Soul Evolution System

Chapter 128 Kinato 10

(POV Alexander)

What Gloterus had told me was true, in these last days of the mission to hunt the rats more soldiers from Kinato had come to my village to ask to join us, during all that time the total number of people who came was not few and surely exceeded 500.

Our group was undoubtedly the most attractive for them to join, but they had also gone to the other two factions of Kinato, so the militia must have lost between 700 or 800 men in the course of these days.

The only unfortunate thing about this is that I couldn't get any more military vehicles and items with this, although if the resignation of military personnel continues to happen then it is inevitable that that faction disintegrates and in the end, I will still get everything from them.

It is only a matter of time for that to happen, let's see what things that colonel can do to delay the inevitable... maybe he will even make some bad move to speed it up even more.

As for the faction of the bald, honestly, this isn't even a big deal. He may have gained a little more popularity from the recent changes in Kinato but unfortunately for him, that doesn't provide him with any protection... he can easily be replaced.

Well, with things going well in Kinato, maybe I should go to MLDW… I need to go and deliver the new blueprints to Kurisu. She will surely understand them better and be able to tell me if it is convenient to build those things.

"Fine, Gloterus. Make the men you chose continue to do the same ... hehehe, right now that colonel must be gritting his teeth at what's going on in his faction.

It is a pity for him that his problem is due to his lack of resources and that is why he surely cannot go and complain to the bald man because the residents now have a better life or with me for treating my men better since if he does that will only further increase his bad reputation in Kinato.

Although he may do other things to try to solve his problem... who knows, if we are lucky then he may even come to ask us to make another transaction, hehehe "

"No problem, Boss Alexander. You will see that the discontent from the treatment that the soldiers receive only increases, don't worry.

But about the politician, isn't it time to deal with him too? Maybe if his reputation continues to grow then it will be more difficult to put him aside. "

"About the bald man… the time is not yet right, let's let him enjoy his influence over the people here in Kinato a little more. Don't worry, his group is much easier to deal with than the military, after all, in this world the power he has gained is not very useful.

...But it would be nice to do it in a way that doesn't create much chaos in the residents of Kinato, you must try to gain the trust of one of the most influential people in his group. 

I have a feeling that something bad can happen to the bald man… so it is better to have someone on our side to absolve us of any responsibility for that. "

"Hahaha, so that politician is someone with bad luck?... well, I don't think there is much of a problem putting someone close to him on our side, Boss.

Most politicians are always looking for the opportunity to replace the people who are above them and they are also people with great ambitions. So just by releasing some bait, then surely we will have a few people from that group of him running to our doors "


"Alexander-sama, Shido-san is at the door asking to speak to you, what do you want me to tell him?"

"... put him through"

While I was talking to Gloterus, one of the maids enters the room that I use as an office to tell me that, listening to what she says, I remember that the time to end our deal had come, so knowing why he had come here then I ask her to let him in.

Minutes later, the bald man and some people led by the same maid enter the office. Their group, as usual, had the same nasty smile on their faces when they see me, I really would rather have them show the contempt, discomfort or similar feelings that are surely hiding in their minds than those hypocritical expressions.

"Hello, Alexander-san. Because of the things that happened recently, I hadn't wanted to bother you but since they've calmed down now, I thought we could talk.

We have finished the preparations to transport the 7,500 people that were still missing in our deal, I know that Alexander-san must have been busy in these last days but unfortunately due to the changes we made in the camp, the things that we had received have been consumed quickly and that is why we need the resources remaining of our deal... "

"...don't worry Shido-san, I may have been busy but don't forget our promise, you can send your men whenever you want to take the remaining things from our agreement, these are already here in this villa"

"Well, well, Alexander-san really is a person of his word. I am very happy to hear that, so if there is no problem with you I will send some men to transport the food to our warehouses.

... Also, there are other things I should mention Alexander-san. Due to the changes we have made, our side needs to make some adjustments that may affect you... it is a pity that I cannot do anything for this since it is something necessary "

"... adjustments? Please tell me, if it's a reasonable thing then I don't see why not."

"You will see, Alexander-san. Following your recommendation, we implement works for the residents, but... if we want this to continue in this way, then we need to implement some taxes in the camp so that this can continue in the future"

"... I see, then how much tax will my group have to pay"

"Since Alexander-san's group and those who hunt rats are the people who get the most resources, they would have to pay 20%. It certainly hears as a high percentage, but even with this tax, I don't think it will greatly affect your earnings.

Of course, since it is something unexpected we will not count the things you obtained in these weeks but from the next few days, we must implement it... "


Not only was the military group affected by the changes in the camp, it was logical that the bald faction also had problems. The difference was that this would affect Kinato residents and knowing how this guy acts, I know he would not hesitate to put all the blame on us if things go wrong for him.

Also, I could not blame him so much either because although our camp has not needed to resort to something like taxes to keep it running, that was only because we obtained enough resources in the expeditions of our soldiers and now also of the coast.

But unlike us, their group couldn't do this and their request wasn't too farfetched either. In the future, I think that even our camp will have to implement something similar to taxes when we can no longer continue looting other places... although, for that we first need people to be able to produce more food since any percentage of 0 is still 0.

"...if Alexander-san thinks it is too much, then we can discuss it and reach an agreement"

"No, it seems fair, I'm sorry I was thinking other things. Shido-san, I think that even with that tax, this will not be enough to keep things as they are now in Kinato.

From what I've heard, this place was previously used for farm fields… I would like to use these soon, so I could pay you something upfront for allowing me to do it later. "


My silence for a few seconds after he mentions the tax issue, he must interpret it as nonconformity on my part and then speaks to try to reach an agreement between us.

His group must also have been pressured by this and he would probably end up accepting even if he had to lower the percentage, but the truth is that I was not interested in fighting for a percentage point of the profits of this store in Kinato, not that this was a great quantity.

In fact, for now, the best thing is to keep this group happy and not generate enmity for some small problem like this. So that's why I was even willing to provide more resources with that excuse that I said.

That is certainly a future goal for this place, but it is not that I intend to pay for the use of those lands... if this camp falls into my hands then there is no reason to pay for them.

"I see, I see. Without a doubt, those lands are very good and Alexander-san can surely take good advantage of them, in truth we should be ashamed for not trying to use them-"

"Shido-san, I don't need you to praise me, just tell me the price for using those lands"

Probably if I left him he'd even start talking about making a statue of me at camp, so I step in to get him straight to the point.

"Well ... they are enough land, but since it is Alexander-san who asks for it, then... 2 thousand... no, thousand tons of food for a year"

Seeing me frown at the initial amount, he instantly retracts and cuts it in half… damn greedy, it's not that it was so easy to use these lands, there are still quite a few wild animals in that meadow that represent a problem and so they can't be used immediately... Rather, we do not yet know if that is feasible.

"Well, thousand tons of food seems fair to me. After your men finish transporting the payment for the 7,500 people who were missing, then in a few days you can have those thousand tons"

"Okay. Putting the deals aside, I should also thank Alexander-san on behalf of all Kinato residents for all your support so far, they all have a better life now because of you.

Thanks to this, our work has also been easier, having the support of the residents- "

[Crack !!]

"Alex-kun !! Alex-kun !! Th -Something happened to Rika ... s-she ... s-she ..."

"Calm down, Shisuka ... calm down first and then tell me what happened to Rika-san"

Suddenly Shisuka enters the office with a slightly pale and worried face that I have rarely seen in her, but because of this the only thing that I have been able to know is that something could have happened to her friend, so I try to make her reassure to can understand things.

"I-I was playing outside with Vrana-chan and then my radio rang ... I-I thought Rika just wanted us to talk like we've done these days, B-but ... I-I could only hear that she was arguing with someone and it seems like he... h-he want to do bad things to her "

"… Did he say where she was?"

"Y-yes !! I heard she said that they were..."

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(POV Rika)

... I open my eyes and the first thing I see is the ceiling in my room, so I turn around a bit in my bed and when doing so I discover an awkwardness... or rather something very different from how I usually get up every day... my hands and feet were tied with string while I was in my underwear.

At first, I thought I was just waking up like a normal day in my room... but seeing my current state I start to think about what could have happened to end this way.

Then I remembered that I had already woken up a few hours ago and then I prepared to go to the barracks as usual. Well, not everything was as usual because yesterday some colleagues invited me to drink and eat something in the bars that had recently opened in Kinato, I woke up with a hangover.

Don't think I drank much to get a hangover, I didn't want to accidentally end up in the bed of one of these guys if I drank too much since that would be a very unfortunate thing, so I retired to my house after just having drunk a little.

Perhaps because time had passed since the last time I drank, then my body had lost its habit a bit and that's why I woke up with a headache.

But not for this I could forget about my obligations, so after getting ready I leaving my house and go to the barracks but then a guy that already his existence was synonymous with headache appeared... just seeing him I felt that my head would explode for these two things coming together.

"Good morning, Rika. Today is a nice day don't you think?"

"It's you ... sorry, it's late and I need to go to the barracks to see the things that have to be done today"

It was the son of the colonel... they say that the scars usually give a manly touch to men, but in his case, that was just unpleasant and made me sick just by putting my eyes on it, although it may also be because he is the one with the scar that makes me feel that way.

Ignoring his pathetic attempts to try to create a conversation between us, I tell him that as I walk to leave. In truth, if I stay more time close to him, maybe my head would explode.

"Wait, wait! Rika. Looks like you're not feeling well… you're a little pale, take this and drinking it."

When I try to get through this guy, he moves to block my path and then reaches out to offer me a bottle of water. Normally I would just ignore him, but because of the hangover when I see what is in his hand my feet stopped. 

Because of the hangover, I was thirsty and since what I said before was true and it was not a simple excuse, I didn't have time to drink anything.

Curse! I can't believe I was such an idiot! 

As I drank the water listening to that guy's nonsense out by courtesy, I suddenly felt that my body was losing strength and then the last thing I saw was that rubbish smiling and other soldiers who came from somewhere where they were hiding.

This situation is bad, I really did not think that this trash had the guts to get high with something, I want to kill him!! No, calm down Rika, you should first try to find a solution for this or then things can only get worse.

Curse! This is the worst, I do not want that damn to take my virginity !!... well, it is not as if I was keeping it for some special belief or that I was too reserved.

The problem is that I don't want to do it with someone from my job and with the guys I met outside of this, things didn't end well. 

I remember taking a boy to my apartment once and then when things were going well, but suddenly it all went wrong when we got to my room.

I had forgotten that I leave one of my weapons on the bed and when he saw it, he practically left my apartment naked...

Another time, when Shisuka was already living with me, something worse happened... when I took another guy to my house, that damn man kept seeing her breasts all the time. Fuck! Not that I'm small in that regard, so couldn't he just not be so obvious or focus on mine?!

After that I decided to focus better on my work and take things slower, but... now the worst man I know is about to take advantage of me. Seriously, if that damn dare to put a finger on me, then I will kill him! I don't care if the colonel kills me in revenge!

Why Shisuka can have a cute boyfriend, but I get this instead? It's not fair! Damn lucky Shisuka... it's true! Shisuka!

As I cursed my fate and the colonel's son and even Shisuka for her better fate as I tried to free my hands or feet, which was useless because I was still weakened and the ropes were quite sturdy. So thinking of her, I remembered the radio that she gave me.

I quickly walk over to the pillow on the bed which is the place I left it the last time I talk to her and hoping those guys haven't checked the whole room, then I tuck my two hands tied under the pillow and find it.

"Shisuka! Shisuka!"


Taking it quickly, I try to talk to tell her that sent someone to help me, if she tells that boy then he can probably order some of his men to come.

Unfortunately when I try to communicate with her, I hear the bedroom door open. I seat as fast I can and try to power the radio under one of my legs while I press the button to communicate with her.

Curse! I hope that this airhead understands what is happening here... no, with that she is awake and not sleeping would be enough.

"Rika, Rika, Rika... this is your fault for humiliating me in that way by not accepting the proposal of before and so that we can both be together. If you had, then things would be very different from now and I shouldn't have to resort to this"

"Damn! You better stop this stupidity or you will get something worse than that disgusting scar on your face!!"


Hello everyone!!

I had not realized that the links can not be copied by someone who told me that, now they are also in the description, I think there can be done.

Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!! seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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