Soul Evolution System

Chapter 109 Wet Laments (Part 3)

(POV Yuriko)

After finishing all the necessary arrangements to bury the men who died, then I went to Alexander-kun's room, today they went through a bad time and they all returned here in a somewhat decayed environment. So worried about it, I wanted to see if I could talk with them and encourage them a little.

Sometimes I forget that they are teenagers who until recently still depended on their parents to live, but the world has now made them have to fend for themselves and have to face a life even more difficult than that of adults in the world before the apocalypse. Even the one that surprises me the most among them is only 12 years old...


"Hyaaa ~ !!"

Suddenly when I was a few meters from the door almost ready to knock, then the loud sound of a slap is heard and then this was accompanied by the cry of woman an equal intensity. This makes my feet stop at that moment and while I put my vision in the door, I try to imagine what could have happened on the other side of it.

At first I thought they might have fought each other, but after considering Alexander-kun's personality and how he treats the girls at his side as if they were his treasures, I dismissed that idea immediately.

So when I thought about what might have happened there, the next thing that came to my mind made me even more restless than when I considered the earlier... no doubt the girl who had screamed not only did it because of pain, that scream had a tone something bittersweet in it.


"N- Naaagh!! ~"

While I was thinking about several things in my head, what happened inside that room is repeated... being a few steps from the door and with the fact that I had already heard it once, then I managed to identify the owner of that voice.

No doubt it was Shisuka-san and it seems that my second assumption was really right, something was happening inside that room that a 12-year-old boy should not see, but ... I am almost 100% sure that the person responsible for this is that same child.

Now I was in trouble, I didn't know if I should retire from here or go in there and stop them... my hand on the door handle is only for my daughter's concern and that I think it's too soon for them to do something like that. It's definitely not because I want to open the door to witness something that I haven't done still...


"N- Naaagh !! ~"

Doubting whether or not to enter, the voice of Shisuka is heard and this seems to shake everything. Even my soul vibrates being influenced by the waves of that great scream of her and then my knees lose some strength... I think it's been quite a while since I had intimacy with Soichiro and my body is reacting easily for this.

"Ha ... ha ... ha ..."

"Yuriko-san? What are you doing here?"

Trying to recover from the slight chill that ran through my body while I still held the door handle with one hand and supported me on the other, coming from behind me I heard a new voice that also made me tremble a little but for reasons completely different.

Recovering my breath and posture I turn around and there was Haruna who looks at me with an expression of doubt on her face, I must say that she has a special talent to meet me in my worst moments...

"I was just worried that the boys were too depressed about what happened and I wanted to come to see how they were"

"... I heard about that, several people died this time when they went to the city, they had to have a very difficult time there"

"Fufufu, are you here to see how your boyfriend is, Haruna?"

It was impossible for something related to Alexander-kun to go unnoticed in the camp since he is a quite popular boy here, so it was not difficult for me to find out everything that happened between the two of them only a few weeks ago.

I had wanted to make fun of Haruna a little because of these things, but unfortunately, since she was busy with school stuff and I had to do several things for the camp, this was not possible for me. So by getting a good chance to be able to do this, I can't help but realize my wish that I held had for some time.

"E-eh? T-That is ... well, I wanted to comfort him a little, but since I was busy with school affairs and also I had to check that Iruka fell asleep, it was late and I thought it would be better to talk with him tomorrow ..."


"Kuaaaa! ~"

"... then when I was going for a glass of water, I heard a loud scream coming from above, much like this one just now, so I came to see what happened ..."

While Haruna explained why she came here, another loud shout draws the attention of both of us causing us to look at the door. This was not the reaction that I wanted to see from her... I wanted her to deny it or be ashamed more and so I could continue to bother her.

Seeing her this way, only causes me a little I will have to ask Soichiro to we have some intimacy to I let off steam for all this. But it really bothers me that I need to be the one to ask for it, it makes me feel like I'm the only one who thinks about those things.

"A-Are they fighting in there?"

"...since is don't listen to them discuss, then I doubt that it's something like that, and if that scream it's not for pain, then I can only think of another reason for a woman to scream like that"

"Another reason? E-eh? T-Then we must stop them !! It's still too early for them to experience that!"

"...well, I don't think they're too small for that either. They are already in their teens and as long as they are responsible for their actions, then it should be fine."

"Alexander is 12 years old !!"

" that you are right. Then, go ahead and open the door and stop them"

"T-That is..."

After our discussion, I step aside so she can open the door. Seeing me do that, Haruna's anxiety turns into nervousness and hesitates to step forward. I do not blame her and I can not make fun of her for this, really it was something very uncomfortable to find other people in the situation that probably they are there, and also must be even more for her since one of them is her boyfriend...

No, I cannot exclude myself from this, it would also be very uncomfortable for me since my daughter is also in that room and although I have not heard her voice, I cannot assure I can to find her in a compromising situation...

"A-Alex-kun, wait! ~ I-If you spank me now I-I-"


"Hyaaaan ~ N-no ... n-no, I-I'm coming !! ~I'm coming !! ~ ... Haaaa~.... Aleeeexx!!!!~"

"" ... ""

After Shisuka's tremendous moan, we can only remain silent for a long time with the only sound of our throats make when swallow our saliva. From the words that were heard, we can confirm that what is happening in there is something sexual, but although knowing this should persuade us to turn around and not interrupt them, instead, the curiosity and desire to see what happens inside increases in me... no, I'm probably not the only one.

"T-That was an impressive scream ... I-I didn't know that a woman could reach that intonation"


I can only keep quiet at Haruna's comment… but in my mind, I wonder if I have ever shouted so loudly when I am with Soichiro… I cannot say that I have not felt good when I am with him, but that cry seemed as if the soul Shisuka would have left her body to let everyone know how good she felt.

Time passes and the screams inside the room stop listening, then Haruna after breathing several times to prepare herself mentally, opens the door so that we could finally see what happened inside.

In entering, at first glance it did not seem that things we imagine and those screams that indicating that something intense is produced in this room, happen here. Alexander-kun was sitting on a sofa while watching the two girls who were in this room... well, a girl and a zombie, or maybe I should say half a zombie since this in the more time passes its similarity with one becomes smaller.

The other girl, I think is called Leona. What intrigues me most about her, is that she seems to have come out of nowhere and immediately joined the Alexander-kun group. I have not had the opportunity to talk to her much, but from what I have seen, she is very attached to him.

The atmosphere in this room was normal and calm as if nothing had happened, but if you pay close attention, then you can realize that not everything is what it seems… well, maybe you don't need to concentrate so much since there is something that practically forces you to look there.

There was a huge bulge in Alexander-kun's pants that indicated that what we heard earlier was not an illusion and that some of that we imagined, was happened here.

"Alexander, what were you doing a few moments ago?... we heard quite loud screams coming from this room"

Haruna walks to where he is and begins to interrogate him, she also realizes Alexander-kun's erection, but tries to ignore it and continues with what she said.

Curse! It bothers me a bit how he doesn't seem to care about his situation... he is surely very proud of that part of him.

I must agree with Matsushima-san that it is difficult for a woman to ignore that, it is practically something that forces you to put your eyes there.

"Hmn? Oh, Haruna... I had to punish Shisuka, so that was probably why"

"Punish Shisuka? ... did she do something wrong?"

" was about something from a while ago, don't worry, everything is fine now"

Maybe as a teacher, the first thing Haruna associated with that word is to be to reprimand someone, no, maybe any normal person would do. Of course, it is as long as this is a normal conversation, but from the earlier and now seeing this boy's body, the meaning of "punishment" can only be another.

"Y-You weren't very hard on her? Her scream must have been heard all over the building"

" was something necessary, besides, she is fine. Now she is bathing along with the other girls"

"I see ... emmm, I heard that a lot of things happened in the city."

"Haaaa, that's true, today was not a good day for us. When we entered a building to eliminate the zombies from there..."

For a moment I almost allow my jaw to open from what I see... Haruna seemed to forget completely or let aside the things we heard a few minutes ago and probably remembering what happened to the Alexander-kun group when they went to the city, she ignoring everything we heard before and preferably, she starts asking about that and then Alexander-kun tells her what happened there.

She simply walks to the side of the sofa where he is and sits close to him, perhaps she thinks that in this way can ignore his crotch at can't seeing it or may also just want to approach to her boyfriend...

Now I feel a little out of place here... but as I am also interested in knowing what happened when they went to the city, I endure it a bit and continue listening.

It was good that not long after that, the other girls who sleep in this room arrive and I no longer feel as if I were intruding between a couple of boyfriends. Interestingly. they all come trembling from the bathroom... I wonder if there is a problem with the water heater or also was part of the punishment of Alexander-kun.

So after going through all this, I was able to get at least a small reward, Alexander-kun takes out several foods for everyone to eat. Although these skewers are not as good as the wild boar we ate when we were in the pool, they are still much better than what people serve in the castle dining room.

" So you won't sleep here tonight, Haruna? "

"Mou, little one, you already have so many girls to accompany you and you also want me to come to pamper you... I'm sorry, but I can't leave Iruka alone, b-but you all must promise me that you won't do anything i-inappropriate... r -remember that Alexander is still 12 years old "

"Well, everyone, rest well because tomorrow we have many things to do. Saya ... you are 16 years old so it would not look so bad that you did inappropriate things with someone of 12 years old, so take the opportunity"


"Yuriko, what are you saying !!"

After receiving the complaints of my cowardly daughter and Haruna, we left Alexander-kun's room and headed to ours... although tomorrow we have many things to do, if I can release all these emotions accumulated in this short time, then I will sleep less than if I have to spend an hour with Soichiro... no, when we did it before the apocalypse, we didn't take so long... so it will probably be less time.

Or maybe having spent some time since we did it last time, Soichiro is more motivated? Fufufu, maybe this is a good night for me...

"See you tomorrow... Shotacon"

"S-Shotacon? ... I-It's true!! I like Alexander and I don't care what you say Yuriko !!"

When we got to Haruna's room, I said goodbye to her... I had to take revenge for her forgetting about me before and focusing only on her beloved boyfriend, so after telling her that, she pouches with her tongue out and enters her room.

Smiling at her reaction, I continue moving towards my room. Well, my smile is not only due to Haruna but also to what is about to happen...

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------

(POV Alexander)

The next morning I wake up with Kurisu and Shisuka holding both of my arms as I am in their midst. Since both had raised their affection towards me in more than 100 the previous day, then they had shown more attachment to me, especially the first one that after we bathed did not depart from my side.

Well, it may also be that perhaps because we had to bathe with cold water to appease our bodies and at bedtime when Haruna and Yuriko-san left, then we lay closer to each other looking to warm up us.

I do not know how to qualify yesterday, it is certain that I can not say that it was good since 18 people died, but I also do not think it was bad because the affection of two girls exceeded 100 units, in addition to that, it was the moment in the night I had with Shisuka.

... Let's say that was unlucky for those 18 and lucky for me, besides those men can be calm wherever they are, now we will begin to take revenge for them.

"Good morning Alex"

While I was in my thoughts lying on the bed, Kurisu holds my cheeks and kisses my lips. I quickly respond to her actions and hold her waist turning towards her. Then after a minute, I take my tongue out of her mouth that I had introduced and answered her greeting.

"Good morning, Kurisu"

"Fufufu, so now it's my turn"

Saeko who was to the right of Kurisu looks for my lips while the first one reloads in my chest since she is still ashamed to do something like this.

"Hmmn ~"

Maybe because I had spent a lot of time with other girls yesterday, Saeko is more intense when she does it, so answering her feelings, I also put more effort into this.

"G-Good morning Alexander-san"

"... Good morning Saya"

Saya who had also woken up greets me from the other side of Shisuka who continues to sleep peacefully. She continues to keep a distance with me and it seems that her shyness dominates over her, so something like what her mother said the day before is probably far away.

As for the sleeping girl, I decided to let her rest and then the others began to get out of bed. She returned a little to normal after having bathed and no longer acted as if she had got drunk, but her affection had not changed and already she no longer had doubts in the way looked at me.

"Master ... Greetings ..."

Arriving at the edge of the bed, Scythe who had been in a corner approaches me and leans a little looking for a kiss. Since she shouldn't understand these issues at all, she probably just tries to imitate what she sees the other girls do or she might also think that is the way to show me her loyalty...

Well, it's not that I care too much why she does it, I should just be glad to taste another girl's lips. At first, I might have a little doubt about doing this with her, but discovering that it was not something unpleasant and although it was a little different than the other girls, the feeling a little cold coming from her mouth because she has a very low body heat, It was quite refreshing and distinctive...

"Leona already low to do the same as always?"

"Sister ... outside ..."

After enjoying Scythe's cold lips, I immediately ask her about Leona. Being a homunculus she doesn't need to sleep much, so she is always the first to get out of bed and that's why I ask the other girl who doesn't sleep where she could be since I didn't see her here in the room.

Unfortunately, although Scythe seems to understand more my words without using the link skill [Tame], she still remains quite short of words to express herself... but I have a good idea where she might be, so there is no problem.

Then not long after I and the girls finished preparing, we headed to the dining room of the castle. The plan for the day today is that running out to fill our stomachs and make some preparations, immediately go to fulfill the mission of the complete annihilation of the zombies in the city.


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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