Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1865: East, last mission

"Puff." Xiao Yi spouted out blood, but his eyes had regained their clarity.

After absorbing the last 10% of that Poison Dao power, Xiao Yi stopped practicing.

Xiao Yi also acquired the evil cultivation of the universe ring.

There are quite a few poisons in it.

Xiao Yi has absorbed all the useful ones, but there is still no breakthrough in his cultivation.

Xiao Yi shook his head.

Although there was no breakthrough in his cultivation this time, his Dao Mind, after crushing the phantom of the four elders in the mirror, Huashuiyue, had already broken the demons, and his Dao Mind rose greatly.

Today's martial art barrier will never appear again.

"Monster?" Xiao Yi touched his face again.

"Heh." Xiao Yi retracted his hand and smiled complacently, "It seems that it sounds more pleasant than the word thief."

Holy Moon Sect, ruining his chance.

The chance of the tomb of the ancient emperor is naturally the most precious chance in this world.

It is also because of this that Xiao Yicai awakened the second martial soul in the tomb of the ancient emperor, and his cultivation level also soared directly from the martial arts power to the peerless peak.

Now the cultivation base has been lost, but the real opportunity that belongs to the ancient emperor should be the second qualitative change of his martial soul.

His fire-controlling beast martial soul is fine, and there is no loss.

Therefore, this opportunity, in fact, he has not lost.

What's really missing is nothing more than the cultivation base of the martial arts power to the peerless peak.

In that short period of time, he was able to cultivate his cultivation at one touch, and the surge in succession was indeed wonderful.

However, at his current speed, it is not difficult to restore the martial arts power before entering the tomb of the ancient emperor.

After that, he may not get the chance.

Moreover, this opportunity does not need to be as heavy as the tomb of the ancient emperor, it is so rare in thousands of years.

After all, his second Wuhun awakening has been successful.

Simply improving the cultivation base, the problem is much smaller.

By chance, he can look for it again.

And strength, today's Poisonous Tome, physical strength alone is no match for the Shura combat body; however, the strength of the martial arts and physical training is definitely more than the physical power conferred by the pure Shura combat body.

The Poison Tome also allows him to return to his peak strength.

As for the appearance, it is ugly, but how?

He dared to enter the magic way and cultivate the magic way, but why was he afraid of this change in appearance?

If he even cares about these costs, how can he be worthy of the word "devil"?

Poisonous, full of poisonous raging, terrifying face, perhaps, this is more like a demon.

Incarnate into a poison, take charge of the poison!

In Xiao Yi's mind, there were no more distracting thoughts, some were only perseverance and indifference.

He will never reproduce today's devil.

However, he will not forget his enemies with the Holy Moon Sect.

Destroying opportunities, for the martial artist, is an unending enemy.

Not to mention that now he is ruining his body, punishing his cultivation, breaking his Taoism, and killing his life.

This is a feud of life and death.

Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

Inside, I looked at the shriveled and shattered small world inside.

Inside, the only thing intact was the two martial spirits.

Around the fire control beast, a trace of fire attribute power gradually condensed.

Yes, Xiao Yi intends to start practicing Soul Dao.

The reason why a soul master uses the name ‘soul’ is because he needs a martial soul to be able to cultivate.

From martial arts, soul power is cultivated.

Soul power is in the soul master; just like Yuanli, in the martial artist.

Xiao Yi practiced and condensed.

The fire attribute spirit power around the fire-controlling beast became stronger.

On the other hand, Bingluan Sword had no soul power.

Xiao Yi had expected such a situation long ago.

In the past, he had tried to cultivate soul power with the Bingluan sword, but as a result, every time he cultivated ice-attribute soul power, he would be completely absorbed by the Bingluan sword.

No matter how much he cultivates, it won't help, and there won't be half of ice attribute soul power left.

After an entire hour.

Although the fire attribute spirit power around the fire control beast became stronger, it did not seem to increase much in number.

"There are not many soul master techniques I have on hand."

"Soul abilities, only burn one door."

"It seems that there is still a need to go to the Soul Palace in the future."

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and temporarily stopped his Soul Dao cultivation.

In the past, he felt that the control fire beast itself was too weak, so he did not specifically cultivate the soul.

Now, with the help of the ancient emperor sacred pill, the fire-controlling beast has successfully awakened for the second time, its power has greatly increased, and it has been promoted to the black rank.

Once his soul path is successful, the soul path strength that the Fire Control Beast brings to him is absolutely extremely strong.

In addition, he has no vitality right now, and he can't carry any other power.

Otherwise, as long as there is vitality, the fire control beast can once again condense and release all kinds of powerful flames in the world.

Controlling the Fire Beast already controls this kind of flame ability.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took another deep breath, stopped practicing, and got up.

The figure left, slowly disappearing into the Shunhuo forest.

In the next six months, no matter how hard the road is, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how thorny the road is, he will continue to cut through the waves and thorns as before, and never stop.

This road, the more difficult it is to walk, the more excited and anticipating he is.

The harder it is, the harder it is, and the more it is given to him.

If this road leading to the position of the Martial God at the end was really so easy to follow, then Xiao Yi would look down on this road of martial arts.

After all, he is still the arrogant Xiao Yi!


In the following days, Xiao Yi continued to continue the task, completing the task.

Of course, one side is also practicing.

Going at this speed, at most a few more days, he will leave the eastern range.

Perhaps, afterwards, he can choose to return to the Eighteenth Mansion area to experience it.

In all, more than a year ago, his experience in the area of ​​the Eighteenth House had not yet been fully experienced.

At that time, he had only traveled a few areas before he met Gu Lianxing and Gongsun Huowu.

Although he had traveled more than half of the provinces to help Gu Lianxing restore his martial soul, he still hadn't finished.

This time, I can experience all the way there.

Some dangerous places, he hasn't gone through it yet.


"Calculating the time, Ye Liu's wedding day is almost here." Xiao Yi smiled knowingly.

The large black robe covered his whole body, and he couldn't see his expression clearly.

However, under the mask, the slightly raised corners of his mouth still showed his joy.

At this moment, he was in the main hall of a Black Demon Hall.

If nothing happens, this is his last mission in the eastern area.

On the task stage, a top task appeared slowly.

"Huh? There is a new top quest." Xiao Yi looked at the task table with interest.

The surrounding black magicians also looked at the task table.

"Oh? Is it the top quest issued by a main hall master of our Black Demon Temple?"

The dark magicians were talking slightly surprised.

"Hey, the task is not too difficult, just to help find some rare poisonous Taoist cultivation objects."

"The number is huge."

"But the reward is generous enough."


Second more.

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