Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1863: monster?

Shunhuo Forest is the nearest monster forest outside Shunhuo City.

Of course, although it is recent, the journey is not short.

At Xiao Yi's speed, he could arrive in about half an hour.

Xiao Yi flew swiftly while thinking about the Three Halls.

In the past, he hadn't been seriously injured, and he had seen the warriors of these three halls during his normal experience.

But if you want to talk about understanding, you can't talk about it.

For one thing, the eight palaces have formed an alliance.

As for the three halls of the Black Demon Hall, the Heavenly Ji Palace, and the Soul Hall, the communication with the other five halls was almost zero.

Secondly, it is the warriors of these three halls, either acting low-key or relatively few in number.

Tianji Hall and Soul Hall were the gathering places of Heavenly Array Mage and Soul Master respectively.

The number of Array Masters and Spirit Masters was indeed too small.

The two professions, the two disciplines of repair, are not small.

Not long ago, when Xiao Yi first came to Zhongyu, he felt that the Asura Hall had the fewest martial artists.

But over time, he discovered that this sentence was actually correct, but it was not suitable for use in this era.

To be precise, it is the Shura Temple in the ancient times, with the fewest warriors.

In today's era, this is not the case.

In the ancient times, all the warriors in the Temple of Asura were extremely cultivators, so they could be called ‘Asura’.

In today's era, there are very few martial arts practitioners who can be called ‘extreme physical training’.

In the ancient times, the martial arts multiplied to the peak, the ultimate physical training, the ultimate sword repair, and the ultimate fire repair, which can be seen everywhere.

Now, take the ultimate sword repair, how many?

Or, to put it another way, in terms of ‘extreme body cultivation’, the Shura Hall is still the hall with the fewest martial artists among the eight halls.

But if you talk about ‘those who cultivate martial arts,’ this is not the case.

The demands of martial artists in this era are too low.

Therefore, in fact, the eight halls of today, the soul hall and the heavenly machine hall, are actually the two halls with the fewest martial artists.

From the perspective of Xiao Yi's past experience, there were not many soul masters or formation mages encountered.

Naturally, even the old man had very few opportunities to deal with martial artists in the Soul Hall and Heavenly Secret Hall.

As for the Black Demon Temple.

The Black Demon Hall is the stranger among the eight halls.

The requirements and restrictions for entering the Black Demon Hall are very low, almost the lowest in the Eight Halls.

And the warriors in the Black Demon Palace are mostly warriors with mixed methods.

It cannot be said that they are not strong, only that they have many methods, not limited to one, but they are not good at one.

Take Fengsha Temple as an example, all of its martial artists are proficient in Yufeng.

Yandian warriors are all proficient in controlling fire.

All of the soul hall martial artists are excellent soul masters.

Only the Black Demon Temple, with mixed methods, seems to be weak, but once the battle is against, it is very troublesome.

On the other hand, there are many people who act low-key and have perverted characters in the Dark Demon Temple.

One of the most obvious points is that the other halls will be like the Demon Hunter Palace, the Wind Envoy Team, the Flame Envoy Team and so on.

Only in the Black Demon Temple, there is no black demon team.

Every black magician, most of them elders, love to be alone.

And what made Xiao Yi most surprised was that the entire Black Demon Hall was extremely scattered, not as strong as the other seven halls.

Of course, Xiao Yi didn't doubt the Black Demon Palace.

The Black Demon Hall, the name is crippling.

But this is one of the Eight Palaces, and it is also the cornerstone that once guarded the creatures of the mainland.

Perhaps, it's just that the characters of the warriors in the Black Demon Temple are relatively sluggish, so the inside of the Black Demon Temple is relatively loose.

Of course, in other words, it is also relatively free here.

However, there are some shortcomings.

Just like some dangerous tasks, it is really difficult to complete by oneself, the black magician can't take it.

On the other hand, other large hunting demon teams, wind envoy teams, etc., are crowded and crowded, but they dare to take it.

The black magician, although there are many unruly generations, is not the same as willing to die.

Xiao Yi thought, and shook his head.

Half an hour, in a flash.

When Xiao Yi came to Shunhuo Forest, he had already seen the center of the forest from a distance, and a black air soaring to the sky was astonishing.

That is evil spirit.

"It's really evil repair." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

He looks like this now, but it doesn't mean that he has forgotten these evil cultivations.

Just like his original words, evil cultivation, he saw one kill another.

As early as the Xiejun Mansion touched his bottom line, Xie Xiu was destined to be the one he would kill without frowning.


After several breaths, Xiao Yi came to the center of the forest.

"Great formation?" Xiao Yi glanced below his eyes, frowning.

Within the big formation, including the Lei Family Patriarch, as well as a group of demon hunting teams, wind envoys, etc., were all seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Only in the center of the big formation, a evil repair with a gloomy face, Jie Jie sneered.

"Huh?" The Xie Xiu, an old man with a dry face, raised his head and looked above his eyes, "Here is another one to die?"

"Seventh-tier cultivation base of the Saint Emperor Realm." Xiao Yi instantly fell, and he saw the evil cultivation base at a glance.

"I don't know who is your friend?" Lei Family Patriarch, who was sitting on the ground, shouted loudly.

The Patriarch of the Lei Family is an old man, but his body is burly and his aura is extraordinary.

The cultivation base is also in the Seventh Layer of the Holy Emperor Realm.

Behind him, among the Eight Temple Warriors such as the Demon Hunting Team and the Wind Envoy Team, there are also many Saint Emperor Realm powerhouses.

Now, is it a serious injury?

And this evil repair, it seems, but it hasn't hurt anything?

To be more serious, beside the evil self-cultivation, there is a little girl who is about six or seven years old.

If you guessed it correctly, it should be the little granddaughter of the Lei Family Patriarch and the target of the mission.

Without intending to waste time, Xiao Yi stepped forward and took the little girl straight away.

"Want to save people in the hands of the old man? A joke." That Xie Xiu, Jiejie sneered.

I saw that Xie Xiu's arm shook.

A monstrous force swept Xiao Yi directly.

Xiao Yi's figure was stopped instantly, but was shaken back dozens of steps.

"The power of the formation?" Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

No wonder this evil cultivator was able to injure the fellow cultivator-level Lei Family Patriarch, but he was unscathed. It was obviously the power of the big formation.

"Look at what you look like, it should be the Black Demon Master of the Black Demon Hall."

"Jie Jie, among the Eight Halls, your Black Demon Temple warriors have the most dealings with my Evil Monarch's warriors."

"You should know the power of our Evil Monarch Mansion."

"You dare to come and die by yourself? It's pretty bold."

Xiao Yi frowned.

Behind him, the Lei Family Patriarch screamed coldly, "Xie Xiu, you are the bolder."

"Did you forget the Vice Palace Master Ziyan?"

"Hmph, he swept across all the major evil repair branches in our eastern area only a few months ago. Do you dare to take your head? Can't you die?"

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao?" Xie Xiu smiled contemptuously.

"That guy is strong, but as you said, he has already swept once."

"As smart as him, I never thought we would make a comeback, right?"

"It's even more unexpected that I, a evil cultivator, dare to appear."

"That fool, maybe he has left the eastern range now."

That evil repair sneered triumphantly.

But if you let him know that Zi Yan Yi Xiao is now in front of him, I don't know what his face will be.


Xiao Yi's figure moved again.

This time, Xiao Yi was faster.

"Huh? So fast." Xie Xiu's pupils shrank, and when he reacted, the little girl was picked up by Xiao Yi and retreated.

Xie Xiu sneered disdainfully, "Just a little girl, let you save it."

"The old man kidnapped her, just for the fool, Patriarch Lei, to bring more warriors to absorb the blood for the old man."

"Five poisonous formations of the evil spirits, start."

Xie Xiu let out a violent shout, but the surroundings were peaceful.

"Huh? The evil five poisons, rise up." Then Xie Xiu shouted violently.

There was no movement around.

Until Xiao Yi's mouth spit out a character "Broken".

The large array that originally encompassed the surroundings instantly collapsed.

Under the big formation, the five poisonous auras that filled the surrounding area instantly disappeared without a trace.

"Magic Array? Your Excellency or Array Master?" Lei Family Patriarch, his face was happy.

"I heard that the Black Demon Temple warriors have a lot of methods. When I saw it today, they really deserved their reputation."

"Damn, you are a Array Mage?" That Xie Xiu's expression changed abruptly, "No, you are still a poisonous powerhouse..."

That evil cultivator's words did not come to the end.

In the last second of his life, all he saw was a pair of white gloves sticking out of the large black robe.

In the next second, the evil repair had already exhausted its vitality and turned into a corpse.

Xiao Yi retracted his hand, picked up the unconscious little girl, and turned back.

"Thank you, sir, oh no, senior." The Lei Family Patriarch hurriedly bowed his hands, showing respect.

"Xin'er, hurry up and wake up." Patriarch Lei, woke up the little girl.

The little girl, with her sleepy eyes loose, rubbed her eyes and opened them slowly, "Grandpa."

The little girl was overjoyed at first, but when she turned her head and looked at Xiao Yi, her pupils shrank.

Xiao Yi hugged her like this, she naturally saw Xiao Yi's face in the **** robe thoroughly.

The mask, after all, can't cover all the sores and blood bubbles.

"Ah, monster, get out."

The little girl, struggling violently, even kicked her small feet on Xiao Yi's chest a few times.

The severe pain in Xiao Yi's chest made him take a breath.

The head of the Lei family, who took over the granddaughter, said apologetic, "Don't blame seniors, Xin'er is still young..."

Xiao Yi shook his head, saying that he didn't care.

"Senior, please come back to Lei's house next time, my Lei's family will be..." Lei's Patriarch said enthusiastically.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "No need, I have rescued everyone, and the mission is over."

"Remuneration, you can send it to the branch hall of the Black Demon Hall, I will get it when I have time."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi dashed away.

However, under his large black robe, he unconsciously sighed slightly, and the sigh was inaudible.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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