Soul Evolution System

Chapter 96 End of the Plan

After hearing my words, everyone in the car looks very carefully towards the coast and then in the next second, I hear several of them swallow their saliva. Well, this was to be expected, as most of them are Japanese, surely miss the taste of seafood that they have not been able to eat since the apocalypse began.

"...I really miss Takoyaki a lot"

"...eating some sushi also would be great"

"...with a seafood soup to accompany the rice I conform"

Hirano says while watching the great octopus, he should have imagined already having it ready to eat it since his saliva does not stop running from his mouth. Besides, it's not just him, people with a more serious character like Saeko and Saya can't help thinking about the traditional food of their country.

The others, although they say nothing I can see the change in their eyes when they see the creatures of the sea. At first they only looked at them as dangerous enemies with whom to fight, but now the fear had left them and they observe them as if they were in a market choosing the best and freshest product.

"I regret having to disappoint everyone but unfortunately if we want to obtain the resources of the sea regularly, we will need to do many things. Probably fishing is no longer a simple task as before the apocalypse and the people who must do it need have some strength to be able to achieve "

" that's why you want the energy shields, Alex?"

"It is correct, the ideal would be to place a base in this area and be able to supply our camp with these foods a little, but for that, we will have to wait to make a safe area here.

Although before that we first have to get all the food shipments that are stored in this place... though there is also a big problem with that since we will have to fight against two groups of enemies now, haaa "

"...that may not be necessary, Alexander-san. There may be strong creatures between the two groups that are fighting now, but if it is as before and the intelligence of these remains equal of animals, perhaps we can take advantage of that."

I answer Kurisu as I observe the struggle of the two races that were still going on and which had no signs of stopping soon. Maybe the number of zombies of more than 150 thousand that we expected to be in this place has been greatly reduced by this, but unfortunately, the amount of sea creatures is not small and then if we add both groups probably the number we expected to fight does not change much of which we estimate at the beginning or maybe are even greater.

" Do you have any ideas, Saya? "

But then after my sigh, Saya speaks commenting that making everyone's attentions turn to her, I was not the exception to this either and interested in the idea she may have questioned her to continue.

"...I just thought that if both groups are totally focused on just the enemy they have in front of their eyes, if we attack them from a distance they may not even notice that something else is attacking them"

...well, no doubt that may be very feasible. Probably neither group will notice or care why suddenly some enemy with whom they are fighting is shot down. For any of them, it will only be a joy to have something to feed on and not pay attention to the fact that it was a bullet that provided them.

"Hirano, let's go through the hatch to see how those creatures react if we carry out the idea of

Saya. Yamada, contact the other two leaders to tell them that we will try some things and be prepared in case we need to leave right away."

As I give instructions I get up from my seat and go to the hatch of the TR-12, behind my Hirano follows me while I also listen to Yamada take the radio to do what I asked. Once on the roof of the car, I took one of the weapons with the highest caliber for long-distance shooting, a 97-type anti-tank rifle and handed it to Hirano.

"Just focus on shooting the biggest creatures that you see, Hirano"


This weapon compared to others was simply a monster... it had a length of more than 2m and considerable weight, so I had to help Hirano to accommodate it on the roof of the car and to be comfortable to aim.

[Bom] [Bom] [Bom]

Then seconds later, small explosions began to be heard rhythmically. Hirano was looking for a target among the crowd of the two groups, pointed and shooting, as a result of this, several E3 zombies and large sea creatures ended up lying on the sand of the sea with the addition of a huge new hole in their bodies.

Besides, it was not only effective for those of that level, the great crab and the zombie E4 who fought ended up with the same fate. Nor could I say that this was strange, these two creatures might have strong defenses but this weapon with its 20mm caliber was initially designed to drill war tanks, so although that bone and shell armor can be effective against bullets of the guns or assault rifles, but unfortunately for them not for those of this rifle since the metal crossed them without much difficulty.

With whom he had a bit of trouble was with the crab, but it was more than anything that Hirano found a bit difficult to find a body fatal point for it. So that this continued moving despite having several new holes but in the end, after a minute finally collapse.

Witnessing constant strong creatures to fall was a very good thing to see, but the most important thing was to know the reaction of the two groups to these shots, but then after several minutes a great smile forms on my face.

Saya's assumptions were correct and the battle of the two groups continued without paying attention to us, although I cannot say that we have gone completely unnoticed since some zombies that were close to us were attracted by the sound of the detonations of the shots, but these were something we could easily handle.

If we put a group of snipers to shoot and some soldiers with short-range weapons defending them, Saya's plan should be able to be implemented without any problem.

Also, there was one thing that I notice, as this place had a lot of zombies and sea creatures that exceeded the first limit. So if you think about it, this was practically a field where you could level a group of people so that they were strengthened in a very short time.

If I start fighting a group of about 100 men here, they will surely reach 4 limits easily. Of course, the girls in my group would also be included in this group, although they may be in a limit more higher than the soldiers and so do not can increase many levels, even so, this place would be perfect as a farm to gain experience easily.

"It seems that Saya's plan is feasible... but for now we will not concentrate on this. First, we will take the things that are in the stores and leave the elimination of zombies and sea animals for later, since both groups are fighting on the shore probably won't be difficult to complete our main objective "


After killing several creatures on the coast, I and Hirano returned to the car, although the others witnessed the things, anyway I inform them of the results. But having the idea of

turning this place into my leveling ranch, I decided to only complete the purpose for which we came here and let eliminating creatures this place for more later.

Finishing informing the other two groups that accompanied us, the cars take their way to the warehouses that were not very far from where we were, so we quickly reached them.

Without wasting time we all descend from the vehicles and go directly to the facilities killing any zombie that crossed our path, thanks to the greater concentration of enemies is located on the coast we made our way without much effort.

There were not many buildings and more than a store, most of the resources were here arranged in a large open area in large metal containers used on ships or trains to transport them easily. Not had complaints about this, it just made easier our work since I just had to cover them with my domain and then store them, also it is an advantage we did not have to be watching the walls or ceiling. If I had to say any disadvantage about this, is that I didn't know the content of the things they had inside.

It is possible that many of the things that these containers have inside are useless or if they were perishable foods and these no longer be edible, but I do not have to worry about that much, I will only take it to the camp and let someone else see if they can be used or not.

The number of containers was numerous and causing us to take some time to store all of them, but still to be able to get all this was much quieter than I had originally thought, so we can say that today It was a great day and that the whole plan was a success.

" you could not only make things appear out of nowhere but also disappear them... before when you told me it was magic I could only think that you were making fun of me, but seeing all this I can only think that what you told me is true... otherwise the other thing to can make sense of this is that I 'm going crazy and I'm hallucinating "

"...this world has become totally crazy, so we cannot rule out that possibility Rina-san"

"It makes no sense to think about that now, what matters is that we completed our goal and now we can go back and see how things continued where the other leaders of my camp stayed"

When I finish storing the last container in sight, the two leaders of the other groups approach me and speak to me. Well, there was still a good number in several cargo ships docked at the docks, but unfortunately they will have to wait since are in the area of

the coast where the battle of the two groups takes place.

Both together with those of their groups were also surprised when the containers disappeared from nowhere, but it was good that they did not make a fuss at that time and let me continue doing my work without bothering me, although in the end they ended up expressing their thoughts for what they saw.

Without waiting for their answers I turn on the way to the direction of the cars, I can feel the look of both, but I ignore them since I am more interested in seeing if the plan in that place could be completed successfully. Then moments after I start walking with my group they also do the same.

With the things we had to do completed here, we left the port and the battle that didn't seem to end. My only regret was not being able to pick up the huge crab that Hirano killed... in a minute its body was covered with zombies trying to devour it and to get to it I would have to fight with all of them.

Some time later we arrived at the place where the group had stayed to cover our backs and apparently they did not have many problems to kill the zombies that came in the direction of the port. I pick up the Venus with the poke-ball and call Scythe to get in the car, as there were not many bodies to pick up since they were eaten by the first one then we simply give orders to leave and this group also joins the caravan to go to the three streets on fire.

Not long after I, Rina and the police captain took separate paths for each one to go to the battlefield where we fought previously, the only difference is that now the group of armored cars accompanies me.

It didn't take long to see the fire continued to burn and had not died out... it seems that human bodies provide a lot of fuel for the flames. Seeing the path of fire we reached where it started and Yoshioka with those who were there watching the scene.

The first thing I notice when getting out of the car is the unpleasant smell that had spread, I had forgotten this. When the girls prepared to accompany me, while open the doors they quickly change their minds and just hurry me out and close so as not to let the smell in.

Saeko and Leona wanted to follow me, but seeing on their faces that they were not immune to this plague, I simply told them to wait in the car since it was not necessary for them to suffer.

So, for this reason, the only ones who accompany me are the boys and Scythe who seem unaffected by this. Before when I saw the boys staying in the car together with the girls, I had to go back and get them out of there... damn it! If I was going to suffer I wouldn't do it alone.

"How were things on your side"

"There were many things that surprised us but we were able to complete our main objective that we had to do when we went there, don't worry, we'll talk about it later in more detail.

Now I have a couple of more important things that I need to ask you, Yoshioka. The first is the same question you did, how were things here? ... and the second is how the hell can you stand here with this smell so quiet?! You are a camp leader, so surely nobody complains if you stay in the car watching what happens "

"... maybe once you get used to it stop bothering you, and answering your first question, everything went without any big problem as for the zombies, they just continued burning without causing many problems.

There is an only slight concern, although for our group this may not be a problem. Many of the zombies that burned when trying to move away from the fire entered the buildings next to the streets and for this reason, the other leaders of the alliance worry that the fire can spread throughout the city "

"Alexander-san, if the city burns then the resources that belonged to our groups will burn along with it. If that happens I think it will be necessary to change the percentage of things obtained in the port for all of us"

The type of lens that was also present complains after Yoshioka speaks, well, no doubt if the whole city burns it would be inconvenient for them.

"There is no need for that, the fire will not spread throughout the city, I have something that can prevent that, so don't worry. For now, let's allow the fire to continue for a while longer and burn more zombies if is possible "

"All right"


Yoshioka does not doubt my words and answers while nodding, as for the other guy, he only puts his vision on me for a while and in the end says nothing.

These were not words without well-founded or I just was trying to calm the type of lenses, when I heard Yoshioka say about the problem, I worried for a moment but then remembered that I had the scroll to create rain that got from a system box, with this I should solve the inconvenience of the fire expanding beyond these streets.

Having obtained the information I wanted and with nothing more to say I quickly return to the car, being here really was torture. When I enter the car again, at some point during my dialogue with the two men who are now outside, Shisuka had entered here.

Seeing her act as usual, I can say that she had no problem while we left, that makes me happy but what is better is that now I have my soft pillow to rest.

A couple of hours before nightfall I decide to put an end to the flames, the concerns of the other leaders were not unfounded since several buildings adjacent to the streets were burning now. I take the rain parchment and after consulting with Aurora what amount of crystals was adequate for it to cover the entire city, then I use it.

The use of this is not different from the previous ones, the only thing you need was to supplement the crystals and this immediately activates. Only as it could be something striking, we move away a little to not be seen by people from other groups.

It was indeed a successful action since after I put the crystals and assigned the area where this will be used when I receive the information of the parchment in my head, a glow from the sky rises and black clouds begin to form, then they cover completely the city and the rain descends from the sky.

Upon returning to where the others were, the fire began to be stifled. When approaching me, the only one who sees me in a slightly different or intrigued way was the type of glasses, as I told him that I would take care of the fire before, now he must have in his mind a debate if this rain is just chance or has something to do with me.


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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