Soul Evolution System

Chapter 112 Fourth month in HOTD

It had been 4 months since I arrived with Kurisu in this world, I can't say that until now everything has been perfect, but I think that things have gone quite well.

At this time I was in our camp that we created in the port of the city, after having finished with the elimination of the zombies from the center, during this time the main objective of us was to fulfill what I had promised to the inhabitants of MLDW, the creation of this place.

Honestly, this was much easier than I had thought it would be. First, we continued to treat this place for a while as a leveling ranch until the zombies here ended up being annihilated by us together with the creatures of the sea.

The next step was the creation of a camp, for this we first needed to have a protective wall so that people could work on building the necessary facilities for this place without having to worry about the monsters that came from the sea, this was necessary since he latter was indeed quite aggressive with anyone approaching the shore.

This was solved after I thinking for a while and then having the idea of

reusing the containers that I had gotten in this place. So I after using my storage ability to accommodate them as I wanted and ended up creating a large square of about 500m per side.

The containers should be sufficient to block the creatures of the sea if they get too close in large numbers, the metal they were made of is quite hard and also have a considerable weight that, besides being filled with sand it increases, so that putting two together as a base and one on these create a good wall made of metal.

The creatures of the sea, although the sea can provide resources for them to raise their limits quickly, I believe that these containers will have no problem withstanding the attacks of a creature L4 (Fourth limit).

Maybe the crab we saw earlier can split a person in two with their tongs, but that does not mean they have the strength to cut the metal with them and also don't have the strength to push the containers.

The best thing about this is that thanks to my storage I was able to complete this task in one afternoon, it felt good to achieve that I heard that someone once created a castle in one night.

In addition, this would be the second line of defense of this camp, so with the wall created, then people could work on the first that was obviously the energy shield.

The next day, Kurisu and some scientists from her department came to direct several men to create the necessary towers for this one. This was longer than the previous one, but since they already had experience doing the MLDW ones, they could complete it in just one week.

With all this, we now had a safe place as a base to stand against the creatures of the sea, we just had to strengthen it with weapons of great power and a group of soldiers that was moved from the other camp we had used in the city. As this would no longer be useful to us, that's why we simply discarded it and placed this team here.

Then afterward we only had to recruit people who would be fishermen here, although I don't know if I should call them that since instead of using nets and fishing rods, they had to use crossbows to kill the creatures of the coast.

As was mentioned, these creatures remained fairly aggressive no matter if they were zombies or humans was who approached the coast, so we had to make a group of soldiers always accompany them in case much of those creatures came of the sea to attack.

But thanks to all this, the amount of fresh seafood we received at MLDW was very good and it is also increasing even more when we modify a large cargo ship to fish in the sea.

Though I had some concerns about this since although I said that L4 creatures did not pose a threat to things made of metal, I did not want to take a chance and find a creature that broke my estimates and because of that, for now, that ship was only moving near the coast without getting too far from it.

We did not know to what level the creatures of the sea have advanced... a normal shark already seemed to me that could be considered by the system as L2 or L3, so for now I did not want to know until the limit had reached these creatures.

"Is this all to take to MLDW?"

"Yes, Alexander-san. This is all have obtained the people here during the day yesterday"

The person I talk to was the type of glasses that ran a camp in this city... I think his name was Shiro. Well, whatever it was, the case was that he was quite skilled at doing administrative things and also managing people, so I and the 3 MLDW leaders assigned him with the position as manager of this place.

Since I had come here, I decided to take the cargo of food that fishermen managed to catch for today, of course, I would choose some of the best things I saw for Saeko to prepare them... having found a food source that exceeded the first limit, It seems that Haruna's dog was saved from being cooking... for now.

It is said that seafood alone is already a delicacy and one of the most delicious foods that exist, now with this, you can imagine how good they will be having exceeded the first limit... no, it is probably more delicious than you can think.

"Well, Leona and Scythe, let's go back to our camp"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes... Master…"

With everything stored I turn around telling the two girls who accompanied me... well, probably for others they are like my bodyguards. I walk to an open area that had been left as a helipad and boarded the helicopter parked there.

I may have said before that we needed to take care of the resources of these machines, but reducing travel time from one hour to 10 or 20 minutes was very convenient... well, there was also the fact that it was really fun to do that.

But as one of the camp leaders, nobody had any problem with me using it, in fact, there were people who encouraged me to do so. I think that has to do with some people feeling good when they see the person who they follow is someone important

As we fly over the city, I also watch Leona and Scythe sit in front of me. The first one has not advanced much in this time of just over a month since using the scroll I create her, in all that time she has only hight up one level to reach [59].

As for the second, her leveling also slowed down greatly, using my evaluation ability I see her status to see if there is a difference from before.


Name: Schythe Grim

Race: Ghoul

Age: 4 Months (Body of a 24 year old girl)

Level: 53

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (10)

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: J

Agility: H

Magic: (-)



[Berseker - G] [Body Domain - S] [Scythe Handling- C] [Life Absorption - S] (Sealed)


[Flexible Movement - C] [Agile Movement-C] [Pain Block - C] [Sharp Claws - C] [Reap- E] (New)



[Acrobat- C] [Fidelity - C] [Guardian - J] (New)

Loyalty: 569 Affection: 60

As I had thought her leveling became even slower than before ... although on the other hand, she was able to gain two new skills and also one of them was of development, so it is not that this time has been in vain.

Even so, I can now better notice the advantages that some of my skills provide me. If we compare my own status, then the difference can be seen more clearly.


Name: Alexander Ilios Apeiro

Race: Human

Age: 12 years 4 months

Level: 50> 54

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 380/380 Source energy (SE): 40

Strength: I

Resistance: I

Dexterity: I

Intelligence: I> H

Agility: I

Magic: ([Multi-elemental (Sealed)])



[Will of the Worlds-SSS] [Soul of the Emperor - F] [Blessing of Origin-SSS] [Interdimensional Inventory-SS] [Evaluation-SSS] [Immunity to Fire-S] [Spiritual Vision-S]


[Stealth-H> G] [Light feet-G] [Cut-H] [Lunge-H] [Courage-H] [Roar-I> H] [Focus-H] [Falcon vision-G] [Limit break -J> H] [Shoot-G] [Pain resistance-H] [Regeneration-I] [Tame-J> I] [Parallel Thought-J] (New)


[Wings of the Sun (Sealed)]


[Luck-S] [Charm-C] [Swordsman-H] [Hero-C] [Leadership-G] [Gunman-G] [Alchemist-J] (New) [Sniper-H] (New)

Wives: (-)

Lovers: Saeko Busujima

Haruna Komuro

Makise Kurisu

Shizuka Marikawa

Followers: Scythe Grim

Leona Heidern

Convocations: Venus Luciferina

Gold: 2, 825, 479 Crystals: 589, 600

Current world: Highschool of the dead (World level 1)

It had also become more difficult for me to level up, but even with this I was able to overcome Scythe and that besides that lately, I have n't killed so many enemies this month.

She was previously the only one that surpassed me in level, unfortunately or fortunately, when thinking that I will finally be the highest level individual among all the people I know, it seems that someone always joins me around to remind me to keep work hard.

In this case, there were two individuals around me who came into this description, the first, obviously was the homunculus Leone who I had already mentioned her level. The other being was the great green spot that extends over a large area around the camp and we can see now as the helicopter approach to this...

[Venus Luciferian Level 68]

That's right, it was my plant... it was still growing and also at a rate that should still be considered fast. Well, after swallowing a large number of evolved zombie bodies that were a better fertilizer for this, it is not difficult to consider this happening.

I cannot say that it is a bad thing that they both have a higher level than mine, in the end, they continue to be my subordinates with fairly high loyalty. Also, as with Scythe, sooner or later I will overcome them, although in fact, I think it is a good thing that the gap between us is not too big since that way they will be more helpful to me.

Another thing that changed in my status is that I gain several new skills or some of them rose in rank and maybe, this is even better than just leveling. Some of these I obtained or they grew thanks to the fact that the affection of some girls exceeded 100 units, this was the case of [Parallel thinking] [Alchemist] [Domar].

The first one was especially helpful because it increased my intelligence attribute in my physical qualities, and also thanks to this the overexertion of my brain because the ability [Limit-break] was reduced a little and even reached the rank [H].

In the case of the sniper skill, I got it by using a long-range rifle to kill the zombies on the coast, but I think it is likely that I will not develop it much in the future since that is not my main style of fighting.

Finally there is the amount of Gold and Crystals, the first also increased thanks to completing the missions of the conquest of the girls and loyalty of the citizens of the camp, in addition, the chests I obtained also contributed something.

The number of crystals I had was somewhat more fluctuating, this was because although I obtained this from the good amount of zombies that were eliminated, there was also a larger expense of these. As in the case of energy shields, I used 200 thousand for MLDW and 400 thousand for the port camp... there was also the parchment to fly that I used as an emergency... there were almost 200 thousand crystals for this one too ... I don't want to talk much about the latter, it really hurt me spend that amount to fly about 10 minutes.

The reason that the energy shield of the coast camp used more crystals was that this, being more prone to be attacked since it had the sea from which enemies constantly came out and with considerable force, it was necessary to use that amount to resist and maintain away the creatures of the east sea from this.

Changing the subject, watching the camp from the air, in truth it could no longer be considered as such, it had become a small town quite active.

Tell me, Aurora. What is the population of MLDW at this moment? From here they seem to be quite a lot... but it is good that the loyalty of most of them has increased considerably, otherwise it would be a great problem to try to direct them to all of them.

[I also think you've done a great job of getting here, Alexander. It is certainly a great achievement to be in charge of all those people, now the amount of them is…]

[Survivors: 18,953]

It is certainly a good number of these, but thinking that I only have two months to complete the mission of surviving in this world for 6 months, this means that I have not reached half the amount necessary for the mission of rescue survivors with all this time elapsed...

Certainly, the missions did not indicate that I had to end all with the same timeframe, but I also do not want to stay much longer here... it has become difficult for enemies in this world to provide us with energy or a lot of pressure to face them in order to level up, so maybe I should press the groups of soldiers to look for more survivors and thus accelerate the pace a bit.

With more people in the camp, I can logically have more helping me to complete these missions. With the last recruitment for soldiers a few weeks ago, now the number of them is 1,500.

What is remarkable about this is that 300 of them are in the 4th limit, 800 of them are between 2nd and 3rd, with most of them in the latter, and then the remaining 400 are new recruits. I can say that the ranch of leveling of the coast gave uu great results, but unfortunately, this could only last a short time, well, it is not so bad since now that place provides food for the camp.

So with more capable men at my disposal, then I think it will not be so difficult to complete the goal of the 50 thousand survivors before 6 months, besides ... there is another thing that can help me accomplish this even faster.

If you wonder where all these survivors came from, the answer is from the small towns that surrounded the city. We could not stay doing anything after having eliminated the zombies from the city, so caravans of soldiers went to these places in search of resources and people struggling to stay alive.

Logically what was in these villages was not only these, they were also full of zombies or other enemies, but having a population of only about 50 thousand, soldiers who already had experience in dealing with them could fend for themselves.

So also the counter of eliminated zombies increased during this time reaching [610,538] the last time I checked. No doubt with each more time that passes it will be easier to find zombies and more difficult to find survivors...

Besides, apart from this, there were also the mercenaries who had to carry out expeditions to support themselves, so they added some numbers to these quantities.

"Master, we have arrived!"

While I was thinking about the results we have achieved during these 4 months and also trying to find a way to accomplish the missions I have faster, Leona who was in front speaks to me to tell me that.

When I open my eyes can see that the helicopter had touched down in the place reserved for them while the rotor of the propellers continued to spin at high speed. Then I unbuckle my seat belt while Leona helps Scythe to take off her own and getting off of it I shout at the pilot in gratitude for taking and bringing me.

This was the man that Hirano talked about last time, he may not be as skilled at controlling the helicopter's weapons, but he has more experience than Yuriko in piloting them, so honestly, I feel a little more secure when he is the one who drives it.

"Sir! Some people arrived at the camp while you were in the other camp... now they should be talking in the meeting room with the other 3 leaders!"

" Guests?! ... this is strange, do you know who they are?!"

"I think they were people from Kinato since Miss Rei's Mom was with them!"


Leaving the helicopter a soldier quickly approaches with the body crouched by trying to counteract the strong wind that the propellers produce, so once he is near me, he gives me a report of the resentful things that happened in the camp in my absence.

It seems that Rei's mother has returned to MLDW and also this time she didn't come alone... I don't know if the purpose of them coming from Kinato is good or bad, but I think I can take advantage of this.

Speculating a little about the possible reasons why this group came here, I remain silent for a few moments, then I nod to the soldier and start walking with the two girls following me closely to where is the meeting room that has been used constantly in the castle

We didn't take long to get there and as the soldier had said, here were Yuriko-san, Yoshioka, and Soichiro. Besides them, there were also the people in my group, but apart from these, I could also see the face of Kiriko-san and several peoples that I don't know.


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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