Soul Evolution System

Chapter 136 New Kinato Leaders

(POV Alexander)

Sometime after the death of the bald man, Gloterus met with his secretary or whatever he was, the reason was to inform him that 4 men with a long-range weapon were found near the place where his group resided.

Quickly these 4 confessed to that group that they had been responsible for the death of the political and that this was on the orders of their colonel... honestly, I think most of them understood what was happening or at least had suspicions of all this. But in the end, perhaps for fear of becoming the next target, they just kept going with the script that had been written for this.

Well, the guy who would now take command of this faction knew the whole truth. In fact, he was part of this whole plan and so without asking much, he just went on with the following things to do.

Taking those 4, he gathered a good group of people and went to the headquarters to press that side. As for those guys, having the example of the colonel's son still very fresh in their minds of what would happen if they did not cooperate, they did not hesitate to take the blame and also incriminate their superior.

The other incentive they had was that after this we would be sent them to MLDW, they would keep their lives. Of curse, they would be in the group of criminals led by Gloterus.

The result of all this was something unexpected for me ... I thought that colonel would try to deny the facts or even go crazy and try to attack my group for this, but contrary to my expectations the old man ended up committing suicide... it was somewhat anticlimactic to tell the truth.

But well, what matters is that now a faction ended up disappearing and the other step came under my command... I had to wait some time to achieve this, but it was much better than the option to do it quickly and enter a direct fight with them.

The last faction although it is somewhat independent of us yet, I don't have much problem with them. Tetsuya-san is not an ambitious person to take control of Kinato and he is happy to be able to play his role of a cop as has been doing most of his life.

Now we just have to wait for tomorrow and inform the residents about the changes that this camp will have... it could also be said that we will officially take command of all of Kinato.

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The next day early in the morning, countless residents slightly intrigued and nervous about the things that will be announced this day gather at the place that the bald man used to do this.

This is a big difference compared to when we had to do it the first time, although perhaps this is not only due to the fact that the most apathetic people were not chosen to gather now, but the atmosphere throughout the camp had changed for the better.

In front of the crowd were me and Yuriko-san as the representatives of our group, Miyamoto-san and Kiriko-san from the police, and lastly Arata who was the secretary of the bald man as the new leader of that faction.

This time I'm the one taking the place on the podium and speaking to the crowd, now that I was a sufficiently well-known person here, then there shouldn't be many people who underestimate me for my looks.

"Well, the vast majority should know of the recent events that happened in this camp, the bald man... Shido-san recently died due to internal disputes between the leaders here.

In the same way, the colonel did too... surely some may have some resentment against the latter for the bad choices he made, but I think that at the end, that did not help much and it is much better to think about our future ... surely that was what Shido-san would have wanted"

Shit! When I said bald, many stared at me doubtfully as if they were wondering who I was talking about... although also others quickly understood.

But for everyone to understand, quickly I correct my words... Yuriko-san, I think it's bad that you laugh at a dead person, besides someone could see you... well, I'm not the one to speak. Surely that guy is cursing me in hell while spitting blood out of fury... but it could also be that he is happy to be reunited with his son, after all, he had been looking for him and so he must love him very much.

Also, I think I should ask for the names of the people I kill or die because of me. When I wanted to say the name of that colonel, I realized that I never knew his name...

"As Arata had previously mentioned to some, certain changes need to be made at this camp. You should not be concerned as these should not be a bad thing or at least be so for people who want to strive for a better life.

The proof is that in my camp this has been going on for several months and the result is very good, it can be said that the people there have a very lively life and better than the residents of Kinato.

That is why the rules from that place will be implemented in Kinato, these are somewhat simple but will change their way of life a little. People will be separated into social status, there will be 3 categories and they are the next... "

If something works well, then I see no need to change it and therefore with that idea in mind I decided to implement the same social system as in MLDW. This causes various reactions in the crowd but nothing out of the ordinary.

Some who had already been working on instructions from the bald man do not see much change about their life, for them this was very similar to before since they would continue to receive food and other things in exchange for their work. No, perhaps this is beneficial to them because they would now gain the resident status through their work.

As for those who continued to fully depend on the camp's resources without doing anything in return, unexpectedly there were not many complaints about being treated as refugees and that their food would be limited.

This may be because they had previously had to endure hunger and also their treatment from before would have even been worse than that given to someone with the lowest rank. On the other hand, they also had the opportunity to improve their condition with their effort, something that was not possible previously.

If there was any discontent or disagreement with this, it was that the rank of the soldier was mostly occupied by those who had that role previously in Kinato. Of course, they are not the ones who had a complaint about this and instead, it was the residents who saw them with a bit of displeasure in their eyes.

"The rank of soldier certainly has a much better treatment than the previous two, but this is justified or at least it is for those under my command. They will not simply stay in the camp to spend their days without worries... they will have to constantly go on expeditions to look for survivors and resources.

Surely everyone here has someone that he hoping to find or know that the food is not endless and that is why this has to be obtained from somewhere.

None of this can be done by staying here in the camp and so they are in charge of doing it by going to other places. And as most understand, this carries a risk of death and that is why I think it is fair that they receive better treatment than others "

With my next words, most of the residents agree with what they hear... but now it was the group of soldiers who lost their smiles and then begin to turn pale.

"Although I said that there is a risk of death in doing so, you should not worry too much, I do not intend to send all of you to collect things in big cities as the colonel previously did... those who returned from there should know that this is simply seeking death.

The places where my soldiers normally go are to smaller towns with a moderate number of enemies... so the risk you have is much less "

Since I also didn't want them to think I was as crazy as their former superior, I clarified the fact that the expeditions they made will be to smaller towns. Large cities undoubtedly have a much greater amount of resources, but to attack these, it probably takes a long time to plan and effort to try to reduce the number of enemies, in addition to a large number of soldiers to combat the huge hordes of zombies.

So the best thing for now is to keep doing what MLDW soldiers have done so far. Even if we suppose that the colonel had obtained some resources in his previous expedition, the small benefit obtained with the loss of some 2,000 men would not justify that...

"Finally, if people want to have a better life than a refugee but do not want to enter the 2 class, that is not impossible. People can do it by carrying out tasks that everyone carried out in their lives before the apocalypse, or there is also the option of becoming a hunter or mercenary, the camp will not oppose this since they will also be the ones who strive for their livelihood ...

The only thing that the camp will not tolerate is that people because of their pre-apocalypse state think that their lives will be supported by us, that is over, the only help a person will receive is according to the state they currently have in the camp. "

The truth was that with so many people, it was impossible for the camp to take care of all of them to look for jobs and works for everyone. So it was also good to push people to find a way for them to support themselves, plus, maybe this makes residents feel freer.

Those who had been hunting rats until now and were a little confused since they did not know which group they belonged to. Upon learning this, they also cheered up. 

Surely it takes a good amount of them to maintain the population of the rats so that they do not increase too much, they can also get a certain amount of food for the camp.

The Kinato people seem to accept the new rules very smoothly without any complications, there was only a small group looking at me with fear and hatred for the last thing I said… well, I'll probably have to deal with them later.

"But to achieve all this, all the camp must follow the orders of a single group. Everyone is now aware of what happens if we divide the leadership into several organizations, that will only cause disagreements and generate more problems.

For this reason, our group which is the largest, the best equipped, and above all, since we are the ones in charge of getting food and looking for the loved ones who may be out there from all the people, we are the ones who will take command of Kinato.

All the other Kinato groups will have to first inform us of the things they have to do and then we will see if we do them. "

This was something we had already talked about with the other two factions, some of the men that make up them seemed to have some complaints about this but with the support of their leaders, it was not difficult to reach an agreement.

Each one only carried out the tasks that they had been doing mainly, the politicians would continue to be in charge of administering the people of Kinato and the side of Tatsuya-san will be in charge of the security of the camp, the only change is that now they have to report everything they do to us.

Well, the faction of the politicians it would be more precisely to say that they now worked for us. That is why this group was completely disarmed, I did not want them to try something similar to what I did and shoot me or someone in my group... so all their weapons were confiscated.

With the police side, would be more of joint work between our two groups. The only thing Tatsuya-san asked me was to be able to freely deal with people who inhumanely treated residents, so after I accepted his terms there was not much problem with the rest.

I don't intend to enslave them or something like that, as long as the residents here carry out their duties I have no problem with them having a good life.

"The last thing I have to say is that we found a way to reclaim the fields around the camp so after finishing the preparations to be able to achieve this, then I will need a lot of people to work on these.

Achieving this, we will have a stable production of food for- "

"Wooooh !!!"

"W-We still have hope to continue living in this world! ..."

"Thank goodness... I thought we could only live looting places now and when these were over then ... then..."


[Mission / Main "The hope of humanity" J - H]

Create a survivor camp and keep as many people at your disposal safe as possible. Don't let humans become extinct from this world.

Goals and Rewards:

1 Survivor - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Level 1 Antivirus.

10 Survivors - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Level 2 Antivirus.

100 Survivors - 100C, 1 000G, 1 Level 3 Antivirus.

250 Survivors - 1 000C, 10 000G, Plans of a generator for Crystals, 10 Antivirus level 1, 5 Antivirus level 2, 1 Antivirus level 3.

500 Survivors - 1 000C, 10 000G, Drawings of a Crystals engine, 20 Antivirus level 1, 10 Antivirus level 2, 5 Antivirus level 3.

1 000 Survivors - 1 000C, 10 000 G, Energy shield plans generated by Crystals - I, 40 Antivirus level 1, 20 Antivirus level 2, 10 Antivirus level 3.

10,000 Survivors - 10,000 C, 100,000 G, 5 Limit-break Pills, 100 Level 1 Antivirus, 50 Level 2 Antivirus, 25 Level 3 Antivirus.

25,000 Survivors - 10,000 C, 100,000 G, Level 1 Summon Scroll, 100 Level 1 Antivirus, 50 Level 2 Antivirus, 25 Level 3 Antivirus.

50,000 Survivors - 100,000C, 1,000,000G, 1 World Exits, 100 Level 1 Antivirus, 50 Level 2 Antivirus, 25 Level 3 Antivirus.

Failure: Death, 68,512 Survivors.]

[Mission "The Hope of Humanity" JH] [Completed] [Rating: S]

[Additional reward: 1,000,000x Gold

100 000x Crystals

10 000x Zombie virus immunity antidotes

1 000x Limit break Pills]

As the people in the crowd became increasingly excited by what they heard and then the system suddenly notifies me that I had completed the mission of rescuing the survivors… finally, one of the 2 most extensive missions ended and now I can focus only on eradicate more zombies.

Also, the reward I receive is not bad but these seem to focus more on strengthening the camp...

Aurora, when I leave this world... Do I have the possibility of returning? Or is that impossible?

[You can go back, Alexander. You will only have to fulfill the same conditions to go to any other world]

…Well, if I can go back then it is not a waste to strengthen the camp. In this way I can use the world of HOTD as my own crystal mine and thus, I will have a backup to be able to move in Gaia in a better way.

This would undoubtedly be much better than those in Gaia who have an organization and may have profits from some territory. You can't compare a small space like that with a whole world after all... although the resources I get from this will only be crystals.

Since I had said everything that wanted, I stepped off the podium and sedated the space for other people who also had to say something to the crowd. Mainly they were matters of how the camp would be managed now so after people calm down a little, they begin to listen carefully to what the other leaders say.

Several minutes later we are done with this meeting and each group is going to prepare for the things they will have to do from now on.

In the same way my group returns to the village, although we who had become the leaders of Kinato, were probably the ones with the least work to do... it was one of the good things about being able to relieve our work.


Hello everyone!!

Thank you all for reading SES and all your comments, this is a moral motivation that drives me to keep writing! Another motivation, although somewhat materialistic, but necessary, is the support of all of you in my p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so if you like the novel and want to read advanced chapters,  hope you can and  I invite you to visit it!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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