Soul Evolution System

Chapter 13: HERO[Edited]


The bandit leader took a couple of steps back and before he could even understand what had happened lost his senses and fell dead among all those around him. This being a level 19, a human and only with the skill acquired with experience, it was easy to predict that when I shoot him he would die, since a goblin chief who exceeded level 20 and had seen how firearms works could only defend himself.

His minions were stunned, I on the other hand changed the direction of the weapon and aimed at each of those who had bows as weapons and three more bodies collapsed.

"Damn Orz, haven’t you checked if she was unarmed?"

"How long are you going to hold me by the neck? If you don't want to end up like your friends, let go of me right fucking now."

Ignoring the one who spoke furiously, I shout at the thief who kindly accompanied me to the square... Was that his name? Well, not that it matters. With my voice, he throws himself on the ground in fear and as if he were an ostrich stuck his head to the ground.

Damn this guy really is an idiot ... that must have hurt. Once free of his fingers I take my sword with my right hand and receive the saber from the one that shouted before, I take a step back and then attack, thrusting my sword in his chest. With enough force I throw him to one side blocking one of the other two bandits who attacked me, the last one is dealt whit by my colt.

I remove my sword from his flesh and he falls to his knees, pressing with the palms on his chest, I look at him and also the last bandit in the area. At least let's answer his question before he dies.

"It's not that he didn't check me out, but that he agreed to help me with just having a little chat with him ... besides look at him, I don't know who is more idiot for trusting someone like that, him or you all"

The three of us looked at who he called Orz, he was wallowing on the floor while touching his head and shouting like a pig being slaughtered. The wounded guy’s face turned red as he clenched his teeth, then he expelled a large amount of blood from his mouth and collapsed with the face against the ground.

"Do you think that counts as dying from anger?"

"N-no, it's clear that you killed him"

I speak to the last thief and he answers me, it's not that I want to avoid the responsibility of taking his life, but I’m pretty sure it should be a 50-50 shared with Orz ... no, maybe an 80-20?

Let's stop the useless thoughts, I don't want my objectives to escape. Breaking the brief peace between us I point my sword at next enemy in the area. He hesitated to attack me, he seems to be waiting for more of his companions, something that I could not allow, so I’m the one who takes the initiative.

In a couple of movements he loses his life too, I turn to look for more thieves but the crowd starts to get up and lose control. Hell, it’s harder to find them in such situation, I aim my gun at the sky, shooting and as hard as my lungs allowed me, I yell.


[Mission complete]

"All the villagers! If you don't want to be injured during the fight, stay on the ground!"

Listening, most follow the instructions. Haa ... more than a hero now I feel like a bank robber. Well, the important thing is that it worked and I completed the mission, I can see 3 individuals with the word [Thief] on their heads, I reload my gun and then annihilate them.

"Be careful!! That little bitch has a magic weapon!! Don't attack her by fro-Guak"

That guy talked too much, thanks to his words the rest instead of coming to me turn around and start running trying to escape. I follow them quickly, am worried about Kurisu and since the System mentioned “heroes” I don’t want a bandit to found her by chance and things end up like Spider Man who let one run away ...

"Ha ... Ha ... Ha, this must have been the last one, bastards really made me run, let's go back to Kurisu"


[Alexander level up to 12]

I walk to the entrance of the town where I left Kurisu, after a couple of minutes I finally arrive and from what I can see she is in perfect condition. She was sitting against the wall with the mature villager from before, talking between them. When I’m at a safe distance I speak.

"Kurisu everything is over, there is no danger"

I extend my hand to help her get up, doing that I realize that it is stained with blood so try to remove it, but before I could do it she take it.

"You're going to get dirty you know?"

She shakes her head ignoring my warning and then laments a little while looking down, giving me occasional glances to check that I wasn't angry, she noticed the blood with which I had stained myself on the face.

"Sorry I hadn't been helpful ... did you got hurt?"

"Oh no, it's not my blood ... well, it's my blood, but it wasn't because they hurt me"

"E-emm ... excuse me, do you just say the thieves left?"

"Right, oh I forgot about that ... the other villagers were kneeling in the square. If you don't want the fire to spread throughout the town you should hurry to warn them to take care of it."

"Say that first!!”

The villager shouts and runs after answering, I hope the inn has not burned ... I also saw no need to correct her since it is also a way of seeing it, all the bandits left to the other world.

Wait, I there is still that idiot. I completely forgot about him, maybe I should go take care of him since I had promised to kill everyone.

"For now let's go to the square where everyone was gathered"


That way we walked following the villager who ran away moments before. Along the way I check the mission to save the people.

[Mission / Principal "The Birth of a Hero”

Rank: J

Description: Save the people from the attack of bandits. In times of difficulty the one who stands against the oppressor of the weak is acclaimed by the crowd as Hero, a title loaded with the hope and longing of people, and feared by those who want to subject their whims to normal citizens.


Objective1: Finish with at least 20 bandits (20/20)

Objective: Kill the bandit leader (1/1)

Rewards: 100x Crystals

1,000x Gold

Development Skill: [Hero-C]

Failure Condition: Death of The User, Bandit Leader escapes, Destruction of the Village, Death of> 70% of villagers. (Current villagers 80%)]

[Mission Completed.

Rating: A

Additional reward: 100x Crystals

1,000x Gold

100x bullets 9mm]

When I select it and shows me the results, I feel the energy within me increase, it was different from when I reached level ten, instead of absorbing the energy of the surroundings, it felt as if the one I already had inside was expanding. What happened Aurora?

[It's because you acquired the Hero skill, it's one of the best and is very rare to awake. You should check it out]

[Hero – Passive skill

Effect1: Increase all statistics by one limit.

Effect2: common people have a favorable impression of the user.

Effect3: Increase in luck.

Effect4: Gives the user the skill [Overdrive] ]

[Overdrive - Active

Effect: Greatly increase the perception of the surroundings and accelerates de process of thinking (5 seconds). 

Cooldown: 10 seconds

NOTE: It requires an overexertion of the brain, creates metal exhaustion.]

What does it mean by the first thing Aurora? Do I have the strength of a soul level 2 now? It can't be that good, right? Not even the innate given by Cross can do that.

[Of course not, you can say that you now have the strength of a level 20 person, that's what it means]

It is still a very good skill, besides, Aurora does this world have [Jobs] or [Professions]? Because since I enter the town I’ve seeing things like Villager, Thief, and Hunter on the people’s heads.

[Mmmm ... you can consider it that way, but it's not exactly a Job or Profession as you think. What you see are development skills that the system in a simple analysis detects what the person is most expert in, and in the case of the villagers is that they do not have one]

I see, although it may be a profession this is developed by the effort of the individual and it is not as if they were given by a guild or something, right?

[Right, but there are also people who can be born with them as an innate]

Can other skills be innate? I thought that these were like superior Skills with which a person is born.

[You are not mistaken to think so, because for example a person with the innate [Swordsman] will develop faster than one with only the development ability, or even this may have other advantages that the development does not have. Another example would be the ability of Kurisu “Erudite”]

It makes sense ... can I raise a skill to an innate? Or is it something that does not change and will always remain the same way?

[It is possible, when a skill reaches the maximum rank that it can have, if it continues to strive to take it to another level has two paths to follow. The first is to evolve into another skill that would be a stronger version of this one in which you can continue to improve, this are “Superior Skills”. For example, [Swordsman] becoming a [Master swordsman]. The other is that it becomes so natural to use that it becomes an innate integrating itself into the soul of the person. Or it may be the case of both]

"E-emm ... why does it seem like something change in you Alex?"

"Oh, that must be because I acquired one skill as a reward in the mission”

When conversing with both girls, we arrived at the square before noticing, what we saw at first sight was a group of people who surrounded one guy while cursed and beat him. When that person saw me judging for his expression it seemed as if the miracle that he was waiting for, suddenly appeared.

"P-please help me!!”

"Oh, you're that thief ... Larry"

"It's Orz! You promised you wouldn't kill me!!”


While he nodded, I tried to remember what had happened before. But as much as I do, I couldn’t remember the part where I told him that. Well, I can't totally trust my memory, Aurora did I promise Larry something?

[… No]

Let’s ask him, maybe we have hints of the moment when I did it.


"Was when…"

While he was talking, he tried to remember, no matter how hard tried, he didn't seem to find that memory. I thought so... I may miss some things but I doubt that Aurora can forget it. As all the other people waited for us to finish talking, I tell them.

"Go ahead, you can continue"

"No, no, you can't do this to me. I helped you! You saved all of them for me!"

"You can go and tell all your good deeds to God, he will surely listen to you"

"I-is that alright?"

When I turned around and started walking away Kurisu asks me. Truly a good-hearted girl, but I had already made a promise before with the girl whose husband was killed.

"It is the result of his own actions, so he must deal with it ... we can only pray for Larry to do better in his next life"

"It's Orz ..."

I put my hands together in a prayer and Kurisu corrects me, honestly I would have felt bad about having to kill him, but I also have no obligation to rescue him. When we leave the crowd, the mature girl who we save entering the town comes to us supporting an old woman.

"Bastard you killed my brother!!”

"Give me back my son!"

“Alone and without weapons you are not that brave now, right?"

"Gyaaaa !!"

With the cries of the enraged crowd the thief pitiful cries as background, we met each other. We all nodded in greeting and then the old woman starts the conversation.

"Thank you for saving Rek's people. If you are so kind, please join me for a moment to speak."

"No problem"

With that said we walked to a house around the square, for my part I simply accepted because I wanted to get away from all the screams since Kurisu had been nervous about what happened to the bandit. And knowing what was probably waiting for the thief is better to avoid her some kind of trauma.

We enter the house and the old woman directs us to a dining room, she takes a seat and the other girl stands behind her. She tells us to take seat in the chairs in front of her and we do that.

"Let me introduce myself and thank you once again for saving all of us from thieves. I am Milee, if not for you, many others would end up dead and transported to be sold. This cannot express the deep gratitude we feel, but it is all what can we offer you, please take it”

They hand me a small purse with coins, not wanting to despise their intention, I take it and pretend to keep it under my armor and throw it into my inventory. Out of curiosity I look at the amount and its 2,000G ... if there are 200 people in town ... 10G per head. The life of people in Gaia is very cheap...

Well, I got the Hero skill for the mission and it's not like I'm missing money right now. In addition, 2000G is a good amount, and possibly a large amount for a common villager. I sat down and smiled at her and she returned the action.

"Madam, we were only passing by and I only ask for shelter to spend the night in your town so we can leave tomorrow"

"No problem, you can stay here. This is the most luxurious house in the whole town and you don't need to stay at the inn. Besides, my daughter Milane has to go tomorrow to report what happened here to the city of Barl, if it not bothers you, you can accompany in her in her cart"

"Of course they can accompany me and also if you want I can buy from you the belongings of the thieves for a good price. I assure you that will be favorable for saving us."

"Milane! What nonsense are you telling our saviors?"

"But mom, I am a merchant and that's how I make a living"

"Excuse my dumb daughter and don't be offended by that"

Seeing the pair of mother and daughter talk, we just smiled at the old Milee in response, I look at Milane and answer her.

"I don't mind, it's not like I wanted to keep this things or hold them as a trophy. If it's a fair price we can make a deal, but apparently you two have a lot to fix for today, so we can talk about that tomorrow”

"Sure, don't worry, I will order the others to pick up everything and not a single bandit sock will be missing when they are delivered to you."

Geeh, couldn’t she have used any other phrase to emphasize that they would not steal anything? Look, now Kurisu wants to puke.

We leave again after finish talking, Milee and Milane go to another group of people and talk to them. After a while they bring together all the unfortunates who lost their lives and outside the town they are cremate. They perform a small ceremony and say goodbye to the dead.

I see the woman who was abused and tearfully dismisses her husband. She looks in my direction and makes a small gesture of gratitude. I hope your life has no more unfortunate events and you can be happy with time.

Also, more as an obligation, they incinerated the bodies of the bandits so that a disease does not spread in the village. The night falls after finishing the whole process of fixing and treating everything caused by the bandits. Kurisu and I returned to the house they lent us to rest, during the whole trip the villagers greet us and speak with gratitude until we enter.

Fuuu ... it was a long day. Milane had told us that the house had a bathroom and that we were free to use it, apparently it works with some mechanism activated by crystals to heat the water so it is rare in a town. Taking her word we bathe ... in turns unfortunately.

But there is only one bed in the whole house hehehe. God seems not to have abandoned me, as the only solution, we both went to the bedroom and lay down on the bed, and then I tell Kurisu playfully when smiling.

"They thought we are a couple, don't you agree?"

She blushes a little and seems to think, after a few seconds answers me.

"... I think maybe they thought we were sisters?"

[That's the most logical]

" Damn it!!!"

"Shhh ... don't shout Alex, you're going to disturb others"

Kurisu puts me back in bed when I sat up screaming, she looks me in the eyes that I feel are getting wet, I really wanted to cry, she smiles and talks.

"Thanks for worrying about me before, Alex"

"I'm the one who got you in this situation so you don't need to worry"

"No, I agreed to come here with you ... I promise to get stronger so that I can help you better"

"Okay, I promise you that I would rather die first than to see something bad happen to you... but I am sure we can be strong and be happy. Everyone who wants to deny that will die and I will crush their bones under my feet, nothing will stop us. Even with my broken body I will drown our enemies with my own blood”


[Soul of the Emperor-I> H]

As if reaffirming my conviction, the system's robotic voice sounded in my head, but I quickly dismiss the sound in my brain when I saw Kurisu blushing, nodding at what I was saying.



[Affection of Kurisu +5]

Without saying anything else she just hug me, close her eyes and sleep. Sleepiness also takes hold of me and helped with her sweet fragrance I quickly sink into my dreams hugging her.

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