Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1866: Six leaves and six green flowers

One by one, the black magicians began to go to the task table to pick up the task.

This top task is the kind that can be completed by multiple black magicians at once.

And this task seems simple.

But in fact, the top task that can appear in the main hall is not easy.

And none of the black magicians who can gather in the main hall will be the general generation.

Xiao Yi glanced at it and frowned slightly.

The highly poisonous things described in the mission are at least the treasures of the heavens and the earth above the Emperor rank.

Some special things are the blood and body of poisonous monster beasts, which are also at the level above the imperial realm.

It would be nice to just let him do some combat tasks.

The task of finding objects nowadays is more time-consuming.

It is possible for a main hall master to issue the top quest to prove that these things are at least not available in ordinary commercial houses, or in a short period of time.

Although Xiao Yi frowned, the reward given by this top mission made him a little bit excited.

The reward after finding these poisons is almost 10 times the value of the poison itself.

Simply put, a rare poisonous heaven and earth treasure can almost be exchanged for 10 ordinary but the same level of poisonous heaven and earth treasure.

The so-called rare, but the effect is relatively special and rare.

As long as the Poison Dao power contained in it is at the same level, there will not be too much difference.

Xiao Yi only needs the power of Poison Dao in his cultivation of The Poison Tome.

"The net worth of a main hall master should be rich enough." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

Before leaving the eastern part, this last mission might be able to accumulate enough poisonous power for him to make a major breakthrough in his cultivation.

"Golden Iron Holy Emperor." Xiao Yi glanced at the signature at the bottom of the mission and nodded.

The golden iron holy emperor, he knew.

In Zhongyu, the reputation is not too big.

But in the east, it still has a certain reputation.

In terms of cultivation, he is a strong man who has stepped into a peerless state.

In the Black Demon Hall, although there is the title of the main hall, but it is not the person in charge of a certain main hall.

Just like Xiao Yi in the past, even if he has the title of each hall, he does not hold any position in any hall, but is alone.

This golden iron holy emperor is of the same nature.

He has a title, but he is a low-key man.

Of course, in the Black Demon Temple itself, it is relatively disorganized, and the black demon masters are mostly people who do their own way and don't like restraint.

Xiao Yi went to the task table, accepted the task, and then left.

After that, Xiao Yi went directly to the nearest dangerous place.

Within the Central Region, there are countless dangerous places.

In addition to 13,000 regions, there will be many unconnected places between regions and between big cities and big cities.

The unconnected barren land between the big city and the big city is mostly small dangerous places or monster forests.

And between regions and regions, those dangerous places that are not connected are those that are truly terribly dangerous.

In addition to these, there are also a large number of even unknown desolate places, extremely dangerous places.

These one by one, Fang constituted an extremely huge middle domain.

It is conceivable that Zhongyu is so big.

And even those small dangerous places are easily covered thousands of miles.

Within it, mountains, lakes, swamps and other terrains are all covered.

Within the various terrains, countless monster beast sites were separated.

Therefore, walking in the monster forest or dangerous places will test a warrior's ability extremely.

And to say that in these dangerous places, the one who can guarantee their own safety is naturally the demon hunter.

In addition, in the dangerous place, the sites of those highly poisonous monster beasts are the smallest and the least in number. However, every site must be the most dangerous place in the dangerous place.

Xiao Yi is only going to a small dangerous place now.

In hand, holding a list.

This is the poison recorded in it after receiving the top task.

Xiao Yi glanced, frowning slightly, "Although there are many, and most of them are rare grades, most of them are not problematic."

"But the inner alchemy of these six poisonous and six cold pythons is the most difficult to find."

"And these six leaves and six green flowers..."

Most of the poisons on this list are rare, but with Xiao Yi's ability, it is not difficult to find them.

Only the six poisons and six cold pythons in the monster category, and the six leaves and six green flowers in the heaven, material and earth treasure category are more headaches.

Speaking of it, the poison is fragile.

But in fact, this is what the alchemist needs to dabble in.

So Xiao Yi has mostly been in contact, or knows what it is.

But if you really want to find something, there are certain poisons that are not easier to find than those rare treasures.


Xiao Yi flew around this dangerously, and stopped before a big lake.

"Six poisonous and six cold pythons are water-like in nature and like to live on the bottom of the lake."

Xiao Yi leaned forward and touched the lake.

"The lake water is cold and slightly cold, slightly cold."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and glanced at the entire lake covering a thousand meters in front of him.

"The surface of the lake is calm, and there are no waves."

"I haven't seen the fish and insects, the lake is calm, but there is a trace of silence."

"It's here."

Xiao Yi nodded, and his figure jumped directly into the lake.

The figure sank quickly.

After sinking about a hundred meters, Xiao Yi finally showed a smile.

The more it sinks, the more cold the water in the lake becomes, even with a trace of undetectable toxicity.

Here, there must be six poisonous and six cold pythons.

To judge whether a demon hunter is outstanding, the most basic thing is to see his ability and ability to discern the monsters under heaven.

And Xiao Yi is undoubtedly an extremely good demon hunter.

Zi Yan Yi Xiao, if it weren't for this ability to find monsters, wouldn't it be a joke?

It sinks to about two hundred meters.

Xiao Yi had clearly felt that the ice-cold water around him was already biting.

As far as he knew, this range was already the habitat of the six poisonous and six cold pythons.

He clearly felt that his blood even felt a little frozen.

The wisps of toxicity are already extremely obvious.

However, here is two hundred meters below the lake. The sun is already difficult to reach, and the surrounding is highly toxic, so you can't see your fingers here, and it's dark.


A flame condensed in Xiao Yi's hand.

The surging ground veins of golden fire instantly illuminate the surrounding area.

The virulence in his body can transform some vitality for ordinary purposes.

As long as there is vitality, Xiao Yi can condense flames.

Of course, if it were to be used for battle like before, it would be absolutely impossible.

Now it can be used for lighting.

"Huh?" It was almost the moment when Xiao Yi condensed the flame, his pupils shrank.

Beside him, a huge body of six poisonous and six cold pythons was staring at him coldly.

The huge head, the cold letter, and the poisonous fangs came straight from Xiao Yi.

The distance between Xiao Yi and it was almost only a stone's throw away, and there was no chance to avoid it.

Six poisonous and six cold pythons had bit his arm in one bite.

However, Xiao Yi sneered.

His arms, which appeared to be densely covered with poisonous sores and extremely damaged, were actually extremely hard.

"Can't you bite? It's me." Xiao Yi's body shook, and he took a palm.

Under the large black robe, a pair of white gloves stretched out quickly.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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