Soul Evolution System

Chapter 117 Kinato (Part 2)

(POV Colonel - Kinato)

Curse! Curse! Curse!

One day passed and my anger because that damn brat had not been able to diminish. At first, when I saw the Takagi couple I thought things would be very easy for me, I didn't know them personally but I knew that the husband was a person with a slightly militarized mentality from of some rumors I heard, so I thought that could take advantage of that.

In fact, everything was going very well and during our first meeting I could check the thing of before. That is why I was hoping to recruit him as one of my subordinates, although it probably had not been immediately, I was confident that I could do it in a short time.

But then when our Kinato group that had gone to that camp commented that we had to talk about some serious things, we discovered that this place was run by 4 people and not only the 3 that received us... no, surely that couple of police idiots knew it and decided to just keep it to themselves.

Well, hearing that, I thought that things could not change much and that even with this, in the not too distant future I would have the control of that camp... who would have thought that a damn impertinent brat would appear as the 4th leader from there.

Honestly, I thought that he was just some child of an important person that those 3 were protecting and they just wanted him to be here for formality. So believing that he was just someone with some support equal to that useless group next to that fat bald Shido, I could not help showing a strong attitude to pressure him and so he would not hinder me the things that I wanted to do with this camp.

Having to deal with Shido's group constantly in our camp, I discovered that they were just people without guts that with the slightest hint of confrontation, they receded. That's why when I met that boy, I wanted to intimidate him so that he only stayed out of my way in future negotiations... who would have thought that this brat had more balls than those despicable adults.

"... Dad!... Dad! I'm talking to you!"

"What do you want useless! I'm busy right now trying to think concerning some things!"

"E-emm ..."

Curse! How could I raise a son to become the same as people I can only see as very annoying ?! This must be his mother's fault for having spoiled him too much... he can't even compete in force with a simple brat! This fool is only good for being ashamed in front of others...

"I-I want you to kill that brat! That damn child dared to mark my face! You can't let this stay like that, he has to suffer... I know! it seems he is attached to some of the girls who were in that meeting. Make some soldiers bring all of them and also the brat, it will be fun to see the face he puts on when I play with those girls in front of him"

"Jerk!! If I could take care of that brat as easy as you say then I wouldn't be so upset !!"

"B-but surely if you send an armed unit you can end that camp-"

"Damn! Do you think it's so easy ?! Do you think that what their soldiers were holding were sticks and stones ?!"

"B-but if you send helicopters and tanks, then surely they won't be able to do anything even if they have some weapons..."

"Idiot! None of the Lieutenant Colonels in the base would agree to attack a group of civilians!! If I could make them follow my orders to the 100%, I wouldn't have to worry about what those two stupid leaders of this camp do!!"

"E-eh? ¿ But don't you told me that you wanted to arrange a marriage between me and Lt. Col. Rika?... I wanted to dominate that proud woman"


How could I have such a stupid son? ... my goal was to have a lieutenant colonel under my direct orders with the support of family ties, but... when I tried to match both of them and talk to her about my son, I only saw a total disinterest in her face accompanied with some of disdain.

Nor can I blame her... the fool just thought that I was going to give him another toy with which he could have fun... He couldn't even help me with something like this...

"Get out of here, idiot! I don't want to see you now, so hop off from here if you don't want me also to mark that stupid face that you have!"

"B-but ... what about that brat? "

"Get out of here Idiot !!"


Well, without that trouble here, now I can think more calmly. The other leaders of this camp will surely not share anything with us from the things they could get and we are indeed running out of provisions to feed the soldiers, if that keep in that way then they could give up staying in the military barracks ...

But the hell! What that brat asks is too much and now as things were between us, it seems that we can not enter into negotiations to try to reduce his demands...

...maybe I should instead try to make some deal with Miyamoto, he probably needs bullets and some military things might interest him, this way we would pay much less than what that lad ask...

The problem is that we will not be able to obtain the antidotes that the Tokonosu camp developed. If we had them, then we could try to get our own resources searching around Kinato.

The criticisms of the residents here towards us have some truth in them since we have not gone to try to get food in other nearby places, but unfortunately, it is not as simple as they believe.

This base only had a bullet production line, but for large-caliber and artillery weapons it depended on deliveries of bigger bases, so these are limited and once they run out, it will be difficult to replace them. Besides, these do not help much when it comes to collecting food since we would only get it to burn those as same with the barns when we fight the rats.

So the best option is that we deploy the 4 thousand of infantrymen... but the problem with this is that it doesn't matter if it's a soldier or a civilian, if those damn zombies manage to hurt someone, no, with just one little scratch condemns that person to a slow death full of anxiety and fear.

That is why it does not matter that the soldiers have received training to fight, it is impossible that the pressure and fear disappear if they have to face creatures that can kill them with the slightest carelessness.

But this can change if we get the antidotes... haa, it's a pity that these are in the hands of that damn brat... I wonder if I can talk to the other 3 leaders of that camp without having to deal with him?

"Colonel! Shido called a meeting with the residents to inform them of the things he agreed with that Tokonosu boy and is now trying to gather the number of people he asked for!"

"Hmn? So that idiot has started?... I really don't know what that guy is thinking about making that child's camp even stronger! His camp has virtually no shortage of anything and the only thing that prevents him from developing yet faster is that he has to wait time to gather more survivors.

But now that idiot has given him almost the total population he had in Tokonosu... he probably thinks that he will only settle for expanding his own kingdom, but I can see that this brat did not settle for that!

Well, maybe he can't do things so easily, people probably won't like to be treated like merchandise. "

"E-emmm ... Colonel, Shido has made believe that this is just a relocation and said nothing that the resources he got were for selling them... in fact, he doesn't miss the moment to highlight what happened with the rats..."

"Damn! This guy is only good at handling people and making others look bad!!"

"What do we do, Colonel? Do you want us to tell people about the information Shido hid?", that would no longer help. People's dissatisfaction with our group is not small and if we do that, then he will probably make it seem that we are the ones who are lying, after all, those politicians know very well how to misrepresent the information.

"... No, it's too late to stop that. Tell the Lieutenant Colonels that it is necessary to have a meeting, we have to discuss some things"

It is better to worry about solving our problems than creating new ones, although I don't want to have to give in to that brat, nor is it that we have much choice. Miyamoto may have resources for his faction, but most likely he cannot afford to exchange it for other things...

After saying that to the soldier who came to inform me, he goes out to carry out my order, it is good to see that I still have the confidence and respect of many of the soldiers of this barracks.

Approximately half an hour later the lieutenant colonels who are in charge of their units arrive at my office. If these guys were not so foolish and only carried out the orders I give them, then many of the problems we have would be much easier to solve.

Earlier when I lost contact with the command line and heard that practically our country disappeared, at first I felt a little lost and discouraged. Since I served this for a long time, I could not believe that all my effort was in vain.

But then I thought that I just had to rebuild it… no, make a new one that was much stronger than the previous one, but sadly, I soon realized that this also affected men who are supposed to follow all my orders. So without me having the backing of the chain of command, they now only followed the orders that fit their own thoughts and beliefs.

The only thing salvageable from this was that at least they kept up appearances and also would not be so bold to do what they wanted, so if I commanded to call all them, would appear as they do no ... although I have to wait some time more in comparison to earlier.

"Well, Colonel. What did you want us to talk about?"

"I heard that conversations with the other camp were not as good as expected"

"You are right Omura, far from being able to meet our goal by going there, our group was the only one that received nothing"

"...that is very bad to hear. Our resources continue to decrease with each passing day and soon we will have nothing to feed the soldiers."

The first to speak is the lieutenant colonel of the air vehicle unit, Yagami. Then the one who follows after him is Omura, with the same rank but with the difference that he drives the mechanized unit.

After they speak, the Lieutenant Colonel Rika who led the special forces unit that had accompanied me to Tokonosu before, begins to explain some of the things that happened in that place and then, the last to speak is Minami who shares the same rank as the previous ones but she directed the administrative part of the base.

"Rika is right, the negotiations were not very good, no, they were quite the opposite and you can say that it was a disaster, but... the reason for this is because one of their leaders asked too much. He wants it in return for the things we needed was..."

Then I begin to inform them about the requests of that brat and so when listening to me, each of them frowns with obvious disagreement for each of the things I mention. Is certainly I did not want to give that child these things, but there was an even greater problem for can do that, if I wanted to do it so, first have to convince each that are here ...

"That's just crazy! If we do, we would lose half of our weapons!"

"... it seems that this leader is quite ambitious"

"Maybe we should just press it a little showing our weapons and feign to attack his camp to make him understand"

"Please do not joke, Lieutenant Colonel Omura. We are the army and not a kind of mafia!"

"Hehehe, don't get so excited Minami-chan, the keyword of what I said earlier is" feign", as a soldier the least I want to do is attack the civilians we must protect"

"Unfortunately even if we did something like that, things would not change much, if you ask the colonel he will tell you that it is useless since he should have had the same idea as you when we were there, but the result of that is what he said, a disaster.

His group is not that was unarmed and his response to the threat of the colonel was that he would not hesitate to unleash a war between the two camps "

"...Rika-san, maybe he was just trying to appear strong? When he sees all our weapons pointing at him he should leave all appearances."

"...I don't think so Yagami, because of the things I heard in that camp about him, it seems that he is someone very important for that camp and he has a very extreme character. That's why I think his words are not just for speaking... if we provoke him, it may be that even before we attack it, it is he who starts things. "

"Rika is right, that damn brat seems to be crazy"

After I give all the requests of the brat, the first one who cannot stand this and expresses his discontent, was the lieutenant colonel of artillery Kuma who had remained silent since we all met, then immediately continues the lieutenant colonel Basaru of the collective weapons unit that had been with eyes closed listening to everything.

Omura, Minami, Rika, and Yagami begin to discuss how we should deal with this problem, but in the end, I have to support Rika's point of view, I have no doubt that this brat would fulfill his words if we pressured him too much...


"...Yes, the leader with the most power in the Tokonosu camp is a 12-year-old boy"

"Damn! Is a brat who doesn't even have hair down there pressuring us? "

"Lieutenant Colonel Kuma, please don't be vulgar... also, if it is a child who runs that camp, it is probably true that he would not hesitate to attack us... reasonably because of his mentality, he does not measure the risks just like an adult"

"Let's put that brat aside, we have to decide what to do since as Minami says, we don't have many resources to support our men.

I would not give to that boy anything, but if we run out of food then the soldiers will look for another way to fill their stomachs, so our army would end up dissolving"


"General I have an idea ..."

When the identity of the main leader of Tokonosu comes out of my mouth, Minami asks with doubt and then Kuma raises his voice getting a reproach from her for the way with he spoke.

As things were deviating from the main issue, I decide to intervene by reminding all our problems. When they hear me say that, everyone frowns again and they remain silent while they think, so after a while, Rika is the one who speaks.

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(POV Police Officer Miyamoto - Kinato)

I had already heard from Kiriko that our daughter was safe, but seeing her yesterday I could finally relax and get the thorn that stuck in my heart bothering me.

" Why are you so quiet, honey? "

"Hmn? Oh, it's nothing Kiriko. I was just thinking about how good is that Rei was well ... although, now I have another concern ... the person who decided to follow our daughter, how should I say it? ... It seems to be someone dangerous and from what I could see, he is also a womanizer... well, if he is 12 years old would it be more correct to say that he will become a womanizer?... no, I heard while we ate that he already has several established relationships with some women we saw "

"... well, I think that it has become something common in this world, even in this camp group of pigs that Shido lead spend all the time looking for women taking advantage of the fact that only by offering them some food or better deals, they could win their bodies.

From what I heard and saw the two times I was there, at least the women who are by his side are because they genuinely feel something between them. Besides, from what Yuriko-san and Rei told me, it seems that he really cares about them and wouldn't do something like mistreat them or take advantage of them. "

Certainly the world is no longer what it used to be... those types of Shido have really caused me problems, but unfortunately even if these women are mistreated or treated as objects, they prefer to silence that than having to go hungry again...

Nor can I use force to suppress them, their group has obtained weapons from the side of the military and us, surely making deals with people from both sides offering them benefits in exchange for this...

So if we started a war between the two groups, it would only create more disorder than there is already in Kinato, and the only one happy to see that would be that colonel.

"Haaa, I think you're right, Kiriko. I just hope Rei is happy and that her life can be good even while she lives in this world."


Status Alexander:

Status Venus Luciferian


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

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Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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