of magic will exist with the strongest physical cultivation and the strongest fusion?

An expectant smile crossed the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth.

"Next, I don't know if it will be enough to continue to break through." Xiao Yi slowly reduced his smile and looked at the streamer.

Within the streamer, about one-third of the monster blood was left.

And he is now a peerless 9999 physical power. The next breakthrough is to step into the legendary level.

At that time, the Shura battle body has completely entered the eleventh floor.

However, the gap between the peerless pinnacle and the legend is as huge as a chasm.

In particular, the Shura battle body technique, every time it breaks through the next level, the strength of the Shura will be extremely large.

Therefore, there is still one-third of the blood of the monster beasts left, and Xiao Yi can't say whether it can break through enough.

"I can only try it." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

However, at the beginning, he was going to continue to absorb the remaining monster blood.

Xiao Yi's movements were stagnant.

In his perception, the strength of Shura in his body was reaching 999 drops at this moment.

In the past, when the physical power was at a lower level such as the celestial realm, the holy realm, etc., there have been cases where Shura's power was stored to 999 drops.

At that time, every time Shura's power reaches a thousand drops, it will automatically merge and transition, and then turn into one drop.

At that time, it was also the time when the Shura battle body broke through to a higher level.

In the subsequent physical training, every drop of Shura's power will be much stronger than the previous 10 drops, or even dozens of drops.

If there is no accident, it is the same now.

The power of Shura must merge into one every thousand drops.

This is a qualitative change in Shura combat physique.

The corresponding is exactly the qualitative change of martial arts power in the martial arts realm.

Like the extreme realm of the earth, he began to contact and control the power of the martial arts.

The Celestial Realm controls the first complete martial art, and is also the most important first martial art in a warrior's life.

These are all martial arts realms, or the qualitative changes in the martial artist himself.

And there is no doubt that stepping into the legend of the peerless realm is also a qualitative improvement of the warrior.

Naturally, the Shura battle body is the same. If you step into the legendary level of physical power, it will also be an essential improvement.

"If I don't increase the number of drops now." Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Instead, continue to compress Shura's power..."

Xiao Yi had an idea in his mind, but in a moment, he had already made a decision.

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

The blood of the monster beast within the streamer was quickly absorbed.

The blood of the beast enters the body and transforms into the power of Shura.

However, under Xiao Yi's special control this time, no new Shura power was condensed.

Instead, the newly transformed Shura's power was forcibly integrated into 999 drops of Shura's power.

Yes, he chose to continue to compress Shura's power to the limit

The power of Shura, in addition to being the power to use Shura Transformation and Collapse Fist, is also a source of physical strength.

As long as Shura's power continues to grow stronger, his physical strength will also become stronger at the limit.

Xiao Yi wanted to see what effect the strength of Shura's power surpassed the strength of the Shura battle body itself, and the qualitative change later.

Simply put, it is to make 999 drops of Shura's power more violent and stronger, and then thousands of drops will be unified in the future, and through the breakthrough trend, a stronger Shura's power will be integrated.


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