Soul Evolution System

Chapter 133 Kinato’s Recent Changes

"What happens? Why that face? Don't tell me you're just like these two pathetic guys and you're not glad your friend got a boyfriend? "

Leaving the two guys who seemed to be in shock because Hirano got a girlfriend, I was more interested in Matsushima's reaction and that's why I ask her what she thinks to be showing that face.

"Hmn? ... No, I'm really glad for the two of them, but the problem is that I sleep together with them and now sharing the same room with them is a bit... no, it would be quite uncomfortable to stay there, also there is something that bothers me a little more than that… I can accept that girl got a boyfriend, but I cannot allow her to get too far ahead of me… I still have my pride as her senpai "

Well... the first thing I understand since nobody would like that, but the second ... although it is not at the level of these two, I think that still has to do with envy rather than pride.

"Curse! He really had success in that!... and also with a girl older than him! "

"Alexander-san, please help me get a girl! Hirano told me that you had been the one helping him! I no longer want the girls to look at me with strange eyes when they see me, so do something please!! "

While chatting with Matsushima, the two boys finally come out of their little mental stalemate. Komuro simply burns in the envy he is feeling for Hirano's achievement, while Yamada, turns to me and kneels with tears in his eyes and tells me that almost in a form of supplication...

"The truth is I do not think I have done much for him... I must be honest and say that this is the achievement of Hirano himself, I did not do too much "

" It doesn't matter! A little tip for sure could change things a bit! Surely one advice from you who have many girls by your side is much better than Komuro's "

"... H-Hey, I'm here you know? "

... this is a bit awkward, in truth I don't think I have done much for this new couple to end together since the affinity between them was good from the beginning, I only had to motivate Hirano to be braver.

Although Komuro complains about his friend's words, I can see the interest in him waiting for what I could answer Yamada, but putting that aside for a moment... in fact, I also wanted to know how someone how is alone dares to give love advice? Also, who would be so stupid to listen to him despite knowing that?...

That was like asking a beggar how to be rich... I'm not saying it's impossible, but I think it would be unlikely to accomplish what the person wants in that way.

Well, going back to the subject of these two, I think that the level of difficulty in helping Komuro and Yamada is much higher than with Hirano... the reputation of both of them is in ruins and also I don't consider myself an expert in the subject as to give advice

… Although certainly the first thing why I do not want to do something like helping these two, has more to do with the fact that I am not very interested in the love problems of other boys.

Furthermore, the look that Matsushima was giving me made me put a little uneasy. I don't know if it is because she also wants to listen to some advice or thinks that I could do something to ensure Hirano's success by doing something to Asami.

…For now I will say whatever it takes for Yamada to stop doing this since if someone sees him, he might think that this guy is declaring himself to me or something like that. As I said, it seems that they have a special gift for creating misunderstandings of this type.

"Well ... why don't you just try to get acquainted with the girls? You as part of my group your financial situation must be quite good, so… in the pink zone you could gain more experience in that regard"

" I've already thought about that, but... if my mother found out, she would surely kill me..."

"I-I want to do it with a girl who loves me... not want that it will something like a business between the two parties "

"Alexander! I told you that you should do something to make those girls stop doing that and not to look for more clients for them! "

Try to give Yamada the same advice as I do with Hirano... well, in the case of him, it was more like I throwing him into a room with girls without saying anything... well, since in the end that gave good results, he shouldn't complain.

Thinking about it, I already have a debt with Yuriko-san for that... I still worry and get excited about what she can ask me for that. I just hope it is not something like paying off her debt that has with me for this, that would be boring.

Therefore, I did not want to get into more debt with her asking her to do the same as before, so there was only the red light district to do some similar...

Although I was talking to Yamada, Komuro is the first to deny that option... it seems that he has thought about do that but he does not dare because of his mother.

On second thought, it would be unfair if he could go to a place that I cannot! If I find out that this ungrateful son goes there, then I will be the first to tell his mother... maybe that should count as taking care that he does not go in a bad way and so I will also earn points with Haruna.

As for Yamada... he seems to be an idealistic and somewhat romantic boy, well, I have nothing against that since each person has his ideals.

On the other hand, I had forgotten that Matsushima is bothered by the matter of prostitutes. Previously, every time she saw me, it was to complain about that topic...

"Don't be so hard on them, Matsushima. They are just trying to live their own way. In fact, I think that if you went there and asked some of those girls for advice on how to attract men, it would be very beneficial for you "

"Hmp! That is not necessary! I can manage by myself! "

"Alexander-san, please help me!"

"Haaa, well... if you don't want to go there then let me think of something, mmm... the only thing that occurs to me is that you are setting your standards very high... don't go after the most beautiful girls in the camp, look for someone who seems pretty to you and try to get closer to her. She may not be a great beauty, but you may like her once you meet her. "

"" ... ""

After thinking for a few moments, I remember something I had read in a magazine or something like that and tell them. So the three of them start thinking about my words… it seems that Matsushima was also interested in these topics although she denied it. Seriously, I think she would learn more from a prostitute than from me.

Then something unexpected happens...


"Hmn? ... d-damn! Are you two thinking that since I'm not beautiful maybe you can have a chance with me ?!! "

"E-eh? O-Of course not, Matsushima-san "

"Y-Yes, Komuro-kun is right... Y-you are certainly a very beautiful girl"

" Get fucked up !!"

Angry, Matsushima turns around and leaves me alone with these two... sincerely, I start to think that these guys are geniuses to keep girls away from them. Yes, my words were true and probably have more opportunities with some girl if they lower their standards a bit, but... don't is necessary be very smart to know that this information should only be among them and not be disclosed to the other party... otherwise would happen it that from a moment ago.

"Master-roock~... Master, Vrana is back roock~!"


Suddenly a voice from heaven reaches my ears and when I lift the vision, I see Vrana-chan descending towards where we three were.

" Were you able to get to Kinato and see the girls over there, Vrana-chan? "

"Yes! Vrana met Yuriko-san, Rika-san and Shisuka-san roock~… they fed Vrana delicious things-roock ~ "

"... I see, I'm glad for you Vrana-chan... did n't they give you something to hand me over?"

"Oh! It's true, Yuriko-san gave me a paper to hand over to Master Roock~ "

After she lands and starts rubbing her feathers against me, I ask her a few questions. Since she was someone who was easily distracted, the best means we found to communicate between both sides was through letters and so she became something like a carrier pigeon… no, perhaps I should say a carrier crow?

When she answers my second question, with one of her wings she points to a small bag that was tied to her leg. Bending down to match that height, I take out the letter Yuriko- san sent and read it.

"Is the teacher happy? Vrana did a good job roock ~? "

"Sure, Vrana-chan did a good job."

"Yaattah! Roock ~ "

Reading the letter I can not help a smile to form on my face and for this, Vrana- chan who was watching me asks me that and so I answer while stroking her head making her even more animated.

Based on the information Yuriko-san sent me, I should start preparing to return to Kinato as soon as possible. It's time for me to take control of that camp...

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(Yuriko POV)

After seeing Vrana-chan depart for MLDW, I return inside the villa mansion we have here in Kinato. The group of Militia of this camp had just returned a few hours ago and apparently,  the things for them were not good in their expedition.

...No, it's more than obvious that this was a disaster for them. From the more than 3,000 men who went to that city not far from here, just returned less than 2,000. Furthermore, as if that loss was not enough for that group. when they arrived here at the camp more people immediately began to leave the Kinato military headquarters.

Probably now this faction it has some 1 thousand men left and also, it is almost certain that in the coming days this number will drop even more.

This I can assure due to the comments I have heard from the men who left that group, it seems that in addition to the great loss of people they had in that city, what made it even worse is that they could not get anything from it.

They all came back empty-handed and the only thing they got going there was fear and exhaustion from what they experienced, so the problems that faction already had only increased with all of this.

"It seems that I made a good decision when leaving the barracks before we went to that city... perhaps I should go thank that idiot's grave for influencing my decision to leave that group... now that I remember, there is no grave. In the end, Alexander gave it to his plant as food. "

When I enter the mansion I see Rika-san and she tells me that... I have to say that Alexander-kun moves quite fast, not long after we arrived in Kinato he get another pretty and capable girl.

… I want someone to have a bit of that impulse and desire that he shows… well, I hope that by not seeing between us for a time will awaken his interest in me a little more.

While I think it's unlikely that he has the same passion as a young man, I don't think to ask too much from him to fulfill one of his duties as a husband.

...although, maybe the truth is that the main reason I wanted to get away from him a bit is that I am afraid that Soichiro has lost interest in me.

"What's up Yuriko-san? It seems you have a problem..."

"... no, it 's nothing, only was thinking some things. Maybe I am probably just speculating things that perhaps they are not.

Leaving that aside, I do not think that Rika-san had the same likes as Shisuka-san, I was surprised a bit to discover that.

I can understand that Shisuka-san doesn't care about the age difference between her and Alexander-kun since she is a bit... a bit clueless, but the fact that Rika-san who I thought that was someone more sensible did the same thing surprised me a little "

"E-eh? Th-that's ... how does Yuriko-san know about that? … I don't think Alexander would have said that to other people… "

"Hmn? Oh, that's because yesterday Shisuka-san was commenting that Rika-san had also fallen in love with Alexander-kun during lunch when you were gone... she seemed happy that the two of you would still be together even after having a partner "

"Th-that damn girl! Couldn't she keep her mouth shut for one day?… w- well, mine with Alexander is more of a promise for the future… i-it's not like we're both dating right now just like Shisuka "

"I see... I think no doubt any mother who finds out that her child of elementary school made that type of promise to a woman who is more than twice his age, she certainly would want to kill that woman...

But I think that's something romantic, it is like when a couple of children promise that they will marry in the future… although in this case, it is a boy and an adult woman, fufufu "

"Y-you didn't have to say the first and last part Yuriko-san... now I feel guilty"

One of the best ways to forget oneself's problems is to see others'… so I try to do just that and annoying Rika-san a bit, but seeing that she seems to take things very seriously, I should stop.

"I was just joking, Rika-san. I think I know that boy well and understand that he is very different from someone according to his age. Maybe instead of you taking advantage of him, you should be careful or else, he would be the one taking advantage of you.

Returning to the previous topic, it seems that we have received many new members of the military faction. Since they are most likely people you know, then I think it would be best if you were in charge of explaining the rules of our camp "

Okay, I can take care of that. It is unfortunate that many of my former colleagues died... and the worst is that most residents who the Colonel had recruited, they were not able to return to Kito "

"From what I heard, the first day they arrived near the city they used it to analyze the situation there, but unfortunately for them, they only saw the superficial things inside a city full of zombies.

Normal zombies can indeed be easily treated with some planning and preventing them from grouping too much... but when they tried to gather the resources from there, then they found the ones that had evolved and maybe even it was a group led by an intelligent one "

"Haaa, it is a pity that the colonel and Alexander were on bad terms... the colonel had to ask for more information from a group that had the experience of confronting them. Unfortunately, he let personal problems prevent him from doing that "

"...well, probably now he is regretting this. With this happening, it is only a matter of time before his faction disintegrates... no, now that I have just given Vrana-chan a letter with the things that happened here in Kinato, your little fiancé is likely to come very soon to speed up even more that process "

"… L-Little fiancee?… W-Well, maybe that's true.

I'll go take care of the soldiers trying to join us, see you later Yuriko-san "

Rika-san leaves with a slightly flushed face after saying that, it seems that she is more affected by the subject of her relationship with Alexander-san than what can happen to her former superior.

Also, I'm sure that colonel will not be the only one affected when he returns. That nasty bald man will soon know that all his plans that he may have, in the end they will not be possible.

I fully understand that since Alexander-kun set his eyes on this camp, the first thought he must have had was to take control of this. So, the factions here had to disappear to do that… well, for the Miyamoto couple fortune, Rei is someone close to him.

Furthermore, surely on the advice of their daughter they remained neutral and did not pay attention to everything he did. In the end, I think their faction will be the only one to remain intact in Kinato.

For now let's see how things proceed in the next few days, I also have some concern that Alexander-kun can hit a hornet's nest and that could affect us. When a person is cornered, he can act crazy... so we have to be prepared for how that colonel can react during this time.


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