Soul Evolution System

Chapter 14 Leaving Rek[Edited]

"Did you sleep with the gun Alex? That's dangerous, it's also digging into my stomach."


Kurisu's words wake me up and was I ask sleepily, I remember keeping it in the inventory when went to the bathroom so shouldn't be whit me.

"It seems you're still asleep. I'm going to take it since it's bothering me. Is it okay?"

"Yes ... zzz ..."

Whatever, I just want to sleep. Seriously, the aroma and warmth coming from her is so comforting, I could stay that way all day. When I wanted to sleep again hugging Kurisu, I feel her hands searching my waist and suddenly she takes what is between my legs and as if injected with pure caffeine in my veins I wake up opening my eyes completely.

Realizing what she had in his hands, her face turns like a tomato, and we watched each other for a few seconds with our faces a few inches away from each other. Thinking about her previous words and joining together with actual situation now I understand what happened, so I can only speak in my defense.

"I'm sorry ... that's something that is out of my control"

"I-I know ... I'm not ignorant, I've read about it"

Well, that was a surprise I thought she would push me apart, but instead she appeal for her knowledge. It is very nice to have my member wrapped in her hands, but it is a problem in its own way, my control can be lost if this continues ...

"Kurisu, what you have in your hands is a very dangerous weapon and if you keep playing with it, can hurt you ... or can shoot at you"

" E-eh, hurt me? S-shoot?"

She takes a few seconds to make sense of my words, once she did she became more nervous and seemed dizzy with her gaze lost. Wooh, I didn't expect she could get even redder, if it continues like this she will pass out because all of her blood going to her head.



"Good morning!! I brought you two the breakfast ... oh, you really are very close sisters. Get up quickly, we will leave after you eat"

As a scared rabbit Kurisu broke away from me ... I don't know how a person can feel sad and relieved at the same time. Haaa, Milane entered the room full of enthusiasm, and I find myself in a struggle to decide whether to thank or curse her for getting us out of that situation.

"It's really fun to see that the little girl has a stronger character and worries about the older one"

"Y-you are wrong!!”

"Ummm? About what? What is that sign you are doing with your hands? The height you are taller than her?"

While Milane saying, she imitates what Kurisu's does with her hands, she have her back to me and doesn't let me see. But it seems that it indicates the size of something at a distance between your index fingers...

"You must be worried that she gets bigger, right?"

"Eh ... bi…b…bigger?"

"Don't worry you will adapt it"

"D-do you think?"

Milane nods confidently and Kurisu convinces herself with her gestures. Well, I can't really keep seeing at two people talking about two different topics as if they were the same, so I intervene.


"Ah, we will leave first. You can change and follow us after you are done."

Then she takes Milane's hand and they run away from the room after taking her armor and rifle leaning against the wall. Well, it is a new day to enjoy what could happen next, I hope we get to the city without any other surprise.

I equip my armor and leave the room to meet the two, I find them in the dining room with 3 dishes served. The pleasant aroma awakens my appetite, yesterday we had to depend again on the supplement pills, nobody had the mood for cooking and I didn’t want to seem strange being the only one who did it.

"I find it hard to believe, seriously. I can accept that you are not sisters, but that you are a man… can I check it out?"

Those are the first words with which Milane receives me when she sees me with a smile on her face, Kurisu must have corrected things while they were alone. It's decided, I won't thank you, so I’ll curse you in my head.


"Hahaha calm down, I'm just kidding"

Before I can say anything Kurisu intervenes, let's forget it, it won't be the last person to confuse my gender. Let's change the subject to make time more productive. I speak while sit down to eat what the plate has, it looks like a kind of stew.

"Are you still interested in buying the bandits’ objects?"


While I take the spoon from the plate she answers me immediately, this is delicious, whoever prepared it, could live in my home world in luxury by just selling this.

"How much are you willing to give me?"

"10,000G for everything"

So much? That surprises me a little, I expected about 2,000G ... but honestly I don't know the value of things in this world and if the cost in the system is cheap or expensive.

[It depends on what you buy, if they are products of this world they will be cheaper because you will only pay what the system considers the cost of the materials. If they are things from another world, the value will be greater than if you bought it directly in that world]

"Doesn't it convince you? Then I'll give you 11,000 ... no, 12,000. Fine, as you saved the people. I'll buy it everything for 13,000G."

Being within my thoughts, Milane must have thought that I was not happy with the amount she offered me. The more money she released the more desperate she looked, soon she couldn't take more money out and then used her last resort, she looked at Kurisu and with teary eyes imploring to her.

"Kurisu, help me a little. Are we not friends?"

"I'll take the 13,000G, you not need to bother her. But telling you the truth the first time I saw you I didn't thouht you were a merchant, thought you were a normal villager, but well, things are not always what they seem. Haaa ..."

"Great! Hahaha, don't worry about it. When you grow up your body will probably become manlier, and even if it doesn't, it's not bad to be someone beautiful."

"Tch, it’s not your problem. Right, you are interested in bodies of goblins or rather will they have some value?"

"Goblins? The materials obtained from them are very cheap, but yes they are traded. Did you meet some on the way to village? I can buy them for you, but don't expect much from them. Ok? How many are they?"

"More than 100"

"Hell, you attacked a settlement whit only 2 people? Are you crazy? Do you want to end up as their toy or what?"

She stands up screaming in surprise, realizing her shock she returns to the seat while coughing as if pretending nothing happened.

"Hehem. If you want to get more money from them it is better that you process them and sell them in parts. Otherwise you will only get around 50G per head."

Heee ... I don't want to do that, can deal with a wild boar, but more than 100 goblin is another story. There is no choice to sell them complete. More than 5,000G are enough.

[You can use the new system function for that.]

Ha, new feature? Oh, it's true I haven't verified what this is for. I immediately enter the system in my head and look for the function mentioned ... I can't find it. How do I use Aurora?

[Choose a goblin in the inventory and the decompose function will appear]

I follow her instructions and as a result the goblin chosen becomes [1x Goblin Skin ], [ 1x Goblin Meat ], [ 1x Goblin Bones] and [6x Crystal]. All the materials seemed normal to obtain, but the Crystal took me off guard.

I take out all the materials from the goblin and put them on the floor and take the crystal, it is certainly the same as the ones I have and it has a value of 6, why?

[It was because it belonged to a level 6 goblin, also when a monster reaches level 10 its crystal has a qualitative change and its value increases to 100, a level 20 would have a crystal with a value of 200 and so on]

So the value of the Goblin Chief crystal is 200 or 2,000G? A good amount ... is the same as the reward of saving Rek. Well, but to do it I had to pass through 100 goblins, a greater effort.

“So you've already processed them ... wait, where did you get them? Do you have an object with a dimensional space!!?"

When I checked the things Milane shouts, I raise my face up and look at the two surprised people, the first is for the reason she expresses and Kurisu must be because she didn’t see me processing them. I had become so used to utilize the inventory that did it without thinking about it.

"Yes, is it strange that I have one?"

"If you have one, you should not show it so easily. You will attract the attention of unwanted people, you must also have one with considerable space to be able to store the materials of more than 100 goblin ... you cannot show it to anyone or they will kill you to steal it ... in fact even I am envious now "

I guess its value is as high here as in the system, or even more. I must be careful as she says, when I get alert and wanting to find out her emotions my [Spiritual Vision] skill is activated and I can see the colors of her aura, a yellow with some violet strands representing the cheerful personality and envy she feels respectively.

If it didn’t activate on its own I wouldn’t remember that I had this skill ... Fuuu, I still have to get used to this body and world. As for Kurisu's doubts, I will answer them when we are alone.

"Unn, I understand. I'll really take your advice. So you want the materials? Besides, can I keep the crystals?"

"I don't know if I have enough money here to pay you ... can you wait for us to arrive in the city and when we are in my store to make the deal? In addition, you can logically keep the crystal, the guild is the only one that can make Gold transactions for crystals, I don't want to be fined for doing it "

"Can't I use the crystals to pay for things?"

"You two have been living in isolation in a cave or something like that? ... Well I won't ask. You can exchange crystals for other things, is something common. Only if you want to exchange them directly for Gold do you have to go to the world guild"

Damn, from what she is saying, the guild has a monopoly on the crystals ... well, if it is as the system says, being the largest organization in Gaia it is logical to have its benefits.

"Hahaha you can think about it that way, and I don't mind waiting to make the deal."

I answer her, anyway, it is convenient for me, I can calmly process the goblin on the way to the city. I put everything back into the inventory getting a curious look from Milane.

"But what use can goblin meat have?"

"That? Tamers use it to feed their pets, or people with low resources consume it too. They say it tastes good, you just have to lose the repulsion."

With her words I look at the empty food plate, Geek, I wanted her to put her attention on something else, but the subject was a bad choice, Kurisu's face pales and runs with the hands in her mouth. This is the second time? They seem to get along but it doesn't look like they have good affinity ... noticing the problem Milane intervenes.

"Ah, don't worry Kurisu!! The meat was from animals raised in the village!!”

Moments later we left the house, it was still night and outside its waiting for us what it seems to be a car pulled by animals. It was not a horse pulling this one, it was a lizard bigger than those of Komodo that I have seen on television in my world.

She hands me a gold card with [13K-G] on it, and a little sack with coins. Well, how do I know she´s not just giving me a worthless card? Or are all the people in this world honest? ... I don't think so, I just finished with more than 20 thieves. Seeing my doubts, she explains me by taking out what seems to be an identification card.

"The sack with the money was what the thieves brought on them. On the other hand, you probably aren't registered in the guild, so I'll check the card for you."

Talking, she takes the card whit the money and touches them together, a hologram appears with an image of it, its name and in a text below it says [Receive 13,000GS Y / N] and selects no.

"This is the card of the adventurer's guild, when you register you get an account to be able to make transactions."

"Are you an adventurer Milane?"

"Technically yes, but that's not my job. Many people like me only register for their benefits."

Kurisu asks in amazement, because this world that seems less developed than the one we lived in has more technology and also for the fact that Milane is registered in the guild. She return me the card and then along with the bag I throw them into the inventory, when I do this the last have 1,356G... were they poor thieves, or maybe that's why they were thieves?

"Let's leave"

Milane goes up taking the reins, Kurisu gets to the side of her and me next to her, and with everyone upstairs the lizard begins to walk pulling the car. On this, all the thieves' stuff and some boxes of food were already laden.

"You say you have a store in the city? Don't you live here in Rek? "

"No, as you can see, my mother is older and I come to see her condition once a week. In addition, I can also buy things from the town and sell them in the city or vice versa. It’s been a long time since left my house, I wanted to avoid listening to my mother telling me every time she has a chance to look for a man and get married "

"Hahaha, why haven't you done it? Or do you have different preferences?"

"I am normal! I just didn't want to live my whole life in a village where there is nothing. And in the city I have not met someone suitable"

With my words Kurisu separates a little from her, making Milane emphasize her preference out loud, but from what I hear people are not very different than in my world in that sense, perhaps only the environment where they live is different.

Time passes, and I leave Kurisu and Milane talking to each other. I go to the back of the car and lay down to process the goblins. The final earnings are:

746x Crystals from 123 goblins plus their materials.

1355x Crystals from 13 elite goblins and their materials.

201x Crystals with their respective materials from the goblin chief.

After I finish there is nothing to do, without another option I decide to sleep, if something happens they can inform me or Aurora too.

.............. .............. ...

"Alex, Alex, the city is on sight."

With Kurisu's voice and her hand shaking me, I wake up. I look where she points and could see high walls. Then I focus the view to below and see large doors being watched over by some men and people traveling through them. Through these doors, I can see houses organized in a row on the cobbled streets.

Next we are at the side of the walls and a man in armor approaches us when it is our turn to pass.

"Oh, you are Milane. I expected you to come until tomorrow, who are they? "

"Yesterday was a bad day, a group of bandits attacked the people. And I come to report it to Count Barl"

"I'm sorry to hear that, but it's good that you're okay"

"Yes, it's than- Auch"

"Oh, sorry Milane, I slipped. Good morning sir, we come to register as adventurers in the guild, can we pass?"

"Adventurers? Aren’t you too small for that? Well, everyone has their problems and dreams, I will not stop you just be careful and do dont die. Also, do not use your sword freely within the city, if you do not have a good reason and you are surprised you will have to pay a fine or be imprisoned. Well this is all, it´s 100G per person"

"I understand, I will keep it in mind"

After looking at the sword in my waist he mentioned the regulation of weapons within the city, I put my hands in my pants pocket and take out the 200G from the inventory and hand them over.

"I'm sorry to have to charge you after what you've been through Milane, but it's the rules, it's 500 for your car to enter"

"E-eh, of course"

"Here sir, I owe it to her for allowing us to travel aboard the car"

I paid her fee and told Milane to move forward, nodding, she made the lizard walk and we passed through the great gates of the city. Finally we arrived at Barl, I only have to register in the guild and complete the mission.

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