Soul Evolution System

Chapter 105 Regrets and Blisses

(POV Kurisu)

Things in the building became very bad when what looked like a flood of evolved zombies began to fill this plant, this was undoubtedly the worst situation we had been since Alex and I arrived in this world.

Certainly, this world had become a place where it was difficult to survive but our situation was never so bad, in fact, I think that to be an apocalyptic world we could live very well here... but in this situation, I could not prevent negative emotions from coming to my head

"Kurisu! Be careful !! A zombie is approaching you from above on the roof !!"

When I saw the zombie walking on the roof and that quickly approaching me, the panic began to erupt from within me and strangely, this makes that images of the scene where my own father wanted to stab me they began to arise in my head, so along with these I could only think that this zombie would get to where I am and it would take my life ... that although I was in another world I could not avoid the destiny that wanted me dead.

"A- Alex ..."

So when I saw that the zombie was about to attack me, I could not help saying the name of the person who had rescued me from a bad end in my own world wishing he would help me again, and then without letting me down, he appeared near me to ward off death from me again.

When I saw him I could calm down a little, it was strange, although he has grown a little in recent months, even with a thin body and being a little smaller than me, just by being by my side he made me feel safe and made me believe that he could block or remove any danger that would try to reach me.

"Kurisu goes back"

Finishing blocking the zombie and throwing it away from where we were, without turning with me, raise his voice to ask me to move away. So since I didn't want him to be distracted by me and something bad would happen to him, I quickly followed his instructions to go away from there.

Logically I could not do it carelessly and besides that, I could not remain without doing anything since the zombies continued to coming out of the stairs.

I look up, view around to see the situation of others and also take down the zombies that I could with my weapon, doing this I realize that the others were trying to regroup, or rather, they were forced to do so since we were exceeded in number by the zombies that continued to gain ground in this plant.

Then I noticed one of the great zombies start running to where Alex was fighting with the another who had 6 arms, probably because he focused on the first of his enemy who was in front, he is not aware of this that charge again them and so I try to warn him with the voice strongest than I could do.

"Alex, watch out!!"

He turns his head right away and then when sees the big zombie, he makes a face of dislike for the bad moment of this to take it as his target. I try to help him, but I was in a bad place to be able to spread this and only managed to hurt it without being able to stop it.

I wanted to yell at others to help him, but unfortunately, everyone had their hands occupied with their own enemies. So what happened a minute later makes my heart stop for a few seconds...


The great zombie manages to hold Alex with one hand and as it continues running, it hits him against the glass wall of the building... when I witnessed that, I only felt that my heart was compressed as if the blow was received by myself... but then what followed it was even worse.

"Alex noooo!!!"

The glass is broken and the zombie along with Alex falls from the building... feeling that my soul was torn to see that, a great scream from my mouth causing everyone to direct their vision to where he was fighting before to also see the Two fall.

"Alex-san !!"

"Alexander-san... no, it can't be..."

"Alexander !!"

Joining the echo of my voice, the shout of Saeko-san, the stifled voice of Saya-chan and the lament of Rei are heard throughout the building, I even got the impression that the zombies in the place stopped a little for our sudden act. No, not only was that, at that moment it seemed that time stopped for a few seconds while most of the girls here wished that this was an illusion, or to see Alex re-enter the building somehow by that broken glass in the next second.

"Don't stop shooting !! The zombies keep coming !!"

But unfortunately only the wind is what enters by that place and there were no signs of Alex... I hear Yamada's voice worried, but although I understood that what he said was true, that simply did not matter to me and was probably the same for the girls closest to him.

While I was thinking if I should go to the place where Alex fell, or just collapse there and allow all the emotions swirling in me to do whatever they wanted, I could see Saeko-san making a worried face while looking at the window, perhaps having the same idea as me, and then around this plant. Suddenly she takes out something equal to the scrolls that Alex had previously used along with a bright crystal that can be getting from the monsters.

In the next moment, she uses them and then what looks like something similar to the energy shield that the towers that we had built in the camp by my department, is displayed. Because that all the zombies that continued to leave the stairs are stopped on the other side of this one and then we see them try to move forward, but even with their repeated attempts, they are blocked by this...

With only a few left on the other side, they are easily treated by those who were motivated to fight and so after that we all can take a break from the bad situation we were in.

"Alex ... Alex ... Alex"

No doubt this is a good thing, but for me, that didn't matter anymore. While the tears overflowed from my eyes, I could only say his name in the hope that he would reappear as he did before... but as much as I said his name, nothing happened and only managed to make images about him where he was smiling or joking appeared in my head as if my brain was trying to comfort me or just please me by making me see him.

" Calm down Kurisu-san, Saya-chan, and Rei-san... this barrier will not last long and we will have to face those zombies that are on the other side"

" How can you be so calm?!! Alexander has fallen along with that zombie from the building and surely… he is surely dead!"


Hearing my name said by Saeko-san, instinctively I turn my vision towards her and I can only distinguish her figure slightly because my vision was blurred by my tears that began to flow like a river before I realized... but I can only stay there in silence without answering anything, nothing made sense to me anymore. My own world set me aside as if I was nothing and so I had found the motivation to help Alex in whatever he was trying to achieve, but now he disappeared along with him.

Rei, having a more volatile character, discharges her frustration and emotions that she must have been feeling about this on Saeko-san. Saya, on the other hand, collapses while still in shock on the ground also repeating Alex's name.

The others are also greatly affected by this, the atmosphere of trust and optimism that everyone felt had disappeared and now they could only act nervously or with fear seeing the zombies hitting the energy shield that prevented them from passing.

"Alex-san ... Alex-san will be fine ... I have not given my heart to a man who can die so easy ... so he will surely be fine"

Saeko-san responds to Rei with wet eyes while you can see that she is obviously worried, but more than an answer for her, that seemed more like trying to convince herself about it.

Seeing her worried face and wet eyes, whatever words with Rei planned to refute remain trapped in her throat. I also wanted to be optimistic like Saeko-san and to be able to believe that he would be fine, but my logic prevented me for do that, this was the 25th floor of a building and anyone who fell from that height only can expect one thing... death.

Also, the words that Saeko-san says stabs my heart deeply... she at least had the opportunity to interact with Alex more intimately. No, not only her, but the other girls also constantly tried to try to get closer to him, but instead, I was the one who put a line making to we can't get closer or didn't allow us to get closer.

When I thought about that, I wished could go back to the past and hug him tightly… to have told him that I liked him and that with the time we spent together, I thought I could love him… and so be able to kiss him. How wished I had stopped worrying about him interacting with other girls and better just focus on making him spend more time with me...

"The master must still be alive ... I don't think he's dead. Otherwise, Scythe would be upset since the link between the two of them had been broken"

Suddenly Leona who had been watching all the people here, speaks. Immediately everyone's attention is focused on her and she stops for a few seconds her words, then with the same expressionless face she has, she continues to explain her thoughts.

"W-what you say is true?"

"H-how can he be alive even though he fell from this building?"

Her words were like lightning that electrified everyone and made us shake. Saya who wakes up from the shock, asks with some disbelief and hope in her tone and Rei puts her eyes on Leona questions her wanting to know more information.

"What I am saying is true, but I cannot know how the master came out of that situation and I only know that the master is still alive based on Scythe's reaction. If you want more information, you can ask Scythe... although not I know if she answers you.

But if you want to meet master again, then first we have to deal with those enemies... otherwise we will die. "

"Master ... alive ..."

"... I knew Alex-san wouldn't die so easy ... it's a relief"

"He is alive! Alexander-san is alive!"

"Hmp!, that brat made me worry... when I see him again I will get him paid me for that"

"A-Alex is really alive? A-Are you completely sure of that Leona-san? "

Listening to Scythe's words, the gloomy environment around us changes rapidly and the optimism returns a bit to all of us. The worry on Saeko-san's face leaves and she sighs in comfort, Saya regaining her spirits screams happily and although Rei expresses a complaint with her words, it is obvious that she was happy for what she hears.

At first when I heard Leona-san say that, I just thought that probably like Saeko-san, she was trying to deny reality. But seeing her serious face and remembering that she didn't have a personality to cheer on other people, then I began to believe it.

So when Scythe speaks with her face that is equally inexpressive, at that moment I feel as if my heart is beating again. Alex had previously told me that he had a bond between the monsters he had tamed, that he had an ability to understand each other better and without having to talk, so that is why I can be sure that what she says is true.

"What Leona-san says is true, the energy shield will no longer resist much, so everyone must prepare to fight again.

In order to meet Alex-san again, we first have to solve things with these zombies. That they pay for making us have a hard time "

With the words of Saeko-san, we all take our weapons and begin to prepare us for the battle against the zombies, not long after the energy shield starts to flash indicating that it is about to disappear and then finally succumbs to their constant blows.

The difference is that this time we could prepare in advance and because they were trying to find somewhere where they can reach us, so they were scattered around the place making more easy to take care of them.

[Boom boom boom]

Not long after the fight resumed, several explosions from above are heard and cause some dust to fall from the ceiling. It was somewhat surprising, but without time to worry about this, we continued to take down enemy after enemy until at some point they stopped coming from the stairs.

Without constant zombies coming down here, it didn't take long to make the calm come back to this floor... they were really many of them, the floor was full of their bodies and at first glance, I can deduce that there are about 300...

"Now, what do we do? Do we go down to see if Alexander-kun is down? Or do we check what those explosions were?"

When we checked the place for any zombie that moved to end it, Hirano-kun asks while looking at everyone.

"I think we should finish with the review of this building, in addition... I have a feeling that Alex-san instead of being down, most likely is up and the cause of these explosions have to do with him"

We all nodded to Saeko-san's words and advanced to the stairs carefully as we also agreed with her assumptions, we couldn't think of anything else that could cause an explosion on the upper floors and although we didn't understand how Alex could get more Above, we all had the idea that he was responsible for this.

We went up and got to the 26th floor as Saeko-san said, there were no more zombies in this one and unfortunately, we couldn't find Alex here either. So without taking too long in this one, we all move on to the next one.

Here we also don't meet any enemy ... or rather, an enemy that can be moving. This place was not much better than where we fought before... no, in fact, it was worse. There was some furniture that was on fire and the ground had places that were cracked where everything obviously indicated that there was an explosion ... besides that around this level, there were split zombies that spread all over this area.

"I think without a doubt the person responsible for all this is Alexander..."

"But where is he?"

"Probably higher, let's keep moving forward"

Komuro-kun and Yamada-kun talk to each other after watching the scene and express the thoughts we all had, so knowing that I could see Alex again soon, I walk forward while hurrying the others to come with me.

It wasn't until we reached the roof of the building that that figure I wanted to see finally shows before my eyes. He was holding a zombie from the throat from which you could hear groans indicating that it was still alive.

Although we could not distinguish it well until we approached as it seems that Alex had cut the hands and feet of the zombie. It could be somewhat disturbing to see such a scene where a boy was holding a mutilated body on the edge of a building, but for me and for many of the girls, we didn't care and we continued walking towards him.

"Alex !!"


When I speak, he had thrown the zombie up and then turns to me. In the next second as if remembering something, he turns back and watches the zombie fall while muttering something that I can't distinguish because the wind gusts prevented me.

"So you all have arrived... well, now we can leave. I want to go back to the camp and rest ... today was not a good d-"

Alex stops paying attention to the zombie, turns again and walks towards us while smiling, but when he had only advanced a few steps I threw myself over to hug him.

"Woh! That's dangerous Kurisu, we're near the edge of the building! I don't want to have to experience a building falling so soon... Hmn?"

"... S-Silly ... I thought I wouldn't see you anymore ... Whaaah!"

He complains about my sudden action but probably when he notice the trembling of my body and my sobs, then he stops that and lifts my head from my chin with his hand to see me to the face directly. He sees my tears and starts to get a little nervous, I wanted to tell him that I was fine since now these were of joy and relief, but in the end, I can only complain like him.

"I'm sorry…"

He caresses my cheeks and cleans my tears with his fingers making a somewhat distressed face while he apologizes, then imitating the action also cleanses the blood that drained from his head to his chin.

In doing so my eyes stop on his lips ... I look up to meet his golden pupils that seemed to glow and then return to the same place.

"What happene-"

I repeat that several times and finding my action something strange, he tries to speak, but before I could ask something I seal his lips with mine. I had learned the lesson and I didn't want to keep doubting, I didn't care about anything anymore and I just wanted Alex to know what I felt for him.

It was my first kiss for what was surely very clumsy... but after recovering from the surprise, Alex takes control of this and slowly seemed to guide me so that I only enjoyed this new sensation I was experiencing.

Although I cannot deny that it bothered me a little that he was so skilled at kissing since, I knew that the reason to be able to achieve this, then it could only be because of the experience and surely were the other girls he had practiced with.

"A-Alex ... I-I love you! ..."

Even so, since I had decided to stop giving importance to this, now I only cared to be next to Alex and confess my feelings, so after we kissing for a while, then I tell him what I felt for him.


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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