Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1855: Soar from zero

Xiao Yi has never been a desperate person.

These days, he is desperate because he can't think of any way.

But today, he suddenly thought of the two people in his life, but suddenly he suddenly became clear.

At the same time, he also thought of a way.

No, in fact, he had already thought of a way, but he was not sure.

At this time, he was already sure.

At this moment, what he pulled out of despair was a more confident breath than ever.

The cultivation base was gone, and his body was broken, but Xiao Yi was still Xiao Yi.

His internal organs, limbs, muscles and veins, and bones, skin and flesh are all poisonous and entangled with extreme pain.

But his blood is still hot.

That hot blood has been flowing continuously in the body.

The reason why he can't feel the cold is because of the blood.

The reason why he didn't feel the warmth and scorching heat was because the blood was even worse.

His blood is for nothing else.

For, it used to be the desire for the wonderfulness of this middle domain, and the pursuit of the road of martial arts.

In order to come to Zhongyu to find the person and find a way to save the old man.

For the warrior, despair is the most terrifying thing.

But to Xiao Yi, despair is a joke.

Unless he is dead.

However, he is still alive.

Even if it's just such a damaged body now.

Xiao Yi's carrion eyes condensed.

The body that was originally sitting casually, trembling, slowly changed back to sitting cross-legged.

What was thinking in his mind was the content of the Poisonous Book.

He has read the entire book of poisons countless times.

Even if he can't take out the things in the Universe Ring and this book, he already knows the contents.

Once upon a time, Xiao Yi thought that the guy who created this book of all poisons was a lunatic.

Today, his cultivation has been lost, his body is broken, and he can't even cultivate normally.

However, what this lunatic created gave him a glimmer of hope.

Because this book of all poisons itself overturned the entire cultivation system.

In the past, Xiao Yi didn't plan to cultivate this thing at all.

But now, he can only try.

He has lost all his cultivation, and there is nothing to lose, and he won't have any worries.

At most, this life is lost.

Of course, Xiao Yi is confident that this will not happen.

According to the records in the Poison Book, Xiao Yi began to practice.

"Refining the body with poison, quenching the body with poison, nourishing the internal organs, accumulating limbs and a hundred skeletons, and penetrating the whole body.

For a warrior, this approach is almost something he dare not try.

Even a strong drug user would never dare to ‘play’ like this.

However, Xiao Yi's current body condition is just like the record on the Book of Ten Thousand Poisons.

His body is now full of poison.

These poisons seemed to have merged with him.

Therefore, he has no way to get rid of it, even with the clever method of a pharmacist.

Unless all the poisoned places on his body are changed.

Of course, this is impossible, so he was desperate before.

Now, if you can't get rid of it, don't waste it and use it for your own cultivation.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes cross-legged and practiced.

The breath of the body gradually changed from weakness to calmness, and gradually, it began to soar, become thick, and even explode.

These bursts of breath were not Xiao Yi's breath, but a breakthrough breath belonging to martial arts cultivation.

Yes, Xiao Yi's current martial arts training is breaking through from zero.

The Poison Code, but a technique.

And those poisonous in his body can make the physical power of his peerless pinnacle crash instantly, it is conceivable that the power is huge.

With the cultivation technique and the ‘cultivation object’, then, with his talent for Xiao Yi, cultivation is naturally not a problem.

Moreover, even though Xiao Yi has lost all his cultivation skills and his complete martial arts have disappeared, he has also walked the road of cultivation step by step.

Therefore, he has no martial arts bottleneck at all.

The original zero repair base began to soar.

Mortal realm, acquired, Xiantian, Dongxuan...

The soaring breath suddenly paused here.

Xiao Yi glanced inwardly in his body, a ‘small world’ appeared in his body.

The small world is something that the Martial Artist's Cave Profound Realm began to possess, and since then, the Martial Artist has the ability to fly into the sky and escape.

This ‘small world’ happened to appear beside his normal but deflated martial arts small world.

Unlike the normal small world of martial arts, this ‘small world’ is completely dark.

Moreover, in the small world of martial arts, it is pretending to be Yuanli; and in this ‘small world’, it is pretending to be poisonous.

Rather than saying that this is a small world, it is better to say that this is a "poison world".

Xiao Yi only paused, and his cultivation started again, and his breath rose again.

Dongxuan, Poxuan, Diyuan...

Arrived at the Earth Element Realm, breath, paused again.

Because a poison pill in the body condenses again.

Xiao Yi still remembered that when he was promoted to the Earth Element Realm, he spawned an Earth Element Golden Core.

Nowadays, the derivative is a poison pill.

This poison pill is exactly the same as the one he exploded before.

Back then, this poison pellet was made by Xiao Yi using the power of the black poison pool water to cultivate the treasure of all poisons when he was in the black poison villa.

However, he was at the sacred realm cultivation base at that time, naturally surpassing all the previous realms and directly condensing the poison pill.

Nowadays, starting from scratch, it will not condense the poison pill until the ‘Earth Origin Realm’.

Subsequently, the breath soared again.

Earth element, heaven element, earth pole...

Practice, once again.

A trace of martial arts power began to control.

However, only Poison Dao is in control, and it is stored in the "Poison Realm".

After that, it was the celestial pole, the holy realm, and the holy king realm.

While cultivating, Xiao Yi also looked at this special ‘small world’ in his body, that is, the ‘poison world’.

The complete martial arts in the poison world gradually appeared and was controlled by him.

Between heaven and earth, a complete path of poison began to descend.

From a complete martial art with a poison attribute at the celestial pole, to ten in the holy realm, to a hundred in the holy king realm.

The practice of the Poison Tome is actually the same as the normal practice of the martial artist.

Its step-by-step cultivation base, each state, is also the same as the normal cultivation base state.

However, the biggest difference is poison.

There is no half-centre in Xiao Yi's body now.

For a warrior, Yuanli is the source of strength, and a warrior without Yuanli is extremely weak.

As for the Poisons Book, the source of power is not vitality, but virulence.

Yes, today Xiao Yi's body is full of virulence.

That trace of poisonous power filled the entire small world.

The reason why the Poison Book of Ten Thousand Poisons has overturned the entire system is that the cultivation base derived from cultivation does not have any power at all.

The virulence has penetrated all of the realm of warriors.

The small world of Xuan Dong has become the "poison world" of Xuan Dong.

The Earth Element Golden Pill became the Earth Element Poison Pill.

The first complete martial art of the celestial pole has become the first poisonous art.

Moreover, within the poison world, there is no room for any other martial arts, there can only be poison.

And the other most different point is that in the process of cultivation, besides penetrating the realm of cultivation, the virulence is also tempering the body.

To put it simply, take the poison into the body.


Second more.

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