Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4384: No frost, no frost

The old man in cold clothes did not hide his anger and coldness in the slightest.

Blood is perhaps the most important thing for the emperor of the heavens.

Or perhaps, because of this, when he learned about the Cold Realm Empress and Xiao Chenfeng's affairs, Fang was furious, and even had the utter disaster of the emptiness, and the blood washed the emptiness.

The face of the Empress of the Cold Realm became paler.

Of course she knows what the bloodline represents.

Of course she also knew the bloodline of the Emperor of Heaven, the only Jiufen bloodline in this endless void, how powerful it is.

She is an example.

But the child she gave birth to is totally different from her.

It is precisely because of her child that the blood in her body is thinner and weaker than her.

"Heh, hehe." The Cold Realm Empress laughed sorrowfully.

"Just because of the word blood?"

"Just because the emperor Yelin has the same pure blood of the emperor?"

"So the father knows that I am a low-marry, knows that my daughter has a child, knows that my daughter is remarrying now, knows that marrying the young evildoer of Emperor Ye Lin is shameful, but you still want your daughter to marry?"

"Yes." The tone of the old man in cold clothes was extremely cold.

"The creatures multiply, and the blood is lost and thinned. It has never been changed."

"But at least, it shouldn't have been sharply weakened since you started."

The Empress of the Cold Realm shook her body, her mouth grinned, "Ha, ha ha."

"So, is this my destiny for Bai Wushuang?"

She knew that her father had always been the cruelest father in the world.

Her father had a cold tone when he mentioned her or the only grandson just now.

Except for a bit of anger when talking about blood, her father was extremely indifferent from beginning to end.

The old man in cold clothes is silent.

"No frost, no frost." The Empress of the Cold Realm was already a little lost, her expression turned a bit crazy.

"The names passed by the living beings are all loved and hoped by their parents."

"No injury, no pain, no sorrow, no cold, no sorrow...all the children's parents wish for a good life."

"But when it comes to my father, the word Wushuang has become a gift, a family glory? It has become a destiny?"

"But why do I remember..." The female emperor of the cold realm looked straight at the old man in cold clothes.

"The name Bai Wushuang was given to me by my mother who was dying?"

"Daughter remembers it vividly. When I was a child, my father told me."

"Mother, is the most powerful creature in the Frost Realm in our Frigid Realm."

"On the day my mother gave birth to me, it was a huge cold realm. The frost fell sharply, flooding the world, and even fell into the Taihan Palace."

"That day, the world was full of emotions, the frost covered my mother's surroundings, and my mother hugged me tightly."

"That day, my mother gave me this name, Bai Wushuang, I only wish my life to be frost-free." The Empress of the Cold Realm gritted her teeth and looked at her cruel father with an angry look.

After all, she hopes that her cruel father can change everything that is tough at this time, even if she shows so little gentleness.

The old man in cold clothes slowly opened his mouth with his face unchanged.

"For the same reason, decades ago, on the day you gave birth to Xiao Xinghe, you said it." The old man in cold clothes said in the same tone.

"That day, this reason saved the life of that ordinary human being."

"Today, do you think it is still useful?"

The Empress of the Cold Realm had a cold face, "Father only told me that my mother died of dystocia."

"But mother, the most powerful Frost creature in the entire endless void, how could it fall so easily."

"The reason why my mother really fell, my father never really told me."

The voice of the Empress of the Cold Realm roared.

The face of the cold-clothed old man finally changed, but it was complicated, and an instant anger came after a moment.

"If it wasn't for Void Reincarnation to be taken by the monster in the underworld long ago, how could your mother..."

"Long years ago, I shouldn't let that monster..."


The fist of the cold-clothed old man suddenly clenched.

At this moment, as well as the entire cold realm, trembling violently.

At this moment, his anger was obviously uncontrollable.

Perhaps, her mother has always been the only one who can make her father, the most indifferent creature and the most indifferent emperor in the world, have this movement and this abnormality.


The cold-clothed old man, after all, slowly returned to normal.

The figure slowly turned around, then turned around.

Seeing this, the female emperor of the cold realm had a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

But the words in the mouth of the cold-clothed old man instantly turned her hopes into ashes.

"The marriage of Tianyu has become a definite number."

"What I give you is not fate, but the best way forward."

"You should know that I am much older than you think."

"I can protect you now, but I can't protect you for the rest of my life. What should you do when I fall?"

The gaze of the cold-clothed old man fell slightly on the cold-land female emperor.

That is just a glimpse, but it is a kind of love that can be withdrawn in a flash.

"Before your mother died, there were only two sentences, one for you, giving your name, and one for me, but it was also about you, wanting you to live well."

When the words fell, the old man in cold clothes turned and left.

"Father..." The Cold Realm Empress spit out.

But in the ear, the same indifference and strong words have been heard.

"For the same reason, I allowed you."

"But whether this reason is to be used to save the life of the human being or to refuse this marriage, the decision is in your hands."

The figure of the old man in cold clothes has disappeared into the boundless world.

The figure of the Empress of the Cold Realm staggered back a few steps, her face completely pale.

This also means that if she refuses, then the man she loves most in her life is afraid that she will fall into the void in the next day.

She has never had a choice, no room for rejection.


Endless void.

In a certain piece of cold and gloomy land.

Still in that palace.

Xu Pang's face was cold and ugly.

But beside him, the presence of the middle-aged man made him afraid to show half of his anger and dissatisfaction.

"Pang Er." The middle-aged man slowly opened his mouth.

Yes, the middle-aged man is the general leader of the Cold Abyss Alliance, a powerful emperor of the void, the most famous among the heavens and the world, like a legendary character.

"Father." Xu Pang nodded slightly.

The middle-aged man chuckled softly, "The doubts in my heart, please speak up."

"Father, don't you know that your character is not a success?"

Xu Pang gritted his teeth, "Father, I don't understand."

"That... Young Master Yelin..."

"Our dignified Cold Abyss Alliance, one of the three alliances, one of the most powerful forces in the heavens and all realms."

"At this moment, you are playing in the hands of such a young creature?"

"Even father, you..."

"Toying? Haha." The middle-aged man interrupted softly.

"You're right, we are a big Cold Abyss League, and everyone in the heavens and all realms called the Cold Abyss League, in the hands of this young creature, it is nothing but a gadget, a plaything."

"Unfortunately, this is even our honor."

Xu Pang looked at his father incredulously.

In his eyes, his father is the most powerful creature in this endless void, the most remarkable hero.

But these words came from his father today.

"Haha." The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled, but it was more like a wry smile, full of weakness and humbleness.

"Tianyu, what do you think it is?"

"With its own endless void, there are nine heavens."

"Since the existence of the nine heavens, they have always been the absolute controller of the entire endless void."

"It seems that there are countless disputes between the heavens and the world, and there are countless territories."

"However, from beginning to end, these countless sites are divided into nine parts and controlled by them."

"Strong as the Three Leagues, as strong as the Void Overlord who dominates the Void Territory, they are nothing but their dogs."


Third more.

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