Soul Evolution System

Chapter 132 Advances in MLDW

The first day I return to MLDW after speaking among the high-ranking people here, the rest of the afternoon I decided to dedicate it to the girls I hadn't been able to spend time with in the past few weeks while examining the changes in this camp.

Things here were obvious that they had to change with almost double the population growth in such a short time... now the inhabitants of MLDW was [33,458].

Although the space of what was an amusement park in the past was quite large, with this number of people it was becoming somewhat limited and so Yoshioka together with Soichiro decided to expand it.

Because of this, there are now a lot of people who were working creating a second wall from the front of this place. Since there was a mountain at the back, then the only way to expand this camp was like that.

I don't think it was a bad decision for the two of them, in this way the camp could continue to grow and this also created jobs for the many individuals who were now residents of here and had nothing to do as work.

Also, the coastal camp received a large number of new prospects for fishermen. On that side there were now 3 large ships and several groups of people fishing on the coast, it was a good thing that with the increase in population not only did food consumption grow but also the obtaining of them.

It also helped that there were now 3,000 soldiers spreading around the entire camp in search of resources and more survivors. These followed the same approach, avoiding large cities and concentrating on small towns.

We knew well that in the towns it would be much easier to move since with fewer zombies in them, then the number of evolved would also be less and therefore the risk for the soldiers was much less.

The only bad thing about this was that the military bases were usually in or near the cities. Although there were also exceptions and thanks to this, those men who went out on expeditions were able to find a small military base.

So when Soichiro heard about this, he quickly led a team towards that place. There they found a few surviving soldiers, but they ended up joining us and didn't present much of a problem.

It seems that the reason for this was that there were very few survivors in that base, so after Soichiro spoke about the conditions of our camp then they did not hesitate to be part of it.

This was pleasant news to hear since with this our military strength had increased again. Now the MLDW military equipment was:

Land Vehicles:

17x Tanks

38x Armored Personnel Transport Vehicles

52x Military Jeep

Air Vehicles:

16x combat helicopters

5x Military Transport Helicopters

4x Combat Jets


29x FH-70

15x MLRS


3, 400x Assault Rifles

2,500x Pistols

537x Sniper Rifles

28x Rifles caliber .50

24x Plutzer 3

150x Rockets 110m

15milx hand grenades




The list I had received from Yoshioka followed with many other things like ammunition and other military objects, but just by seeing the first things written there I was more than satisfied.

The only bad thing is that the fighter jets they picked up from the military base there was no one who could pilot them, apparently the pilots of these were more unfortunate than lucky.

As I was walking around the camp inspecting the changes, I told Kurisu about the new blueprint that I had obtained and then upon hearing me, she excitedly rushed me to show them to her.

As a result of this, I could not share the bed with her tonight, it was until the next day that I saw her in the dining room of the castle and then she told me what she understood about those blueprints.

Apparently, these towers served to keep most monsters away in a specific area, in this case, like a kilometer around this tower. She told me that it worked utilizing frequencies that resonated in the crystals of these creatures causing some pain and discomfort on them and so that they move away from that place thanks to it, although it was also possible that a few of them became more aggressive. Still, these cases should be minimal.

The advantages of these towers were that unlike the energy shields, they were not difficult to build and the number of crystals to activate them was much less. She told me that 5,000 crystals per tower would be enough to make them work.

So the area that we could cover using these was much larger at a lower cost than the energy shields, but with the disadvantage that these did not provide any protection.

This had a bad point because zombies controlled by an intelligent one most likely could ignore that nuisance and continue towards their goal.

But for other things these towers would be very convenient, for example, to use the cultivation fields around Kinato. With this, most of the creatures from those grasslands would get away and then just by putting some soldiers to watch over the area in case there was a special case like the one Kurisu mentioned appear and then would be enough to secure the area.

So after asking her how long she thought her team could do those towers, she answered me saying that probably in a couple of weeks they can do it.

That was good to hear but there was another topic I wanted hr research department to do first, I needed them to create another energy shield for Kinato. Well, this was one more request from Gloterus since to future plans he had approached someone close to the bald man, but we needed to give him some achievements there so that his influence would grow and that's where this comes in.

"Brat, why should we be spying on those two? "

"Hmn? No one forced you to be here, you can go whenever you want, Matsushima"

While I was thinking about the new things that others told me about MLDW and Kurisu's progress in the plans that I gave her, suddenly Matsushima who was with me, Komuro, and Yamada observing two people from a prudent distance, spoke to me.

Although I have a difference of opinion that she as for what we were doing... this was more to watch those two instead of spying on them.

Why we do this goes back to breakfast time when Kurisu finished telling me what she discovered and returned to the laboratory after I made her eat a little since she wanted to return without having eaten anything.

"Aren't You too cruel? You practically sent Hirano to die there... well, physically nothing will happen to him, but he will probably die emotionally"

"I feel a little sorry for him..."

"Why do you think he doesn't have a chance? I think his probabilities are very good... or at least they are better than compared to the two of you, if you did that with any girl from MLDW is almost surely that only failure would await you"

" Fuck you !"


As Komuro says, the target we were watching was Hirano and Asami who were sitting at a table in MLDW's most famous cafeteria. This is because I was bored… no, is not that, this was to give him a little push to get things moving with her.

Without a doubt this had nothing to do with the fact that I had been left alone without the company of a girl to entertain myself... Kurisu and Saya went to their laboratory, Haruna had work in the school, Scythe and Leona went to break some zombie skulls that had been accumulated a little in their absence, Vrana-chan had to go on a mission to the camp in Kinato and then with the other girls staying there, I was left alone...

Curse! How is it that with so many girls by my side, right now I have to be with this pair of fools? Without a doubt, the world is full of mysteries... No, it could also be due to something else...

[You are so cruel, Alexander ~. You forgot about me, I've always been with you, you know? ]

E-Emmm, it's not like I forgot about you, Aurora. I was speaking rather physicals presences... you have always helped me. If not for you, may now I only would be a stain on the asphalt, so I really appreciate that you are with me.

[Fufufu, I'm glad to hear that. Don't worry since I'll always be with you to help you]

Suddenly I hear Aurora's voice reproaching me a little for my thoughts, so I stop what I'm doing for a moment and focus on calming her down. So after achieving it and noticing that her mood had improved, I roll my eyes at the one who may be the culprit for my current situation and speak to him.

"Surely this is your fault, ungrateful son. I shouldn't have approached to you... when I was in Kinato away from you, nothing of this happened... so it should be your fault"

"W-what are you talking about?"

"For now we should care more about Hirano, he will surely be devastated when that date ends... so I think we should think of something to comfort him"

"Well... Yamada is right about that we should better focus on Hirano, but I will remember this later and take revenge for what you have done to me, Komuro"

"Damn it! I didn't do anything to you!"

"I don't think Hirano-kun has so little chance either, I agree with the brat's thinking and I think that what results from this can be a positive thing"

After talking to the two guys next to me, Matsushima joins our conversation to support my point of view.

Looking from here, you could see that they both had a good atmosphere around them and enjoyed their food, so the only thing that could ruin this was that Hirano's nervousness and concerns took over his thoughts... since we were in front of him, constantly looked at us with a worried face due to what he had to do during that date.

"It's okay that all of you care about Hirano, but... have you thought that after this, both of them will leave the club one that the 3 belong to and join the club of the successful people in life? After this, they will be able to watch you below their shoulders… well, it's not my problem either, so I don't care about that "

"" ... ""

"T-Three? A-Are you including me with these two, brat?!"

With my words, the two guys drop their jaws and stare at me like fools without being able to say anything for a long time. Matsushima, on the other hand, raises her voice angry since I putting her on the same level as the 2 of them… but honestly, I think her situation is worse than theirs.

"Woman, the truth is that I am being generous by making you equal to them 2 since if you think about it, you are at a higher level than them. Komuro and Yamada are at least under 18 years old, instead you... you have more than 30"

"I'm 26 years old!!"

"E-eh? That is a lie"

"I-I'll kill you, brat !! I swear, one of these days I'll kill you... besides, it's not like a 12-year-old boy could know ..."

Well, the truth is that she didn't look that old and that number matches her appearance, but it had been a while since the last time I bothered her and so couldn't abstain to do it.

The funny thing was that after calming down her anger a bit, she wanted to play the card that a child shouldn't know about those topics or something like that but then after seeing my big smile when tries to say that, she stops and then clench her teeth.

"...I understand you Matsushima-san, it is sad that a 12-year-old boy has more experience in these matters than we do"


"It seems the time has come to see if Hirano leaves your group ..."

While Komuro empathized with Matsushima and Yamada was still silent somewhat sad, it seems that both in the cafeteria suddenly left without talking among themselves.

Since Hirano was the last one to say something, he probably started his confession...

The bad thing was that it seems that his words got caught in his throat and he couldn't express his feelings... then getting even more nervous and doubts increasing in his head because of this, he instinctively seeks help looking towards us.

"He will surely fail... that happens to him for trying to get ahead of us"


"Do it! There is no option for withdrawal, it is to do it or die trying!"


Ignoring the two guys who seemed to have changed their feelings of supporting a friend and they instead now wanting Hirano to fail... no, they almost certainly wished with all their hearts that would happen now instead of having someone from their group get ahead of them.

These guys are pretty cruel but leaving them aside, seeing that Hirano was paying attention to me, I speak to him using a military slang thinking that maybe in this way I can activate his military otaku switch...

I don't think he can hear me from that far away, but my hope is that he might be able to read my lips. Then after hearing the sound that Matsushima makes when she swallows her saliva while carefully observing what was happening, Hirano's voice is heard up to the place where we are.

"A-A-Asami-san !!"

" Y-yes?! "

It seems that my words had some effect on him and he looks at Asami again to shout her name. He surely wanted to give himself courage or get her attention doing that and he may have succeeded, but that surprises her a little. Also... not only is she the one who lays her eyes on him, the entire cafeteria and even people who passed by also do so.

It's a good thing that neither of them cares about that or they probably won't notice it, otherwise, maybe things would be ruined before even Hirano finished his confession.

"A-Asami-san, I like you !! Please go out with me !!"


It seems that he only concentrates on her and can only see her and Asami perhaps due to his sudden change also does the same. Then after observing her for a few seconds, Hirano ends up telling her his feelings.

After his confession, all the spectators watch carefully waiting for Asami's response, who now remains silent while her face begins to blush just like Hirano's.

Curse! Say something! Now even my heart is beating at a fast pace waiting to see the outcome of this… besides, I was not the only one, everyone in this place was attentive to see what she was answering.

... I don't think it was a bad declaration, although it was certainly not romantic or full of emotional words. It was concise, easy to understand and above all, you could see that this expressed his true feelings.

"H-Hirano-kun... I'm happy to hear your feelings, but... you know? I'm older than you, so..."

"So-So, yo-you mean ..."

Oh shit! This looks bad and I not expecting this... I was almost sure that things would end well. Now even I felt a little guilty with Hirano for inciting him to do it... perhaps it was not yet the moment to he tried this.

"E-eh? N-not that, Hirano-kun! W-What I mean is that if you're okay with the fact that I'm older than you?... t-the truth is that I also like  you... but I thought you would prefer a girl who is more your age "

"So-So, yo-you mean ..."

Hirano repeats the same phrase but this time with a totally different environment from the previous one, now his face had a smile and you could see the emotion inside his eyes.

"I-If that's okay with you... then I'd like to go out with you"

Wooh! Girl, you gave me a scare to death! I was already thinking about what to say to him to try to cheer Hirano up for his failure. Well, I'm happy for the two of them, plus, with this my debt to him should now be paid.

When Asami gives her answer clarifying things, the rest of the audience breathes a sigh of relief as if they were the ones who were in Hirano's place and then, in the next moment many people start clapping and say some words to cheer on the newly formed couple.

This causes the two of them to finally realize that they have become the center of attention of the whole place and because of this, the happiness that they were both feelings turns into a great embarrassment for what they have to get out of there right away.

Well... I couldn't say that everyone was happy to see such an outcome. The duo of fools next to me is paralyzed with the smile they made when everything seemed to be a failure... in truth, they are cruel types for wishing a friend failure.

Matsushima, unlike them did not look dejected by what she witnessed, but she had a frown as if this was something problematic for her...


Hello everyone!!

Remember to visit my p-a-t-r-e-o-n and support the novel. I will be very grateful and motivated if you could do it, thanks a lot!! seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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