Soul Evolution System

Chapter 111 Eradication Mission

With the new weapons for each team, you can say that everything went perfectly and so the first day we eliminated many groups of zombies, perhaps the only problem was that although the soldiers were encouraged and enthusiastic to get their revenge, in the end when they found several E1-E4 attacking them, the nervousness returned and almost most of them asked for reinforcement from Yuriko-san.

For this reason the helicopter that she piloted had to go from one place to another to attend these groups, seeing the war machine act was certainly very exciting. Watching it get to the side of the buildings and start shooting to tear apart everything that was in its target was a great thing.

When a group that was close to our location asked Yuriko-san for help, all of us were able to witness this while being in a building near which she was making an attack.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that this was great to witness, to make the helicopter do all the work it resulted in a great waste of resources. It should be understood that we only had those we had obtained at the military base to supply this, and although the bullets maybe I am able to buy them through the system, fuel was another matter.

Certainly, there was the option of transforming the two helicopters we had so that they could work with crystals, but these being the only two we had, I was afraid of spoiling them and leaving them unusable. These were much more complicated machines and with many more parts than cars, so, to can experiment with them at least we must wait until we have more of these and then be able to afford that if one breaks down then this does not affect our camp.

Because of this, we had to be more strict with the other groups and tell them not to depend so much on the helicopter just because they witness several evolved zombies in their location, that they first had to try to do it themselves and only in case the number of enemies was too much, then they should ask for help.

It was good that they themselves realized that things were not so difficult once they tried, well, it also had a lot to do with the fact that there was only one helicopter to provide services to all groups here, so since receiving several requests for rescue at the same time this could not be divided to go everywhere.

That's why many teams had to wait for Yuriko-san to arrive, but many times when she had done it, those teams had already eliminated the zombies by themselves.

So that night when we returned to the castle, all the groups celebrated their achievement of that day in a very lively way. On this occasion, there were no funerals and only a large banquet in the dining room was held in which all of them were very happy…

My mood was not bad either, I had been able to get a considerable amount of crystals, of course, this could not be compared with the days we killed hundreds of thousands of zombies, but it was still a good income for my pocket.

In addition, the mission progressed very well and the percentage of enemies in the city eliminated rose to 95% and I could also get several boxes from the system, the best of this was that as most of the zombies liquidated were evolved, due to this the range of these it was in the same way also higher, they were 5 of wood, 12 of wood with metal inlays and 4 of iron.

When I opened these as if the system answered my prayers, I could obtain 2 protection scrolls the same as the previous one that I wanted. Since this was one of the reasons why the girls were able to leave unharmed the time I fell from the building, then I really desired them to have more of these.

The rest I got wasn't bad, but it wasn't surprising either. I can only say that this time the other guys in my group were lucky since I got some limit-break pills. Because all the girls around me had consumed them and they had to wait about 5 months to be able to consume them again, I simply gave them to those who were missing to consume these.

It did n't make much sense that they remain unused in my interdimensional storage, so I gave them to Komuro, Hirano, Yamada, Niki, Misuzu, and Yuki. They all passed the same process as Rei do before, so that, minutes later all successfully finished and they were able to advance a limit.

The one that surprised me the most was Hirano who reached level 53... this guy has really killed a lot of zombies and even and he got over me with the pill... the good thing is that among the group, apart from the girls, is the person with greater loyalty to me.

That night passed quietly and the next day we continued with what we were doing, things were no different from yesterday and everything proceeded without any problem. Then in the afternoon of the day today, we just needed to check a place to complete our assigned area.

The problem was that I had chosen this area in particular and also left this building to be the last one we examined for one reason, this was simple, it was because it was the largest building in the city...

"I have a bad feeling about this place ..."

As I watched the high building that seemed to take to heaven, Yamada's voice is heard next to me. It seems that I was not the unique and everyone else had their eyes on this place with a straight face... in fact, it has the appearance of being where you find the final boss of the city if this were a video game.

Although it may also be that it is only the impression of the great construction, I cannot say that my assumptions are always correct. There is the case of the laboratory that I felt this way because I must to face a scenario that I had seen in many games, but in the end, it was one of the quietest places to examine.

"Let's get in, it can't be very different from the other buildings we've already cleaned of zombies."

I speak trying to reassure others and myself as I go to the reception doors of the building, moving forward a few steps, then I listen to the others who begin to follow me and move on to enter there.

The first levels of this were not different from the other places we have already been, the only difference was that this is a bigger place, therefore, the number of enemies inside was corresponding with this.

This building had 45 levels according to what Saya told me and it was built by a large corporation in the country. Although now it is impossible that it retains its previous purpose and probably can only function as a giant tombstone for all those who died inside.

We passed levels 10, 20, 30 and continued to the next ones at a good pace, but then, in level 38 the things of a day ago were repeated and a large group of evolved zombies emerges from higher floors to where we are...

The only problem was that since this building was bigger than the previous one, it had two stairs to be able to go to each upper or lower level causing us to have to take care of two places at the same time.

"Kurisu, contact Yuriko-san to attack the upper floors"


Maybe the situation we had to face was worse than the previous one, but the weapons we brought showed their effectiveness keeping zombies perfectly at bay by simply making each one of them handle a stair.

Certainly there were some zombies who managed to pass and approach the weapons, in the case of the machine gun it was because if an E3 or E4 type force appeared, due to its defense, sometimes they could advance a few meters from Hirano, Niki, and Mizusu.

Although this was not much of a problem, they just had to let Leona and Scythe who were close to them take care of this and then after they stepped back, raining bullets on the zombies again.

In the case of Komuro, Yamada and Yuki, the zombies more than they could make their way to where they were, was that they were thrown at us due to the grenade explosions. So Saeko and I only had to kill those who could stand up.

That is why the fact that I requested Yuriko-san's help, more than because the pressure on us was too much and we were in a bad situation, was more to end this faster and thus avoid some accident.

Continuing to kill all the zombies that went down the stairs, the characteristic sound of a helicopter is heard and then not long after we can see this flying in circles the building on several occasions where were we from.

...well, I admit it. The former was pure hoaxes, I don't think that anything unexpected could happen and we just had to spend more time to take care of these zombies. The truth was that I just wanted to see closely the helicopter in action...

After Yuriko-san checks in what level of the building we are in, she raises the helicopter and seconds later the sound of the weapons of this one is heard with great intensity and we can also observe small fragments of crystals raining towards the ground.

Seriously, I could not return to the camp without being able to experience the attack of a helicopter up close, that was something that only in the movies you observe.

Unfortunately, Yuriko-san's attack ended several minutes later, then she flies over the floor where we were and leaves.

But that short time was able to demonstrate the power of that machine, thanks to it, the number of zombies decreased significantly and with just a few more moments they stopped appearing from the stair.

Without enemies blocking our way, then we continue upwards and there we only find some zombies who had been lucky not to be torn apart by helicopter bullets and could move.

Finally, when we reached the top floor, we could find the smart zombie holey like a strainer and totally inert... What I can say? Even a final boss with the use of cheats should seem as easy as killing a slime of an RPG game.

But in truth, were many zombies evolved those who were here in this building, when we go down and collect the bodies and boxes of the system, I had 927 of them in total. So, if it were not for the helicopter, then it would have been a job more difficult to end them.

Having finished with our area, I decide to check the mission marker and thanks to the effort that we and the other teams made, this was now 98%.

Now I just have to wait for the other groups to finish with their areas and it will surely complete the mission. So, with that thought in mind we went down to where our car was and we waited for the others to finish.


[Mission / Optional "Retaliation - H"

Eliminate all the zombies that remain in the city to take revenge of the fallen men and thus be able to vent a little the bad taste in the mouth for what happened. Only this time be sure to prepare yourself since the percentage of enemies above the first limit is high.

Requirements: Eliminate 99% of zombies from the city center Current: 99%

Failure: Death, Time> 6:12:47

Reward: 1x Summoning Scroll: Monster [H] (Leader Lineage - Random)

5,000x Crystals

50,000x Gold

[Mission / Optional "Retaliation - H - Completed Rating: A

Additional Reward: 1x Poke-ball

5,000x Crystals

50,000x Gold

A couple of hours later the notification of the system is heard in my head and causing a smile to be drawn on my face. Then waiting for a short time, the communications of each group telling us that they had finished with their work of cleaning the area that they were assigned begin to arrive.

So with the afternoon falling on us, we decided to return to the city, the collection of resources could wait for another day, it is not as if they were going to disappear now that there are few zombies in the city.

Upon arriving at the camp, the atmosphere formed among the soldiers was even better than the previous one, and the things is that day is repeated a bit, but the difference was that as they would have a few days off as a reward for their effort these days, in the end of the celebration for completing our goal, most of those bastards go to the area rose at the moment that they were informed that all would have a few days of rest...

Well, I can't complain since have the privilege of sleep with 6 girls in my bed while watching some of them argue over who will be the one to take one of my sides tonight...

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------

On the next day, all the members of the camp carried out their activities with great emotion, this is probably because the things that the soldiers talked about with the prostitutes spread quickly in the morning.

Because of this, Yuriko-san and Yoshioka organize a meeting with the majority of MLDW residents to report the facts thinking that it was a good thing to do, so I end up being involved in this and they make me responsible for doing so.

The camp continued to grow with each day and the crowd in front of me was not comparable to the first time I did this when we founded this camp... we have really made quite a lot of progress.

In addition, unlike the previous occasion when I did that and everyone looked at me with distrust or fear in their eyes. This time I could see respect, longing and even worship coming from them... this was also a great change.

...even this time they had prepared a table to I get on and talk from a higher place, it seems that I will not have to use a platform of flesh and blood now... I wonder if that platform still will be alive?Well, it doesn't matter, I think that I don't remember his face even if I see him. Leaving those thoughts aside, I begin with my speech to the residents of MLDW.

"Well, most of you may have already heard some things. This time I am here to confirm them... we have eliminated most of the zombies in the city! Now you won't have to worry about them attacking this camp!

Also, you have probably also noticed the four towers recently built and that caused something that could have made all somewhat uneasy when we activated them.

I want to inform everyone that these towers have a very beneficial function for the whole camp, they can protect this place and take away dangerous creatures and so they don't come here. The whole camp is now surrounded by an energy shield that can hold a zombie horde for quite some time.

Another important thing that I have to mention is that we found a source of food that could supply the camp in the near future. So in later days, we will strive to build a small camp there to take advantage of it. "


When I start talking to the crowd, everyone is silent and stops muttering so they can listen to what I have to say. They probably just waited for confirmation that the zombies in the city had been eliminated, but I also decided to take advantage of the opportunity and report two other things that would also encourage them.

So when I say the first there was not much reaction from the crowd and only show a little joy for the confirmation of what they had heard before.

But when I mention the towers, then they all turn curiously to see them and hearing me say their usefulness, I can see that accompanied by that happy environment of them also adds a feeling of relief and tranquility.

Even a few people put their hands together as if praying to a deity asking for the protection of their new home, but... the biggest reaction was undoubtedly because of the third news I tell them, it was very different from all of earlier.

"Woooh !!!"

Total silence dominates for several seconds, so the first thing you hear is some sobs and following these as if that were a switch for others, these are overshadowed by screams with great jubilation and full of enthusiasm.

These sobs were not due to sadness or similar feelings, but quite the opposite and expressed the release of uneasiness that had surely been in everyone's mind.

It was not difficult to imagine, because, although there were not many people talk about this or simply nobody wanted to think about it or also it could also be that because the camp seemed a prosperous place and so this was suppressed. But still, there was a concern that was entrenched in all and it was like an annoying splinter that constantly bothered without being able to get rid of it.

This was people's concern for their future, more specifically with which they would feed once the resources they consumed now disappear. Everyone knew that the food that arrived at the camp was products produced before the apocalypse and logically these would have to end at some point.

"" Alexander-san !! ... Alexander-san !! ... Alexander-san !! ""


[Citizen no. 1724 Loyalty up to 128 Reward: 1x Potion [J]]

[Citizen no. 1698 Loyalty up to 173 Reward: 1x Antidote [J]]

[Citizen no. 3427 Loyalty up to 205 Reward: 1x Weapon Coupon [J]]




Suddenly someone starts shouting my name and after this, others follow him. Right away throughout the camp, you could probably hear their screams chanting my name.

While I was a little surprised by this, the system begins to announce a big number of notifications informing me that the trust of many people had exceeded the amount of 100 loyalty in them and then because of this I also get a lot of rewards, although these were just basic stuff and did not generate great impression on me for obtaining them.


[Emperor Soul skill range up to H]

Finally while the cries of the crowd continued, I feel my aura widen a bit and I see the golden threads in this one getting a little thicker. Well, it was certainly not so bad to come here to inform MLDW members of these things...


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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