Soul Evolution System

Chapter 99 New negotiations

"I see, so all of you found some problems in the center of the city... well, as we had promised not to enter the city and how we kept our promise, that explains why we are the last to know about the new events there.

But I am really somewhat surprised, I did not think that after eliminating most of the zombies you could have problems, please tell to the 4 of us the things that have happened and then see if we can help you"

The first thing I do when speaking is to highlight the fact that we had not entered the city, the main reason to I do it is that I do not want to be blamed for the things that happened there or that we break our promise. So since we did not know about the things that happened there, they should not be right to be attributed their misfortunes to us.

I have an idea of ​​what happened but these are just assumptions, so it is better to get detailed information. That's why my second sentence is for them to start talking about the events inside the city, of course I say all this while I have a happy smile on my face since my thoughts are very likely to be right.

The lens leader perhaps understanding my way of thinking makes a bitter face and then after releasing a long sigh he explains the main theme they came for.

"Everything was going well while we collected the things that were in the surrounding areas of the city center, during this time of little more than a week we could do it without any problem, but then when deciding to enter more was when the problems began to arise...

Most of the zombies were indeed eliminated, so we certainly do not have to worry that a horde of them is created and ended with our groups, but when we entered the city, what we had to face there to obtain the resources were a lot the evolved zombies...

It seems that almost 2 weeks ago, normal zombies were successfully attracted to can eliminate them, but unfortunately seeing the numbers of the evolved ones, we can only deduce that most of them were not so dumb and simply walked towards their death "

The things I had imagined ended up happening... I could tell that something seemed strange when I picked up the bodies of all the zombies we killed. Although they had evolved among them, the amount of these was not much or at least the numbers that Aurora estimated that there would be of them in the city did not match much.

So there were only two options for this to happen, the first was that she was wrong about her calculations, but as an previous artificial intelligence, for this to happen was very unlikely. So the most reasonable thing is that it was for the other reason.

And this was precisely what the type of lenses says, that the evolved zombies were not attracted to the streets where the plan would be implemented, or rather only a few did.

"I see, no doubt that is a very bad thing... but although I understand that you had problems, I honestly do not see the reason why you wanted to make a meeting with us. Everyone should know that we were only allies to be able to eliminate most of the zombies in the city and we have already completed that goal splendidly.... and that means that our alliance ended almost two weeks ago "

"T-That is..."

"B-But there are still zombies in the city ..."


While the smile on my face gets bigger when I tell them, a similar thing happens with the type of lens, only that unlike me, his is becoming more bitter... also the other leaders become restless. Then the intelligent guy grit his teeth tightly and later ask.

"If there is no alliance between us, then why do you receive us in your camp?"

"Well... we were partners who fought together, so at least I could hear what you have to say, don't you think? Besides , I also had some things to inform you all"

"...Things to inform us?"

Ending our dialogue between the two, I take 3 syringes from my interdimensional storage directly that everyone here probably recognizes, or at least the first. As they already knew about this skill of mine, I no longer had to hide it. But after seeing the objects, the type of lenses speaks again before I can say anithing.

" Antidotes?... don't tell me you want to raise the prices of these?"

"Come on, don't believe that because bad things have happened to you recently, everything will be bad thereafter. No, it's not that, the price stays the same as it was before, but there are some good things I want to share with you.

This syringe is what you know, the antidote that has saved the lives of many, but we had to change its name and now it should be known as a level 1 antidote. So these two are new products of our laboratory, one is a level 2 antidote that unlike the first one that only works during the first 10 seconds of someone being bitten, this can now be effective until a minute later. And this one from here following the same previous pattern would be a level 3, with an effectiveness of up to 10 minutes.

Level 2 will cost 1,000 crystal or 1 ton of food, level 3 will be 10 thousand crystal or 10 tons of food… from now on, they will be available in our 2 camps so don't forget to buy many when you leave. This can save your lives, so you all should not be stingy to get them "

When the other leaders hear what the type of lenses says when they see the syringes that I held in my hands, you can see that they all start to sweat. No doubt if I announced the increase in the cost of these, then would be a big problem for them since it is probably now when they have needed them most.

But I was not a demon either, although if I do would probably earn more, that would be at the cost of winning the grudge of their entire group, so I immediately correct the speculations of that type and then in doing so they all sigh of relief

In recent days not only the men and my group that have gone hunting at the leveling ranch are the only ones who made progress. Shisuka group having the recipe to create these antidotes did not take long to produce them in the course of time, it was certainly much more easier to have something to help you than have to do it from scratch.

"D-do they work they work after more time of being bitten?"

"But aren't they a bit expensive?"

"I do not mind paying 10 tons of food for a second life, it is also not as if we were short of this now"

Upon learning that they were new antidotes, they all begin to express themselves in different ways, but the thing most of they had in common was that they were undoubtedly already thinking about buying them. Hehehe, I will easily get a lot of profits and also they do not can complain since it is their decision to buy them or continue depending on the cheap ones .


The only one who is different from those leaders and who keeps thinking is the guy of lens that is silent, so without giving him enough time to analyze things, I keep talking.

"There is another thing I would like to show you all, but for this we will have to get out of here."

Finishing talking, I get up from my seat and then Yuriko-san, Soichiro and Yoshioka are next to me do the same and then we walk towards the door of the meeting room. Not long after the other leaders having some curiosity imitate us and they follow behind our backs.

We walked outside the castle and arrived at an area where we could see everything around the camp with more clarity... the more time that passes, then this place really looks more like a small town.

"Is everything ready, Kurisu?"

"Yes, Alex"

"Well, then let's see the fruit of your effort throughout this time, tell them to activate it"

In order not to let the audience wait any longer, I speak with Kurisu in my side to continue with what I intended to show them, she takes a radio from her waist and then communicates with some members of her technological department.

Seconds later, four towers that were built in the corners of the camp begin to emit a strange humming which intensifies as time passes, then the tip of these begins glow and emit a light of translucent blue tone which starts to expand little by little

Sound and light was impossible to go unnoticed by residents and invited leaders in our camp, so everyone's attention is directed to those towers immediately.

When the light expands and begins to advance throughout the camp, everyone gets a little nervous, but when it only passes through their bodies without causing any damage they reassure themselves and only look curiously after have checking that they were well.

Then in the end the buzzing of the towers is decreasing until it disappears completely, the only difference is that if you look carefully, around the camp it seems that there is a light glass that distorts the image of what is on the other side.

"Alex, it was a success !!... although it is not perfect it should be fully functional... but if what the plans indicate is true, then it should not be possible to distinguish that the energy shield is placed around the area... you don't have to worry since we will continue improving it so that the maintenance cost is not so much and this will perfect..."

"W-what the hell is that?"

"Eh? What just happened?"

"Why does the view around the camp now look somewhat distorted?"

During all this time that we killed zombies and sea creatures, the Kurisu's group along with several workers were responsible for erecting those towers that would be liable for creating the energy shield.

Then, seeing the result of her work, Kurisu speaks with great emotion at the beginning but immediately begins to analyze the creation of her department and continues to say things about their performance.

As she says, being able to implement these towers was not cheap... according to Kurisu, to defend an area the size of the entire camp of a horde of zombies level 1, the cost would be about 100,000 crystals, if they were level 2 then it would occupy 200 thousand and so on.

The only rescue of this is that if it was not used or if others did not attack the barrier, it did not consume too much energy and those crystals could work for quite some time... honestly if that amount was needed to use it per month then I would discard it immediately.

But is good thing that these crystals are more like a single use, of course, as long as others don't attack the barrier. But now by not having a large number of enemies nearby, it would work more like emergency insurance or mental support to make camp residents feel calmer and more confident.

For these reasons I only decided to make it work to support up to a horde of E2 zombies, that is 200 thousand crystals. This was because apart from resisting that level of zombies, it also served to ward off creatures in that limit.

"That gentlemen is a shield of energy and can stop a zombie horde of a large number. Obviously it also works for any dangerous creature that tries to approach our camp, in addition to keeping them away.

So I can assure you that with this now our camp surely became the safest area in this whole world. "

Seeing the doubt in the eyes of all the other leaders, I try to clarify them by explaining what they were witnessing. I may exaggerate a bit since a bunker or similar things that are made of steel or buried under several meters in the ground can overcome the safety of our camp, but for that they will have to sacrifice the size or freedom of people.

On the other hand, our camp was able to stay on the surface and outdoors providing a high level of protection for its residents, so my words are not totally a lie.

"What is the cost of these equipment?"

While thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of our camp with a bunker, the type of glasses interrupts my thoughts by asking me, I look at him and answer him.

"Unfortunately the cost is too much and the time required to do it is not too little, so this was more an exhibition that I wanted to show everyone since I do not intend to market these soon"

"…I see"

Listening this, several of the leaders who probably want to feel as safe as possible get discouraged. It was not because I did not want to sell this to them, if something gives me a profit without jeopardizing my security then it would be a pleasure to do business. But unfortunately my words were true and if I had to do these equipment to be functional in their camps, the cost at which I would have to sell them is one that they cannot afford or I would have to sacrifice too much of my profit and I really don't like doing things for free.

"Alexander-san, I know you're a smart guy so I'll get straight to the point. What do you want to help us collect the resources of the city center?"

Realizing that the show was over, the guy of glasses with a serious face as if he were doing business for his company before the apocalypse happened asks me directly.

"Hehehe, we all know how the world works now. Nobody wants to do anything if there is no profit for them... so it is not impossible for us to help you all, but I must warn you that the price for us to do so is not cheap.

I can give you two options, it is up to you which one to choose. The first is that each of their groups must pay us 500 tons of food, so we will continue with the previous agreement and we will not touch the resources of the city center and help you kill the zombies of the city center.

The other option is to pay us 200 tons for each group, but then we will take 30% of the resources offered by the city "


"5-500 tons? ... that would practically leave us with only 50 of what we received before"

"3-30%? ... before we had decided that each of our 15 groups would correspond to just over 6.5%"

"I do not think I asking too much, the danger is not small, the bullets are not cheap and the same goes for the antidotes. I think it is a reasonable price to help you get the things of the city.

If you are not satisfied with our price then you can try to ask the other two groups that have guns and can also deal with evolved zombies "

The group of leaders first is surprised and gets a little dissatisfied with my conditions, but then as if their memory were stimulated with my last sentence they put their eyes on the police captain and Rina. To their misfortune when they see them putting their eyes on them both, the answer of that two is a negative.

"My group has no plans to enter the city now and risk losing our sisters, right now we have enough resources and we have other thoughts to carry out."

"... our group has no interest in collecting things from the city center, for us it is enough to be able to rescue survivors. We have kept our promise not to touch any of the materials that correspond to you, so you should not have any complaints about what we're doing"

Rina is the first to speak and after saying that to them she puts her eyes on me and next the police do the same. Since they didn't have to go downtown, they had to come for another reason... I will probably have to talk to them separately later.

"Hahahaha, good, good. It seems that I've lost this time ... I didn't think that after the apocalypse someone put me in a bad position in business... but think I should have expected this.

If we compare our camps that barely struggle to survive in this world with this place that has preserved the foundations of civilization, it was obvious that the ability of the leaders who run it was different.

My group has survived so far, but I honestly do not know how far we can go before encountering a misfortune... I do not want the deaths of all of them weigh on my shoulders and I see many more possibilities to survive by joining MLDW. Alexander-san, I want your camp to accept the union of my group "

The sudden laugh of the type of glasses takes everyone off guard and makes us turn our attention to him, his laugh was not that of a crazy man so it does not cause an awkward environment and was more like he was having fun, but then his next words surprise those who are here.


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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