Soul Evolution System

Chapter 97 Things after the plan

[Alexander level up 48]

[Kurisu level up 41]

[Saeko level up 46]

[Scythe level up 53]

When the fire finally goes out completely, like the day before, everyone absorbs the energy that the zombies release and we advance several levels. But since most people had leveled quite yesterday, now the increase is less noticeable, although it is clear that it is still considerable to have this advance in a single day.

To finish our work and be able to leave, I proceed to collect the bodies of the three streets. Well, probably the only thing I can get from these are the crystals, being charred I don't think they serve as food for the Venus.

Even so, I have no complaints about this. Surely the amount of crystals I can get from the bodies will not be very different from yesterday's and besides that, in a world full of zombies I don't have to worry about getting bodies as fertilizer for my plant.

Finishing with this work then I proceed to see the counter of murdered zombies, this grew a lot and now has the magnificent amount of [376,109]... if the approximate population of this city was 500 thousand as Yuriko-san says, then we have taken care almost 4/5 of the possible enemies here.

This undoubtedly greatly reduces the pressure I felt from having such a large number of zombies within a few tens of kilometers of our camp.

As the bodies of the zombies would not be useful to me this time, without hesitation I turn them directly into crystals and so I now have in my pocket [826,500] of these... besides, apart of the gain of the crystals, another booty I received is a similar amount of yesterday's system boxes. It is possible that most of these are not so good, but the remarkable thing about this is that I obtained 2 iron boxes that might surprise me with their content.

After doing this we all return to our camp in the city, there we talk a little with the leaders of the alliance and then after informing that we had succeeded in looting the docks, we accept that tomorrow they send a representative to help to count what we have obtained… Although it was obvious that more than to help, this was to make sure that we did not steal them. We simply let it go since it was not something incomprehensible if we put ourselves in their place.

Some seemed curious as to how we could do this so quickly, but the answer I gave them or what the other 2 leaders who accompanied me told them when they asked only managed to confuse them rather than clarify their doubts.

Although I must say that if I decided to steal them, they could not realize that since I only have to leave a part of the things in my storage and then it would be impossible for them to know.

Ending this brief meeting the people of our camp returned to our home, the castle. Then once there, we all had dinner in the great dining room and due to everything that happened in the recent 2 days, the atmosphere here was quite lively.

It was obvious that this was mainly because our group had practically no casualties and we were able to eliminate more than 200 thousand zombies. Although there were people who died in those battles, these were from the other groups.

As our soldiers had a much better team than the others, this showed their advantage when some of them were in trouble and were able to avoid the tragedy thanks to these.

In addition, the energetic they looked also had to do with how much they leveled in these two days, most of them now exceeded the 2nd limit and many even reached the 3rd.

Now it is only those who participated in the fight who are in this cheerful mood, but surely tomorrow when the information of the results of the battle is spread throughout the camp, then the residents of this will also be infected with this.

After filling our stomach and saying goodbye to those who ate with us, I and the girls who shared a room retired to rest.

As usual, before went to bed we all took a bath, unfortunately, it was in shifts according to gender. Kurisu did not seem to have softened in that sense and now also Rei that while she murmured that was not ready for that, she supports the first.

I tried to refute her words by telling her that we had already bathed together, but with the red face probably for remembering that time she only told me that now it was different at that time... I wanted to tell her that in this two months my body had not changed so much, but just having to say it hurt me a little and so, in the end, I had to bathe alone without being able to change their minds.

And finally to go to sleep I take the boxes obtained in the battle of the day today and pass them to Kurisu, Saeko, Scythe, and Leona to open it. Shisuka, Saya, and Rei observe from the side of us the things that come out of these while they have a variety of expressions for this.

Shisuka with teary eyes after trying to open one again stands next to me and hugs me while complaining a little about not being able to do it. Saya that after also having an opportunity to try a box is the one that seems more normal to be next to Kurisu just by exhaling a sigh. Then Rei gets a little angry at not being able to do it and after putting her eyes on each girl with whom she could join to observe the things that come out, in the end she approaches Leona.

The obtained are just simple objects without any pleasant surprise for the first boxes, this was something I already expected so I do not feel very discouraged by this, but when I open the iron boxes I finally get something good for me.

It was a black carbon-nanotube suit with the design of this being a little different than the others had, but the important thing was that this was my size. This looked like something a rocker would use, but the design was not unpleasant and in fact, I liked it a lot... well, that it wasn't something effeminate and that did not have a strange color was more than acceptable

If that were the case, then even if this will provide me complete immunity, probably even so I would have burned it while cursing to the system by making fun of me.

It was a 4-piece suit that consisted of pants, boots, gloves and finally a raincoat with a length to the knees. Everything was very comfortable and did not restrict my movements, so I was very happy with this since I could now get rid of the leather armor.

It was not that this displeased me, rather, it must be said that it did its job well until now and avoid that the times I was injured these were too serious. Unfortunately, it already had several torn or pierced parts, in addition its rank already was obsolete compared to what the soldiers and others used.

I had already thought about changing my equipment, but I honestly felt some attachment to this worn piece of skin. What I can say, many times we get attached to things that for others would only be useless, so although I will no longer use it I will keep it as a memento.

"You look great Alex-san"

"It's true ... it makes you look a bit more manly, Alex"

"Yes, you look so cute Alex-kun ~"


"It certainly seems that it is very appropriate for you, Alexander, but ... ¿was necessary for you to change your clothes here?"

"I'm glad that the master has a better team to protect himself"

Although I thought about releasing my new outfit tomorrow, when the girls saw the things that came out of the iron boxes they were very insistent that I try it on. Then when I finished changing with it, a shower of praise rained on me.

Saeko and Kurisu check my new look carefully and even make me do a few turns so they can see it better, and then Shisuka cheers cheerfully while I do it. Saya just stares at me without saying a word to immediately start blushing, although she is not the only one who has that reaction and Rei who praises me also does it, but in her case it is because I change in front of them.

Leona who is together with Scythe is the last one who speaks while staring at me but without any visible change in her face. Then after having pleased the girls, we all go to bed to rest.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

The following days after the massive elimination of zombies in the city are a bit boring, or at least for me. The first two days I had to spend all that time with Yoshioka's group to be able to make an inventory of what was obtained at the docks, as in truth there were many things if I only placed them in the camp they would occupy enough space.

That is why I had the task of taking out container by container and letting a group of people review and count them in case they were useful things. Also, when the leaders of the alliance found out how we transported the materials through the people they sent to "help" with this work, there were some complaints from them saying that they did not know if I would take everything to count it.

Honestly, that bothered me a bit since I didn't really need to steal them, so when they raised this issue at a meeting that was done with them for this reason, I simply told them that if they kept bothering me about it then they wouldn't get anything.

Logically they did not take things well, but after the police captain and Rina intervened saying that they had an estimate of the amount of containers in the port, things could calm down and they stopped complaining.

Although I believe that their words were only for them to stop with this subject since if it were not for the fact that my storage indicates to me the number of things that I have, I would not know well how many containers I have and doubt very much that they could do it in such a short time.

The final count after the second day was 20 thousand tons of rice, 10 thousand wheat and 20 thousand canned or packaged products for long shelf life.

Apart from food, there were also other things, such as books, metals, chemicals, cars, electrical products, etc. Among these, only a few seemed useful, the others I will have to discard at a later time.

Besides, what surprised me a bit is that we found several other interesting things, about 500 assault rifles, 700 guns, 100,000 bullets, 1,000 nanotube suits, and some other weapons or similar products.

These were probably contraband material entering or leaving the country according to Yoshioka's words, however, these were unexpected things but good.

Then when the time for distribution came, all the other groups immediately forgot their complaints when they were told that they would get 550 tons of food each of whom participated in the fight. In the end, as only 15 of the groups remained, the others decided to join us previously, so of the 55 thousand tons of food obtained in total, 8,250 were for all groups with 1%, 2, 750 for each of the groups of Rina and the police captain and for us it would be 41,250.

That is why all the leaders in the end left without any complaint about the profits they obtained... damn greedy. Because of that reason, in the following days there were constant trips of them to take their share of things. I was not going to deliver them directly to the door of their camp, so they had to move things themselves.

The only exception to this was Rina and Tanaka-san who asked me to transport the food to their base and I accept.

The first obviously because it was a place where there were only women, so it was not unpleasant to go there. In addition, she promised to give me a tour of her camp and food prepared by some of the girls in her group who were chefs and for this reason, I had no choice but to go to deliver her share of the merchandise.

It was a pleasant time and the food was not bad, although it must be said that it does not compare with that made of animals that have exceeded the first limit... sometimes I feel so tempted to roast the Haruna-san's dog, but In the end I resist the temptation with the food I brought from Gaia... when it is over and if I don't get something similar, that dog may end up mysteriously disappearing...

As for Tanaka-san, I did it because I respected him and was also curious about how they lived in his camp. Unfortunately when the girls learned that I would go there, quickly they were all inside the car... Tanaka-san and the leaders of his camp ended up being insulted by the lifestyle they had there, although I was a little envious of this.

At the end of those days, the following were a bit more entertaining. As previously I thought, among the soldiers I chose 100 with more high loyalty and together with my group went back to the port, but also this time I brought Shisuka, Haruna with us. Kurisu and Saya had also wanted to concentrate on the technology department, but I managed to convince them to come.

The 4 had a few complaints about this since they were currently busy, the first with the issue of antidotes and the second with the school. The last two people were still trying to make the energy shields, but only Kurisu who was more passionate about these investigations pouted when I told her to come, Saya on the other hand quickly agreed with my words.

But after insisting that it was for their sake, they came with us. So with this group of people returned to the port again, the objective was obviously to kill evolved zombies and sea creatures of high level.

After choosing an appropriate place we begin with our task. This was not a difficult thing since we all use long-range rifles for this, so during the following days, although we would sacrifice a little the development of some things, we repeat this activity.

If I had to say any inconvenience, it was that at the beginning many of us failed a lot in the first days by not being used to handling this type of rifles, but as with all things, the more experience we had then this was improving.

Even Shisuka who had little experience with weapons and Haruna who had nothing, soon began to take down the zombies and sea creatures.

Shisuka perhaps by not having her enemies so close, this time was only a little nervous when I gave the rifle but getting used to it she did quite well. As for Haruna, although she probably just by relying on her dog could level, as she has been strengthening lately and the energy she receives when it kills an enemy is only a small part, if she continued in this way her growth will probably become too slow and so it was better that she also do this.

Of course, since Shisuka was on this team and since it had become a custom or kind of ritual to every time I put her to kill zombies, the warming up before she did could not be missed.

And to increase my happiness, when she did it maybe Saya by habit ended up joining her and Scythe would imitate them. Then Leona saw her sister do it, after saying that it was not bad to stretch a little then she also joined them. But as if this were not enough, Haruna, seeing them, decided to accompany them while commenting that she had not exercised for a long time and that it would be good for her body to do so.

So during these days I could enjoy a good show which almost made me shed tears of joy, although I must mention that this was not happiness for everyone... I also saw Komuro cry when he saw his mother with the other girls, but of course, that wasn't for happiness, if not tears of blood for witness that.

On the other hand, as I had taken rendered all sniper rifles and long-range weapons of the camp, the other soldiers had a little vacation since to leave a team go an expedition without them was riskier.

This way I spend a week which I fully enjoy, but as usual when good things happen there is always a problem that arises to ruin this moment. Although I must say that this was something I had already thought would happen and it was only a matter of time before it appeared, it was also something I had to face sooner or later...


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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