Soul Evolution System

Chapter 110 Beginning the mission of eradication

We went down to the dining room of the castle and there was Leona as I had previously assumed. She was standing at the side of a table with several dishes served on this, in a military-style resting position without caring that the other people who ate here would look at her.

Well, probably since it has been several days for her to repeat this, they should have gotten used to seeing her act like this. Observing her standing there, certainly makes her very remarkable as a pretty beautiful girl, but perhaps because of her expressionless face or that everyone here knows that she is a girl close to me, no man dared to approach her.

But looking at the table, I must say that not everything is completely the same as before. Normally she would only take care of serving my plate, that of Saeko and Haruna, but today there were two more dishes placed on the table.

"Master, I brought your food and also that of your lovers, please take a seat and eat!"

Upon seeing us enter, Leona quickly advances to where we are and says that in a high tone with which she usually speaks to inform me... unfortunately, although I know it is not her intention, it seemed more that she wanted everyone here to know.

Well, the truth is that I don't care that others know about this, but the look we received for all this from the people here was quite uncomfortable.

But the most affected by the things that Leona was doing, was not me, Kurisu who is next to me blushes completely to notice that everyone's attention was on us. This time she couldn't ignore it and not be affected as in previous days that Leona did this since she sure remembering what happened in previous days and so, knowing what Leona will do next, then was inevitable for her to start getting nervous.

"Come on Master, go ahead and take a seat. Also your lovers Saeko-san, Kurisu-san... it seems that Haruna-san and Shisuka-san have not come yet..."

She may deduce this from the facts that witnessed yesterday, or she may also have a kind of connection with my system to know which girl is the one who officially has that kind of relationship with me according to it.

"Thank you, Leona... Haruna and Shisuka will probably come a little later"

"No, this is my duty after all ... Master, you want me to go find them two?"

"No, it's not necessary, let's just eat"

After answering Leona I advance to the table where the dishes are, it is better to finish this before Kurisu can not stand the shame and it was also unnecessary for Leona to look for the two girls she mentioned. The first, although surely it has already risen, the reason she has not come here is precisely to avoid this... she will probably come after seeing us all sitting and eating.

As for the second one, I'm afraid that when Leona can't wake her up, then she uses her weapons to do it... so it's clear that I can't let her go.

"Kurisu-san, this dish is for you..."

"I-I see ... t-thanks Leona-san"

"Don't worry Kurisu-san, I think it's also my duty to help my Master's lovers!"

"L-Leona-san, could you please not speak so loudly? You're making everyone look at us"

"Fufufu, you just have to get used to it and everything will be fine, Kurisu-san"

Kurisu making an attempt not to draw more attention to herself, she tries to choose a seat where there isn't a dish served as in days past she does and making as if her name was not mentioned by Leona and so not to call more the attention, but unfortunately for she, just gets the opposite.

Saeko only takes a seat next to me while advising Kurisu and not paying much attention around her. Besides, instead of that she had become used to this as her words indicate, I think it was more as if she enjoyed it.

After Leona hears Kurisu's complaints, this makes her pay attention to the other people in the dining room for the first time... Shit! I have a feeling that things will only get worse...

"... I think Saeko-san is right and you shouldn't mind them Kurisu-san, after all, they are just minions of the master"

Her next words do not disappoint my expectations... what she says makes everyone else who is here enjoying her meal open their mouths surprised.

While it is true that my thoughts are very similar to hers, but I think it was not necessary to say it, haaa...

"Leona, who are you to me?"

"Hmn? Of course your faithful subordinate, Master !!"

"With this everyone can understand that she is just a girl who is very involved in military matters such as ranks and that stuff... so don't take her words too seriously."

Although the people here do not seem to have taken what she said so badly, but if for some reason her words make them feel insulted, it is better to avoid creating tension among the soldiers and that is why I try to they not to pay much attention to what she says.

"Rei, then we should go get our own dishes"

"Eh? O-oh, you're right Saya"

As Scythe does not eat, now Saya and Rei are the only ones who are treated differently than the other girls. So after observing everything that happened, the first speaks to go to the kitchen to get their food and then the second one that was concentrated watching a plate with an empty seat for Shisuka or Haruna, leaves her thoughts because of it and then the two begin to walk towards the kitchen.

While they go to the kitchen, we begin to eat, but then not long after, another problem arises and I must say that this was something totally unexpected...

"Hyaa! M-Mom, why are you so angry? ... I-I'm not the only one who sleeps there! B-Besides, w-we haven't even held of our hands... Hyaa!"

When we were eating, suddenly Saya's screams are heard from the kitchen... then Saya appears as if she was running away from there holding a plate of food and not long after, Rei doing the same with a slightly scared face comes out behind her.

"W-what happened?"

"T-This was..."

"I-It seems that Yuriko-san is very upset today... I-I wonder what happened to get her like that since she is usually a very calm woman..."

As the two girls approach the table, Kurisu quickly interrogates them with something surprise in her voice while everyone else also waits for the response of one of the two girls. So as it seems that it was difficult for Saya to say it, our gaze shifts to the other that was also there and she answers that.

"What did you do this time that now you even made Yuriko-san angry, Alexander?"

"...I did nothing yesterday... nothing that should have upset Yuriko-san, also why everything that happens in the camp must be my fault? Ungrateful son"

"Get lost"

After hearing what Rei says, Komuro who was walking towards us next to Yamada and Hirano, comments that. This cannot be my fault, when she left our room, she left with a cheerful face after having eaten the food I took from my inventory.

Well, I'm not the only person she interacts with, so someone else should have made her mad. Let's ignore Komuro and since here is Hirano, let's ask him something I wanted to know if it could already be used.

"Hirano, have the helicopters been repaired?"

"Hmn? Yes, but we have another problem with them... we don't have suitable pilots to be able to use them to their full potential. The only person who can operate them more or less is Yuriko-san... well, there is also another person in the camp who was a pilot of a civil helicopter, although he could pilot it well, I don't think he can take full advantage of a military one " Yuriko-san is the only one capable of piloting them and being able to use their weapons? Curse! Who made her angry?... I would normally be glad to have an excuse to see her, but I don't want to go if she's angry, haa...

Also, as good as Hirano is in being able to instruct someone to be capable to use them, I think it is beyond his abilities to teach that pilot he talks about in only a few hours...

"I will go to look for Yuriko-san... that someone informs Yoshioka to gather all the soldiers who will go out on the expedition to eliminate the zombies, before going to do that, it is necessary to equip them better"

"It's okay"

Finishing the meal of the dish that Leona had brought me, I get up and go to the kitchen where Yuriko-san is lying and also ask someone to do that. When I reached the kitchen, quickly I located her... at first glance, it didn't seem like there was anything wrong with her, but when I used my eye skill, then I see her aura that had a combination of red colors and a violet tone that indicated to me that she was angry and frustrated...

"...Yuriko-san, I need your help on something"

Wanting to do this quickly so as not to disturb her even more, without wasting time, I talk to get her eattention. Yuriko-san who was watched the cooks work and which were obviously pressured by her mood, when she listens to me turns and talks to me.

"Ara? Alexander-kun… what do you need me for?"

"We will leave soon to eliminate the zombies in the city and then I thought that the helicopters we have could support the teams in charge of doing this... so as you are the only one that can handle one for now, I needed you to pilot it"

"...well, then I need to cancel the expedition to the port with my team... I hope this should be able to help me a little, or at least I think doing that I will be able to vent the frustration that I have because of that useless person. I know that the day today could be difficult, but half an hour... no, maybe 10 minutes of his time would have been enough... "

"... then the others will count on you for that Yuriko-san, see you later."

When she sees me shows me her usual smile, but for some strange reason, I cringe to see her... Komuro was right and I have something to do with her state of mind of today? If so, then it probably is not the time to ask for my reward... something inside me it prevents me from doing so, maybe it's one of my abilities...

So paying attention to this feeling, then I decide to focus only on my goal for which I came. When she listens to me, she remains silent with her eyes on me and causing my breathing to stop for a few moments... seconds later she agrees to do it and then of those words she also mutters something to herself.

Not wanting to accidentally press any switch that causes her anger to focus on me for saying something I shouldn't, I leave the kitchen immediately after saying goodbye to her without worrying about these murmurs.

Haaa, it seems that I will have to keep waiting to get my reward from her... well, with the things that happened yesterday, think that I can have a little of patience to wait for this.

"Moo, Alex-kun~ You should have woken me up so I could come along with you for breakfast~... I felt very lonely when I opened my eyes and didn't see you!~"

"Good morning Alexander"

Upon returning to the table, Shisuka who complains and Haruna who greets me had arrived, so we talked with the others for a few minutes to accompany them at the table so they could finish their meal.

Not long after Haruna goes to the school and Shisuka to the laboratory, the last one had asked me to accompany me since it seems that she continued a little in a "Dere" phase and although normally I would not mind spending time with her, the next thing we will do may be dangerous for her and therefore, I convince her to go to the department of biology promising that I would see her soon.

Then when we go out, several soldiers were already standing in the courtyard of the castle waiting for instructions for what they will do now. Yoshioka was in front of them and when he sees me, he makes a nod to me as if waiting for me to say something and so I do that.

"Yesterday was a difficult day for everyone... the problems we encountered in the city exceeded our expectations, but that does not mean that it is impossible to end with the objective of eliminating the remaining zombies from the city center as we had planned, we just have to be more careful.

Today, what happened yesterday will not be repeated. Evolved zombies may be much more complicated to treat than normal ones, but that can change with the mere fact of having better weapons to support us.

This time each team will carry a heavy machine gun and an automatic grenade launcher... so if any team is in the same situation as yesterday, they will be able to contain and suppress a large number of zombies and then eliminate them.

Besides, Yuriko-san will be flying in the city skies with the military helicopter, so if despite all this some equipment is still in a bad situation, she can provide support.

So gentlemen, today we will take revenge for those who fell yesterday! Let's kill ah that zombies that continue to desecrate their old home !! "

First, when the soldiers hear that all will continue with what us were doing yesterday and we would not change our plans, the nervousness and fear of having heard some stories of what happened yesterday or going through these things themselves, visibly increase in them.

But then when they hear my second sentence and see the things I take out of my interdimensional inventory along with my words, the mood in them is gradually restored.

I planned to carry 30 teams of 10 men, so there were 30 Howa type 96 and 30 heavy machine guns Type 92. I already had some of them, so I only had to buy the ones that were missing to complete these numbers.

At first, I thought of also giving a Panzerfaust 3 to each team, but seeing their description then I realized that this was designed to treat large targets or those with blindage, so these would not be very helpful when dealing with zombies E2 - E4, or rather, it would be too wasteful to do so.

[Panzerfaust 3 - G]

Rocket launcher designed to fight war tanks and bunkers. The caliber used for this is 110mm rockets.

[Howa type 96 - H]

Throw grenades capable of being used by infantry utilizing a tripod. It has a grenade caliber of 40mm and a weight of 24kg.

[Type 92 - I heavy machine guns]

Heavy machine gun capable of firing 450 bullets per minute and with a range of 800m with a gas-powered recharge. It has a caliber of 7.70mm and a weight of 8 kg designed to be used by 3 people.

So, with these last two weapons, I don't think these teams have a lot of trouble facing zombie groups led by an intelligent one. Also, as additional insurance, Yuriko-san's support with helicopter machine guns. Although she may not be an expert in its use, it will at least reduce the pressure of the soldiers if they encounter too many enemies by calling attention to these and surely eliminating a lot of them.


As a result of everything I said and they see, the soldiers raise a loud shout of encouragement with great emotion after a few seconds of silence, the worry and nervousness they had previously had completely disappeared and now they only showed their desire to avenge their fallen companions.

After, with the help of Yoshioka and Soichiro that appeared later, we formed the teams that would go to the city to eliminate the zombies from the places we assigned to each of them. Then finishing wishing each other luck, they take their weapons and board the vehicles to begin their mission.

"Well, then I'll see you from the air, Alexander-kun..."

Yuriko-san who also came after, walks to the place where the helicopters were positioned saying goodbye to me... it seems that the culprit of her actual mood is Soichiro since she leaves without paying attention to him.

With nothing else to do here, I and Soichiro who don't seem to note that her wife is angry, said goodbye to Yoshioka to go to the city and also take care of cleaning some buildings.

Of the people in my group, I deliver the heavy machine gun to Hirano and have Niki and Mizusu help him with it, on the other hand, the grenade launcher was for Komuro, and Yamada and Yuki that will help him.

I, Saeko, Kurisu, Scythe, and Leona would fight in the same way as before as the support of the two weapons mentioned.

As these weapons were very similar to assault rifles, therefore, there was not much problem so that those who got used to using these could also do it with the new weapons.

We take the road that leads to the city through which the other teams had gone ahead and then not long after, the helicopter rotor where Yuriko-san was going is heard. When we look up to the sky, it passes at a low distance as if she wanted to greet us and in the next moment it advances us towards the city.

Honestly, right now I had a conflicting feeling going on inside me. I wanted to be able to experience how it feels to go aboard one of those. It would surely be a different experience of flying through the magic, but also because I recently fell from a building, I not wanted to elevate me much of the level of the ground ... so that, perhaps I should leave it for future next.

After several tens of minutes, we finally arrived in the city and without wasting time, we went to a building that my group had to check in the area that was assigned to us.


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.


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