Soul Evolution System

Chapter 134 Hirano’s Mission

A week had passed since I returned to Kinato and as Yuriko-san wrote in her letter, the situation on the military side became very precarious. During this time, the military faction almost completely was disintegrated... no, this was now must be considered just the colonel's group more than a faction.

All the lieutenant colonels in that barracks were now under my command, so that colonel was no longer a problem for our group. Even if I wanted, I could ignore it and surely it could not affect anything of my plans. Unfortunately for that coronel, even if his threat is almost null to me, I do not feel good having a possible enemy in my territory.

So the best thing is to completely finish off his group… but I can't do it by crushing it with military power since which would surely leave a bad impression on the residents of Kinato, also the soldiers who joined us may have some complaint about doing this because some must still have a few companions in that group.

Well, if everything goes well, this day will end all my problems in Kinato... it only remains to wait for the report that Hirano should bring me in a few moments...

During this week, not only were we watching as the colonel's group was having a hard time, but there were also some changes we did that should be positive for Kinato residents. The towers for an energy shield were installed was installed also during this time.

Because of this, the bald man expressed some complaints, not for doing so, but because the merit of this was given to the person who he treated as his secretary.

Although things didn't escalate more than that, I just had to tell him that I did this since a subordinate of mine had asked me to implement the towers after he talking to a man next to him and as this were deals that they had made between them, I could not do anything.

Of course, he was not very happy with this explanation but when I told him that I was planning to create something similar for the fields of this place and then I would give him all the credit for this, his smile returned in an instant.

On the part of the residents here, upon hearing the function of what was being built and later seeing it active, this generated great encouragement in them. So they cheered our group and the man that Gloterus had introduced me previously...


While I was thinking about it, the door to my office opens and Scythe and Leona immediately enter and then following a few steps behind them, Hirano does as well.

His face was somewhat somber and he seemed to be inside his thoughts… then when I was thinking that maybe he had asked him to do too much. He raises his face and looks at me with a serious face, immediately straightens and speaks to me in the tone that a soldier would use.

"It is done, Alexander-san. I fulfilled the mission that you asked me... now Gloterus-san is carrying out the following things you asked! "

"Good job... now you can rest.

Hirano, the world you have to live in now is much crueler than before… if you want to protect Asami, it is probable that maybe you even had to do worse things… if you cannot do them, then the two would only end up suffering "

"…I get it!"

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(POV Hirano)

After a few days we returned to Kinato,  Alexander-kun sent me to call to the room he used as an office… until recently, I was completely happy that I had gotten a girlfriend. I thought that my luck had finally changed and things could only be better in the future to me.

I must say that I have to thank Alexander-kun a lot for this, if he hadn't pushed me to do it then I would probably be happy that Asami-san and I were just friends... no, it's not that I was happy with that, it's I would haven't the courage to confess my feelings to her...

That is why I am enormously grateful to him and that is why when a soldier told me that Alexander-kun was looking for me, I quickly ran up here. I hadn't had a chance to thanks him and so I hoped I could do it now, but...

Upon entering here, the atmosphere caused my mouth to remain firmly closed and I was even a little nervous to see the people who were here. I knew all of them and normally if I saw them, I only would greet them without worrying too much but with all of them having a completely serious face while looking at me, then I knew that things this time would be different.

The people who stayed here were, Gloterus-san, Alexander-kun, and the two girls who were almost always by his side lately, Leona-san and Scythe-san...

"Hirano, don't just stand there at the entrance, come in and sit down... I need to talk to you about some things. I cannot say that what I will ask you is something simple but can relax since it is not like I will force you to do it, you can refuse it, but you will have to keep what I tell you a secret "


After watching us for a while, Alexander-kun speaks. I quickly close the door and go to the desk where he was sitting to do the same thing in one of the chairs there.

His words make my nervousness increase a little, but I was also curious about the one that would ask me. This was not the first time that he asked me to do something and he had done it before on other occasions, such as when we took care of the zombies in the city center and I took care of doing something to use the grenades we had.

But that time when he spoke to me before, there wasn't a serious atmosphere like now… also with the fact that I have to keep this conversation a secret, I can say that it will be something very important.

When I sit down in the chair, Alexander-kun keeps quiet again as he watches me… it seems as if he is doubting whether to tell me what he wants to ask me.

"Please Alexader- kun. Tell me what you want me to do, I'll try to do my best!"

Seeing him act like that makes me feel a little sad since that meant he had some mistrust with me. If someone asked me who is the person I trust and admire the most, then I would not hesitate to answer that it is Alexander-kun… so I wanted to let him know that he could also count on me to help him in anything.

"…Well, I think I can at least tell you. It's up to you to accept this or refuse you.

This time I don't want you to build something, Hirano. It is just the opposite, I need you to destroy something... more precisely, I need you to kill a person "


"Although that person is not a saint, I will not say that I want you to do it for the good of the people or something like that. The reason for this is somewhat simpler, that person is an obstacle to my plans and also, his death would facilitate other things for me "


Although I listen to what Alexander-kun says after my surprise at his request, my head seemed to have gotten stuck and I couldn't continue to process what he says...

It wasn't until a couple of seconds afterthat my brain was able to function again, but my body was now covered in sweat from the chill that ran down my spine.

This was not because now I was afraid of the boy in front of me, I understood a long time ago that he was someone who could be quite cruel to people who he did not care.

The reason for all this was that now he asked me to kill someone to me... without a doubt, this was something that as a normal person I could not do... but...

The room is quiet after Alexander-kun speaks, it seems that now he was waiting for my answer… I put my eyes on him, not because I wanted to answer him, I wanted to wait a bit and see if he would speak again to tell me that he was kidding… although I know that that was almost impossible.

So, I start thinking and then when I notice it, it makes my body shake again... a few moments ago, I was beginning to consider whether or not I could kill a person.

But is that even though my mind knew that was wrong, I also did not want to disappoint Alexander-kun, I wanted to be able to carry out his request...

"I-is this a test or something like that?"

" Hmn? No, you won't win or lose anything if you don't do this. The fact that I am asking you for this is for two reasons, the first is that your skill with the sniper rifle is the best in the camp, so I can rest assured that you will be able to complete the mission that I ask of you.

The second is that you are one of the people I trust the most and as I said, I don't want this to be known. It will certainly be impossible for others not to suspect us or even to know it, but as long as the one who did it keeps his mouth shut, it will only remain like that, speculation or suspicion.

But being close to me, you must also understand my personality. I treat well the people who are useful to me, and those who don't, I do not pay much attention to them. This is not a threat or something like that, you can refuse this and continue doing things as until now, surely things between us will not change "


While I calming down a bit tried to respond to Alexander-kun, but my words stop immediately because my thoughts were divided on whether or not to accept his request.

I knew that his words were true and surely if I refuse to do it, things between us would not change much... but I also wanted him to trust me more and to achieve that. the only way was to fulfill what he asked of me.

After the apocalypse, our group had to face other people with bad intentions, but until now I had been able to avoid killing someone and only shot to hurt the ...

I honestly think that to kill someone it wouldn't be difficult, I just had to point my gun at a vital part of them and then their life would end in seconds... the problem was the consequences of doing this, I don't know how it would affect me mentally... no, that wasn't what prevented me.

In this aspect I think it would not affect me much, perhaps I am not very different from Alexander-kun and I would not mind being cruel to my enemies.

What worried me was how the people next to me would see me by killing someone…  others would reject me or strangely see me. I didn't want things to go back to the way they were before the apocalypse...

"Hirano, I need an answer. If you can't do this mission, I have to find someone to do it."

Noticing my indecision, Alexander-kun speaks asking for an answer and listening to him I feel my heart compress... but also a word he says makes my mind gain some stability.

It is true, this world is no longer as it used to be and I am no longer the student of months ago, now I am an MLDW soldier and I have to carry out the orders of the leaders there. So if Alexander-kun asks me to kill someone... then I have to.

If he says this is necessary, I have no reason to doubt him. Until now our camp has grown and become a place where people can live comfortably... if we compare it to what Kinato was like before we arrived, you can see that his way of doing things had been good.

"I-I will! I will fulfill the mission you have given me, Alexander-kun. S-So please tell me who is... who is the person that I have to eliminate!!"

"...Fine, but don't scream, Hirano. As I said, I don't want this to be known by many people "

"I-I'm sorry!"

I-it's true, he had told me that he didn't want this to be known... so when he repeats it to me, quickly I cover my mouth. I-I couldn't help but raise my voice as I was also doing it to reaffirm my decision… it's good that Alexander-kun doesn't seem angry about this.

"You will go with Gloterus and the two girls behind my back to a place, there he will tell you who the target is and will make some arrangements for when you finish"

"…I-It's okay... I will return after completing the mission, Alexander-kun"

With his words, Gloterus-san nods and begins to walk towards the door of this room, immediately, also Leona-san and Scythe-san do the same. So after saying goodbye to Alexander-kun, I follow behind them.

We boarded a car and left the villa and the trip was completely silent. The two girls have only seen them speak to Alexander-san, so this was not very rare. As for Gloterus, I never talked to him much… knowing his old job, I couldn't help but get a little nervous when he was around.

Minutes later, we arrived at a multi-story house and walked into it until we reached the roof. There were a few other people there… they were some of the soldiers who had come with us to Kinato and also 4 people that I did not know.

"Well, boy. You do your job and I will take care of the rest"


As I watched those present, Gloterus-san suddenly addressed me and pointed at the sniper rifle that was placed there. Now that I think about it, I just came following them without paying much attention to other things… it's good that they have prepared everything, otherwise, it would be somewhat awkward after having got here to say that I needed to return for the rifle.

"Th-this... who do I have to shoot at?"

"Oh, it's true, I forget to tell you ... the target is Shido, the politician who has visited the mansion several times"

While my heart beats fast for what I'm going to do, I approach the rifle and then I realize that I didn't know who is the one I need to shot…. or the one I would take his life. Breathing several times, I turn around and ask to Gloterus-san.

...after thinking a few seconds, the image of a bald person comes to my mind. I have seen him several times, though I have never interacted with him. But this is much better than if he was someone who I knew better, well, the people I know best are also very close to Alexander-kun and I don't think he wants to harm any of them.

Feeling relieved at that thought, I grab the rifle and set my eye on the scope to search for the target. Apparently, this was a building just over a kilometer away from the place that this guy uses as an office and so I quickly find it.

He seemed to be talking to other men there, but I ignore the others and focus on the politician's movements… so when I feel like I can make an accurate shot, I put my finger on the trigger.

...I thought this would be much easier, but knowing that I would kill that person, doubts come back to my head and prevent me from pulling the trigger.

"You can not do it? If so, I will take your place. My ability to shoot long range is not that good, but think I can successfully carry out the master's orders. "

"N-no, I just needed to check a few things"

"Let the boy do it, even though he doesn't seem trustworthy, I've seen his ability to shoot and surely no one at camp is better with him on this. It would be more troublesome if you fail, so just give him some time to clear his head. "

"…all right"

When Leona-san sees me take my eye off the rifle's sights, she comes up to me and says that. I answer holding the rifle tight and immediately try to position myself again, but I stop to listen to the words of Gloterus- san who also speaks.

"Boy, don't think about it too much. Luckily for you, killing someone is now easier and less hassle-free than before… you don't have to worry about much after this. "

After Leona-san responds to Gloterus -san with a somewhat intense gaze towards him, he just smiles at that and then he puts his eyes on me to tell me that.

...he is probably someone with experience in this matter, so perhaps I should heed his advice. I nod in response to him and then I get into position to shoot... I repeat what I had done before and again put my finger on the trigger to shoot.

[ Bang ]

...This time when I listen to the percussion it is very different from the other times that I had, this time I feel that my soul is shaking along with the rifle that had fired...

Through the sights of the rifle, I see the man fall with a new hole in his head now... I close my eyes, but the images did not disappear from my mind and that scene was constantly repeated.

"Well done boy... I have followed that person for several days on the orders of Boss Alexander and his group is not good people. Believe me, I have lived outside the law for a long time but seeing them, at times I thought that perhaps I was a holy compared to them.

...So don't think about this too much, if possible just forget it or ignore it. You can even think that the world is much better without him… go and rest, I'll take care of the rest "

When I felt my mind was darkening as if I was going to faint, I feel someone touch my shoulder and then I see Gloterus-san.

...perhaps his words are lies and he only says that so that I don't feel bad and disoriented, which is how I felt now. But even knowing that, what he says reassures me moderately.

After this, I return with the two girls to the villa and then we will directly inform Alexander-kun of the result of this. Leona-san and Scythe-san walk past me, open the office door, and then I see Alexander-kun sitting there...

" It is done, Alexander-san. I fulfilled the mission that you asked me... now Gloterus-san is carrying out the following things you asked! "


Hello everyone!!

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