Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4385: Nine Emperors

Xu Pang gave a wry smile.

He could feel his father's powerlessness.

"In this way, Zi Yan Yi Xiao is also amazing." Xu Pang whispered softly.

"Under the anger of Yifang Tianyu, he is still alive."

"Now it seems that he has the upper hand in all the places under his command."

The middle-aged man sneered and shook his head, "You are underestimating the power of a heaven."

"The so-called special person who everyone is afraid of, and that all major forces are afraid of?"

"In front of Tianyu, it is just an ant, which can be pinched to death at any time."

"Look, Master Ye Lin's order is vast and empty, but he can't live for ten days."


Yanlong League.

Tianlong Fortress, inside the Chamber.

Xiao Chenfeng sat quietly, uncharacteristically.

Around, the leaders held the files, and they were talking about the information.

"Haha, good, very good." The ancient realm emperor laughed with joy.

"The latest intelligence shows that the Blood Flame Realm was attacked by the Void Emperor."

"The territory under the evil thief of Yixiao is now under the attack of the allied forces of the great powers of the heavens and the hegemonic force, and there will never be a peaceful life."

"This evil thief Yixiao has also reached the end of its madness."

Emperor Qiongyu sneered, "Being targeted by the decree of a Tianyu, he is running out of time."

"Endless Void, after all, there can be one less scourge."

"Commander." Emperor Beiyin arched his hands, "If we now dispatch elites and take advantage of the situation, then the blood flame world..."

"What are you doing?" Shengyue Emperor interrupted coldly, sneer.

"Why? It's called taking advantage of the situation? It's getting into trouble."

"you guys…"

"Bastard." Suddenly, in the chamber, there was a violent shout.

The sound of violent drinking comes from Xiao Chenfeng.

All the chiefs were shocked and looked at Xiao Chenfeng suspiciously.

In the impression, it was the first time they saw this commander showing such anger and such abnormality.

Xiao Chenfeng scanned the surroundings coldly, "I am not in the mood to take care of your dirty things."

"No need to mention it again."

Words fall.

Xiao Chenfeng stood up coldly.

"Commander." The Godless King screamed in surprise.

"I'm fine." Xiao Chenfeng shook his head, "I'll go out."

Wu God's face changed drastically, "The commander is going to...?"

The marriage of heaven and domain has spread all over the endless emptiness.

The matter of the cold realm female emperor's marrying to the emperor Yelin has also been declared by the two heavens to an endless emptiness.

Xiao Chenfeng's eyes were cold and decisive, "Cold Realm, Taihan Palace, I'm going to make a decision."


On the side, a figure appeared out of thin air.

It was the old man in black.

The black-clothed old man frowned and looked at Xiao Chenfeng, and said solemnly, "Chen Feng, let me walk with you."

Xiao Chenfeng shook his head, "Thank you senior for your kindness, but it's not necessary."

"This matter can only be solved by myself."

"Cold Realm, I am imperative."


The blood inflammation world, in the mansion of the master.

Xiao Yi held the file in one hand and frowned as he looked at the dazzling information in it.

"The female emperor of the cold realm, married to the emperor Yelin, will be married in one month?"

"My lord?" One-eyed bald head looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously, "This information has been boiling in the endless void recently, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with us."

Xiao Yi ignored it, only frowned, "Last time it was the void universe, this time it was this cold universe?"

"One-eyed." Xiao Yi looked at One-eyed bald head.

"Do you know Tianyu?"

"This..." The one-eyed bald head scratched his head, with a look of doubt on his face.

Xiao Yi said seriously, "Just tell me what you know."

Upon seeing this, the one-eyed bald head straightened his face, "The villain really knows this heaven."

"Back when the villain was still in the red desert heavens, he even had contact with people in the heavens."

"If the grown-up asks, the villain knows and can answer, he will say everything."

As long as his adults want to know, then as long as he knows, even if it is his own secrets that he doesn't want to mention, he will tell them all.

As long as his adults ask.

Xiao Yi glanced at the file information in his hand and frowned.

Tianyu, he himself knew.

The Yanlong Region is one of the nine heavenly regions.

But he didn't understand it.

Speaking of it, in these years of endless emptiness, he has hardly heard the word ‘Tianyu’, and has never heard a creature talk about it.

It seems that Tianyu itself is extremely mysterious in this endless void.

Xiao Yi glanced at the information in his hand and said slowly, "The information says that the marriage is determined by the Heavenly Emperor of the Cold Realm."

"The Emperor? What is that?"

In his impression, it was the first time he saw the appearance of the word ‘Tiandi’.

Is that the realm? Or is it a title? Identity?

The one-eyed bald head smiled, "The adults come to the endless emptiness, only eight or nine years, plus I am extremely young, naturally I don't know."

"The Emperor of Heaven is the master of a heaven."

"Just like the emperor of the heavens in one side, he controls the heavens and is the master of the heavens."

"The Emperor of Heaven is the Lord of Heaven."

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Is that the realm of cultivation? Or..."

"No, no, no." The one-eyed bald head shook his head repeatedly, but at the same time frowned.

"I don't know how to explain to you, your lord."

"The Emperor of Heaven, I heard that it is also the supreme cultivation base, but they are the most powerful supreme."

"Hold on." Xiao Yi frowned, "I heard you said in the past, it's not endless void, the supreme can't count five fingers?"

"I think you are short-sighted, but I'm afraid there are only a dozen of them."

"Now, nine heavens, nine heavenly emperors, isn't that nine at once?"

"No, no." The one-eyed bald head shook his head again.

"My lord, what I said before was referring to the supreme in the endless void."

"But the Emperor of Heaven is different. In fact, no one knows what exactly they are."

"It's just that there are rumors that they are also supreme, but they are the most powerful supreme."

"Also, the emperor of heaven is just the emperor in the heavens, not the emperor of the whole endless void."

"Because, the Emperor of Heaven will not leave the heavens for half a step during the extremely long years."

"Their existence is related to the entire universe itself."

"In the horizon, they are invincible; but out of the horizon, it's hard to say."

"And once they fall into the void, this heaven will be over."

Xiao Yi frowned, "You mean...just like a realm master, because he controls the world of heaven and earth, so he is safer in his own star world; also like the emperor of a party, he controls the heavens and treasures, and is safer in his own heavens? "

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "Probably so."

"In short, as far as the villain knows, the emperor of heaven is the emperor of this heaven."

"But there is no doubt that the nine heavenly emperors are the oldest and most powerful creatures in the endless void; each of them must stand before the end of the road of martial arts."

"In short, the Nine Great Heavenly Emperors are the strongest in this endless void and the absolute master."

"Endless Void, they are the absolute masters and masters."

"If you think of the entire Infinite Void as a huge territory, then there is no doubt that the entire Infinite Void will be divided into nine pieces, which are controlled by the nine heavenly emperors."

"Including the law, including everything!"


Fourth more. (Make up)

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