Soul Evolution System

Chapter 116 Kinato

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"Miyamoto-san, you don't have to be as formal as Soichiro says. You can say that we created this camp in order to all be able to survive more easily in this world and you can see the result of the efforts of all the residents.

You don't have to thank me for Rei, either. She became one of the closest people to me, so it is natural that if she is in trouble then I will help her. "

When Miyamoto- san ends his greetings with Soichiro, his vision returns to me and then this time I give him an answer for his previous words. Well, I couldn't tell him that at the beginning of the apocalypse I only helped his daughter because she ended up joining our group in some way and that's why I better talk about how things are recently.

"Fufufu, Alexander-kun is being modest, the truth is that he is one of the pillars that helped create this camp, without him, then things probably would not have been so easy for us and maybe we would be in a worse situation than in what are you two now "

Yuriko-san also approaches us and expresses her opinion of things. I do not like to show off things that are not totally my merit and it is true that if I wanted to create this camp alone, perhaps it would have been impossible, so I could not steal the merit from others.

The discussions that followed immediately were quieter, there were not many things that I could get from their group and besides, as they were in charge of maintaining Kinato's order, they didn't need much of us, besides the resources that the police captain of this city should have helped them a lot.

I had also given Kiriko-san some things before, like some food, bullets, and antidotes. After all, she was Rei's mother, so in doing so she would be happier and her worries for her parents would decrease a little.

So after a few minutes of chat between us, their group is invited to a meal to continue being able to continue arguing. They were friends with the other 3 leaders and also with my current relationship with Rei, one could say that most likely I ended up having a closer bond than those 3 with them.

Because of this, it was logical that they were treated much better than the other 2 Kinato leaders. Then as we headed to the dining room, Rika-san comes and asks me to take her with Shisuka as I had promised.

So because of this, I say goodbye to the Miyamoto couple telling them that I would see them later and then will go with Rika-san to the MLDW laboratory where Shisuka should be.

"Nunn ~ Nunn ~ Nuu ~"

"" Nunn ~ Nunn ~ Nuu ~ ""

"Shisuka !!"

"E-eh? Rika? Why are you here, Rika? ~ ..."

To our fortune, we didn't have to go find her somewhere else since she was here in the laboratory... previously I had said that she would be singing in her work to express that she was well and cheerful, but don't really expect to find her humming some song while looking through a microscope and had two little girls by her side making the choir.

Rika-san seeing her friend happily approaches her as she shouts her name, then, realizing the visitors, Shisuka puts aside what she is doing and lifts her face from the microscope towards us.

Shisuka's response rather than joy at seeing Rika was confusion. She probably doesn't expect to meet her friend and much less that come to her work to see her.

"Silly girl, it's me, Rika. Or do you know someone with my same appearance? "

"You really are Rika !! I thought I would never see you again ~..."


When Shisuka finally leaves her confusion and believes what her eyes show her, just as excited as Rika-san when she saw her in the first, she gives her a big hug... as a result of this I have to swallow the saliva in my mouth before it overflows.

...the reason for this is that four huge mountains divided into two pairs struggled to push the others to claim the space in front of them as their own, but... none of those pairs wanted to give up and that's why they were compressed between them.

The bigger ones seemed to want to eat the smaller ones, but since these were not small hills but also imposing mountains, then they did not allow the others to gain more ground on them.

This great battle lasted for several minutes until the goddesses behind those great mountains decided to stop that fight….

"I'm so glad you 're well, Shisuka. Besides, it seems that things were not so difficult for you, I was afraid that some guy would like to take advantage of you."

"Me too, I am also glad that Rika is fine, although I knew you could take care of yourself~. Besides, I'm fine thank Alex-kun, when the apocalypse beginning he helped me get out of school along with others~"

While I was with my eyes closed trying to get those images embedded deep in my brain, I feel the weightlessness generated by being lifted... now one of the goddesses placed me between her mountains as if she wanted to tell everyone that I was the only one to have the domain of these.

"I see... he seems to be a pretty skilled boy "

"Yes! ~ Isn't he very cute? He's my boyfriend ~"

"E-eh? H-He's your what?"

"My boyfriend ~"

Feeling the look of Rika-san I have to leave my imaginary world... then I find her going down and up her face repeatedly as if she nodded to look at my face and Shisuka's.

"... I had thought this, but having the ability to be one of the leaders of this camp then it is possible that you only look younger than you are. Isn't it, boy?"

"Hmn? No, I think he looks how old he is, Alex-kun is 12 years old ~"

Before I can answer Rika-san's question, Shisuka speaks for me answering. Well, exactly this body is 12 years 4 months, although probably those 4 months do not change much the reason why now Rika-san is making a worried face...

"... Shisuka, you know you're 27 years old, right? I always thought that the two of us who could get in trouble with the authority was me since I hiding some weapons that even being part of the army I shouldn't have ... I didn't think if it wasn't for the apocalypse, then right now I would have to take you to the authorities. "

"Heee ~ Why? I love Alex-kun and he loves me ~ Besides, I'm not the only one who is Alex-kun's girlfriend ~ There are other girls who are his girlfriends and are older than him too~"

"Yes ~ My mom is Alexander-onisan's girlfriend ~"

"Yes ~ Also there are other onechans who are Alex-onichan's girlfriends"

"... so there are more people who share the same crime as you? ... W-Well, I certainly think he's cute, but he's 12 years old, you know?"

"Hump! I'm not going to talk to you, Rika, I thought that if I found you, I wouldn't mind sharing Alex-kun with you since even if you act roughly, you always took away of me the cute things that I found."

The two girls next to Shisuka, Iruka-chan and Alice-chan, join the conversation of both girls. Moreover, it seems that although Rika-san has a strong appearance, hidden inside her unexpectedly has a childish side...

That aside, I must say that girls come with a variety of mentalities. Although there are some like Kurisu that prevent me from getting closer to more women, there are also those who would look for me new girls without me having to do something... this it makes each one unique in their own way, but I can't help but like Shisuka's thoughts more.


As for Rika-san's reaction to Shisuka's words is to blush, it seems that the fact that her friend has revealed some of her hobbies embarrasses her.

Not wanting to continue with that topic, in the end, Rika-san better changes the subject and they start discussing among themselves several other things. I, on the other hand, have to stay in Shisuka's arms listening to them, it seems that the increase in her limits was not in vain, now she can move more easily...

I don't feel very well being treated like a stuffed animal, but it's hard to fight with the feeling that her breasts give to my neck ...if you want to win something, you always have to lose some things.

"Alexander-onisan, you told me you would help me get a pet like my mom and Alice-chan. When will you keep your promise? ~"

" I'm sorry Iruka-chan, I had been a little busy... I'll help you soon, okay? "

"I also want to see Iruka-onechan's pet! ~"

While the 5 of us were walking to the dining room, Iruka-chan reminds me of an issue that I had previously promised her. Because Alice-chan had her dog, feeling a little jealous because that, I was asked to also help her to have a pet, so I accept her request.

When the two hear my answer, both are happy and start running towards the room more quickly leaving behind us 3. Well, I should do it soon since I may forget it or other issues arise.

Apparently, Rika-san decided to go along with Rei's dad's group since her's was gone. So the discussion between several acquaintances meeting continued until after a few hours we said goodbye outside the camp to the last group of Kinato.

"Then Alexander-kun, when you get to Kinato come to find me and if there is anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask me."

"Brat, take care of yourself and also take care of my daughter"

"Boy, I think we'll see each other soon to talk again since we couldn't reach an agreement in the negotiations...don't worry, probably the colonel will only keep pushing you to lower your demands a bit, but he won't dare to do something crazy "

"Well, everyone have a good trip"

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(POV Ichiro Shido - Kinato)

A day after the discussions at MLDW, I was in the place with the largest free space to gather a crowd, I had to carry out several things and that is why I needed these people to listen to me.

"Today I am here to inform you all of some things ...but you don't have to worry, it's not bad news as you've only received so far."

Then when a good number of residents of this camp had met I decided to start. Because lately the pressure on all of them had been accumulating due to the recent events, such as that we had to reduce the amount of food or that rats and some other animals were introduced into the camp disturbing them, so when they hear me speak, I can see their faces of concern and even some begin to shake.

So after taking a short pause to observe them, I continue telling them something to reassure them. The discontent that they had with us the leaders was not small, but it is good that I could have directed it towards the military part of the camp, so I can still exercise enough control over them.

"Yesterday because of my concern about the situation that all of you have to go through and that the useless of the military caused, I made a trip to a nearby camp in the city of Tokonosu!

I had to go beg them to provide us with resources since the citizens here were going through a lot of difficulties! But as everyone must understand, the world is now not as it used to be and nobody would give away food that is something that has become a scarce and valuable resource...

But thanks to my efforts, I was able to get them to give us a little of what they had and also get them to receive 15 thousand people to relocate them there. This would help a lot to the situation of all to reduce the total food consumption of this camp and so the others can get more!!

Those who decide to go, being honest, may have a better life than those who stay, that is because that camp is in a better situation than ours "

"R- Relocate? "

"Can we eat there every day? ... if so, please Shido-san I want to be moved there !!"

"I also!!"

"B-but if it's in the city of Tokonosu, then it must be full of zombies... "

"E-eh? S-so it doesn't mean much to be able to have food if because that you have to become zombie food!"

"N-no, I don't want to go to a place where those monsters are there!!"

It would be an idiot if I tell everyone that I had sold them for food, so I had to change that for what they would be sent there to relocate, and in this way instead of discontent to be treated as merchandise, they will thank me and happily go to that camp... or so I intended this to be.

After talking, everything went as I planned and quickly many people hearing that they would have a better life there, begin to ask to be moved. But a fool who raises his voice changes this and because of this, others remembering the zombies quickly change their minds...

In truth, they are all a great burden... they are certainly useful for me to put pressure on the other 2 leaders, but they are also like lobsters that eat the precious food we have. Lose 15 thousand residents it will not affect much the power I can get through them and instead, this could make easier to control those who remain.

The good thing is that now there is no problem with the zombies in that city, so if only this is the impediment to move the 15 thousand people, then I do not have to worry much.

Well, even if this problem still existed there, I would still find a way to do it. Although it may have seemed that I did not want to exchange people with that Tokonosu child, as I said, the advantages of this deal were much more beneficial to me, in fact... sometimes I had thought of looking for a way to reduce the population a little in Kinato.

"You don't have to worry about that. Many should have seen the columns of smoke that came from that city, the reason for this was not an unfortunate event, but quite the opposite.

The camp in that place has taken care of all the zombies, also, this is not exactly in the city of Tokonosu, it is located on the banks of this and has a population of approximately 20 thousand people, yet its situation is much better than us since that they were able to collect food from the city"

With these words, although I could see that many were still distrustful that I only told them this to convince them, those who believed it were also several. Further, the situation of this camp should have done to others that although they were not sure if it was true, they would bet their destiny in the hope of having a better life there.

Therefore, again the voices of the residents rise to ask to be transferred. With this done, now I only have to organize and gather the amount of 7,500 of them, but this will not be difficult either.

Soon, many people who were in my command begin to take the preparations to do what the other Tokonosu leader asked us. The Soichiro minion, I think his name was Yoshioka, he had wanted us to keep a detailed record of gender, age and the old job of each individual that would be transferred.

Although that is a small nuisance, it is not like I have to do it and so I accept that condition with the terms of our treatment. For this reason, some tables are placed and they pass each person to collect that information.

Thinking about that now, I don't understand very well how the Takagi couple and their minion being one of the leaders could allow a child to take the most power in that camp... well, surely it is for some stupid thought. After all, they were influential people before, but also are too idealistic.

"Shido-san... it would be a shame if you sent good women to another camp. Many of them we have not even had the opportunity to enjoy them"

"It's true, Shido-san ... it would be a great shame to give them to be enjoyed by others different than us"

"You don't have to worry too much, it's me who has the biggest problem... Shido-san surely wants to send a lot of kids to that camp since they're not of much use, but that would greatly affect me!"


When I under the small podium that had been put to speak with all the residents here, the group of people who had possessed more influence or power in this area and were rescued at the beginning of the apocalypse comes to me to raise some complaints.

If it wasn't because they can be of help because of their old positions or authority that previously they had, in truth I could only see them as useless people... well, it is not so bad that they are simple people that can be controlled due to their lust, this makes things more Simple for me

I do not find the sense of spending the time in just satisfying those desires, besides many of them could not even sleep with several women since just doing it with only one woman one time, they would end up exhausted... although it is also not that I do not understand the sense of dominance and power that one achieves by simply showing other people the number of women that you have. In this world, this became one of the first ways to show power to others.

But personally, I think it is better to concentrate first on reaffirming your power and after that then being able to satisfy other desires, after all, without this you could not do it at first.

...although listening to them, I should also look for a woman to father another child since the idiot of Koichi ended up dying. That is really a disappointment, but if he did not have the ability to stay alive, then I can only say that he did not have enough skill and it is better to instruct one so that he can be superior to that failure.

"Well, don't worry. Women and children may be much less than in the world before the apocalypse, but it's not that they are rare now, or at least you wouldn't have trouble getting both of them, rather, I believe that with the world as it is now, you all are able to please your desires much easier.

We must send a balanced population to that child, so we can earn their trust and take advantage of that. That's why we will have to make some sacrifices, but in the end, things could only get better for us. "

"If Shido-san says it that way, it may be true."

"Without a doubt, if we get the support of that camp our situation will improve and therefore we can enjoy more things, hahaha"

" would be nice if I could put my hands on that child"

After convincing them, then we only observe the work of our men and the people who want to be transferred that turn more and more. Things for me in this camp after this negotiation can only improve and with a little effort, I can take command of that other camp as well.


Status Alexander:

Status Venus Luciferian


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

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Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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