Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1862: Shunhuo City, Lei's


After leaving, Xiao Yi took a slight breath.

After all, this battle in the Ten Thousand Demon Forest was his first battle with this body.

It was also in this battle that he discovered the strength and weakness of this body after cultivating the Poison Tome.

The so-called powerful, it is natural that its own martial arts strength and physical strength can perfectly fit together and erupt.

There is also a stronger increase brought about by a complete poison path in the poison world.

And the so-called weakness...

This body is clearly powerful, but it is full of severe pain all the time.

Yes, it hurts!

Xiao Yi didn't know if it was a sequelae of cultivating the Book of Ten Thousand Poisons, or it was the original pain of his mutilated body.

Even after cultivating the Tome of Ten Thousand Poisons, his body has not changed much.

It was exactly the same as when he came out of the poisonous land before.

He was covered with poisonous sores, blood blisters, and rotten flesh everywhere.

Cracked skin and flesh, severely damaged internal organs, smashed small world, rotting limbs and corpses.

None of this has changed.

It's just that after cultivating the Tome of Ten Thousand Poisons, the Tome of Ten Thousand Poisons can turn the poison in his body into his own use, giving him strength.

But the astonishing pain in the body has not been alleviated.

In other words, he is suffering from **** pain all the time.

Under the large black robe, the blood oozing between the flesh and the flesh is mixed with poison, which is almost inhuman torture.

Originally, Xiao Yi thought he was used to these pains.

However, when I was fighting just now, I was really fighting, the skin and flesh touched the monster, and the pain suddenly became intense.

To put it simply, his body, even if it does not move, is highly poisonous, and his whole body is hot and uncomfortable; and the wounds of countless poisonous sores and blood blisters are even more stinging like a thousand swords.

With a slight touch, the pain suddenly increased.

Putting it into the battle, violently touching, this kind of pain, even if it was his Xiao Yi, could not help but take a breath.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth.

He doesn't care about the pain.

As long as this body is strong enough.

He didn't know how long he would have to endure these pains and maintain this body.

However, he was not afraid.


After leaving the Ten Thousand Demon Forest, Xiao Yi returned to the nearby big city.

Go to Sandian and hand in the task.

In the next few days, he was frantically picking up and completing tasks.

His whereabouts gradually changed from walking in the eastern area to slowly leaving.

In this eastern area, he had broken through before, and he planned to go elsewhere.

In the past, when he used his true identity, or the identity of Yi Xiao, he had already traveled many areas.

But this middle domain is still huge.

Thirteen thousand regions, but an extremely large number.

Ten days later.

Xiao Yi went to the nearest three hall branch hall to hand in the task, and temporarily stopped his crazy task trip.

His purpose of continuously taking on and completing tasks is just to raise his level of the Dark Magician.

Otherwise, the first-level black magician, this lowest-level identity, can accept too limited tasks.

Now, he has already exchanged the identity of a deacon in the Black Demon Temple.

With enough strength, the missions were completed frantically for ten consecutive days, and they were all the highest-level and most dangerous missions.

Naturally, it is not difficult for him to advance to these levels.

Now, he can at least hand over tasks without restriction.

He can accept even the top quest of the main hall and so on.

From now on, he is truly starting his journey of experience for the past six months.

Xiao Yi pondered.

Suddenly, there was a shout from the task station in the hall, interrupting Xiao Yi's contemplation.

"The top task, the last day is left, can anyone else take it?"

"Oh?" The black magicians in the hall looked at the task station with interest.

However, in a short while, almost most of the black magicians withdrew their gazes and didn't pay much attention.

Only a few black magicians turned around and left.

Xiao Yi was slightly confused, walked to the task table, and asked, "What task is it?"

Xiao Yi nowadays, under the ghost mask, his breath is hidden.

It seemed that he was just a weird man covered in black robes, without attracting much attention.

The staff also replied in a deep voice, not surprisingly, "It is the first task issued by Lei Jia, the first force in Shunhuo City."

"What type?" Xiao Yi asked.

"It's a rescue mission." The staff replied.

"Three days ago, the little granddaughter of the head of the Lei family was taken into captivity outside."

"The perpetrator is an evil cultivator, I heard that the strength is extremely strong."

"The Lei Family Patriarch only has three days to bring a large amount of cultivation material to the Shunhuo Forest for substitution."

The staff increased their tone and said, "This mission is extremely dangerous."

"Therefore, the distress mission issued by Lei's family is very rewarding, and we have also increased the mission points several times in the branch hall."

"Whether you want to pick it up, you think clearly."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly and thought about it.

The staff, seeing Xiao Yi hesitating, shook his head and sighed.

"As soon as I heard that it was an evil cultivator, few of the martial artists in the different halls dared to accept it."

"On the other side of the Demon Hunting Hall, the Wind Brave Hall, etc., there are also some large demon hunting teams and wind envoy teams, or some Shura warriors who dare to accept."

"On the side of the branch hall of our Black Demon Temple, only a few people dare to take it."

"You are forgiven for not answering..."

Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, "I took it."

"Oh?" The staff member was startled and said, "Then you hurry to Lei's house. Today is the last day. Don't wait for the large troops to leave. You are going to die by yourself."

After all, the staff quickly recorded the task for Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi retrieved the token, turned around and left.

Behind him, a sneer rang out, "Although the reward is high, what is the use if the life is lost?"

Xiao Yi's tone was indifferent, "In the past, I heard that in the Black Demon Hall, most of them were elders."

"How can I see it today, but it's mostly irritating?"

"Old thing, what are you talking about?" Black magicians turned cold.

Afterwards, everyone sneered again, "Old things, you don't look like those young rookies."

"You should know how terrible evil cultivation is."

Old stuff?

Xiao Yi's face twitched when he heard the words.

But he didn't pay any attention anymore, and went directly out of the branch hall to Lei's house.

Shunhuo City, the region it belongs to, is not too strong in the entire eastern region.

After all, it was much weaker than the Huoya area.

And Shunhuo City is only a weaker city.

I am afraid that the strongest person in the city is just a warrior in the middle and late stages of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Want to come, that evil cultivator here to make trouble, should not be too strong.

Xiao Yi's heart was already assured.

However, when he arrived at Lei's house, he found that the Patriarch of the Lei family and others had already left half an hour ago.

A warrior of the Lei family frowned, "Senior, you are late."

"I'm alone now, don't go and die..."

Xiao Yi ignored it and flew away directly from the sky.

High in the sky, a black gloomy light disappeared into the distance in an instant.


Second more.

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