Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1800: Shura Yuhuo

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath.

The fist, which was caught by the waterway restriction, was quickly withdrawn.

Fortunately, he has always been cautious, and he has already condensed beasts to blast these restrictions.

Otherwise, if his body is trapped in the force of the strangulation restrained by the waterway, he is afraid that his fists have been strangled.

Of course, the hideous scales of the beast hand are extremely hard, so there is no need to worry.

Xiao Yi pulled back forcibly and withdrew his fist.

There was a lingering fear in my heart.

He looked at the fire restriction on the side.

This time, Xiao Yi did not approach or blast his fists, but instead condensed a fiery blade and shot it out in the air.

The blade of fire went straight into the prohibition of the fire road.


During the flame prohibition, a flame broke out instantly.

The flame is a wild dragon by itself.

You Long swallowed the Fire Blade in one bite.

Afterwards, the blade of fire disappeared without a trace, wandering around the dragon, but came straight from Xiao Yi.

"So strong." Xiao Yi exclaimed again.

His current fire control strength is not comparable to physical strength.

But with the increase of a pair of beast hands, and the powerful flame of Amethyst Lingyan in this world, that blade of fire is enough to kill a peerless pinnacle powerhouse.

But when it hit the prohibition, it disappeared instantly.

"Drink." Faced with the attacking flames, Xiao Yi blasted out with all his strength.


There was a huge explosion in the air.

The flame wandered around the dragon, and was blown away.

Xiao Yi was beaten back ten steps again, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Xiao Yi's gaze then looked towards the restriction of the earth road.


There was another soft drink, and a fiery blade volleyed out.

Above the ban on the earth roads, a glimpse of the huge wall will condense.

The blade of fire blasted on the huge wall and couldn't even make a few sparks.

Xiao Yi's figure advanced forward and blasted out with a punch.

With full force, the giant wall did not move.

The huge wall is obviously unbreakable and extremely hard.


Xiao Yi's fists continuously blasted out.

The dirt road is the best defense.

This huge wall, as solid as a rock, is extremely thick, but it is not strong in attack.

In other words, there should be no danger to attack this huge wall.

Therefore, Xiao Yi is now attacking and bombarding close.


Below, the old man frowned and watched Xiao Yi's bombardment.

The huge wall was not even cracked.

"Can't it?" The old man sighed, "It seems to be too reluctant."

"For countless years, the first evildoer to truly break through the main game can't help being tested by the ancient emperor."

The old man shook his head, a trace of disappointment flashed across his face.


Above, Xiao Yi kept bombarding.

He was trying to pass this innocent earth road ban, to see where the real power and level of these bans reached.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yi frowned tightly.

He has already figured out the level of restriction on this earth road.

If there is no accident, his strength can be broken if all his strength bursts.

He finally understood the real difficulty of the tomb of the ancient emperor.

18 prohibitions, each of which requires a corresponding one to be broken.

The Five Elements prohibition is okay.

After all, the five elements belong to the basis of martial arts.

Even if the martial artist is practicing normally, he will definitely dabble in the five elements.

But what about the others? Blood Dao, Thunder Dao, Illusion Dao, Body Cultivation One, Demon Formation and so on.

Who can have that ability to master countless methods?

Take Lei Dao as an example, even a Lei Dao evildoer can reach legendary strength at this level.

Even if he can break the thunder road restriction here, what about other wind road restrictions, blood road restrictions, etc.?

This Lei Dao evildoer can break through the restrictions of the Thunder Dao, but cannot use the power of the Thunder Dao to break even the simpler wind path restrictions.

Five elements and five cultivation, four forces of heaven and earth, plus the other four special ones.

In the world, who can have such a skill, and at such a young age, control all these methods.

Therefore, this is almost a dead end.

This is a test that almost anyone would never want to pass alone.

In fact, all the restrictions within the ancient emperor cave mansion had already been arranged.

Every test has omens and symbols.

The 18 prohibitions in the main game are actually the precursor of this real test at the end of the cave.

But there is much simpler, and here, the difficulty is enormous.

It is impossible to break the game alone.


With the last roar, Xiao Yi retracted his fist and frowned.

"It's okay to say that the five-element prohibition is just broken by force."

"Other prohibitions..."

Xiao Yi's gaze swept over other restrictions.



The old man’s thoughts are the same as Xiao Yi, "It's okay to say that the five elements prohibition, but other prohibitions...cannot be broken by humans."

"On the amazing talent, no one can compare to this ancient first emperor."

The old man sighed, his tone, disappointed, and taking it for granted.

"Boy." The old man shouted suddenly, "If it doesn't work, you don't have to force it."

"Testing at the end, if the prohibition breaks out, it is extremely dangerous."

"You are already good enough, don't risk this."


Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, but his face became straight, "Perhaps, it may not be true if I can break it."

Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and he was the first to approach the prohibition of refining medicine.

Reach out to touch.

In the prohibition of refining medicine, a pill prescription appeared out of thin air.

Sure enough, the test of the prohibition on refining medicine is after all refining medicine.

For Xiao Yi, refining medicine is not a big problem.

"The legendary pill is still a rare-level pill." Xiao Yi nodded, and the eyes of the lunar sun flashed past.

The difficulty of this pill is far more difficult than the pill that I encountered in the main game before, and I am afraid it will be more difficult.

If he slowly comprehends it, it may take ten and a half days.

Therefore, with the help of the eyes of the lunar sun, he instantly comprehended the prescription.

Within the restriction, at this time a piece of material appeared out of thin air.

After obtaining the materials, Xiao Yi immediately began to refine the medicine.

Half an hour later, a pill of perfect circle pill was refined.

The refining ammunition fell into the restriction, and the path of the medicine was restricted and collapsed instantly.


The old man smiled with joy, "The prohibition on the path of medicine was broken, and the legendary pill was refined in half an hour? This kid, such a perverted talent for the path of medicine."

The next second, the old man looked surprised again, "No, boy, be careful."

"Eighteen bans, as long as one is broken, the remaining 17 will be triggered instantly."


The moment the old man's voice fell.


The remaining 17 bans broke out in an instant.

In the Golden Road prohibition, dozens, no, hundreds of golden streamers gradually turned into a long river of streamers, coming in shock.

In the fire ban, dozens of flames roamed around the dragon, as if driving a sea of ​​fire to fly.

In terms of kendo prohibition, countless sword auras have become a storm of sword auras, surging out.


With 17 bans, all of them broke out, and terrorist attacks came surging from all directions.

"Heh." An inexplicable chuckle, suddenly resounding in the forbidden encirclement.

The laughter is very light but very clear.

The laughter was very weak, but with a touch of hideousness.

Xiao Yi in the upper part has already changed his aura.

An astonishing momentum lingered around and swept through.

Long flowing hair, flying fiercely.

The cold eyes were flushed, and the flames in the eyes were soaring.

Standing proudly in the air, holding a virtual hand, the palm seems to contain a world of flames.


A purple inflammation broke out instantly.

The attacking sword aura and golden streamer were all burned out; the attacking flames dissipated automatically; the attacking blood and lightning were instantly evaporated to nothingness.

Shura fights the fire and burns all directions!


Third more.

Update today, over.

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