Soul Evolution System

Chapter 127 Kinato 9

(POV 3rd person- In a Kinato bar)

After preventing the rats from invading for 3 consecutive days, several people gathered to celebrate their achievements during this time. The place was a bar that was recently conditioned as such in Kinato and although perhaps it was not compared to those before the apocalypse, at least it allowed people to meet and pleasantly spend time.

"Today, his father managed to knock down 20 normal rats and 3 of the biggest rats, so be grateful since today I will invite everyone who is here with me!!"

"Hahaha, while I didn't kill as many as you, I could still take down 13!! I will definitely be able to have fun with some girls tonight!!"

"Tch, I may have killed a lot less, but I was able to kill one that was surely 3 times larger than anyone you killed! It was not easy to kill it, this didn't fell even after I shot her 5 times with the crossbow... no, it was 10 times!

...Even one had pierced its eye but that damn still continued to run to where I was stand, so... so, when it gets to go right in front of me and when I thought everything was lost, I arm myself with courage and stomped on the arrow of its eye so that it would sink further and then be able to kill it"

"Hahaha, yes, surely you will say that the rat that was dragging Alexander-san's team was the one that you kicked to death"


"T-That's ... well... it wasn't as big as the one Alexander-san and Yuriko-san killed, but it was just a little smaller..."

The first impression that a person would have when listening to an invasion of rats that could kill a person easily, could only be fear and anxiety but contrary to this, the atmosphere in this bar was full of joy and celebration.

Each one talked about the number of rats killed or tell the others the times that they were about to be bitten by them, but they prevailed and ended up killing them without forgetting to further improve their bravery or ability to do that.

"Come on brother soldier eat this, I heard that you had a very hard time the last few months... that you didn't even have enough food to fill your stomach"

"...thanks, but things are not so bad now"

"Hahaha, it's good to hear that. Without a doubt, one of the hardest things in this world is having to go hungry."

Even the repudiation that residents had had towards the Kinato military had been forgotten these days and they were able to join to celebrate in the bars of the cam. It was as if people just wanted to be able to have fun and be happy for all the time that in the previous months they couldn't do it.

"Well, but I think you have it easier than we do. The things you use are firearms and you also have better preparation, so the safest thing is that the number of rats that killed each of you doesn't compare to the higher number that presumes the people here.

I am very envious of you, with all those rats that each one killed, surely you all could be able to keep 10 women without problems for a while, hahaha "

", the rats we kill go directly to the barracks stores, we don't receive anything from those rats..."

"It is not necessary that you lie, brother soldier. It is not that I am going to ask you for something that you hunted, I might not get as much as you or other residents, but I could still get something"

"...what he says is true, we won't get anything from those rats"

While the atmosphere in the bar was very good and it seemed that everyone was having a good time, there were some who frowned as they talked and listened to what others here said. At several tables where there were Kinato soldiers who were invited to join to spend time with some "residents from Kinato", conversations like this were heard.

Their reactions were not because they were upset by the things these men were saying to them, it was rather an awkwardness that they felt. Many of them were under the impression that their group was the only one who didn't get any of this despite going through the same things as the residents.

They felt as if they had been scammed or rather, exploited since one of the things that men told them was true, no doubt each of them killed at least the number of rats for which the previous person was boasting and also that was just having a reserved thought because most of them surely surpassed that amount by a good margin.

Then the discomfort they felt only increased with the following words from those residents and the things that they saw through their own eyes.

"Wow! I don't want to talk badly about your leader, but... isn't he a bit stingy? The Tokonosu's soldiers seem to have a great life and their leader pays them quite well, in fact, I wish could join to that group... no, the truth is that I have begged to be allowed to join them but for now it seems that they only accept people with experience in fighting.

You just have to see them, those people over there are one of the Tokonosu soldiers... every night they come and take the best girls here. It's a bit frustrating, but you can tell that a lot of Kinato people are alive because of them so it's not such a bad thing.

Also, I have heard that if a soldier gets a spouse, then Tokonosu's camp will make her have the same treatment as him. Also, if their skills are good, then can ascend to captains and with this they can even have more women and all of them will have the treatment that their soldiers "


The Kinato soldiers follow the gaze of the man who spoke to them and there was a man in a military suit but the insignia on one of his arms did not identify him as someone from their barracks, but rather someone from Tokonosu.

Seeing this man, it could only arouse envy in them. He seemed to be having a good time chatting with a couple of pretty girls who did not stop his advances by caressing sensitive parts of their bodies, and instead highlighted their breasts or buttocks to get more attention from him.

Time passed and the soldiers who had been invited to the bars to celebrate could only remain silent because of what they saw. While it was known that Tokonosu's situation was very good and that is why it was not difficult to imagine that the treatment of the soldiers there was better, even so, all of them could not feel more than just injustice in the difference in the treatment being soldiers all of them.

But then when they observed that even the residents who until recently were suffering could now afford to leave the bar accompanied by a girl... or more than one on some occasions, then what they felt became even stronger.

In comparison with that, they, on the other hand, had to leave the bar to go to the barracks accompanied by other soldiers... so unlike the cheerful faces of all those who left, they could only put on a gloomy and unhappy face because of such a difference in the treatment...

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(POV Colonel)

Days after we received payment for the military equipment we gave that brat, things went back to normal a bit... well, within what can be considered normal in this damn apocalyptic world full of zombies.

We stopped receiving complaints from the soldiers and the resignation of them stopped, so the following days were quieter. I just had to put up with my idiot son who came every day to ask me to kill the brat, but after yelling at him to go off and do some of his nonsense then the rest of the time I was able to relax a little.

I must say that although that brat is annoying, at least he kept his word and delivered everything he had said without missing a gram of the things.

Everything was fine for now but since this food has to be consumed and also at a fairly fast pace, then we could not stand with our hands crossed waiting for things to get worse again when they finish.

So when I learned that this brat had created a team with Kinato residents to hunt rats, I had to consider sending some groups of soldiers to do the same.

It is not that I did not want to do this with our soldiers in the first, but if I used a few men to deal with rats to save ammunition, then they would be in danger. But if I did the opposite and sent a thousand or 2 thousand of them, then the expense would be too much.

This problem could be solved if we tried to operate the bullet production lines at the barracks, but that damn of Shido always refused to make some residents operate these production lines.

So I have no choice but to stop those thoughts, but what really made me almost go and shoot that damn bald man, is that when the rats started to enter the camp and cause some accident, the very damned still told to the residents that it was our fault since we did not take care of those rats.

So since the residents already had some resentment towards us about the barn event, their opinion of us only got worse for this.

But it seems that this lad got a large number of crossbows to arm Kinato residents to hunt, these might not work much against the zombies since they would be too slow to reload them and the range of effectiveness to hit the shot was shorter than a firearm.

But to hunt rats these were a very good thing, it was not necessary that they hit the head as with the zombies so that you are to cause them great damage, with which hit right in their bodies most likely those rats will die.

So after hearing all these things from some men that I put to watch the movements and watch that group of Tokonosu, then there was nothing that made me hesitate and sent several groups of soldiers.

I thought that this brat would not hesitate to take advantage of this, but contrary to this, he seems to have calmed down after getting what he wanted and did not put any impediment for us to do it, he just asked us to give him the useless crystals that these rats had in them and so both sides were able to cooperate in hunting the rats.

Everything was going well and instead of just consuming the resources we had, now we could make increase the food a little in our stores.

Then in the last days, a large number of rats attacked Kinato but even though this was a bad thing, the truth was the opposite and only helped to increase the number of rat meat that we could store.

Unfortunately during those three days, not everything was good... suddenly the dissatisfaction of the soldiers arose again, although this time for totally different reasons.

At first it was only a few people, but as if it was a disease, this spread throughout the barracks until it became a problem like the previous one with the food shortages, no, perhaps it is even worse.

"Colonel, what do we do? The soldiers keep demanding to receive a fair payment for their work..."

"We cannot deny them this since practically what they are asking for is something very reasonable, they are supposed to be the people who will be at the forefront risking their lives in case of a problem, but now they have become the ones who have one of the worst treatment in this camp ... "

"Then we just have to give them the payment they demand, right? After all, everyone here thinks it's fair."

"...the problem is that we cannot do it. We solve the problem of food shortages but if we start distributing these provisions to all the 4 thousand soldiers only for them to have fun in the camp, then these provisions will disappear in a short time.

If that happens, we will not only have the problem with food shortages just like before, but we will also have nothing to pay them later... "

A few days after the rats stopped attacking the camp in large numbers, I had to make a meeting with the other lieutenant colonels who were here. The only exception was Lieutenant Colonel Rika who was not in the barracks, surely she or is at her home in the camp or went to visit again her friend in the villa of that brat.

Well, with the majority attending here then it should be fine to be able to find a solution to this problem mentioned by all the lieutenant colonels here. seems that the improvement of mood in the residents of the camp has caused us a great inconvenience. Curse! We barely solve one problem and another one arises!

"Then will we have to exchange more military items for more food with that boy?"


After Minami's words with which she explained the complications to access the requests of the soldiers, Kuma speaks and this makes my office fall silent for a long time.

That brat had already extorted us with a good amount of military objects so if we are going to ask for more, everyone knows that will not be little we will have to give in return.

"No, if we go with that brat, he may even increase his requests this time to provide us with more provisions, but also it is true that we cannot stay this way without doing anything.

Those who have been more patient of the soldiers have asked us to improve the conditions to continue being part of this barracks, but many have only decided to leave. That is why we must do something as quickly as possible and prevent more soldiers from leaving.

So I think the only option we have is to get resources for ourselves since that was the plan from the beginning, so we just have to move things forward. We will go to the neighboring city of Urachi, it was an even bigger city than Tokonosu and therefore the amount of food in it will be even greater "

After remaining silent all this time listening to others speak, I decide to enter the conversation proposing to advance our plans.

"Colonel, certainly the city of Urachi is bigger than Tokonosu, but that also means that the amount of zombies is much greater..."

"Lieutenant Colonel Omura is right, the risk we will run all of us will be even greater."

"Nonsense! If a group of civilians was able to eliminate the zombies from Tokonosu, I don't see how trained men make this work difficult for them. Besides, we also have the advantage of the antidotes we got from that brat, so without a doubt, things will even be much easier than when we kill the zombies in this town "

"The colonel is right, it is to do that or to make an exchange with that brat again, but if we do the latter we will only delay the problem for a while and it will not be a real solution"

Basaru and Omura did not seem convinced to do this, but listening to my arguments and those of Kuma, they consider it again and then nod in approval. So during the next few days, we will have to prepare to go to Urachi... I want to see the face of that brat when he finds out that he can no longer get anything from us.

My only concern is that more men decide to leave the army during that time, therefore, this has to be done as quickly as possible.

"Colonel! Colonel! There is a problem!"

When I thought that everything was already solved, one of my confidants ran into my office while screaming and then seeing that there were more people here, he walks towards me and tells me the things that happened so that only I can hear him.

"Damn it! That jerk! I thought that by not coming to complain this morning he had calmed down a bit but instead, he goes and does such stupidity!!"

When I hear what he tells me, it was impossible for me to keep it a secret from the others who were here because of the fury my stupid son made me feel for what he did… well, it was probably impossible for this to remain hidden in the first place.

…Curse! It seems he chose the worst time to go and cause problems. If it wasn't my own blood, then chances are I would have shot that bastard long ago!

"Something has come up... we will suspend this for another time"

"" ... okay, Colonel ""

"Organize some men to accompany me"

With the looks of intrigued by all those who were here, I get up while I order the man who informed me and then go to the villa of that brat.

Curse! Curse! When I thought that the brat could no longer bother me, a fool goes and gives him some reasons so that he can take advantage of this... when this is solved,I will chain my stupid son so that he won't give me any more trouble.


Hello everyone!!

I had not realized that the links can not be copied by someone who told me that, now they are also in the description, I think there can be done.

Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!! seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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