Soul Evolution System

Chapter 103 Three days later

The three days that I gave the other leaders to take what they could from the center of the city before our groups started to go and collect all the resources ended yesterday. Although these, more than give them some advantage, it was a time to make some small adjustments to the camp and to process all things to integrate a good number of people since in the end, when the leaders who did not join found out that they could be part of MLDW as mercenaries and not having to be subject to our orders, then they returned asking us to let them integrate with all their group.

But most of the leaders of other camps preferred and were satisfied to have the rank of captains and be part of the soldiers, so only 7 groups of mercenaries had been created in MLDW.

These 7, mainly refused because when they joined did not want to lose their resources, but now being able to keep most of them with them, then they had no problems with being part of our camp.

Since food had become an economic power today, we logically could not let people in our camp have enough resources to create opposition to us the leaders.

So skillfully Yuriko-san turned to bureaucratic things to reduce their funds, land was sold to they can build their house or base for a good sum and this was not given free like the others, they were also given charge a fee to found a group of mercenaries and another to obtain permission to carry weapons in the camp.

Finally, with the same purpose in mind, they were offered things to equip better themselves. It was clear that I was not going to sell firearms, but I could get in the system crossbows and other less risky weapons for their use that worked very well against enemies that are not over the 3rd limit.

So although these would be considered as rich men in the camp, they would not become a problem since their resources had dropped considerably and because of this, they could not keep an excessive number of people under their orders.

…Well, I must be honest and say that I was not entirely partial for all these leaders. Yuriko-san told me that Rina wanted to negotiate things with me herself, so when I went to the land that her group had bought at the camp, that gathering of girls was quite persuasive to gain advantages from me ... the group of girls that received me practically they were in underwear and besides that, they even leaned their soft bodies constantly against me.

So I have no choice but to omit one of the quotas to this group... also, the equipment that they bought me I sold almost 50% cheaper than to the others. If Leona and Scythe had not accompanied me at the insistence of the other girls of that I needed someone to protect me, then they would probably have obtained everything for free... so maybe I should thank them for that and not curse in my head for bringing my two subordinates.

Another of the group of mercenaries that obtained some advantages was that of Tanaka-san, for our friend I reduced the fees a bit and gave him a 5% discount for buying weapons. Interestingly it was who we got more resources since insisted a lot that I sell him an armored car. The motive? He wanted to show off in front of his girls that he had a good car, it seems that it was one of his dreams during his college time... then after he begged me for a good time, I decided to sell him one that was for personnel transport but without weapons and thus help him achieve one of his wishes.

But to tell you the truth, I'm a little worried about him, most of the mercenaries have resources to stay for a while and they are all concentrating on building their residences. His group, on the other hand, I don't know if they have money to hire people to build their house... they probably need to go on an expedition soon because otherwise, they won't even have to eat.

"Mom, be very careful... if things in Kinato are so bad then it's better for you and dad to come and stay at MLDW"

"Don't worry, Rei, things are certainly a bit complicated there, but your father and his group are not so weak for the other two sides to oppress him, besides all the things we carry will be very helpful for him... I know I said before that it is probably better for you to stay in this camp, but are you sure you don't want to come with me, Rei?"

"E-emmm ..."

At this time we were out of the camp to goodbye Kiriko-san on her return trip to Kinato and the police captain's group was already here with several vehicles waiting to leave.

Then mother and daughter say goodbye while hugging each other with affection, apparently the first one had told the second one to stay here, but perhaps her maternal instinct sprouted when she had to say goodbye to her making it inevitable to ask Rei that. She looks directly at her mother's face and then at me, next makes a somewhat distressed gesture biting her lower lip, but before she can say anything to Kiriko-san, she speaks first while stroking her cheek.

"... I understand, don't worry Rei ... just remember the things we talked about and don't make me a grandmother yet"


"Hahaha, boy take care of my daughter for me"

"... it is fine, but ... Can I ask you something personal, Kiriko-san?"

"Hmn? Sure."

" aged are you older than Haruna and Yuriko-san, Kiriko-san ?"

"Why do you want to know that? Well, it doesn't matter. I think I'm 3 years older than Haruna and 1 than Yuriko, is n't it ?"

Kiriko-san ignores the Rei's claim that does while blushes because of what she had said and then speaks to me, although she was laughing a little when telling me to take care of Rei, I could also distinguish the seriousness with which she asked me that. That's why the first part of my answer replied to her with a similar environment, but there was one thing that kept me intrigued and a little worried during these 3 days, so I continue to ask her that question.

When she hears my inquiry, she blinks several times when confused by the sudden question. I thought that like any woman she would bother a little to talk about her age, but I had to know that, it is good she doesn't seem to care and answers me.

"... What's up boy? Why do you put that face on?"

Upon hearing the answer I can't help but frown... then she sees me and do the same and then now is her turn to ask about my reaction while this time the attention of everyone here is on me.

"I'm just a little worried... even though only have a 3-year difference between you, they both still look like very young women and instead you look like an older woman ..."



With my words, almost everyone freezes where they are and Kiriko-san only opens the mouth dropping her jaw without saying anything while she sees me and although Rei is surprised a little, she can still react to start comparing her mother with the two women mentioned.

After several seconds of seeing the differences between the 3 women, Rei had to realize why my concern and now she makes a face even more distressed than before when Kiriko-san asked her to accompany her.

You can't blame her for that, most women care about her looks and now she realized that when she and the other girls reach their mothers' age, she is probably the one with the worst genetics to youth retention.

"Don't worry Rei, probably by the time you reach that age then I can help you look much younger."

" R-really ?! "

Seeing Rei like this, I can't help saying something to cheer her up, this quickly comes into effect and asks me with great encouragement in her voice, so I assent in confirmation to she can relax.

"B-brat… how can you tell that to your future mother-in-law ?! Besides, you know I'm armed, right ?! And you Rei, what do you think you're doing by getting on his side! This is where you should say that he is wrong and your mom looks very young! "



"Fufufu, calm down Kiriko-san... or you will get more wrinkles"

" Damn! Yuriko, are you looking for a fight? Take that big smile off your face, you just get younger because all you did is spend all the time in your mansion without worries! And you Haruna stop to get happy for the words of that brat!"

... I thought she wouldn't mind things like her age, but it seems I was wrong. She attacks practically anyone who would have had a different reaction from the surprise that most showed.

" not worry Kiriko-san, also I'll help you to have a younger appearance more forward"

"Well, brat. In the future, I'll make sure to show you how bad a mother-in-law can be! Just wait and see!"

I wanted to try to reassure her a little and I thought she would be happy to listen to me, but I only get her to become angrier... without being able to endure the shame since Yuriko-san continued to have a big smile no matter what she said and Haruna also seemed in her own world holding her cheeks with the hands while smiling and ignoring Kiriko-san.

Her words worried me a little, but I know that when I get something to rejuvenate people and give it to her, then she will forget all this... probably... or more well, so I hope. But I know that Rei's father, who I still don't know, will thank me even more since he will be the one who enjoys the rejuvenation of Kiriko-san, so maybe I can have the help of him.

Because of the anger, Kiriko-san practically yells at the police captain to start driving and then we see them leave.

"Alexander, you didn't have to say that... now my mom is mad at you, haa... I hope she and my dad are fine"

"Do not worry, as your mother said before, with the things that the police captain wore and those we gave to her, then their group could be strengthened a bit, besides... I think we will see them sooner than you think."

It comforts Rei a little as she gets a little discouraged when she sees her mother leave. Spending several minutes of the departure of that group, we all return to the castle to prepare for the work that we had to carry out today.

As we will begin the collection of resources that are in the center of the city, we should postpone going to the coast to kill zombies and high-level creatures, although perhaps there is no difference in this since we will surely find many zombies evolved there.

The soldiers I chose to go to the coast before have leveled off quite well, so they can surely perform much better now that we go to the city. So when I wanted to leave with my group, I think it would be a waste not to take advantage of the coast leveling ranch, so that's why I'm going to talk to Yuriko-san so she can form another group and go there with them.

"...what happens Alexander-kun? It's weird that you come looking for me... or at least lately"

"... I will go to the city to start collecting the things there and I thought it would be better if you went with a group to the coast in my place. You should already know that killing zombies or other creatures people can be strengthened, so I think it is better to take advantage of the coast to do just that.

I will leave half of the men who have accompanied me these last days, as they are already accustomed to fighting in that place, so it will be easier for the new ones that you take there to adapt to things "

As I was still angry with her because she did not keep her promise, I speak directly to her and say only the subject I want to discuss acting very differently than when I normally spoke with her before.

"...I understand. Wait! Alexander-kun... emmm, have I done something to make you angry?"

Getting my answer then I turn to leave without paying attention to her frown, but when I take the first step to get out of here, unable to bear my attitude towards her anymore, she stops me and asks me.

"Yuriko-san, I don't like being lied to and before when I rescued Soichiro you had promised me a reward for doing it... but after all this time I received nothing"

"E-eh? Reward? ... Oh, that's true."

Shit! At first, I thought she was only acting to not pay her debt to me, but seeing her surprised expression and that she starts thinking as if she were trying to remember something, everything indicates that she had really forgotten it!

"D-don't get mad, Alexander-kun... at that time a lot of things happened and I ended up forgetting it, I'm sorry. I see so that's why you were treating me coldly... fufufu, I think you're right and people should pay the things they got engaged to.

Let me think for a few days how to reward you for that... this time I assure you that I will not forget this and make sure you enjoy your expected reward fully "


Seeing that now I was not only a little disappointed with her since surely my anger manifested in my face, so she speaks quickly to try to calm me down. Hearing that she did not plan to evade her responsibility with me, as fast as my fury besieges from within me, in the same form disappeared and the feeling that replaced it was the anxiety and excitement of obtaining my reward.

Yuriko-san, seeing me was calmer comes closer to me and then shakes my whole body by slowly whispering those last words.

"Well, I'm glad we solved our problem, but now we both have to go out to do our own activities, see you later Alexander-kun"

A hard time wasted in my mind trying to imagine what kind of reward she will give me while my eyes watch the swing of Yuriko-san's hips moving away from me to prepare to go to the coast. When I lose sight of her, I return to my senses and also go to where the group that would accompany me was.

"Did something good happen for you to smile like that, Alex?"

"... no, nothing. It's just that I'm motivated to go kill the zombies in the city, but there is a change of plans. We will divide the group we planned to take in two, Yuriko-san will take a half to the coast to continue hunting the enemies there, so we will replace those who leave with the soldiers of other teams "

When Kurisu sees me coming back, she asks me that. So as of all the girls, she is the one I want least to know this, I quickly change the subject. If she discovers it, instead of a reward the only thing I will receive is a punishment... but it is a relief that no one continues to ask something about my sudden good mood and they just move to carry out my instructions.

Minutes later the people who normally follow me along with 50 men who I had trained on the coast and another 50 that I gathered from other groups of soldiers advanced to the city.

The plan is that we first deal with the zombies that still move along the city street, then those of houses and small pace like that and finally those found in buildings and large establishments.

Of course, while we do that will also collect anything that is useful to us, so with that in mind, the wheels of the cars in which we are going are rolling down the streets in the direction of the city.


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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