Soul Evolution System

Chapter 98 Problems

After being able to enjoy a good life in this apocalyptic world for a while, then a couple of things happened that affected this.

For example, the week after the events of the plan against zombies in the city I had to sit at a table in the cafeteria of the camp with the company of Komuro, Yamada, and Hirano ... they had contaminated my sanctuary where I used to spend a good time watching and eating with the girls.

Unfortunately I had to endure this because it had been Haruna who had arranged this meeting between us, well, more exactly between Komuro and me. The other two people could be said to be support for each of the two of us for what might happen by having the following discussion.

The issue to be treated as you may have already imagined was about the fact that Haruna had finally talked with her son and daughter about our relationship and since she thought we both had a good friendship with each other, she thought it was best that we talk...

When I heard her tell me that with a smile on her face I didn't have the courage to tell her that she was wrong about that, I might not have anything against Komuro but it's not like we're united either. It seems that Haruna forgot something very big that prevents the two of us from approaching each other... although he has said that does not care and has overcome it, I do not think anyone can calmly accept that the girl he liked is sleeping in the bed of another type and besides that, now he also knows that this same guy has taken his beloved mother.

For God's sake, it is impossible for him to simply say "I see, I understand. So please be happy the three of you and forget my"... I wonder if putting me in this awkward situation is the way to Haruna revenge a bit for being in a relationship with several girls?

" mother has told me everything... I don't know if it's because I'm still in shock to know that you have become my mother's boyfriend, but I honestly don't know what to say about this..."

After a long silence between the four of us at the table watching us, Komuro is the first to get into the subject. As I have already mentioned, this is also something difficult for me since it is the first time that I am in a similar situation... it is not that I do not understand him, this would be as if in my past life a classmate of my class suddenly presents himself as my mother's new boyfriend... but I am an adult now and I must face this calmly, I cannot let the discomfort prevail over me.

"... haaa, what can I say, Komuro? The world is full of mysteries and things that may surprise us... but I want to tell you that you should not worry, I will face this and strive for the inconvenience of having a relationship with your mother does not affect me"


"" ... ""

When Komuro listens to me I can see him squeeze the cutlery he was holding to eat the cake the waitresses brought us. As for the other two, they simply stay with their mouths open without saying anything... they must be surprised at how mature I am even with the physical appearance that gives me a picture of a child ...

"...well, I suppose that since it is not a normal relationship this that have both of you, for this you will also have your drawbacks... but please tell me what they could be to see if I can help you"

Komuro inhales and exhales repeatedly to tell me that and Yamada and Hirano put their eyes on me with a slightly nervous expression for what I could answer. I really don't know why they who have nothing to do with it act that way, I am the one in an awkward situation, do you know? Well, it doesn't matter, let's answer his question since it is not pleasant to observe me with those eyes all the time.

"... put yourself in my place Komuro, start a relationship with a woman who has a child almost my age-"

"Oh, so you've got problems with my Mom is elder that you or have children?"

"Hmn? No, of course not, I don't care about that."

"...well, then what is the problem?"

"That is why you should let me finish and listen. Well, back to the point, the problem is the son that in this case would be you. If this were a normal son I would have no problems, but think about it, what would happen if you hear rumors that that son has different sexual preferences? Since our ages are not very different it would be a great inconvenience if he develops feelings for me- "

"You're a damn!! You're doing this on purpose, right? !! "

"C-calm down Komuro-kun, even if you don't like this he now has a relationship with your mother... so if you fight with him you will end up in a bad position because that and also... if you attack him maybe the only one who will end up hurting will be you"


In truth he should let people finish what they are saying, again he interrupted me while I spoke and even this time he gets up with obvious anger, but it is good that before he can approach my Yamada stops him. Well, maybe I should understand him a bit since surely now whatever I say seems wrong for him, it is not something incomprehensible considering that I have taken the love of his mother.

For that reason I put my eyes on the reinforcement that I had brought with me, if anything I say will alter him, it is better than another talk. So I take a sip of coffee and I watch Hirano by my side as telling him to intervene, then when he finally notices my gaze when he stops paying attention in Komuro that trying to break free of Yamada, he swallows loudly and speaks.

"Y-Yamada-kun is right, Komuro-kun. It wouldn't be good if you attack Alexander-san since he would probably now ... he would now be your stepfather."

"Do not say that!!"

"Haaa, I understand how you feel Komuro... it really doesn't feel nice that being 12 years old others call you that way, but as I said, I will face all the consequences of having a relationship with Haruna-san, so if you want to call me father or something like that then I will try to accept it.

Come on, try it and call me Mr. Father... "

"Fuck you, Alexander!! As if ever in my life I will call you that way !! You're a bastard!! You took 2 of the things I care more in life... I could accept that you will take Rei, but as if it was enough for you, now also you will take my mother? Release me, Yamada !! I have to vent this fury on him otherwise I will go crazy!!"

"Komuro, you're wrong about that..."

"Ha... ha... in what am I wrong, scoundrel? ... everything I said is true"

While I finish drinking my coffee and Komuro shouts his complaints about me, his words get my attention and I can't help noticing that there is a big mistake in what he says, so I decide to intervene in the midst of his struggle to try to free himself from Yamada that leaves him exhausted.

When hears me he stops and when sees my serious face, affected by this, his anger also drops a little and then after catching his breath a little he asks me with an eyebrow raised in the face that expresses his doubt, so with the atmosphere a little formal that was formed I answer him.

"You are right to say that I take Rei and Haruna on your side, but... but unfortunately they are not the only people who have fallen in love with me, I cannot let you put aside your little sister Iruka-chan who also seems to interest in me... I feel that you are a bit cruel when you put it aside and forget her, you must also consider her feelings! "

"Son of a bitch !! I'll kill you !! ... Let go of me Yamada !! At least I have to protect my sister !!"

"I-I understand you Komuro, but unfortunately you can't do it... he is still the person that your mother fell in love with... besides, unfortunately he is also a camp leader"

"Well, I won't kill him, but at least let me go and so I can hit him in the face !!"

I and Hirano see the two boys discuss while I continue to eat the cake that the owner of this store prepared especially for me, it is very delicious, and Hirano only puts his eyes on Komuro which seems to have a bit of sadness in them when sees him.

I can also watch Yamada hesitate to release Komuro after hearing it... tch, that damn is really considering his words. It seems that love is stronger than the feeling of obligation of his work to protect a camp leader.

"... I did not think you were a Siscon, Komuro. But do not worry so much, I'm not a lolicon and if something happened between me and your sister would be after about 10 years ... well, perhaps 7-8 years?"

"Alexander you are- !!"

"Komuro-kun ?!"

With a completely red face, Komuro wants to say something, but before he can finish it seems that loses his consciousness by collapsing with a little blood on the edges of his lips. A little surprised Yamada prevents him from falling and hitting the ground, then after checking his condition, he relaxes a bit.

"I wonder if he inherited Haruna's trait of fainting when she is too ashamed? That we discovered that he was a siscon should have embarrassed him a lot..."

"...I don't think he was embarrassed Alexander-san... he probably fainted from the rage accumulated during the last minutes... it's the first time I've seen someone lose consciousness because of it..."

"Yes? I think I once saw a person die of fury... but I don't remember him well"

[... that time that person did not die of fury, you killed him Alexander. Although now, for a moment I thought you would manage to kill a person by making him angry.

Tell me, Alexander. Do you have anything against Komuro? I think he really had very bad luck in meeting you or at least that changed his destiny a lot]

No, I can honestly say that I have nothing against him... haa, but as you say Aurora, fate has been very cruel to him for putting a beautiful girl like Rei as her childhood friend, a sensual mature woman like her mother and a girl with a very promising future as her sister.

[... Don't you think you were a little cruel to him?]

People say that a father's duty is to be strict with his children and show them that the world is a hard place that can devour them if they are not prepared to face it. So even though it hurts me, it was my duty to teach him a valuable lesson in life since he has become something similar to my son...

[Then you shouldn't have had fun for this, right?]

...I only did it a little. Well, I admit, I had a lot of fun, but you can't blame me for this Aurora, I just couldn't help doing it when I saw all his reactions.

"Now what we do, Alexander-san?"

"Hmn? Oh, for now that Yamada takes Komuro to their bedroom to rest, I will go to Haruna to tell her that we are done with this meeting. She must be very interested in knowing how this was... now I have to think about what to say her"

"Haa, well, I'll take care of it... but Alexander-san, I think you should avoid Komuro-kun for a while... at least until he calms down a bit"

"I agree with Yamada-kun, Alexander-san... probably if he sees you in the next few days try to hit you"

"Kakaka, if that child thinks he can go against his father, he can come and try"

"" ... ""

After saying that to both of them I leave that place and go to school to inform Haruna how was my meeting with Komuro in the cafeteria. When she saw me quickly directed me to a room where we could both speak alone.

" Well, how things went at the meeting of the two pf you, Alexander? You both met better?"

"...I think he's still surprised to hear about our relationship, Haruna. Maybe the best thing we can do is give him some time for Komuro... Takashi get used to it, don't worry"

" are right, it must have been something that surprised him a lot. Even so, I am somewhat surprised that you acted more maturely than him, it seems that Takashi needs to grow in that aspect... well, although I do not want to justify myself, if you had acted as a more childish way probably wouldn't have fallen in love with you.

For now I also think that the ideal is that you give him some space to process these things. Although Takashi is somewhat stubborn, he is not someone with a narrow mind and so surely the two can get along in the future "

We started chatting with each other while I holding Haruna's hands affectionately... what? You question how can I have a clear conscience after telling her that? The answer is very clear, of course that I do it since I didn't lie in anything said...

" Do you want to spend the night in my room, Haruna? "

"'s not fair for you to do this Alexander... you know I want to do it, I don't want only the other girls to sleep next to you, but I've barely told Takashi about us and if he finds out I'm staying in your room that's probably an even bigger surprise for him, so we better wait for that. "

We get a little affectionate between the two and after several kisses and caresses I whisper in her ear, then she answers me with a face with a combination of various emotions such as longing, indecision, and regret.

Not wanting to pressure her too much since I think she has taken a pretty big step in telling her children about us, then I give her a light kiss and smiles at her so I don't make her worry. Having spent a good time with her locked in the room, we stop when Haruna sees that things are rising and then we separate for each one to do the things we should.

By the way, it seems that Iruka-chan's response when Haruna talked to her, could only be described as very curious. She bombarded her mother with constant questions that a girl would ask about love and me related issues, but to her mother's relief and joy, she took the news in a very positive way.

The days that followed this were very calm, there was only a small problem that I didn't know if I should consider it my bad luck or Komuro's. I had forgotten that he was in my group, so he also had to come to the leveling ranch on the coast... it was a little awkward to see him the next day, although I don't know if it was because the other girls were here or if he had calmed down little but apart from pouting when he saw me, the things did not move beyond that.

Besides, while the days continued to pass the mood of Komuro was also improving to the point that although he still looked upset with me at least now we could have short conversations.

Then when I thought everything was going great, another problem arose... I honestly thought something like this could happen, but as the days went by and it didn't appear until now, I had believed that I was probably wrong, but in the end, it seems that I was right.

You could say that this was rather a problem for the other groups and ours was not affected by this, but as is the custom of people, when something goes wrong the first thing they do is blame the one who received no damage for that...

That is why one day in the morning several leaders of the alliance that we had formed earlier appeared wishing to speak with the leaders of MLDW and then a meeting was held to listen to what they had to say. The truth is that we did not attend them just for this, I had several things to say and announce to them and so with that purpose, we all met again in a meeting room of the castle.

The last time I saw them all these leaders had left here with a big smile on their faces after receiving their share of what was achieved in the zombie elimination plan, but now they showed a variety of expressions.

"Well, then what did you all want to talk about with us?"

"T-this ..."

"Emm ..."

"We will go straight to the point, Alexander-san… we try to collect the materials from the city center but we had to face several problems that we did not expect"

Several leaders after hearing my question begin to stutter undecided how to express themselves, others such as Rina, Tanaka-san and the police captain seem to just wait for someone else to speak or probably they will not intervene, so the speaker is the lens leader who was in my group when we carried out the plan.


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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