Soul Evolution System

Chapter 137 Preparations

The following days after completing the mission to rescue the 50,000 survivors were quiet and the camp was filled with more optimism, things were developing much the same as MLDW. Well, there were also some drawbacks but these were minor things that were resolved very quickly.

The group of people who had been in the shadow of the bald man, being the most affected and the ones who complained the most about the new rules they persisted and tried to demand to have the same treatments as before. Their justification was that they were people with riches and influences and therefore they deserved to be treated better than other people...

I honestly didn't know why that bald guy had kept them with him, although it's true that their words may be true and they have those things before the apocalypse, that was just things from the past. Probably since they were known people and the residents recognized them, they could wield some power with the individuals who hoped things would be restored as before, so if they could regain power or influence and if they were helping them now, that could help them in the future.

Unfortunately for those guys, I was very clear that this would not happen and their enormous bank accounts or influences that they may have possessed before had no use now. So logically all their requests were rejected and they were told that to have a different social status than the refugees, then their only options were to look for a job in the camp, to kill zombies or other animals, or also to look for something they are good at and start some business or activity.

Inevitably they did not like it at all hearing this from me and so an idiot threw himself at me saying something like I would become his toy just like he had done with others like me before or something like that. I honestly could not hear it well because of his other screams that followed after the first... as you can imagine, that guy didn't end very well.

Before he could even touch me with his repulsive hands, they flew up into the air… the cause of this was Leona who was next to me and attacked him with her big knives. Then as if that wasn't enough for him, my other bodyguard also make her part and so Scythe ripped his windpipe with her claws.

While I and the other men who accompanied this guy watched him die, all of them had peed on their pants and any desire they had to keep complaining seemed to disappear in that instant. On the other hand, I was wondering if Scythe attacking him was a good thing for the guy since she shortened his suffering considerably, or if the injuries she did to him only caused him more pain.

Well, that's something he will take to his grave from the looks of it. What I was sure of is that with this our discussions were over and most likely I would have no problem with them in the future.

Although I no longer wanted to waste time with them, it seems that others did not think the same. Not long after, I found out that Tatsuya-san had confined all of them to a cell at his base... according to what I discovered out later, it was because those guys had done various wrongdoing to many people.

I think that it would be much easier to kill these guys and also they would not waste more resources than having to keep them alive, but Tatsuya-san and I have different points of view. Since that was a minor thing, I didn't want both of us to have a disagreement because of that and so, I just decided to forget about them.

The good thing was that after those events there were no other setbacks. So, now I only had to wait for the 1 million zombie elimination mission and the survival of 6 months to finish the things in this world.

With the current number of 7,000 soldiers I had, perhaps I can now complete both of those two missions at almost the same time. So during the time I have left in this world, it would be nice to spend time with the girls...

"Master, Master, roock!~"

"Hmn? Vrana-chan? What's wrong?"

As I was sitting on one of the balconies of the villa mansion watching the progress of my new camp in Kinato, Vrana suddenly descends from the air and stands beside me as she jogs after landing.

"Vrana saw many enemies far from here. They all walked to here, roock ~"

"...many enemies? How many were there?"

"...many, roock ~"

Receiving the information from her, I want to get more details about this, but... it may be impossible for her to count after a certain number. But the problem is that now I don't know how much is that amount to which she refers... 100 ?, 1,000? Or more?

"Mou! The master is thinking that Vrana is stupid, right? Roock~

Vrana knows how to count! Look master, 1, 2, 3... 8, 9... e-emmm... 9... many!"

"I-I see, you are great Vrana-chan..."

Perhaps because some of my doubts about knowing the number of the enemies that were heading here manifested itself on my face, she probably interpreted it as mocking her since I had my eyes on her...

Then, when she starts counting I thought that would have to wait a while to listen to her and so can inform someone to going to check it, but ... unexpectedly it was much shorter than I thought...

Even though she can only count to nine, I decided to praise her… it's not just for compassion since of my three monsters she is probably the only one who can count. My plant is automatically discarded to consider if this can count or not so only Scythe remains, but as she was a zombie perhaps that is a lot for her...

I may have neglected a few other factors apart from them be physically strengthened, I should have someone see to it that they both learn at least some basic knowledge.

Well, for now I should send someone to check the enemies that are heading here, although maybe there are only 10 enemies, we still need to be sure.

"Well, Vrana-chan, I want you to guide a helicopter to the place where you saw the enemies. Can you do it?"

"The machine that makes a lot of noise and can fly just like Vrana? Vrana will guide it, roock ~!"

"...don't go near it when this's making a lot of noise, understand?"

"Okay, Master, roock ~!"

I get up from my chair and stop stroking Vrana's head to go to the place that is used as a heliport to inform a pilot who is going with Vrana. Minutes later I see a small harpy and a helicopter move away from the camp.

"What's up Alexander-kun?"

"Yuriko-san? No, I just wanted to check something that Vrana-chan saw, maybe it is not anything important"

"... Boy, looking at your face I think you think it won't be that way"

"I agree with Rika-san"

Several girls when they see me heading to the heliport come up to me and ask me, with Leona and Scythe also coming close to me, I reply to Yuriko-san but Rika immediately comments after seeing my face and Rei agrees with her.

The truth is that due to my previous thoughts I think I activated some strange flag... but perhaps it is just that I am worrying too much. Either way, we'll be able to figure that out soon since we just have to wait for the pilot to come back and give us a more detailed report.

Waiting for a while, the rotor of the helicopter is heard again and seconds later it begins to descend but the small figure that came along with this one was faster. She does it closer to where I am with the girls and then she gets me side quietly waiting for the pilot to land as well.

"Okay, speak up. How many enemies did you see?"

"E-Emm ... S-Sorry ... I-I don't know exactly..."

"Damn it! Can't you count?"

Vrana know! She does know how to count, roock~!"

Great, what was missing! From among all the pilots I chose the only one who could not count... even my little harpy who is proudly inflating her small chest knows how to count to nine, you know?.

"S-sorry, I'm not sure... it was between 300 to 500..."

"Were they rats again or something else? Well, whatever they were doesn't matter much if that's the amount, it should be enough to send a few men to take over-"

"N-no! Sir ... t-they were between 300 thousand to 500 thousand... a-also, they were zombies..."

"" ... ""

After the pilot's words, all of us here are silent... that was a damn horde of zombies with almost the total amount that we eliminated in the city of Tokonosu!

Shit! How do he forget to say thousand after the number? Don't you understand that that's a big difference? Well, that doesn't matter now... if it's that amount, then this may be a problem.

"How far are they!?"

"How long will they take to get here!?"

"A-A several tens of Kilometers from here ... at that speed in which they walk, then it will probably they take a day to reach Kinato"

While I was considering the problem, Yuriko-san and Rika ask the pilot for more information... although the situation is not very good to hear, at least we have time to prepare us.

" W-what are we doing, Alexander? Should we evacuate Kinato residents?"

", we would only waste time. Also, if we lose this camp and they continue to move towards MLDW then things would not be much different that now... no, things would be worse with so many people gathered in a panic.

We will fight in this camp, for now we have to hold an emergency meeting and start making preparations for these zombies. We also have to get the MLDW soldiers moving here… we will need as many men to fight as we can get. "

"F-fight all of them here? Isn't that crazy?"

Rei who is next to me with a nervous expression asks me, and she is also not the only one who acts that way. Hearing that many enemies it is logical that concern arises in anyone, so is sure what the others are thinking is to evacuate this camp just like her.

But I think losing this camp would be bad since integrating all the residents here in MLDW in one go would be huge chaos. As I said, if this horde of zombies follows us, then it would be even worse and so the best option is to fight them here.

Not everything is so bad, if this happened several months ago I think that our only option would be to escape. But that is not so, things are different now ...

"It is certainly a lot of zombies, but it is almost certain that most of these are just normal, these are not very difficult to deal with and if we prepare some things then we can reduce their number significantly.

Also, the number of soldiers we had when we dealt with a similar amount was about a thousand that time, now we have 7 times that number... and most importantly, we have many more weapons and more powerful. "

"…Alexander, I don't want to discourage you but from what I heard earlier, with 3,000 men that the colonel brought to the city of Urashi, they were almost annihilated by less than 50,000 zombies."

After trying to cheer up those who were here with me a little, Rika had commented on what happened with the colonel. I think that both cases are very different and that's why I speak to correct her.

"The Colonel's case is very different from this, Rika. We have experience dealing with zombies and we will not underestimate them... furthermore, he had lost all the air force he had and could not use artillery because his objective was to collect food, but above all, in the case of the colonel he entered their territory.

In this case, our fight would be more defensive, we have that team and also... the shield around this camp should defend us for a long time "

"…I agree with Alexander-kun, it is better to fight here than to have to evacuate and do it in MLDW, it would be a total disaster if they follow us until there"

"…all right"

Finishing explaining our advantages to Rika, this also makes other people relax a bit and then Yuriko-san who should have considered similar things to me, speaks supporting me with the idea of

fighting here.

After listening to her and thinking my words, Rika nods to agree as well. So since time was very important at this time, we have an emergency meeting among the high ranking people in the Kinato camp to report the facts.

Hearing the news they all go through the same thing as the girls who first found out, but after reporting the same things to them then they all agreed to fight here in Kinato.

The first thing that was done was to send a helicopter to MLDW to report what was happening here and also to make the soldiers from that place begin to transport themselves to Kinato. Another was also used to monitor the zombie horde, we had to be sure that that pilot's estimates were true and so this time it was Rika the one in charge of doing since I trusted her more than other soldiers.

The next thing was to consider whether we should inform residents of these things, but since the fight would surely reach the perimeters of this camp, keeping it a secret would only be counterproductive when they saw such several zombies surrounding them.

So even though we decided to keep the number of enemies hidden, it was reported that quite possibly a horde of zombies would arrive at the camp. Obviously their first reaction was not very good and some panic was generated, but thanks to my domain of my ability [Soul of the Emperor] and the precise words of Yuriko-san who were in charge of giving the speech, the crowd was able to calm down a bit.

But the fact that Kinato residents found out about this was not just a negative thing. When we asking them for help to prepare to receive the zombies, they all worked with spirit and effort in the things that were asked of them. Well, since their lives could depend on it, it was obvious that they were motivated to protect Kinato.

Then after Yuriko-san's speech, tens of thousands of individuals go out from the camp to make large and deep trenches around the perimeter of the place. This can probably only deal with a few tens of thousands of zombies, but the advantage of this was that it would only waste the resident's energies and not a single bullet or a crystal from my pocket.

It was certainly a hard day for everyone, even after the sun went down people kept working with the help of big lamps and all of them still kept moving with the sun coming out to greet them the next day.

Surely everyone was exhausted by this, but finishing digging the trenches they did not go to rest and instead went to look for anything they could use as weapons and then wait behind the limit of the energy shield prepared to fight if they had to.

The forces to do this were probably derived from the same fear that the zombies generated to them.

But they were not the only ones awaiting the arrival of the zombies, the more than 7,000 soldiers were now outside the camp prepared to fight. Also, a large group of military vehicles was positioned to face enemies by the time their turn came.

As if that were not enough, a troop of helicopters was waiting inside the camp for directions to attack by air and also several artillery vehicles.

The plan was for these to only engage in combat if was necessary and things got tough. Although these were certainly strong, they also had a problem because the resources to move them were scarcer than other military products.

And in the case of artillery, this was even truer. Once the missiles from those vehicles are used, then we don't have the means to replace them. So it would be best if they stayed as our last card up our sleeves... if a horde of zombies found their way to us, it's not wrong to think that they can do it again.

With such a host of enemies, my mission to eliminate the zombies would almost certainly be complete within the course of this day, so you might think that I would simply use them to do it faster and without much effort.

Honestly, if it wasn't for a new goal I have for this place that would be the most sensible thing to do. If I just left this world and didn't come back, I wouldn't have to worry about what happens to people here, after all, it's not like I'm sentimental or consider myself some kind of hero.

The fact that I have saved many people the main reason is that it was necessary for me to do it. This may sound cruel, but I have enough problems to worry about myself and the people around me... I have always thought that if I have to help Someone else, I will only do that if it doesn't affect my ideology to put the people closest to me first.

It is not that I am a demon to see a person suffering and leave him like that while I knowing that it costs me nothing to help them.

But to use can this world as my crystal mine, this changed. In order to do this, I must have workers for this purpose since that would be more optimal than coming and killing zombies on my own or my group does it every time I want to fill my pockets...

"Alex, they are coming!"

While I was in my thoughts, the voice of Kurisu who had also come along with the girls who were in MLDW and could fight reaches my ears. I look up because of this and in the distance, you could see the first zombies of the huge row of them coming towards Kinato. Then after seeing them for a few seconds, I shout for everyone around me to hear me.

"Everyone get ready !!"


Hello everyone!!

Thank you all for reading SES and all your comments, this is a moral motivation that drives me to keep writing! Another motivation, although somewhat materialistic, but necessary, is the support of all of you in my p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so if you like the novel and want to read advanced chapters,  hope you can and  I invite you to visit it!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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