Soul Evolution System

Chapter 106 Confession

(POV Alexander)

[-up!!... Alexander wakes up !!]

Hmn? What the hell happened? The last thing I remember is to go to the building that I'm seeing now... shit!! I am falling!! Why the hell am I falling? Oh! It seems that I am not the only one who is falling... why this damn zombie is holding me? Ah! Now I remember, this damn it hit me against the glass of the building making us fall... no, I do not want to be tomato puree before taking the virginity of Kurisu and the other girls... it would also be good to make a little brother to Komuro, surely he stop complaining so much about going out with her mother if she and I do that... well, that may not be the case and only spit blood of fury again.

[Alexander stops wasting time thinking about nonsense !! If you want to live, use the scroll I buy just now, fast !!]

Without debate anything with Aurora, I enter my interdimensional inventory and look for the scroll she talks about, so without wasting time I take out a crystal and use it. The part where she said "if you want to live" was enough for me not to question and then follow her instructions.

I didn't even see the name of the scroll or analyze it, as you can understand, I didn't care about that now. The good thing is that, by activating it, the instructions on how to use it quickly are transmitted to my head and I realize what it was like.

When I see the ground getting closer and closer, suddenly my body begins to slow down and seconds later I am able to break the chains of gravity that were pulling me down and so, I begin to rise myself.

Yes, that's right, this scroll allowed me to fly at will for some time. It was a strange and novel feeling for me, but I try to control my flight as much as I can… unfortunately, there was a big load that made it harder for me.

"Son of a bitch !! You almost killed me, how long are you going to keep holding me? Let go of me already damn it"

The E3 continued to cling with its hand of me, most likely the bullets that reached its brain through the eyes affected it a lot since it did not move much and just roared constantly. As I was more worried about hitting the asphalt, I had ignored it. No doubt I was greatly angry with this zombie, but being just a minion of the one who ordered them, I planned to take all my complaints and vent them on the latter.

Of course, I couldn't let it go either just because it was only a subordinate, I squeeze my sword and weapon that despite having passed out for a few seconds I continue to hold on to them. Then with [Black Moon], I cross the mouth of this zombie that it had open for being roaring and in the next second cut it up vertically dividing its head in two.

Not long after that, the hand that held my chest loses strength and this continued its descent that before had stopped. Well, now I should go back to the others are... no, maybe if I go from above and attack the zombies at higher levels, the pressure on them also decreases a lot.

I look up to focus on going to the roof of the building, but in doing so I distinguish a body that was slowly descending... it seems that the zombie E3 that fell with me and this E4, they like me too much to eat me than even the latter throw itself out the window to coming after me. I wonder if zombies have any predilection for their prey? Well, never mind, let's take care of this one too.

Since we both had a big difference in being in heaven, I take advantage of my ability to rise at will that compared to the zombie, it could only plan its descent. I position myself on it quickly with the intention of mounting its back, but in the end, it caused me repulsion have to touch it and that's why I just put my gun in its neck and emptied the magazine.

Being shots practically at a zero distance and in one of the most vulnerable areas of the head, the bullets penetrate the skull easly causing it great damage. It did not die immediately, but having lost control of its body, it begins to fall at great speed, I leaving the remaining work to the gravity and without having to worry me about those two troubles, I go to the roof of the building.

The feeling of flying was a bit strange, I don't know if it was because I was depending on a scroll and not having obtained this ability myself, or everyone who could do it felt that way.

Well, surely I will be able to discover it in the future... although perhaps it is something far away, I do not know to what level of soul I will have to reach in order to do something like that without having to depend on any object.

I arrive at the roof and go to the only door that was here, it was locked but having a master key this was not much impediment, so after firing a couple of times at the lock, I can enter without a problem.

Once inside, I walk on the 30th floor and enter carefully and silently, but apparently, there was no enemy here, probably the zombies of this plant were devoured by the group that attacked us or joined them. The next level was in the same situation and also the next level, so I continued to float until I reached the 27th.

Yes, as the effect had not disappeared, then I decided to take advantage of it as much as I could, being able to fly gave you the feeling of having exceeded the limit of humans, which was a great sensation.

That plant was very different from before... there were a lot of zombies here, an entire army commanded by a figure that constantly roared making their subordinates move towards the stairs.

I do not know if the reason why they had not noticed me was that they were focused on their task of going down in groups smaller or the fact that I came here floating noiselessly.

Whatever it was, I take the opportunity to observe them for a few seconds. Mainly my eyes could not turn away from that intelligence-type E3 because of the fury I felt towards him ... that bastard was about to kill me.

Without wasting any more time, I take out numerous grenades from my storage and take away the years that worked as safe and then throw them one after another throughout the area of

this floor. I could not do it on the floor that I was together with the others because I was afraid that they could bounce or by chance the zombies hitting one of these and return them against us, but here I did not have to worry about this affecting one of mine.

When the intelligence-type zombie notices that something was wrong it was already too late for them, the detonations begin to be heard and make the whole place shake a little, also accompanied by that, pieces of E1, E2, and E3 start to fly everywhere.

"Graawh !!"

Along with the explosions, the E3 type intelligence roars while searching for the cause of all this, it does not take long to realize and discover me since I was practically at its back proceeding to attack the 2 E4 type force that at its side as his bodyguards.

In fact, flying made things very easy for me since they had great height and it was difficult for me to reach their head that was the most important vital point in them. For the first one, I cut its neck with my [Black Moon] and the second I pierced its skull vertical with it.

Certainly this one did not possess the sharpness of the sword that I gave to Saeko, but its rank was more than enough to deal with them without much difficulty. Seeing these two falling in the next few seconds, I could see the fear in the eyes of the commander of these zombies army, so before the leader escaped, with my gun I shot several times at the knees of this one until I split in two each of its feet.

Without the concern that this could flee, I concentrate on the other zombies of its army that continued to move again me and also those who had it ordered to go to a floor more down returning to here by its roars.

I don't know if it was because I could now move up or down without the limitation of gravity or if the spell of the scroll apart from allowing me to fly also increased my speed a bit, but I could easily evade the remaining zombies and eliminate them with Less work than before.

"Ha ... ha ... ha ..."

Then several minutes later the only zombie that continued to move was the intelligence-type E3 which I slowly approach while floating somewhat agitated by the fight... well, now how should I get revenge on this bastard.

In considering for a while, I finally decided by making him suffer the same as me and then try to hold him to take it to the roof, but when I want to do that, it tries to scratch me with its claws and so I also have to amputate its two hands.

Unfortunately when I reach the 29th floor the effect of the parchment ends and I have to drag it along the rest of the way, I approach the edge of the building and hold it by the neck to say its last words. It may not have the intelligence to understand me, but what made me happy is that at least it seemed to have enough to know what would happen if I release it.

"You really caused me a lot of problems, damn... because of your orders, you made me experience the exciting and great feeling of falling from a large building, so I think the least I can do is return you the favor..."

As it seemed fun to see the reaction of this zombie being suspended several tens of meters high, I can not help it and start playing a little with it doing as if I let go and hold it again quickly... its grunts or groans when doing this caused that my anger went down a bit, so maybe I should do it until others arrive... this could be like a therapy to let go of all the bad emotions I had previously had.



I grab it by the neck and throw it up to repeat what I had been doing, but at that moment I hear Kurisu's voice calling me for what I turn by reflex and I see her and the others walking towards here. Then I remember the zombie I was playing with, but unfortunately, it was already too late and it was falling...

"... there goes my anti-stress toy... haa, now it will be pureed and it will no longer be useful to me"

[... I was really starting to feel sorry for that zombie]

With Aurora's comment as background I continue to see it fall for a few seconds until it is imprinted on the ground and then again I turn to where the others are so that we can leave here, today has been a hard day and I want to rest in the castle.

Start walking to where are the others that also seem a little tired, but arriving a few meters from where I was, Kurisu throws herself on me... to seeing that, quickly put more strength in my legs and waist to hold her without backoff by her momentum.

Shit! That really gave me a big scare, not long ago a zombie ended up throwing me through the building and really I didn't want one of the girls to do the same thing now.

"Woh! That's dangerous Kurisu, we're near the edge of the building! I don't want to have to experience a building falling so soon... Hmn?"

"... I-Idiot!! ... I-I thought I wouldn't see you anymore ... Whaaah!"

I may not be so afraid of falling from a building now because I know I can use a scroll to fly, but although I haven't asked Aurora, I know that this was somewhat expensive... in fact, I have a little fear in knowing how many crystals it cost me...

So, I was going to be a little hard on her and warn her to be more careful, but instantly all those thoughts are in the background when I hear her sobs. So when I was going to ask what was happening, now I am scolded while Kurisu cries.


Well ... now that I think about it, I was quite scared for the first few seconds that I fell, so it is logical that the others had to think the worst when they saw the zombie and me fall through the building. Feeling guilty for causing Kurisu's tears to fall from her eyes, the words of apology come out of my mouth by himself and I caress her face in the softest way I can to try to calm her.

Seconds later Kurisu also takes her hands to my face and cleans some of the blood that had made a path from some wound in my head to my chin. We spent some time that way as if we were the only two here on the rooftop and then Kurisu starts to see down and up several times, finding this a bit strange I trying to ask what was going on.

"What happen-"

Before I can finish my question, Kurisu's face falls closer to mine and for the first time we both join our lips.

It was something sudden, but something that I had waited for a long time and that's why the emotions inside me almost seem to explode as if it were my first kiss. So without caring about anything else, I kept looking for Kurisu's lips repeatedly which caused me to have almost the same sense of weightlessness caused by the free fall of great height, but the difference was that I could now hold a soft and warm body that gave me the courage to experience that countless times.

"A-Alex ... I-I love you ..."

By separating our lips after not knowing how long we had been kissing between us, Kurisu confesses her love to me while looking me straight in the eyes.


[Kurisu Affection up to 500 (Love)]


[Kurisu: Affection 500 (Love) - Loyalty 95 (Trust)]

[Mission / Main "Conquest of the Heart (Kurisu) -D"

To maintain confidence in a person must be based on some emotion, the stronger the greater security will be created.

Requirements: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100

Reward: 1x Coupon for a random object range [G]

1x Divination Parchment [D]

Skill [Parallel Thinking]

Additional Rewards: 5x limit-break pills [H]

1x Grimoire (Basic Space Magic) [D]

100,000x Crystals

1,000,000x Gold

The sudden appearance of the robotics voice of the system in my head distracts me a little, but I quickly concentrate on Kurisu. There was no need for the system to tell me that, I could see the sincerity in her face flushed and through the eyes, her words were something that came directly from her soul.

Perhaps because I was silent because of the system and lost myself in my thoughts for a few seconds, she begins to get a little anxious to not get an answer.

"I love you too Kurisu, it's just that I worried that I would end up hurting you because of the way of the life I intend to live ..."

"... I don't care about that ... w-well, it doesn't bother me so much that it is unbearable. I realized that the pain I felt when the thought that I would never see you again was infinitely greater than that... s-so excuse me if sometimes I acted jealously, but I want to be with you- "

This time it is I who steals her lips when I hear the things she tells me, it was enough for me to know that she wanted to be with me, I did not care much that she sometimes acted jealously and could accept something like that to have her on my side ... God, I would even forgive her if she stabbed me for that.


"C-Congratulations, Kurisu-san"

"Fufufu, it's not fair that you get all the attention of Alex-san, Kurisu-san. You should let others be able to tell him that we care for him too."

Rei probably couldn't take it anymore to remain ignored and that's why she reminds us that we weren't the only ones here and so since she had broken the mood between us, both, Saya and Saeko also talk. I only smiled at all of them, but Kurisu realized that everyone had their eyes on us with obvious enthusiasm for what they witnessed and besides that, they had heard everything and this makes her totally ashamed and as a result, she hides her head in my chest.

"... I'm glad you're okay Alex-san"

Saeko walks to where I am while saying that and not caring much that Kurisu is hugging me, she also gives me a light kiss. I can feel Kurisu clench her arms when she notices that, but without saying anything she just stays in the same place.

But then something I did not expect happened too, Scythe who came along with her imitates Saeko's action and kisses me... instinctively I tried to back off, but having Kurisu hugging me I couldn't do it.

Visually Scythe is someone that anyone would enjoy being able to observe, with that there is no problem, so my reaction was not due to this... it was because of the fact that I knew her origins... a dead girl.

So I could n't get rid of this restlessness when her tongue looked for the mine... this was a bit strange, although she saw me kissing the other girls, she should n't know what's going on inside our mouths... did she have any memories about this? Or just do it by instinct?

Honestly, this kiss was not what I expected. Initially, I even was scared to taste her lips... thank God that her mouth has not had any strange or unpleasant flavor, in fact, her low temperature added to the slight taste of paste dental is something refreshing.

I must thank Saeko for this, as she takes care of her personal care... and because she did not eat anything, the taste from this continues present in her mouth for long.

"Master ... greeting ..."

[Scythe Affection 60]

After separating our lips as if to clear my doubts about her actions she tells me that... well, since almost every day when I get out of bed have some interaction with some of the girls who sleep with me, so that she must have thought it was the right way to show her loyalty to me.


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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