Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1799: Break the ban

Ten minutes later.

All the blood of the monster beast within the streamer was completely empty.

Hundreds of thousands of drops of peerless monster blood had already been absorbed.

Xiao Yinei looked at the 999 drops of cultivation power in his body, with a grin across his mouth.

The current 999 drops of Shura's power is exuding a faint tingling color on the surface, which is obviously stronger before the comparison.

Xiao Yi also clearly felt that his physical strength was stronger than before.

The strength of Shura is equal to the strength of the martial artist.

The stronger the strength of the warrior, the stronger the strength of the warrior.

And the stronger Xiao Yi's Shura power is, the stronger his own physical power is.

The physical strength is still a peerless 9999 level, but it is obviously stronger than before.

In other words, the current physical power is more perfect.

When the power of the legendary body is truly broken in the future, when the power of a thousand drops of Shura is combined, the qualitative change will be even more terrifying.

"This can be regarded as making the best use of it." Xiao Yi smiled.

Yes, make the best use of everything.

The remaining one-third of the monster blood should not be enough for the physical strength to reach the legendary level.

But it was more than enough to just wash away the peerless level of physical power and 999 drops of Shura's power once and strengthen it again.

With his physical body more perfect, his vitality exploded, which was also an increase.

Today, the huge small world power in his body is enough to burst out without any pressure under the boiling demon fire.

in other words.

If he is now fully exploding his vitality, the strength of the fire control team will also be stronger.


The old man saw Xiao Yi's performance in his eyes, and the admiration on his face became more intense.

"Never rush or impatient, the limit is increased, not bad, not bad." The old man nodded frequently.


Xiao Yi stopped practicing.

The blood of the monster beast has been completely absorbed. Next, it is time to see the real test of this ancient emperor cave.

Xiao Yi floated in midair and slowly stretched out his hand, approaching the huge restraint on the bed.


It was almost the moment when Xiao Yi's hand touched the huge restriction.

The whole room was instantly white.

When everything returned to normal, there were 18 prohibitions around Xiao Yi.

Eighteen restrictions encircled Xiao Yi evenly and neatly.

"Boy, that is the real test of the cave." Below, the old man shouted loudly.

Xiao Yi nodded, scanning the 18 prohibitions confidently, "I will see how difficult they are."

"What's the problem?" The old man sneered. "Boy, you seem to have misunderstood something."

"These are not comprehension prohibitions."

"It's a real array restriction."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was stunned, then reacted.

The so-called comprehension prohibition is like the 18 prohibitions in the previous main game.

As long as it is enlightened, it can be broken directly.

And the so-called formation restriction is used by warriors to kill the enemy, trap people, or impose restrictions on various effects.

Like the prohibition on the arm, like the prohibition in the huge refining furnace before, and those prohibited passages and so on.

These prohibitions need to be forcibly broken.

The difference between the two is that one needs to be enlightened, and the other is that it needs to be broken by force.

In general, the enlightenment prohibition has very few uses.

Basically, this will only appear in forces or family sects, the inheritance of exercises left by the ancestors, etc., for the enlightenment of younger generations.

And the real formation restriction is a means of the strong, used for various effects such as killing and trapping people.

Xiao Yi stared at the 18 restraints around him, and did not move temporarily.

As long as he doesn't move, the ban will not be considered as a formal test.

"In other words, facing these restrictions, I might get hurt." Xiao Yi said to himself.

"Accurately speaking, it may die." The old man said in a deep voice below.

"18 prohibitions will attack you."

Yes, this is also a huge difference.

The 18 prohibitions in the main game before, can pass, can't pass, can't understand, and there will be no damage.

But the formation here is forbidden, but it will attack the tester.

"I don't know." The old man below shook his head, "But if I want to, it should be about ten times higher than your current strength."

"The main game is considered a hurdle. After you pass, you are eligible to come to the end of the cave and trigger the final prohibition."

"The prohibition was left by the ancient emperor to test the young evildoers."

"So, this prohibition test is definitely difficult and harsh, but it shouldn't be too strong."

"In addition," the old man said solemnly, "I heard that the ancient emperor is the most amazing and stunning evil in the history of the Yanlong Continent. It is also an anomaly, even an anomaly between heaven and earth."

"I started practicing when I was three years old. After half a month, I already entered the Taoism beyond the ordinary."

"When I was five years old, I was exposed to a trace of the power of heaven and earth and stepped into the extreme realm. After half a year, I had mastered a complete martial art."

"When I was seven years old, I was able to palm the sun and cultivate one thousand miles in a day."

"When I heard that he was in charge of 10,000 complete martial arts, he was only in his weakest year."

"He left the cave and the test, presumably, as long as you are better than him in your current year, you can pass this test."

Above, in midair, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Then I will take a look, the ancient emperor, the first emperor of the ancients, what he can do at my age."

Xiao Yi smiled confidently, and slowly stretched out his palm to a restraint.

These 18 prohibitions also have different attributes.

Just like the previous main game, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, five elements prohibition, sword soul medicine formation, five repair prohibitions, star blood thunder wind, heaven and earth four forces prohibition.

In addition, a monster type prohibition, poison path prohibition, phantom path prohibition, and magic path prohibition.

A total of 18 courses.

What Xiao Yi took the lead in reaching out was one of the five element prohibitions, the gold prohibition.

Just touching the palm, within the restriction, a golden streamer shot out instantly.

Xiao Yi was startled, and the purple electricity in his hand condensed instantly.

Thanks to his increased physical strength nowadays, his reaction speed is amazing.


Zidian was able to block the golden streamer.

However, on the sword, there was a terrifying counter shock.

With Xiao Yi's physical strength now, it was almost impossible to hold the sword.

"What a strong power." Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

The impact of this golden streamer alone has reached the legendary level.

"Forcibly break it?" Xiao Yi squinted.

Zidian retracted instantly.

Instead, two animal hands came together.

Boom... Xiao Yi threw a punch.

With his current physical strength, coupled with the sharpness and explosive power of the beast hand, the power of this punch is already quite terrifying.

Worthy of being when his fist banged above the restriction, dozens of golden streamers shot out within the restriction.


The golden streamer is clearly the power of sharpness.

At this moment, there was a roaring sound.

It is not difficult to imagine that its impact must be quite amazing.

Xiao Yi's fist was completely undamaged under the beast hand.

But his footsteps were shaken back ten steps.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the waterway restriction.

Boom... It was another punch.

On the water channel restriction, no streamer flew out.

However, Xiao Yi's fist blasted on the restriction, but it was like a blast on the sparkling lake.

On the surface of the forbidden, there are waves of light ripples, shaking constantly.

At the same time, a huge suction force is generated from the forbidden surface.

Xiao Yi's fist was being held firmly.

Water channel restrictions seem to be commonplace; but between the sparkling waters, there is obviously an astonishing force of strangulation.

"Not good." Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.


Second more.

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