Soul Evolution System

Chapter 100 New negotiations (Part 2)

"... well, if you want to join our camp it is not impossible, but you should know that we will have to make adjustments to integrate your group and probably the highest-ranking people in your camp will lose many things in doing so.

For example, the resources you all have, most of these will be stored in our warehouses and will be owned by MLDW... we can make small concessions and grant you a certain amount of coupons as compensation for your contribution so that all of you have some capital. You will have a better start than many of those who have joined us, but you will practically lose the right to everything you have.

But not everything is bad, people with good abilities we will provide them with work corresponding to these, either as captains, soldiers, workers, and other things. The only thing is that we will not support any person who is not useful to us, so they will only have the rank of a refugee, if you have people who are treated well in your camp just because they have a good relationship with their leaders, it won't be possible here.

If you want to support these people you will have to do it with your salary from your respective job, the only exception to this is your immediate family or lovers, to see more clearly on these issues you will have to talk to Yoshioka.

In addition, if you have firearms, of course, they will pass to become available for MLDW, as you should know these are not toys and the only ones allowed to use them here are the soldiers who have passed several tests so they can use them. So if one person wants to continue carrying one, they will have to go through that.

If you can accept these conditions we will happily accept your group, otherwise, you can only continue to manage your camp and then we will only be business partners or fighting partners "

The words of the type of lenses take me somewhat off guard, but I quickly recover and start telling him the conditions so that they can be integrated into MLDW. We could not accept them as we normally do, they were not the same as the people we normally rescue that had virtually no possession.

They had enough resources and if we only accepted them then they could destabilize the camp a lot, so this was the easiest way I thought so they wouldn't cause a problem in MLDW.

"... Well, what you are asking does not seem unreasonable, Alexander-san. If it is only this I can accept it, I will organize all my men to get ready to move.

Since there are not a few people and things, if possible I would like you to support us with this and then we will begin to make the necessary procedures to integrate with MLDW "

"No problem, I will organize several cars to help you, fufufu"

"Shiro-san, I would like to go to your camp to process everything we need to do to you join our camp, also count the resources you have and calculate the compensation you will have for these"

After finishing our discussion, Yuriko-san and Yoshioka come together to carry out their corresponding work and help with the integration of the lens guy camp… Shiro.

"Alexander-san, E-emmm ... I also like to join me at your camp, of course, I have no problem with the conditions that you said"

" Me too!!"

"So do I"

Then as if Shiro's words will provoke a chain action, several of the leaders who had come to ask for help with the things of the city center raise their voices to ask for the same.

Seeing this, it makes a smile appear on my face, how could I not react like that? I was practically obtaining resources and population without having made much effort.

When more leaders express their desire to join us, in the same way as the previous Yoshioka, Yuriko-san and this time also Soichiro begins to agree with them to proceed.

The few leaders who keep quiet just watch what happens and continue to decide what to do. Noticing them, since it would leave a bad taste in my mouth not being able to get their camps, so I continue to give them one last push to encourage them to join.

"It seems that things have changed now, as most of the leaders who were entitled to a part of the city's resources are now part of my camp, I think that I have an excuse, Kohon ... I mean, a reasonable reason why Our camp can take things from there.

But since I do not like to retract my words, I will give your groups 3 days of advantage so that you can take everything from there. After those three days, we will begin to take them since if you do not do it I must assume that you do not want or maybe think they are not good enough things.

So since I am not very picky I will keep the things you discarded... I don't think there should be a problem, right? "

"T-that is ..."

"3-3 days?"


"... I also want to join his camp"

After telling them that, the leaders who still wanted to keep having the power of their own groups begin to get nervous and then after several more seconds they decide to join leaving only a few stubborn.

Well, I think 3 days should be enough to be able to integrate all the people from these camps that decided to join us. Passing this time then we can go through the resources of the city, as for the fools who decide to try to get something before we go, probably they are just looking for their own self-destruction.

"This was all the information I wanted to tell you, I don't want to keep entertaining the leaders who didn't decide to join us since they probably have many things to do.

As for the two of you, surely you came for different reasons than those of this group, if so, let's go back to the meeting room to discuss "

"You're right, boy. Although the one who wanted to talk to you was not me, it was someone else we found in the city... when we were also looking for survivors.

So we brought her, but since I don't want to be responsible if she does something strange in your camp, first I wanted to see if you wanted to see her "

"Okay, I planned to discuss some things and see if we can reach an agreement."

"The three of us will stay to make arrangements for these groups to join us. You can go and talk to them two, Alexander-kun"

I have some soldiers accompany the leaders who did not join us at the exit of our camp and then I go along with Rina and the police captain to the previous room where we were. As I had thought, probably apart from being invited by the other leaders they also came for their own reasons.

Yuriko-san speaks for the other 3 MLDW leaders and they stay in that place continuing to talk with the men who stayed while I with my group headed to the meeting room. But when I heard Rina's words, I turn and do a nod to indicate that I agreed to see the person she was talking about.

I was a little curious about who that person was, but knowing Rina, it must be a woman since if were a man, she would probably only bring him to sell it for some things in the tent of the camp. Seeing me nod, she turns and goes to the door of our camp following the others that leave, then I decide to wait for her inside the room and walk only with my group and the police captain.

" So what did you want to talk about, old man? "

"Our group has decided to move us to Kinato, I think your group can take care of rescuing the few survivors who still remain in the city.

That is because if we stayed here we would practically do nothing and we would only be eating the food we have. You should know that in that place the government created a camp of survivors, so we decided to go there and get to the command of our superior officer that probably is in that place "

That surprised me a little, but thinking about it, this was not something very strange either. The fact that many of the leaders joined us before is not a coincidence, practically now it only remains to collect the resources of the city and then this will no longer be particularly useful.

This is why all groups will only have a choice between two possible things to do. They can do what this policeman said and just sit quietly to eat the food they have, they will probably be able to live well for a good time and will only have to worry when it is about to run out.

Or they can also try to emigrate to other places, only that this implies many risks. Their groups are not as well armed as ours, and doing this will not be easy since they can run into many problems, such as wild animals or another group of people who could try to steal them. In addition, nothing assures them that the place they go to is better, at least here they no longer have to worry much about zombies.

All leaders must have understood this, after all, they must have the head to have that position or at least people close to them. So when they saw all the benefits that our camp had and that now also the resources they could get from the city would be reduced or they would have to pay almost everything they have now, it was not difficult to think that when the first one spoke to join us then many would follow him.

"I understand you want to leave, but I don't think you came to say goodbye, right?"

"Hahaha, we fought together boy, and so it wouldn't be bad to say goodbye. But you're right, I haven't come for that and the reason I came is something else.

As you must understand, moving a large group of people is very dangerous and difficult now in this world and so for that reason, I have come. I have seen your camp and I can say that it is an acceptable place for a person to live here, so I want to leave all the civilians we have rescued in your care. "

Fuu, for a moment I worried that he would ask me to help him transport all his people, it is a relief that it was not so. As he says, transporting a large number of people is not something simple and even for us, it would cause some inconvenience.

"If it's just that then I don't see any problem, old man. We can take care of your precious civilians, but you should know that they will receive the same treatment as everyone here."

"... I understand that ... but ... Umm ... your camp has been giving resources to the groups that rescue people and bring them here... so I think it's fair to give us some things"

" Ha.… Hahahaha …. Of all the people you were the only one that I thought would never bring people to sell us… hahaha… who would say that I would be so wrong about this and you would be the ones brought us the most"

"Alex, you shouldn't make fun of older people ..."

When I heard the police captain I can't stop a spontaneous laugh coming out of my mouth, I had really not thought he wanted to sell me his population. I thought he would only ask me to take care of them or something like that, but well, I also understand If you are going to do something and you can make a profit for it, there is no reason to do it for free.

Due to my reaction, the policeman's face begins to turn red, knowing his character, it must have been difficult to say this for him and now that I emphasize it, he should have been very ashamed. A noticing this, many of my group who accompanied me can not avoid laughing along with me, or those who have a heart softer feel a bit sorry for the old man.

Then Kurisu who was in the last group of these people, unable to bear feeling bad for the policeman, speaks to try to stop me. As it would be bad to continue like this, I decide to abide by her suggestion and try to control myself so I can continue the conversation.

"Haha ... ha, I'm sorry for that, it's just that it really seemed strange to me that coming from you, but it's true what you say, it would be unfair not to pay you for that if I've done it with other groups. So tell me, what is what you want for these people? Food? Antidotes? Ammunition? "

"... we have enough food to support the group that intends to go to Kinato... so I would like you to give us the last 2 things, and if possible, I would also need some vehicles since most of the city are damaged.

Although we have repaired some, the people who did it are not experts or the parts of these, although they work, they are not in good condition, so most of those they have constantly failed and I do not want us to be stranded halfway.

From what I've heard, you have some way of obtaining parts that were not affected by the bombs, you are probably making them with the group of scientists who you have or you were lucky to find some in good condition, anyway, your vehicles are in much better condition than that of the other groups "

"With the first two things there is no problem, but on the last one, there may be a few depending on what you want. If you only want normal vehicles, then it seems fine and we can provide you with some, but if you want those that are armored or armed, I only can reject your request "

"... it is fine, with functional vehicles will be enough"

"Well, then talk to Yoshioka on your way out and discuss those things with him so you two can reach an agreement between you."

No doubt our vehicles are in better condition than those of the other groups, although he is a bit wrong about the reason. This is because many of them could be said to be new as if they had just left the agency, but mainly because the spare parts came from the system and obviously they were not affected by the bombs.

Honestly, at the beginning we had the same problem as the other groups since most of the vehicles were affected and although we repaired many, we were practically forcing them to work without parts that had broken down, so many times they stopped working and had to to be "repaired" again, but it was good that this changed for the previous reason mentioned.

The police captain makes a nod when he hears me and gets up to leave, but before he can say something to say goodbye, the meeting room door opens again and Rina enters with another woman.

As I assumed, the person who wanted to talk to me or probably one of the leaders of this camp was a woman.

Her appearance was of someone who had experienced many things in the world turning her into a mature woman, she was not ugly, but also she was not at the level of Yuriko-san or Haruna which despite having a similar age to this person, they still retained a look and attitude quite jovial.

Although she had a good body, large in places that should be and small in which it was appropriate that they were so, but unfortunately this was overshadowed by the aura she gave off. It was not like Yuriko-san who had a presence of elegance and a little playful that prompted you to want to joke with her, or like Haruna which when seeing her maternal smile you could only think of wanting to be hugged by her.

She had a rough appearance that indicated that she was a woman who concentrated a lot on her duties and made her look very independent. Maybe that's why the years treated more cruelly than the previous two mentioned women, but as I said, she was not ugly and it was just that she did not cause me any feeling of wanting to have a relationship more closely with her.



"So what Yuriko told me was true, I'm glad you're well Rei"

While analyzing the unknown person who entered with Rina in the meeting room, suddenly Rei who was sitting in one of the vacant chairs around the table stands up screaming that and causing me to be surprised.

Now that I look at her more closely, I think that in truth both of them have some similarities between them... Rei immediately stands up and runs towards her mother causing the chair where she was sitting to fall by her sudden movements, then when she gets close to her, she hugs her mom hard.

Her mother hugged her back and stroked Rei's hair a little to comfort her that had begun to cry because of the strong emotions she felt. While Rei's mother does that, her face softens a little and reflecting the relief and happiness she felt when saw that her daughter was still alive.

Apparently even as rude as her character was, she could not prevent her motherly side from showing a little and replacing the serious face. Although this was only for a second, she quickly recovered to immediately put her eyes on me who continued to see the scene and was a little surprised, also I was not the only one since the whole group was in a similar state.

"You must be Alexander, the person that Yuriko mentioned when I met her outside here."

"... That's right ma'am, I'm a little surprised that the woman Rina mentioned was about Rei's mom...

She mentioned that you wanted to talk to me, so please tell me how can I help you?"


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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