Soul Evolution System

Chapter 135 Defeated and Victorious

Hello everyone!!

Sorry, yesterday as it was the end of the month I was very busy at work and I couldn't upload the chapter.

Thank you all for reading SES and all your comments, this is a moral motivation that drives me to keep writing! Another motivation, although somewhat materialistic, but necessary, is the support of all of you in my p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so if you like the novel and want to read advanced chapters,  hope you can and  I invite you to visit it! seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"


After Hirano gives me the report that his mission was complete, I send him to rest, he probably has a lot to think about to clear his mind. I do not regret having chosen him to do this, as I had said, he was the most qualified person to carry out this task.

Also, while is true this was not a test or something like that, now I know that I can trust him to do other important tasks… well, to do that he would first have to clear his mind a bit, so it would be best if he spent some time with Asami. That will surely help him to forget this.

But honestly, I think it's better if he gets used a little bit to things like these. Can life in this world is no longer as simple as before, so if he doesn't have a strong mentality, then he most likely has to experience some tragedy because of it.

Putting the Hirano issue aside for now, thinking about it. Both father and son died on my orders ... maybe I can earn a bad Karma for this... no, I think I did many people a favor by doing this and so I would have to accumulate positive karma, right? 

Well... at least it should stay neutral and don't will increase or decrease... maybe.

Unfortunately for that politician, his usefulness became much less and now he was more of a nuisance than anything else, so it was best to remove him from the game board. Besides, the new piece that would come to the play is more in my control and also it is no longer perform an important role, it will be more representative.

Also, there is the other couple of father and son. If things turn out as I planned, then their fate won't be much different than the other two... well, one already did.


Sometime after Hirano left, Gloterus re-enters with a smile on his face, apparently the things went smoothly and he was able to carry out the next plan.

"We're done with our part, boss Alexander. Now it only remains to be seen what the other group does."

"Well, that group had already almost completely lost their influence and power... they couldn't even consider as a faction now. Further now with this, they will most likely end up disappearing from Kinato"

Gloterus confirms my assumptions and I also show him a smile as I speak to him... that colonel's faction will no longer long linger now. Although there is still a chance he might try to attack us out of desperation, if he does the risk now wo n't be much and will only give me the pretext to crush him and take them down even faster.

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(POV- Colonel)

After our expedition to the city of Urachi, the things only were getting worse more... no, maybe that started from the moment I met that lad.

Well, I can't blame him for what happened in that city either, after all, it was my decision we go there to that hell ... yes, that was no longer a city and only could be described with my previous word.

At first, nothing seemed out of the ordinary and the only problem was that the number of zombies that we could be seen were many. But this was something expected and also having fought with them in the village that is now the camp, we thought they did not pose a great threat as long as we only fought against acceptable numbers of them.

The idea was to find a target with a big amount of resources, quickly loot it and then come out the same way. Also, we would look for a place that was not deep inside the city...

Unfortunately, perhaps our ambition was too much. The places on the edge of the city did not have a great number of resources, so in the end, we had to go a little deeper into what seemed to be wineries of some company dedicated to selling grain.

The next day of observing and looking for a place to loot, with that objective as the goal, we thus advanced there with the more than 3,000 men it had brought.

The first thing we did was try to clean up any zombies that were in the place and then keep away those who came after us with our weapons while we took things from here.

So when we were doing this, I can realize that things about zombies had changed a lot compared to when we fought in town. It didn't take us long to discover that there were zombies with different appearances than the normal ones and that those possessed abilities far superior to the others.

Maybe if we had retired when I saw that, then the things may not be so bad now. But it was a pity that we underestimated them ... even though these were more dangerous than the other zombies, seeing that they still fell for our weapons we decided to continue with our objective.

Also, at that time although there were some deaths of some men, the antidote that that boy gave us turned out to be effective and prevented those who were injured from turning into zombies.

At least I have to thank that the boy has not scammed us with this, otherwise, the number of deaths for which I am responsible would be even higher.

We thought that we had succeeded in taking control of the place and we only had to resist some time while we continued trying to fill all the cargo trucks that we had brought with the resources of that warehouse, but then... the nightmare occurred.

Suddenly a large amount of the strongest zombies began to arrive and opened its way through the bullets of our weapons to get to us.

Seeing this, the group of civil people we just recruited were the first to panic and fall out of control... they left their places and started trying to run for their lives, so the soldiers seeing this did not take long to imitate them.

Seeing the chaos of our group we were only left with the option to withdraw, but even doing so cost us to spill a large amount of blood to get out of that hell.

That expedition was a complete failure and because of this upon reaching Kinato, since most of the men who survived knew that this group was finished or perhaps they thought that it could lead them back to disaster again... they left.

It was all over for me... what dream of rebuilding the country? Or making it stronger? All that could only be kept that way, a dream. Hahaha, how could I achieve that if I couldn't even keep control of my subordinates? In the end, it seems like I wasn't made to do something like that...

Now with each passing day the men who still follow me, some still decide to abandon me and join the group of that brat... at first my hatred for that boy only increased with each thing that did not go as I planned, but I don't even have the energy to do something like that more… besides, part of me knew that what he did was not wrong since I would have done the same if I were in his place.

I also wanted to take control of their camp, but unfortunately, I couldn't do it and I was the one who lost in this fight… it's probably only a matter of time before this group disappears.

"Colonel! Colonel!"

"Hmn? What's wrong?"

Suddenly a soldier enters my office while shouting, you could see concern on his face, so it's probably more bad news. What will it be this time? More men left? Another person who complains to me about the people who died in Urashi? Is the meal over? Well, whatever it was no longer matters...

"E-emmm... Shido was killed... recently the news that someone shot him and ended his life was released by his assistant Arata"

"Hahahaha, so that bald rat of Shido is dead? I thought that I would be the first one that this boy would eliminate, but who would have thought that that fat bald man would die first? Surely the very fool was still thinking that he could take control of Kinato, no, probably his Ambitions did not end there, but for us two, all that was left in simple illusions.

Hahahaha fine, at least I have the pleasure of being able to laugh for that fool before it's my turn, maybe I should thank the boy for that. "

"C-Colonel... perhaps it is not good that you laugh at this... there is a big problem! The group of Shido now represented by Arata assures that the person responsible for his death is you"


Well, while I should be a suspect in his death, I was not the only one at odds with that bald man. That boy should be the biggest suspect in his death, in fact, I'm sure it was him.

Although Miyamoto's group had always had a fight with them over the stupid acts of that whole group, I don't think he dared do that... so if it wasn't me, then it was most likely the boy., there is also another possibility and maybe it is not the boy, all that group is just ambitious people who would not hesitate to remove the bald man. Perhaps it is that and now that I am the weakest, then they decided to cover his death as my cause.

"Shido's group retained 4 men who are responsible for his murder... they are his men, colonel. They are the soldiers you put as guards for his son.

When they were captured, they quickly confessed that it was you who ordered them to do it... or at least that's what they say.

Now Shido's group stands outside the barracks along with a large crowd and asks for an explanation for this. Arata until a few minutes ago was screaming that you had gone crazy and because of the disaster in Urashi, you wanted to eliminate the other Kinato leaders to take the camp.

The soldiers who are still in the barracks upon seeing those 4, immediately recognized them and now even they are doubting if it was your orders that they kill Shido "

"Hahaha, I see, I see. I had completely forgotten about those 4 guys... now I'm sure it was that boy, he must have bought some of that bald man's men and did all this..."

" W-what are we doing, Colonel? Even if you say that the person that did is someone else, I don't think anyone will listen to you... besides seeing the soldiers also have doubt, we will not be able to get them to support what you say... especially not we have evidence and what there is, only indicates you as responsible "

"... haaa, there is nothing to do. It's over... or at least for me... it seems that that boy didn't even have the need to kill me anymore... hahaha, I don't know if I should feel lucky or angry because he didn't even take the annoyance of killing me.

Hasama, tell the men who still believe in me not to do anything stupid... they would only end up dying senseless, I don't want more people to stupidly die for my cause and much less those who were loyal to me... also tell them not to oppose that boy, I wouldn't even blame them for joining him after this.

But if they don't want to join him, that's fine too, just don't seek revenge for this... this was a war and I'm the one who ends up losing, it's that simple.

Hasama, now I am a little tired ... withdraw, tell those outside to wait a few moments and then... then they will have an answer"

"... Yes, Colonel"

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(POV 3rd person)


The soldier who had left the colonel's office upon hearing the shot after walking a few steps to carry out his orders, turns around and runs there.

Opening the door, he finds only the body lifeless of the colonel in his chair.

His first thought was that he had also been shot like the politician who had just died not long ago, but when he got closer he discovered that the windows were still intact and that next to the colonel lying on the ground was the weapon he carried on his waist.

Seeing all this, he quickly understood that the colonel had decided to kill himself... ever since they had returned from Urashi city, his mood had always been somewhat somber. He even seemed to have aged even further in this short period and was no longer showing much encouragement towards the things happening around him, he just remained in his office lost in his thought.

He knew that with all this happening, either because he felt cornered or simply knew that things would not improve for him, he decided to end all this on his own.

He was a man he respected and his mentor, so when the soldier saw the end of him, his head was filled with thoughts of revenge.

But he quickly dismissed that emotion, he understood it was almost impossible for him to get it, and besides, he still remembered his colonel's last words. So, deciding to respect them, he wiped the tears from his eyes and then proceeded to inform the outside group that the colonel had died, that there was no longer any case for them to continue with their claims since the person they held responsible had also died.

"The colonel took his life a few moments ago ... he don't... no, that doesn't matter anymore. His last words were to tell me to dissolve our group, each one of you can follow your own chosen path.

…The enmities he had towards other groups were personal, so you should not have any resentment or rejection against them and can join them if you want. He just wants to all to work hard to survive and have a good life in this world now. "

"... did the colonel commit suicide?"

"In the end, he couldn't stand up to face the things he did ... well, at least we won't have to worry about him doing another madness"

"... Well, that doesn't matter anymore. Now we have to make an effort to make Kinato a worthy place so that we can all live, tomorrow we will hold a meeting to decide the future of this camp among the leaders that we still have.

Things in the camp will have to change because of all the recent events, but you don't have to worry since this time is for the better... we will continue with Shido-san's wish so that the people here can have a good life "

" is a pity that Shido-san has died, but now the person responsible has also died, probably now Shido-san can rest in peace"

"Yes! Besides, there are still Alexander-san and Yuriko-san, so we don't have to worry. Surely they will be able to carry out Shido-san's wishes"

The soldier leaves the office of the coronel and arrives at where the crowd enraged was and demanded an explanation by the death of one of their leaders, then without wasting time, he informs them of what happened to the colonel.

Later his next words were addressed to the less than 500 soldiers who were still in the barracks and were present guarding the entrance to prevent outsiders from knocking down the fence and entering.

Hearing this, the fury of the civilian residents of Kinato lessens slightly and as for the soldiers, there were various reactions when they discover of this.

Many who still remained and hoped that by being fewer people in that group now, then the distribution of available resources would be more for them, these soldiers are not too affected by this since they only continued here only for convenience... for them, they just missed a small opportunity and would just have to do what many have already done and go with another group.

The men closest to the colonel, like the soldier who informed the others, are also discouraged and saddened by the events, but at the end of sighing and wishing that their superior could now rest in peace, they wipe their wet eyes and intend to carry out their last order striving to continue living.

So after some people from both sides express a few words by what they hear, the next to speak was the person who led the civilians and the group of politicians. He informs of the plans that the boy from Tokonosu had commissioned him to follow for when this whole problem settled a little.

With his words, the crowd outside the barracks begins to disperse for their residences as they now wait to see what changes are taking place tomorrow.

The soldiers seeing this relax, they had been a little tense from the fact that this crowd could charge at them and so most rejoice when this commotion seems to end.

Now they also had to start thinking about which group to join... so after the people leave, they come back to collect their things and find a new boss to work for.

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