Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 1884: Senior Luo

Xiao Yi's face was suddenly hard to see the extreme.

In my heart, suddenly panic to the extreme.

However, the more he resisted, the more he refused to take off his mask and black robe.

Senior Luo, the more he felt wrong, the more confident he was in his intuition.

The more he wanted to take off Xiao Xun's mask and take off his black robe.

The mask was taken off in an instant.

The black robe also fell off in an instant.

"Bad." Xiao Yi was shocked.

Senior Luo was suddenly taken aback.

Under the mask, it was not the handsome face he imagined.

Although he had long known that the black robe Xiao Xun's face was like a monster, he hadn't seen it right after all.

Moreover, even if the face changes drastically, the edges and corners of the face can finally recognize the clues.

In the world, not many things can be hidden from his eyes.

And within the black robe, it was not the jade-like body in his impression.

Beneath the mask, inside the black robe, the body was covered with venomous sores, blood blisters, carrion everywhere, and countless hideous scars, shocking.

Even if it was him, he couldn't help being taken aback.

Is this really the body of a...person?

This is really not a walking dead, not a monster?

This is very different from the handsome and handsome figure of the young man in his impression.

Senior Luo was stunned for only half a second.

In the next second, the palm of his hand stretched out quickly again, and lay directly on Xiao Yi's chest.

Xiao Yi's heart was shocked again.

At this moment, he only felt as if he was completely naked.

He knew that it was Senior Luo who was sensing and inspecting his body.

His body, and secrets, have never been investigated.

Today, it was forcibly perceived and spied by Senior Luo.

After a while, Senior Luo retracted his hand and stared directly at Xiao Yi, but did not make any subsequent movements.

The ghost mask and the large black robe were thrown on the ground at will.

Senior Luo stared straight, as if he wanted to see through Xiao Yi thoroughly.

But in fact, he has already seen through.

At least, under his perception and prying eyes, Xiao Yi had no secrets anymore.

He saw the broken internal organs, the shriveled small world, and everything inside Xiao Yi's body.

He felt Xiao Yi's breath, inside and out, feeling it all over.

However, everything is inconsistent with his impression.

The most important point to determine the identity of a warrior is breath.

The breath is bestowed by heaven and earth, no one can change it.

Therefore, he was almost certain that the Xiao Xun in front of him was not the two dead evil spirits of Fengcha and Shura that he suspected in his heart.

As for Xiao Yi at this time, he was sweating all over.

It has not been long since he entered this main hall master room.

However, it was this short period of time that, for him, lived like years.

He knows the disposition of Senior Luo.

It doesn't seem to have any domineering aura, and there is nothing like a mountain and thick soil, only a refined elegance.

But in fact, Senior Luo is more calm than anyone, and more powerful than any old fox.

Moreover, under this elegance, that amazing killing intent and terrifying feeling is the only person Xiao Yi has ever felt in history.

Therefore, the moment he saw Senior Luo, his heart was already shocked, and even at the beginning, a flaw was revealed in an instant.

Xiao Yi, at this moment, my heart is extremely grateful.

Fortunately, I now have this ugly face like a monster, not my real face.

Fortunately, there is no breath now, and all have become highly toxic.

Otherwise, if what is here today is his real face and real breath, then he is already a corpse now.

Senior Luo, he had long been killing him.

If he had already been pregnant with the identity of other Alliance Halls, and had the identity of the Three Halls of the Black Demon Hall, the Heavenly Secret Hall, and the Soul Hall, he would have violated the palace rules.

Based on this alone, Senior Luo had enough reason to kill him on the spot.

And he believes that Senior Luo will definitely do it, and when killing him, he won't even frown.

This is Senior Luo.

And this is also the reason why Xiao Yi's whole body was terrified at the beginning.

At this moment, Xiao Yi felt relieved.

Since Senior Luo didn't have any follow-up actions, it meant that Senior Luo hadn't started killing, and Senior Luo didn't recognize him as Xiao Yi.

"Heh." Xiao Yi suddenly let out a cold voice.

That kind of hum, helpless, with anger, cold, and shame.

Yes, ashamed.

Of course, this is just Xiao Yi deliberately.

At this time, it was his turn for Xiao Yi to rebel against the guest.

"Hallmaster, are you satisfied?" Xiao Yi's words seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth.

"Seeing this ugly face, are you happy?"

"The main hall master never expected that I would be such a monster."

Xiao Yi, leaning down while talking, slowly picked up the ghost mask and black robe on the ground.

This action of Xiao Yi is a taboo among martial artists.

Leaning down, unprepared, all the vitals.

Xiao Yi's actions directly ignored Senior Luo before him, and ignored Senior Luo again.

His hand trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Senior Luo couldn't help showing a trace of emotion at this moment, even if his face was as steady as Mount Tai.

Those ‘puffy’ questions, coupled with the extremely hoarse voice, made these questions seem to penetrate his heart.

The attitude of leaning over, as if widening out, represented this young Tianjiao's extreme dissatisfaction with him.

Yes, young Tianjiao.

Senior Luo, he could tell at a glance that Xiao Xun would never be an old monster from outsiders, but a young arrogant.

And this extremely outstanding young Tianjiao had such a miserable body and face, and his voice was hoarse like an old man.

This young Tianjiao must be an extremely arrogant person, but he must also be repeatedly looked at and disgusted by others, and be regarded as a monster by others.

That's why he put on a mask and a black robe.

Today, Senior Taluo, born, forcefully, and without any reason, forcibly removed the ‘figbag’ from this arrogant young man.

Now, this young Tianjiao casually puts on his black robe again, and his movements are somewhat neat.

But for some reason, it seems that it always makes people feel bleak and desolate.

Even Senior Luo, who had a hard heart, couldn't help feeling that he was really too much at this moment.

At this time, the young Tianjiao had put on his black robe again, but did not wear a mask again.

"Hallmaster, is it satisfied, is it enough?"

"If it's not enough? Let's continue snooping."

"How about the Qiankun Ring, the Qiankun Bag and the like that you are following?"

"On this face, you continue to look at it, oh no, take off the black robe again, what else do you need to see?"

The tone of this young Tianjiao began to be somewhat aggressive.

This young Tianjiao did not wear a mask anymore, but showed his ugly face openly, as if demonstrating.

When Senior Luo heard the words, he put away the movement on his face, and turned it into the indifferent and elegant as always.

However, he said, "No need."


Second more.

Today’s update, I wanted to be earlier, but failed to achieve it.

It seems that in Xiaoba's update, the early update was just an accident, alas.

Speaking of business, although it is too late, it will not be too late. The third update should be made before 12 o'clock.

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