Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1854: I don't want

Xiao Yi sat on the ground, ignoring the intense pain that was burning all over his body.

Pain is already commonplace for him.

No matter how big the pain is, as long as he doesn't want it, he won't even frown.

It's just that the current situation... made him feel so weak for the first time, and even more so heartbroken for the first time.

He has always been bold.

Back then, when he first came to the Middle Territory, he dared to overcome the spatial turbulence that was hailed as a mortal place, but he did not cultivate at the extreme end.

This time, he was equally bold. He had known for a long time that once the second blood and poison pill broke out, it would be quite terrible.

Before his consciousness completely dissipated, he witnessed Jing Huashuiyue's four extremely powerful elders directly submerged in the river of blood and poison, and died instantly.

But he has a certain degree of certainty that he can't die.

So he still gambled his life and fought it.

At that moment, he had no other choice.

The four elders in Jinghua Shuiyue are so powerful that they far exceed his imagination.

Especially the elder Jingyue, that can be crushed directly, close to the strength of the two palace masters, Chengfeng and Hengtian, so that Xiao Yi has no chance of winning at all.

After the four people joined forces in the fantasy formation, Xiao Yi had no hope of escape.

He could only take a fight, exploding blood and poison.

As a result, he won, and the four elders Jing Huashuiyue died completely, but he was still alive.

But how is this consequence different from death today?

When he came to Zhongyu, he also had broken small world, physically damaged, and almost lost his cultivation.

But that time, after all, he left some hope.

By slowly recovering, he still restores his body and cultivation to the peak.

And this time?

This body is no longer damaged to describe it, it is simply a collapsed body.

The cultivation base is lost, all the complete martial arts are scattered, the small world is completely destroyed, and the body is directly destroyed.

It is almost a miracle that this body can still keep him alive.

Not to mention recovery, even for ordinary cultivation.

This completely cut off all his hopes.

Not to mention that he can't use any means now, even if he can use it, even if he is in his heyday, if he changes himself to face such a ‘seriously wounded warrior’, there’s nothing he can do.

As far as the medicine refining methods he controlled, or the more advanced medicine refining methods he knew, there was no way to repair this damaged body.

As a pharmacist with advanced methods, he knew how severe the breakdown of this body was.

And this is where he is most desperate.

I am afraid that even a legendary pharmacist at the level of the main hall master of Yao Zun, who can be called the number one pharmacist in the mainland, would never want to repair this body.

The medicine stone is ineffective, beyond the reach of manpower, or it is the most appropriate description today.

"Is it over like this?"

On Xiao Yi's terrifying face, he uttered a few words weakly.

The breath of despair haunted his entire body.

For a warrior, there is nothing more terrifying than despair.

The expression in Xiao Yi's eyes, which were carrion-like, was extremely hollow.

In front of him, by the small water lake, a small grass suddenly grew strong.

The growth rate is visible to the naked eye.

That grass is not a precious natural treasure, Ganoderma lucidum.

That grass is just an ordinary weed, only about an inch in height.

Xiao Yi glanced, and suddenly a trace of doubt flashed through his hollow eyes.

"This is a very poisonous place, and the poisonous aura still remains the earth."

"Can weeds grow vigorously?"

Xiao Yi tremblingly stretched out his hand, dragged the broken body, and once again scooped some clear water in the small lake next to the grass.

"It's weird water."

"Obviously it's just clear water, it's just a small lake filled with potholes, the lake can't flow out, if the dead lake is dead water, but so vibrant?"

"The water contains rules of heaven and earth, so clear?"

Xiao Yi still didn't know that the martial arts rain had continued for ten days in the past ten days.

Of course, he does not know what the rain of martial arts is.

These rain of martial arts are not pure things, nor are they precious cultivation objects that can be used by martial artists.

It is just ordinary water.

But since it is based on the rules of martial arts, it is slightly different.

Looking at the vigorous grass, Xiao Yi's eyes became more desperate.

The grass can still absorb the vitality of the rain and grow strong.

But where is Xiao Yi? At this time, even if he was given more vitality, this broken body could not absorb it.

And since it can't be absorbed, then even no matter how powerful the panacea is, there will be no half effect.

Xiao Yi fell into a sluggishness.

Just sitting still, with empty eyes and empty thoughts.

As night fell, the cold wind from the far east was whistling.

His damaged body is worse than ordinary people, but under the cold wind, he doesn't feel cold at all.

The biting cold wind should have made his body more painful.

But now, he seems to have forgotten what pain is.

The night faded and the sun rose.

The warm sunshine bathed in his body that had endured the cold all night, and he could not feel the warmth.

The scorching sun in the afternoon seemed to crack his skin and flesh more cracked, but he had forgotten what the heat was.

The sun rises and the moon falls, repeating itself again and again.

Xiao Yi's sluggish and damaged body existed lonely in the yellow sand of this extremely eastern land.

not moving at all.

Breath is low and weak.

Maybe, he will die quietly like this?

Perhaps, when his damaged body can no longer be supported, it will be like the sand of the extreme east, unchanged for thousands of years, and become a piece of loess in this extreme east?

Until the third day, at night.

Under his damaged body, he never sleeps, eats or drinks, and his lips are more chapped and terrifying than ever.

But at this moment, his hollow eyes suddenly flashed brightly.

The stars are full of night.

In the past, he, even the stars of the heavens, could call out and lower his strength.

Picking the stars in his hands, stepping on the cold sky, thousands of miles away, but he was in a flash.

Ten thousand feet high mountain, lost to his sword power.

Wanli Jianghe couldn't bear his monstrous purple inflammation.

Now, everything is gone, he is just a waste.

He couldn't grasp these stars, but in his eyes, two faces that had been separated for a long time but could never be forgotten were unstoppable.

One, immature and well-behaved.

That person, always waiting far away.

"You have been waiting for me." Xiao Yi's breath of despair suddenly gave a hint of joy.

"Otherwise, the fools of the Holy Moon Sect will not be chasing me like crazy."

It is obviously not a good thing to be hunted down.

But for Xiao Yi, he became more pleased because he knew that his search for these years had not been in vain.

The other one is Zhang Cang's face, asleep and silent.

"You have been waiting for me too." Xiao Yi's rotten face forced a smile.

"If I give up and die too, what will you do?"

"Let you stay in that cold coffin all your life? I don't want to."

Xiao Yi shook his head and chuckled lightly.

"Desperate for a few days, it should be enough."

"This fate, let's gamble again."


First more.

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