Soul Evolution System

Chapter 118 New Monsters Summoned (Part 1)

(POV Police Officer Miyamoto- Kinato)

"As for what you say that this guy seems to be someone dangerous, I agree a little with you, if Rei had told me that he was the person she liked several months ago, then I would only have thought she went crazy and I try to do everything possible to prevent the two from being together.

But honestly, now as the world is, I must say that I feel calmer that he is by his side. In the world now if someone shows a little weakness, then other people will not hesitate to take advantage of that.

So even though I have some personal problems with that brat, at least I know that our daughter did not go through many difficulties being by her side "


Immediately after my words, Kiriko speaks again. This time it was another of my concerns about the Tokonosu boy, in that camp I saw how to the colonel's son he almost took one of his eyes out as if it were the most normal thing in the world to do... he also began to market with people as if they were merchandise.

As a policeman, I may not have to say this, but I was a little happy about being able to see that guy suffer. He has done several despicable things in Kinato, but unfortunately, he is under the shadow of his father.

Well, that guy doesn't matter. The problem is that the boy's behavior is somewhat worrisome and I think it can no longer be described as being just a little dominant as Kiriko had previously mentioned to me about him... that was bordering on savagery and carelessness for other people's lives.

...the only thing that calms me down a bit is that the atmosphere in that camp was pretty good, so I can think that this guy is only like that with people who he doesn't care and as Kiriko says, seems that he cares about those who are close to him.

Besides, I'm a little curious about what problems there was between that boy and Kiriko, it doesn't seem like she hates him, but there is certainly something different to my worries that bothers her about him...

Leaving that aside and returning to the subject about the boy, although I would like to say that Kiriko was wrong about what she says, I have to admit that I would be more worried if the person with whom Rei stay has a weak character, therefore, I can only silently nod to his words.

"Besides, there is something important that I want to talk to you, honey. As you heard, that boy will come to this camp soon... with his arrival he may make things here get a little busier, so you should prepare for that."

"Haaa… well, I think that the one who will have to worry about that more is the side of the military, from what I saw, that boy has his eyes on their military equipment."

"You're right about that, but... Rei told me some things ... ¿ maybe it was more a request? ... no, surely that seemed more a warning... well, anyway, she told me that when he comes here, it is almost sure he will do things that probably wouldn't seem right, but..."

"... Rei wants me to help the boy do illegal things?"

When I hear what Kiriko says, I inevitably frown as I ask her that. I have never liked to take advantage of my position or do something that goes against the principles I believe in... even if it is true that this world has changed and things are not as they used to be.

But that is not why I can put aside the things that have inspired me and I have followed firmly... so even if it is my daughter who asks me for a favor that goes against this, it makes me in a difficult position between choose what I believe in and something that my daughter asks me...

Seeing my reaction, she must have understood my thoughts but instead of seeing her face worried about the fact that I probably have to reuse Rei's request, she smiles and then continues talking.

"Don't worry, honey. It's not that your daughter doesn't know your personality, that's why she just asked me to just ignore the things he does in the city, she sure me that we didn't have to worry about him doing something in against normal residents, but he will surely do things against the other two Kinato leaders.

As for our group, surely the boy will not take any action against us or will do something that affects us, after all, he has a close relationship with our daughter and I think he will surely not do something that saddens her.

...but I think what she told me was also more like a warning since I could see the worry on her face, her words were that if we opposed him, we may both be safe, but... he wouldn't mind Kill everyone else in our group.

At first, I thought that she was exaggerating, but when I spoke with Yuriko, curiously she gave me one advice very similar to Rei's words. Then remembering the scene where he marks the face of the silly son of the colonel, I have to say that perhaps it would not be bad to follow the advice of those two "

"... if he only does things against the other two groups, I don't see why our group has to intervene. I haven't had the ambition to become the only president of that camp, but I honestly believe that if there wasn't this stupid fight of power, we may be being able to do things for the resident's situation was much better.

It seems I underestimate the boy our daughter likes... he probably doesn't just want the military's weapons, he also wants to take control of this camp "

"Well, you've already seen the camp in Tokonosu. It's not a bad place, I think if this place could have a similar atmosphere than there, then people could be calmer and the depressing environment here may perhaps change in one with more encouragement. "

"Haaa ... I just hope Rei is right and Kinato residents don't suffer more than they've had to endure so far."

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(POV Alexander - Tokonosu)

It had been a day that Kiriko-san along with the entire Kinato group left for their camp. After having a session of several kisses with the girls as good morning, I get out of bed in a very lively way.

I wish could stay with the girls in bed all day, but unfortunately, I had things to do, like starting to prepare things to also go to Kinato. I had to go there since as I had said to the bald man, I would create a store in that place as the first step to realize several objectives.

"Alexander-onisan!! You finally got up!! You had promised me that today you would help me get a pet like my mama and Alice-chan !!~"

"I also want to see what kind of pet you give to Iruka-onechan, Alex-onichan! ~"

When I open the door of my presidential suite, what receives me is two little girls showing great spirit on their faces... it is true, I had promised to Iruka-chan get a pet for her, Alice-chan was surely interested in what kind of animal would become the pet of the first one and came with her.

"Well, then let's go outside so I can fulfill my promise with Iruka-chan"

"" Yes ~ ""

With the two answering happily, we walked out of the castle and then not long after, we arrived at the pool area that regularly had no people at this time in the morning... no, perhaps I should say that I was practically dragged to hurry.

So when we got here, the two let go of my pulling hand and turned almost synchronously to look towards my face expressing anticipation and emotion in theirs.

I caress the head of the two a little to calm them down a bit and immediately take out a scroll from my storage, obviously, it was one to summon a monster. At this time I had a normal one that summoned a random monster and one that seemed to be more advanced than the first since it said that the result of this was one with a lineage of a leader.

You will think it was a waste to give it to this little girl, but the truth was that I only know three other people besides me who have the ability [Tame]. These was the couple of mother and daughter, Haruna and Iruka- chan and also Alice-chan that developed this one by herself.

Since Iruka seemed to have inherited that ability from her mother, there is a possibility that the other son also possesses it. Unfortunately for him, that ungrateful son has not yet earned the right to I give him something… besides, although perhaps is wrong to say this, as a father I have greater favoritism for this little girl than for another son.

Haruna's ability has a greater range than mine and also being an innate, she should be able to control even more monsters, but surely she won't mind waiting if the one who receives the scroll instead is her daughter.

As for me, as the mission to conquer Haruna level my ability to tame, then I can tame another monster. So even though it is a bit unfair, I will use the parchment with the highest rank.

Besides, if the monster that came out were too strong there is the possibility that it does not want to submit to Iruka-chan, so it is not a bad decision that starts with a slightly weaker monster... let's ignore the fact that as I am going to help her tame it to avoid some risk, that would probably not matter.

"Well, Iruka-chan, I'm going to summon ... I'm going to make appear your monster... your new pet, but it is a pity that I don't know what will come out. So cross your fingers to it will something you like"

Please God ... or should I say Cross? Well, any of the two who listen to me would serve, I just ask you not to produce something viscous or with tentacle appear, otherwise Iruka-chan may not like it and Haruna would surely be mad at me for giving something strange to her daughter... it may also be that since both are very fond to the animals, then do not will care about that. Whatever, just please do something that a girl likes to appear here.

So while I make a prayer to make it a good summon, then I also take a crystal from my storage and place it in the center of the parchment. This immediately begins to emit a light indicating that it has been activated and while the seconds pass the glow is taking a form...

"Great !! Alexander-onisan, you're great !! ~"

"Yes ~ !! But... what is that? ~"

That's a good question from Alice-chan... well, at least my prayers were heard by one of those two great beings and it wasn't a slime or some nasty thing... I'm really grateful for that, but...

I don't think this creature is very useful on the land... no, don't get confused, it doesn't seem weak, it's just that it was a sea creature. I wonder if influenced to use the parchment near the pool? Could it also be that it has to do with the name of Iruka-chan? No, I don't think that would affect the summons... all this it was probably a coincidence and this was simply her luck.

[Whalligator level 42]

Shit! What about my luck factor? The first monster that I summoned was a plant that did not exceed the first limit! And now Iruka-chan gets a monster that taking away the fact that it can't fight on land, does this seem much better than my plant? Does she have more luck than me?

[Well, certainly the monster the girl received is not bad, but if you compare their potential for the future then Venus is much better, Alexander. Remember what limit is your plant now, in addition to the fact that although most people and beings in this world have had to slow down their growth after the 5th, it can maintain a fairly rapid growth rate even]

Well ... that comforts me a little, Aurora, thanks. Besides, I can't be unhappy because Iruka-chan got a good monster, but quite the opposite, with this I can feel a little calmer so that she also levels… although I probably have to do some things to she can do this.

As I had said before, it was a sea creature and with fins as limbs to move, fighting on land would put this monster at a great disadvantage. Although it certainly does not look harmless with that reptile head full of fangs that it has and several spikes on its body... I had never seen a creature like this, so it must be from some world I do not know.

It had a predominant black and white color, with only some parts red. If I had to describe it with earth animals, the closest thing I could compare to this was a combination of a Komodo dragon and an orca...

Its size was something significant, about 6 meters long counting its tail that was like a fin of a whale, also was about 2.5m tall.

"Alexander-onisan ~ can I pat it?"

"I want to pat it too ~"

"Hmn? Well... Iruka-chan, first tell me if you feel any kind of connection with it.. something as if you could know what thing it wants"

"Hmn? Emm… I don't know Alexander-onisan… I just feel like it is staring at me"

Well, certainly the creature since it was summoned has been looking in our direction, but it has not done anything else... it has not attacked us so I think that is an advantage... but it could also be because it can not move well in the ground…

I can't let her approach without knowing if that thing is tamed, it would be dangerous for her. But since I am not the one who summoned her, then it is almost certain that if I approach it can attack me because I am not his master... this is a problem, what should I do?

[Give the poke-ball you have in your storage to the girl, Alexander. Those objects only work if the monster is tamed, so if she uses it, you will know if the monster is obedient to her without having to put her at risk]

Oh, that's a great help, Aurora, thanks again. Then with her suggestion, I immediately take the poke-ball that I got as a reward for the conquest of Haruna and handed it to Iruka-chan as I explain.

"Take this Iruka-chan, throw it this object to that creature and then later can pet it all you want, just try to hit and not fail"

" W-won't it gets mad if I throwing things to it, Alexander-onisan? "

"Don't worry, that won't hurt it, this object is the same one I use when I want to move to my plant that is at the entrance of the camp, so it also will be useful to move your new pet"

"Eeeh? It's not fair Alex-onichan! I want one for Zeke too"

When I tell Iruka-chan to throw the poke-ball at the monster, she hesitates a little to do it since she must have thought it was something like throwing a stone at it, but then after hearing my explanation, she takes the poke-ball happily.

The problem now is that Alice-chan when she also listens, begins to pull one of my hands demanding that I give her one in the same way. That's why I have to spend some time to convince her that her dog, Zeke, doesn't need it, so getting her to calm down a little by stroking her head, Iruka-chan and I get as close as possible without putting her at risk to make it easier for her to she can hit when throwing the poke-ball.

With what the system called Whalligator with its eyes on us, Iruka-chan throws the poke-ball at it and in response the monster only bows its head. The next instant the creature seems to transform into light and it begins to be sucked by the poke-ball.

The result is that the poke-ball is without a move in the place that fell after swallowing the Whalligator, so now we are almost sure that this monster was tamed.

Feeling me relieved that everything had come out without any complications, I, together with the two girls we approached the red and white sphere that now had a monster inside it.

"Well, it seems that your new pet is docile, Iruka-chan. You just have to let it out and you can pet her as much as you want.

Now I should also summon my new pet... I wonder what I will get this time? I would be happy that this time what comes out of the scroll at least is something that can move and not be static in one place... that would at least be more convenient for me and also save me buying a poke-ball.

These things are not cheap in the system and not think I can make it with the technology of this world... I wonder if I give it to Kurisu for analysis one, then later she could do something similar? "

"Alexander-onisan, are you going to make something else appear? ~ "

"Great, Alex-onichan ~ I wonder what will be this time? ~ "


Status Alexander:

Status Venus Luciferian

Status Scythe


Hello everyone, I want to announce that now there is 3 month of chapters advance in p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so remember to visit it, I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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