Soul Evolution System

Chapter 138 Camp Defense (Part 1)


[Mission / Optional "Camp Defense - H"

Since the terrains of this world are practically controlled by the enemy, losing the little terrain that humanity owns is one step closer to annihilation. For this reason, it is essential to fight to maintain the dominance of these places and in this way, the hope of the people does not disappear along with their homes.

Requirements: Resist the zombie horde                       

Eliminate the "Zombie General" leader of the horde.

Failure: Death, Loss of the Camp, Escape from the Zombie General

Reward: 1x Transmuting Scroll-H (Base Level Homunculus 50)

10,000x Crystals

100,000x Gold

After my cry for the others to prepare, the sound of a new mission occurs in my head simultaneously. Giving it a quick read I accept this instantly, I had already decided to fight and maintain this camp and so it was logical that I did not refuse to be able to get more from this fight.

Putting that matter aside, I roll my eyes in front of where I was and then a huge number of zombies could be seen marching here in a large queue but the scariest thing was that you couldn't make out the end of this, it was like if it was endless…

Then after observing the slowly walking horde of enemies, the people next to me begin to move to implement the agreed plans.

A couple of Kilometers from the Kinato camp, a total of 2,000 soldiers are positioned on each side of the zombie line separating into 2 teams of 1,000 men and they waiting for this horde to divide a little... why this would happen? It is a simple thing to answer.

By means of wires and rubble of various materials, two large obstructions of several meters in length were created and this causing the enormous line of undead to be divided into 3 sections.

The center of these sections was still the path that most zombies continued to walk, on while the ones on the sides only deviated a smaller amount of these.

So the first to start this fight were those soldiers positioned on the sides of the horde, all of them were soldiers who had become accustomed to fighting with sharp weapons or were those who were forced to do so as a punishment for breaking any of the rules imposed by us.

The first mentioned group looked motivated and without fear of having to fight, this was not only because they had gotten used to doing it. It was because after I had completed the mission of the survivors, I got a lot of good things to strengthen the camp and this was a great time to use these things.

The first thing was a large amount of limit-break pills, and adding to the fact that these people had been fighting for almost 6 months constantly, both things made most of those soldiers reach their 5th limit in a large number of them.

It was a pity not to have a number of pills equal to the number of soldiers, in that case, I would have even more in the 5th limit.

Breaking through 1 or 2 limits did not show a big change for most people since their strength, speed and reflexes did not improve dramatically. But with 5th limits, then the changes in them began to be seen and this was even more obvious when you saw them fight.

It certainly wasn't that they had become superhuman or anything like that. In fact, nor can I consider myself that way since probably now my physical condition was found as that of a high-performance athlete with several years of experience… although my body may also be a little more resistant than a normal person.

But in their case, their performance, mental state, reflexes, and physical attributes had visibly improved and now they were all like soldiers hardened in the war for several years.

Furthermore, all their time fighting so far had not been in vain and they had also gained quite a bit of experience dealing with zombies. So when both sides meet and start fighting, a clear advantage can be distinguished from them while they fight and take down zombie after zombie.

As long as the number of enemies is moderate, chances are that they would have no problem killing a large number of zombies. One of the biggest drawbacks of dealing with them is being attacked by enormous numerical superiority, but by separating them in smaller groups more manageable with amounts like now, it had been possible to combat this to some extent.

Unfortunately that is not the only terrifying aspect of zombies and perhaps the most feared is the risk of infection. But seeing the soldiers completely ignore the superficial scratches that some periodically obtained for having to fight with several enemies at once, it could be said that we had totally nullified this aspect of them as well.

This was not due to the first 3 antidotes that our camp was now producing, but rather to the more resentful one that I had obtained in the reward I mentioned earlier. This new item provided total immunity against the zombie virus and also with the amount I got from these, I could assemble an army of 10,000 men with this trait.

It seems that this antidote would work as long as the virus comes from a host with a soul level 1 level and if it exceeds it, then it might not work that way. Despite this, because HOTD is a level 1 world, I don't have to worry about that yet...

And finally, another problem of the zombies was of those who had evolved from them and had strengthened.

The solution for these remained the same as we had used so far, behind those two groups of a thousand men in a few small hills that were created out of the dug earth for ditches several meters behind us, 200 snipers were positioned to support to each team respectively.

Although for now, it seems that these did not have much work since the number of evolved zombies that accompanied the normal zombies that were ahead of the horde was a very small amount.

This would certainly be seen as a good thing but unfortunately from my own experience, I know that this can usually only mean one thing...

Chances are that the evolved zombies or most of them are gathered on one side and surely later we will have the opportunity to meet with that group...

"Alex! They're getting closer!"

Kurisu several meters behind me holding a sniper rifle yells at me and so I stop watching the fight on the sides and focus on the zombies that advanced through the center. No doubt these here were a larger number, but everyone next to me didn't seem to care much about this… well, it seems like not everyone is motivated to fight.

"Damn dog, if you dare to go I will tell Haruna that you died bravely in the fight and when the fight is over I will cook you and give your meat as a reward to those who tried hardest... surely this will have a great flavor and they all will be happy for that"


Since we had to fight against a huge number of enemies, any individual who was helpful for this had been brought here and of course Haruna and Alice's pet were no exception and they also arrived at Kinato along with the soldiers. Only Iruka-chan's monster remained in the camp since it was not suitable for this moment.

But it seems the damn dog didn't really like the idea of ​​parting with its owner... or he was probably upset that he couldn't spend time as usual sleeping outside the MLDW school.

On the other hand... with the passing of time it has become increasingly different from a dog. Well, its appearance remains almost the same and the difference was its size... now it has a height equal to that of a horse.

...Even on one occasion I saw Haruna riding it as if it were one. It was something entertaining to watch since she seemed to be having fun doing it while acting as if she was her own daughter's age. But when she found out I was watching her, she quickly got off her and ran to me asking not to tell anyone about it.

The truth is that I did not look bad that she had fun, but thanks to that, as payment to buy my silence she allowed me to do several things that she normally did not allow me when we were alone... although things did not go beyond caresses, without a doubt it was still a good moment.

Returning with the dog, its size may not matter much to this master of it, but if it had appeared before the apocalypse, then it could only be seen as a monster.

Well I think that's the most correct definition for this dog right now. The advantage is that accompanied by its physical growth, so was its understanding and so despite its appearance, this has never caused a problem in the camp and it faithfully follows Haruna's instructions.

Too bad that this doesn't extend to me... so one of the best ways to make this dog useful is by the method I just used which is to threaten it.

Because of this, the dog that had turned around to return to the camp in Kinato to surely lie down and sleep until this is over walks back towards me as it gives a grunt of complaint.

"Master, roock ~! If you cook the big dog I want a part of it, roock ~!"

"" Kuuhh ~ ""

"... Vrana-chan, you better not say something similar in front of Haruna, Iruka-chan or Alice-chan. Although the last two just might cry for listening to you, the first one will surely scold you... and also surely me too, so please avoid doing that. "

"... Okay, roock ~. Vrana doesn't want Iruka-chan and Alice-chan to cry since they always play with her, also she doesn't want Haruna-san to be mad at her since she always gives her things to eat"

Vrana-chan who was not far from me, after listening to me sets her eyes on the dog as if it were her prey and this causes it to bend its ears and put its tail between the paws while walking in a scared way stealthily. Also, this is not the only one acting in this way, Alice's dog lies on the ground as if it is surrendering to my little harpy.

I think that is somewhat understandable since being beasts, they are sure to better distinguish the difference in strength between them... so they surely understand that in a fight, both do not have much to go against Vrana-chan.

After all, although her size is greater than them, Vrana-chan is a 7th limit and she can also fly. On the other hand, Haruna's dog is a 5th and Alice's is 4th, so it is normal that they do not want to challenge her since even if they unite against her, they cannot win.

"Well, I think it's time for us to kill some zombies too... Venus, I choose you!"

When the zombies were already a few meters from my group I take my poke-ball and make my plant appear, immediately branches after branches materialize covering the entire center area where most of the zombies came towards us.

"You can devour them until you are satisfied..."


Following my order, the large number of mouths of Venus that also appeared begin to gobble up zombie after zombie... now there are so many that it may be a little difficult to count them all. In addition, the other parts of it equally attack the closest enemy, either by throwing needles, pollen or crushing it with the two carnivorous flowers.

"Well, then let's fight too Scythe-chan, Leona-san"

"Master, I will show you that I will not be left behind eliminating zombies compared to this plant"


"Vrana will also kill many enemies, roock!~"

"Since what happened at the military base, I have not faced a horde of zombies... let's see if I can kill more than that time "

"Well I think it's time to test my new weapons"

Saeko, Scythe, Leona, Vrana-chan, Soichiro, and the two dogs move along with me among the branches of the Venus to also start killing zombies. Although the latter could handle a large number as Leona says, this amount was beyond its capabilities even though it had a large number of mouths and other weapons, so we had to support my plant.

Venus may have a natural advantage that makes it almost a perfect predator for zombies, but this only applies to normal ones. The evolved have enough instinct to know that this is an enemy of them and target it, the good thing is that the plant can counteract that for its high regenerative capacity and so it will only be in danger if a large number of these arrive here.

So our goal is to avoid the largest number of zombies that pass through Venus and reduce the evolved that arrive. Also, as I mentioned, this is a good opportunity to test my new weapons...

"... I'm surprised you can fire a weapon, Shisuka"

"Mou~ it's Alex-kun's fault~ !. Since we arrived at the amusement park he has made me kill many zombies~! Also, here he made me kill rats... even a huge one~.

Rika, you really like weapons so tell Alex-kun that you will take my place to do that, I don't want to kill something else terrifying~ "

"... As the world is now, I think you should thank him for teaching you how to defend yourself, you know? "

"Mou ~ Now that Rika has become Alex-kun's girlfriend, then you have taken his side ~! You are no longer my friend, Rika ~!"

"Damn it! Can you stop letting everyone know about that?! I-I still have a hard time accepting that I've made such a promise to someone 12 years old... if someone tells me that I went crazy, then maybe I can't deny his words... w-well, it's not like I regret that either, I just need time to process it since it was something sudden "

As I walked towards the zombies and killed one and another just like the others, Shisuka and Rika are heard arguing from my back. Since the latter was here, I had asked her to watch over the former so that she could kill some zombies and gain some experience.

She was surprised and was somewhat reluctant to do so, but after explaining that it was for Shisuka's sake, she ended up agreeing. Although listening to their discussion... perhaps it would have been better to leave her in the camp.

"Eh? R-Rika-san ... Y-You and Alex ..."

"Yes ~! Rika also became Alex's girlfriend ~... Although it seems that she has some problems for others to know ~. Well, that doesn't matter since she will surely get used to it like Kurisu, so from now on she will also be with us ~ "


"…I thought he had been quiet here in Kinato since he didn't have a girl with him when he returned to MLDW, but… it seems like I was wrong…"

"...Maybe I should listen to a little bit about my mom's advice and should try to get closer to him, now another girl he just met has gotten ahead of me..."

"Not just a little, you should totally listen to me and consummate the act so that you don't have to worry... maybe you came out just like your father's fool in that sense"

"M-Mom! ... I-I forget you were here"

"... I-It's not fair that she went ahead if she arrived later, she should have waited until those who arrived first could do so"

Since the group that would use long-range rifles to eliminate the zombies were together, what Shisuka says reaches Kurisu and all the other girls ' ears... the latter wants to confirm things and turns to Rika but even before she can say something, her friend answers for her.

It seems that her friend's request not to spread that information did not reach her... or she may just forget it in the next second. Well, the fact is that as a result of that, Rika can only keep quiet and cover her face with one hand to prevent the other girls from seeing her blushing face and then Kurisu after confirming things, complains with obvious discontent for this.

…I will surely be lectured for this later. It probably won't be as bad as before… but I'll still make sure Shisuka pays me for this.

Then the other girls join the conversation when they find out about this. Saya seems to be muttering something to herself,  but for her bad luck that is heard by her mother who was next to her and has quite severe eyes glares on her.

So she complains about her daughter and causing her to tremble a little when she realized that Yuriko-san was behind her.

Finally, Rei also complains about this, although in her case it seems that her anger is mainly directed at Rika who now tried to ignore all this environment that was created by Shisuka.

Well… let's focus on killing zombies and forget about the strong stares I feel on my back from Kurisu and Rei who occasionally takes her eyes off Rika to also watch me.


Hello everyone!!

Thank you all for reading SES and all your comments, this is a moral motivation that drives me to keep writing! Another motivation, although somewhat materialistic, but necessary, is the support of all of you in my p-a-t-r-e-o-n, so if you like the novel and want to read advanced chapters,  hope you can and  I invite you to visit it!

Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

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