Soul Evolution System

Chapter 104 Exploration in large buildings

The two days after Rei's mother left toward Kinato with the police captain's group, I along with my team and 100 soldiers toured the streets of the city center as we had planned.

Thanks to the great reduction of zombies that we had achieved with the previous plan, this became a very simple task. Well, it also helped a lot that the skills of the 50 men I had taken to the coast to level had greatly improved.

This was more noticeable when compared to the other 50 that accompanied us, these were not bad since they were not newbies who were just beginning to fight against zombies and also their strength and other basic statistics were not very different from the others. But certainly, the 50 men who had exceeded their 3rd limit were superior in terms of reflexes, their senses, and performance using their weapons.

So now I had created my own special forces squad and what was even better, it was that their loyalty to me rose along with their levels.

Therefore, having good soldiers to rely on, we split into smaller teams to cover more land and make the street cleaning faster. In truth, they did not disappoint me and we were able to complete that objective in just two days and in this way in the third one, we could start with the smaller buildings.

When we reached this point, everything became a bit more complicated since I constantly received news that some teams were surprised by evolved zombies and where some were injured. Clearly, those who took the worst part were the other 50 men of whom several had the bad luck to die, but although this was unfortunate, I could not say that I was very affected by that.

If those who had fallen it was about one of the other 50 men, then I will be more affected... I had spent almost 2 weeks training them, so if they die, then all my time would be a total waste!

Leaving them aside, my team had things a little easier since we were able to avoid any ambush thanks to my domain, but when I checked house by house, I realized a fatal flaw that I had missed in this ability.

At first, I had assumed that this had a half-sphere shape that extended all around me, but while we were reviewing in constructions of more than 2 floors I could realize my mistake since when we entered these, I could not feel presences in higher floors.

I thought it was simply because there was no one in these, but then when we went up to check we got a surprise when 2 E2 agility zombies appeared. The first one was treated by me that thanks to my ability [Limit-break] I was able to end it easily even though it took me off guard. The other to Komuro's bad luck took him as a target by knocking him down on the ground, but thanks to his suit of carbon tubes and Hirano that blew the head of that enemy, things did not get bigger.

Then I had to conclude that my domain was more a kind of very flat sphere that certainly it covered a lot of distance around me, but up and down it probably did not exceed 5m ... if I think about it, being still in a lower range that my other abilities, this makes a lot of sense.

The good thing is that the only cost to discover this, although somewhat late, was that Komuro wallowed for a few moments with a zombie and also that no girl was injured due to my carelessness. Unfortunately, when I express my gratitude to him for his sacrifice saying something like "Your passionate moment with that zombie was not in vain Komuro, it has helped me realize some of my defects" he answers angrily with " What passionate moment ?! For one moment I thought I was going to die! "

I think he exaggerates a little, I can't let him die so easy since otherwise Haruna could be very sad and could also affect Rei a bit.

But even so, with this as a warning, we were more careful when entering other houses or constructions and so, it took us more time in which we could move to the large constructions or buildings that would surely have more zombies in them.

As for the collection of materials, if this was not much, then the soldiers would be responsible for transporting it in vehicles that each team had. If the amount was enough, they just had to stack it out at the entrance where they found things and then report to me to pick them up before returning to camp.

As we had practically become the only group in the city, most of the survivors who were here had already been rescued or they left by themselves after the number of zombies was reduced. Also, the mercenaries were now concentrated on creating their bases in the camp and they didn't have the time to leave outside, so we didn't have to worry about someone else taking these things.

It was not until the 6th day that Kiriko-san had left that we went to check the last places that were missing from the city and as I had thought, the number of enemies we had to face within them, increased.

With a greater number of zombies, we not only had to face those of an E2 level more frequently, but the E3 had also increased and we no longer encountered them individually and sporadically, but we had to fight with them more constantly.

"This is one of the largest buildings in the city ... it will surely be much riskier than the previous places we have been"

Saya speaks suddenly while I saw the place we had to clean of zombies today to can return to the camp and as she says it was a high-rise building compared to others we have been... it is probably about 25 or 30 stories.

She and Kurisu came since when completing the development of the plans I gave them, the pressure on the technology department had dropped a lot and now they could take more free time and only had to go occasionally to help improve these devices.

"Well, since what Saya says is very likely, then everyone be careful and don't neglect"

After giving everyone a warning, we immediately move on to the building. Inside it was not as dark as other places because it had large translucent windows that gave good lighting, but unfortunately, this did not provide good ventilation making the stale smell could still be noticed immediately when we set foot inside.

The first floor was very simple to explore since being the reception of the building, the people who had to be here were few and also probably most of the zombies of this level went to the streets.

As expected, the more we increased, the number of zombies grew causing the constant sounds of the bullets shot make echo and the flashes of the guns illuminate the place a little more, but we found nothing out of the ordinary and so that we could continue at a constant pace plant after plant.

The building appeared to be used as offices for small businesses, this can be seen because as we were more up we only find areas divided into small cubicles where people had to work and besides that, zombies here were dressed formally wearing with tie... maybe if they could talk, then they would complain greatly... it was a cruel thing that when they were alive, people like them already had the nickname of work zombies and now they really became one...

The least we can do for them is to let them rest and hope that their next life is better... with that thought in mind, we continue while we shooting down those zombies and then soon we pass the level 10, 20 and finally we reach the 25 leaving a few to complete with this building.

Unfortunately, when I thought we could complete this place safely and without any problems so we could return, we had a big problem.

When we were killing the poor labor zombies of this plant, I suddenly felt several presences coming in our direction upon entering my domain and then when I put my eyes to the place where they were going, from the stairs leading to the 26th floor a lot of evolved zombies began to invade this level.

It seemed that the stairs had turned into the entrance of an anthill, but instead of ants that flowed from this, what came out of there it was evolved zombies E2, E3 and even saw a couple of E4 type agility.

"W-what's going on ... why there are so many evolved zombies coming here?!"

"... Shit! Probably in this building there is one of those zombies that attacked the camps of Gloterus-san and Rina-san!"

"If we all stay together in the same place they will all charge to where we are... we have to separate!"

"Hirano is right, we cannot let the whole group of them run together in our direction, separate a little so that they do too!"

Watching the dozens of evolved zombies appear suddenly at the same time, this inevitably causes some concern in all of us. Besides, seeing such a number of these gathered here, I had also reached the same conclusion as Yamada that in this building an E2 or E3 zombie type intelligence had to hide and it had gathered its group of subordinates on the upper floors... or perhaps knowing its way of acting, we will surely force it to go up, but as there was no other way out at the end, then came the point that the pressure on it was too much and it had no choice but to send its minions to fight ...

Also, it seems that it was not the only one who thought about strengthening his group by killing zombies... seeing the level of all of them I realize that this intelligent zombie must have had a good time making them hunt since it even managed to have E4 at their disposal.

The number of enemies continued to increase with each passing second and the words of Hirano were true, as all those zombies were heading in a grouped way towards us, we could only bring down those who were more in front and so they were inevitably gaining ground and we were getting closer and closer.

That is why I quickly give the instruction to separate us and make them also take different goals to ungroup them. It was a pity that we were already in a small place, so this could only lessen the pressure on us very little.

...all of us who had firearms constantly changed their cartridge to continue firing, but seeing that the number of zombies emanating from the stairs did not seem to decrease, I began to worry and also remembering that the last intelligence zombie we faced had been able to gather almost 100 evolved more than a month ago, then my concern grew when I considered that the one who is here would have a larger army.

Moreover, these were not normal zombies that move slowly, so if we gave back trying to escape from here, then we only would become prey more easy for them ...

As we separated then the falling zombies increased, but even so, it was inevitable that the distance of our two groups would be shortened and that is why Scythe, Leona, Saeko and I had to move forward to fight closely to reduce the pressure of those who shot.

"Kurisu! Be careful!! A zombie is approaching you from above on the roof!!"

Even with this, it was impossible for the four of us to call the attention of all the zombies on us, or that we could stop all them from moving towards the others. So then while I drew my sword from a Force-Type E3 with which I fought, I notice an agility-type E4 that ran quickly for the roof in the direction of Kurisu who was concentrating on shooting other enemies with her rifle.


By my shout, she quickly removes her eye from the sight of the rifle and raises her head to see the zombie that was quickly heading towards where she was kneeling with one of the windows of the building behind her. Quickly she points her weapon towards this and fires several times... unfortunately perhaps because of the nervousness and pressure to see it approaching at high speed. Although she manages to hit the body of this, she had not hit a vital part and only managed to make the E4 roar because of that.

"A-Alex ..."

"Graaawh !!"

Seeing that the zombie would soon reach her, I hear Kurisu call me with panic in her voice but in the next second, it is overshadowed by the roar of the one who was preparing to launch on her...

Obviously I had not stood still just watching, the moment I warned her of that zombie, I was already running towards her as fast as my feet allowed me to do. It was a relief that although she failed to kill it with her shots, at least she managed to reduce the speed a little with which it moved.

So when the zombie launched itself by spreading its arms with the claws preparing to hold her and to be able to nail its fangs in her, I had managed to position myself below it to be able to drill my sword and divert it from its trajectory to prevent it from touching Kurisu.

It was a good thing that these zombies had evolved to be agile and thanks to this, they didn't have heavy bodies and so when I pierced my sword in its body, I kept pushing with all my strength to move it to the side and then when I saw that it couldn't reach my Kurisu, I try to tear with the sword the body of this cursed zombie who tried to hurt her.

"Grawww !!"

The zombie falls to the side of where she was and hits several furniture of the place, but even though I had opened its belly and it had the organs coming out of its body, it quickly gets up and tries to attack us again.

"Go back, Kurisu!!"

I shout her while block one of its claws with my sword that was approaching me and at the same time activate my ability [Limit-break] to evade two of its other hands with which it attacked me... shit! It was really a nuisance that this thing grew more hands.

I manage to evade them easily and back off, but not without first firing this with my gun. Unfortunately, the bullets only pierce the flesh of one of the arms with which its deformed face was covered, then I removed the magazine from the weapon and inserted a new one to shoot it again. It may not cause it much harm with this, but at least I can distract it and make it harder for the zombie to attack me.

"Alex, watch out !!"

While I was focused on dealing with this zombie E4, Kurisu's shout makes me turn my head to discover a great body that was running towards me... this was nothing but a force-type E3 that with great steps approached the place where the two of us were fighting...


The sound of Kurisu's rifle is heard along with the roar of it but she only manages to hit its shoulder, she must have been afraid of being able to hit on me who was in the same path as it and so she could just aim to cause it that damage

He complained about the wound, but due to its large size and resistance, it didn't seem to care much and I kept running until it got a few feet away from me. Then at that moment I really felt that I was in trouble, I already had an enemy with whom I had to be careful and now another was joining... also, as previously I had used my [Limit-break] ability and it took several minutes to pass to I can use it, so I had to face these two with only my reflexes.

The only good thing was that these two were not as if they coordinate to kill me and instead, they looked fighting over who was the first to eat me... well, surely that is not listening great either...

In the end, as I decided to concentrate more on the E4 since I believed that being a higher limit this would be more dangerous, so I try to find a position where it will block the other zombie and thus I can avoid fighting with both.

Unfortunately, I soon discovered that this was a bad decision... E4 might have a higher limit, but E3 only stepped on this zombie using its large body to do it aside and continue charging towards me.

This surprised me quite a bit, but I still fired my weapon at the damn who decided to skip the order in which I had decided to take care of them. Because of the short distance between us, I managed to hit its eyes with the bullets, thus blinding and causing it great damage...

But even with this, I could not stop its charge and I only managed to it act violently... I could not escape backward since the glass of the building where the outside was visible prevented me and when I wanted to go to my left, then the E4 appeared to avoid it ... Shit!

Then, soon I felt that I was being lifted and something was pressed my whole chest ... the zombie E3 had managed to hold me with its big hand and probably if I wasn't wearing my new nanotube suit this would have calmed its claws on me, but... it was a shame that it could not provide me much protection for what followed.

Maybe because this was blinding or just because the damn didn't have much intelligence. The fuking zombie, when it held me kept running until it hit my body against the glass of the building with all its strength and inertia...


[Hp-150] [Hp 340/490]


The first thing I felt was that all my bones complained about the strong impact and the pain that ran through my whole body, but mainly in my back and head, then the next thing was the feeling of weightlessness while my vision turned black...

"Alex, noooo!!!"


"Alexander-san! ... no, it can't be ..."



Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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