Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1883: Take off the mask, take off the black robe

"No, I don't know..." Xiao Yi blurted out subconsciously.

This subconscious comes from his extremely fast reaction.

At the same time, it was also his answer to the horror and horror that occurred at the moment when he saw Senior Luo, he instantly stabilized his heart and the stormy sea, and then responded calmly.

However, when the word'no' in his mouth was just uttered, there was already a feeling of something wrong in his heart.

And then, the three words'don't know' that appeared logically gave him a slight buffer between the shock and the change of composure for a short time.

It was this buffer time, which probably wasn't even half a second, which gave Xiao Yi a complete response.

At this moment, his heart suddenly burst, and he couldn't say anything further.

Because he knew that his answer was extremely problematic.

"That's bad." Xiao Yi's heart was startled, and a cold sensation from head to toe emerged instantly.

Yes, suffered.

When he said the three words ‘don’t know’, he already suffered.

If he answers ‘knowing’, in fact, he has more ‘explaining space’, or in other words, he has the advantage of hiding his identity.

He could explain that he had heard of the reputation of Senior Heiyun to teach Luo, and he probably knew what it looked like.

So surprised.

However, now that he said the three words ‘don’t know’, his eyes clearly showed ‘knowledge and horror’ in his eyes.

This is enough for Senior Luo to give him unlimited doubts.

It was Xiao Yi's most subconscious reaction to say "don't know".

In the horror that Senior Luo turned out to be the head of the Black Demon Palace, and the most instinctive reaction to the present situation that he had expected in an instant.

"You lied." Senior Luo stared at Xiao Yi's gaze, instantly becoming colder and sharper.

Sure enough, dealing with this kind of old monster, or the old fox, will reveal the clues if you are not careful.

Not to mention that the old fox today is Senior Luo.

Even if Xiao Yi reveals the most subtle and inaudible mistakes, there is no chance to correct or flicker.

"You know the old man." Senior Luo's gaze became tighter.

"But you just lied, trying to hide it."

"You can react in an instant, it proves that you are a thoughtful person with a very high mind."

"But even if you have a very high mind, in that moment of panic, you got confused."

"It proves that your sense of horror for the old man is extremely high."

"In other words, you not only know the old man, but also have a lot of intersection with him, and even the old man once shot you."

Senior Luo's words fell, and the figure was already moving.

Not very fast, but step by step towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's eyes remained unchanged, but his heart was extremely anxious.

Since he stepped into this main hall room, he only looked at Senior Luo once and answered Senior Luo several words.

This simple communication couldn't be simpler, but it instantly caused him to fall into a situation where he couldn't justify himself and made Senior Luo doubtless.

The meaning in the air has become extremely dangerous inexplicably.

The gloomy atmosphere seemed to be too heavy to drip.

Xiao Yi was anxious.

But he did nothing.

If it were in the past to change into such a dangerous situation as it is now, Xiao Yi's first reaction must be to hold onto his universe and connect his two great martial spirits.

He will ensure that he has enough time to explode all his life-saving cards.

But now, he hasn't, he doesn't have any actions.

This time, he won't make mistakes again.

In the face of senior Luo, any trump card, any means of life-saving, is just futile, it will only be a joke.

So even if Xiao Yi had these actions, it was just in vain.

He didn't do anything at all.

Otherwise, once he had a vigilant action, he couldn't hide from Senior Luo's eyes.

Moreover, this would also be equivalent to what Senior Luo said just now.

Then Xiao Yi would be completely in danger.

Senior Luo's footsteps are not fast or too many, just step by step, as if walking slowly.

But his sharp eyes kept staring at Xiao Yi.

He seems to be waiting too.

Waiting for Xiao Yi to reveal more flaws.

However, Xiao Yi hadn't moved, but was silent.

Finally, the figure of Senior Luo walked in front of Xiao Yi.

Senior Luo was silent for a few seconds.

Seeing that Xiao Yi didn't make any movement, Senior Luo opened his mouth first, "You mask and this black robe, you take it off yourself, or I will come."

Senior Luo's voice is not too much, but his eyes are still staring at Xiao Yi.

"What does the main hall master mean?" Xiao Yi also opened his mouth.

"Take my mask off and take off my black robe?"

"What? But these rules are in the rules of the Black Demon Temple?"

"No." Senior Luo shook his head slightly, "But that's what I meant."

Senior Luo's words are very simple.

Taking off the mask and taking off the black robe was not a rule of the temple, but it was his intention.

Simple words, light tone, but full of extremely domineering.

"What if I say no?" Xiao Yi squinted.

Senior Luo didn't speak any more and directly stretched out his hand.

Just as Xiao Yi felt familiar when he saw his back, and was shocked when he saw his face.

Seeing Xiao Yi's figure, he also felt familiar. The more he saw it, the more doubtful he became.

Although he hadn't seen Xiao Yi's face under the **** robe, that figure, and the figure that flashed through his heart that seemed to have been forgotten, but was incomparably clear, perfectly matched.

He believes that his own eyes cannot read wrong.

That figure, he had instructed and bullied him.

That figure, he once recognized, and once killed with awe-inspiring intent.

That figure, in his cognition, should be dead.

The Tianjiao whom he recognized as better than anyone else, had made him extremely regretful and extremely murderous, extremely entangled.

But that Tianjiao, a few days ago, had already announced the death of the two main halls of Fengsha and Shura.

But nowadays, there is a Xiao Xun who is incomparably compatible with his figure?

It's not surprising that the world is so big and looks like there are countless people.

But that is just alike.

But the figure in front of him now fits, fits 100%, fits perfectly.

With his strength, even the smallest gap in detail, he can tell at a glance.

But under his gaze, especially the moment he saw Xiao Xun, he was able to determine that Xiao Xun's figure was incomparably compatible with the figure of the dead evildoer.

This fit is imprinted like a mold, and there is no difference at all, even small.

This is the reason why he walked towards Xiao Xun step by step, tested Xiao Xun, and even wanted to take off his mask and take off his black robe aggressively now.

"Humph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, "Hallmaster, such a strong person is difficult, so I can't forgive him."

Just as Xiao Yi was about to retreat, an overwhelming force instantly restrained him.

Senior Luo's hand stretched out slowly.

It seems slow and fast as lightning.

Xiao Yi has quick eyes and quick hands, and wants to resist.

But how can he stop?

Senior Luo clasped his wrist, and placed the other hand easily on the ghost mask.

The mask was taken off instantly.

With a bang... the black robe also fell off instantly.


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